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Is an ansible configuration that provisions linux AX25 tools on a Raspberry Pi.


Boot the Raspberry Pi OS Lite image (may work on other Debian based OS) and install Ansible and Git. Clone this repo and edit the variables in inventory/hosts.yml, update your callsign and netrom alias Run the following commands on your Raspberry Pi.

apt-get install ansible git
git clone
cd packetpi
ansible-galaxy install -r ./requirements.yml -p roles

Now you can run Ansible, it will prompt for settings such as callsign.

To use a tnc connected to a serial port run

ansible-playbook local.yml

To use a remote kiss device over a network such as direwolf

ansible-playbook remote.yml

To use direwolf with a sound device (Yet to be implemented)

ansible-playbook direwolf.yml

You will now have a fully operational packet node. You can connect to the netrom node app by telnetting to port 4444

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ telnet localhost 4444
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

LinuxNode v0.3.2 (g7uoz-1)

login: g7uoz
#UOZNOD:G7UOZ-1 Welcome to g7uoz-1 network node

Type ? for a list of commands. help <commandname> gives a description
of the named command.


#UOZNOD:G7UOZ-1 Commands:
?, Bye, Connect, ECho, Escape, Finger, Help, HOst, Info, Links
Mheard, NLinks, Nodes, PIng, Ports, Routes, Status, TAlk, Telnet, TIme
Users, ZConnect, ZTelnet