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An AgroTech Dapp with weather-savvy smart contracts for bountiful selling

CropLink is an AgroTech Dapp that revolutionizes the way farmers sell their produce. It provides a decentralized platform where farmers can connect with registered buyers. Farmers can list & add their produce, including name, quantity, and price for sale. They can view and manage their list of produce. Our platform leverages the power of smart contracts and Chainlink oracles to ensure fair and transparent transactions while mitigating the risks associated with unpredictable weather conditions.

CropLink simplifies the onboarding process for farmers, who only need a Metamask account to get started, currently operating on the Sepolia Testnet and polygon Testnet. With the help of Chainlink oracles and Chainlink Functions, CropLink constantly monitors weather conditions using Chainlink Automation and it also monitors Price feed with chainlink fucntions Chainlink Functions, in the event of high temperatures or other adverse conditions that could potentially damage crops, the smart contracts activate automatically. This mechanism enables farmers to sell their crops to registered buyers at a fair price, ensuring they don't bear the brunt of nature's unpredictability.

Additionally, Croplink leverages AWS Lambda, API Gateway and the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) API to host an external adapter that allows our hybrid smart contract to connect to a Chainlink Oracle and adjust market prices based on real-time global demand for farm commodities/crops.


  • Registration: Farmers and buyers can register themselves on the platform.
  • Verification: Farmers and buyers can verify their identities to access additional features like claim from our treasury.
  • Add Produce: Farmers can add their produce, including name, quantity, and price.
  • Produce Listing: Farmers can view and manage their list of produce.
  • Update Produce: Farmers can update the quantity of produce based on real-time demand and supply data.
  • Purchase Produce: Buyers can purchase produce securely.
  • Track Produce Demand Data: Farmers and Buyers can track real time produce demand and supply data based on USDA’s Agricultural Resource Management API.




  • Frontend: This is the user interface where farmers and sellers interact with the Dapp. It can be a web-based interface.
  • Sign in with metamask: Users can connect their accounts using a MetaMask.
  • Backend: This is the server-side of the Dapp built using Express.js.
  • AWS Dynamo DB: Dynamo DB for storing all user data and providing a highly scalable and flexible database for future updates
  • AWS Lambda: Lambda for seamlessly hosting our external adapter which connects to the USDA API to provide real-time demand data of crops
  • AWS API Gateway: API Gateway exposes our Lambda as a RESTful API so the Chainlink Bridge can connect it to the Chainlink Oracle
  • CropLink smart contract: The smart contracts are written in Solidity. It includes the core logic of the Dapp, including functions for farmers to sell their produce, sellers to buy produce and automated price adjustments based on the weather conditions.
  • Chainlink: The Chainlink is responsible for fetching external data, such as weather information or supply and demand data from USDA API through an external adapter.
  • Accuweather: Accuweather is used for fetching weather conditions.

Local Installation

  1. Clone the repository

First, you need to clone the repository

git clone
  1. Install Dependencies

Install the project's dependencies using Yarn:

yarn install
  1. Start the Project

Once all the dependencies are installed, you can start the project:

yarn dev

The project should now be running on http://localhost:3000

Environment Variables

This project uses environment variables for configuration. These variables should be stored in a .env file in the root directory of the project.

Here is an example of what your .env file should look like:



  • Farmers and Buyers can register on the CropLink DApp to participate in the platform by connecting metamask.
  • Registered farmers can verify their identity by uploading their government ID to get verified.
  • Verified farmers can claim monthly treasury benefits.
  • Farmers can list their produce for sale on the CropLink DApp.
  • Buyers can browse and purchase available produce listings.
  • Users can sell their produce in case of heavy rain and receive on current weather conditions.

Smart Contract Documentation

Contract Structure

The CropLink smart contract is implemented in Solidity and consists of the following main components:


  • Produce: Represents an agricultural product with properties such as name, quantity, price, sold status, index, and farmer address.
  • MarketPrice: Holds the buyer's address and the price they are willing to pay for produce.
  • WeatherData: Contains weather condition information and a flag indicating if it's rainy.


  • private constant ORACLE_PAYMENT: Represents the payment required to use Chainlink oracles.
  • treasury: Address of the treasury account where funds are deposited.
  • treasuryBalance: Current balance in the treasury.
  • temperature: Holds the temperature retrieved from the weather oracle.
  • link: Instance of the Chainlink LinkTokenInterface for interacting with the LINK token.
  • farmerAddresses: Array of registered farmer addresses.
  • buyerAddresses: Array of registered buyer addresses.
  • farmers: Mapping to track registered farmers.
  • buyers: Mapping to track registered buyers.
  • farmerVerifications: Mapping to track verified farmers.
  • produceList: Mapping to store produce lists for each farmer.
  • marketPrices: Mapping to store market prices set by buyers.
  • marketPriceVerified: Mapping to track if a buyer's market price is verified.
  • requestIdToAddress: Mapping to link Chainlink request IDs with addresses.
  • requestIdToIndex: Mapping to link Chainlink request IDs with produce indexes.
  • requestIdToWeatherData: Mapping to store weather data for Chainlink request IDs.


Initializes the Chainlink token, sets the treasury address, and assigns an initial balance to the treasury. Public Functions:

  • registerAsFarmer(): Allows an address to register as a farmer.
  • registerAsBuyer(): Allows an address to register as a buyer.
  • verifyFarmer(): Verifies the caller as a registered farmer.
  • claimTreasury(): Allows verified farmers to claim treasury benefits.
  • addProduce(string _name, uint256 _quantity, uint256 _price): Adds produce to the list for the calling farmer.
  • adjustPriceByWeather(): Returns an adjustment value based on the temperature.
  • getFarmers(): Returns an array of registered farmer addresses.
  • getBuyers(): Returns an array of registered buyer addresses.
  • getAllProduceList(): Returns an array of all produce across all farmers, along with the price adjustment based on weather.
  • getProduceList(address _farmer): Returns an array of produce for the specified farmer.


Metamask Login Issue

If you are unable to sign in with Metamask, please ensure that your Metamask wallet is properly configured and has sufficient funds to pay for the transaction fees. Additionally, ensure that you are signed into Metamask and have granted permission for the dapp to access your wallet.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions from anyone who would like to help improve our dapp.

To contribute, please follow the following steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub account:
  2. Create a new branch from the main branch for your changes.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with clear commit messages.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch.

Team Members

  • Ifeoluwa Sanni
  • Oluwafemi Oluwatoba
  • Kolawole Ayoola
  • Suleman Ismaila


We would like to acknowledge the following individuals and resources for their contributions and support:

  • Chainlink for providing the infrastructure and tools for fetching weather information and integrating them into the CropLink DApp.

  • The Ethereum development community for their continuous efforts in advancing decentralized applications and smart contract technology.

  • Amazon for providing DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and AWS API Gateway.