- 0.16.2 - Fix AssemblyLoadContext bug.
- 0.16.1 - Fix packaging issue.
- 0.16.0 - Support netcoreapp3.0 only.
- 0.15.1 - Fix nuget issue that was causing errors in new dotnet sdk.
- 0.15.0 - Support F# 4.1
- 0.14.0 - Namespace change Nessos.Vagabond --> MBrace.Vagabond
- 0.13.1 - Update to latest Mono.Cecil. Fix #12.
- 0.13.0 - Bugfix in filename generation.
- 0.12.11 - Update FsPickler dependency.
- 0.12.10 - Fix cecil handling of higher-rank arrays.
- 0.12.9 - Fix packaging issue.
- 0.12.8 - Update FsPickler dependency.
- 0.12.7 - Fix packaging issue.
- 0.12.6 - Update FsPickler dependency.
- 0.12.5 - Fix interface parsing issue.
- 0.12.4 - Update FsPickler dependency.
- 0.12.3 - Update FsPickler dependency.
- 0.12.2 - Fix hash path sanitization issue.
- 0.12.1 - C# Interactive support improvements.
- 0.12.0 - Add support for InMemory assemblies. Fix C# Interactive support.
- 0.11.0 - Support indirect dynamic assembly slice compilation when required by FsPickler.
- 0.10.0 - Add support for constrained FSharp.Core deserializations.
- 0.9.1 - Relax FsPickler dependency constraints.
- 0.9.0 - Implement support for mixed mode assemblies.
- 0.8.5 - Fix redundant downloads to AssemblyCache issue.
- 0.8.4 - Update FsPickler to latest version.
- 0.8.3 - Fix concurrency issue in AssemblyCache.
- 0.8.2 - Bugfixes in caching mechanism. Corrections in the uploader/downloader API.
- 0.8.1 - Expose Vagabond.TryParseAssemblySliceName method to public API.
- 0.8.0 - Use global, hash-based filenames for persisted data dependencies.
- 0.7.9 - Dependency resolution bugfix.
- 0.7.8 - Dependency resolution bugfix.
- 0.7.7 - Fix cyclic dependency issue in Microsoft assemblies.
- 0.7.6 - Fix bug related to F# 4.0 quotation literals.
- 0.7.5 - Use amortized initialization in AppDomain pool.
- 0.7.4 - Use sequential, asynchronous initialization in AppDomain pool.
- 0.7.3 - Add GZipStream compression implementation.
- 0.7.2 - Revert changes to AppDomain pool.
- 0.7.1 - Expose data compression abstractions; Tie AppDomain pool API to Vagabond.
- 0.7.0 - Refinements to the API, changes in the Assembly loading logic.
- 0.6.12 - Changes to assembly loading logic.
- 0.6.11 - Initialize AppDomain pool in parallel.
- 0.6.10 - Improve Assembly import logic.
- 0.6.9 - Fix bug in AppDomain evaluator asynchronous operations.
- 0.6.8 - Update dependency traversal logic using FsPickler visitor re-implementation.
- 0.6.7 - Update FsPickler to its latest version.
- 0.6.6 - Expose static binding information in VagabondManager.
- 0.6.5 - Expose hashcodes for pickled static properties.
- 0.6.4 - Improve quotation literal support; improve static field support.
- 0.6.3 - Improve cyclic dependency error reporting.
- 0.6.2 - Ignored assemblies bugfix.
- 0.6.1 - Misc bugfixes.
- 0.6.0 - Rewrite data exportation/importation logic and API.
- 0.5.4 - Bugfixes in the native assembly implementation.
- 0.5.3 - Use shorter file names in assembly cache.
- 0.5.2 - Implement Vagabond.GetFileName for assembly ids.
- 0.5.1 - Improve assembly exportation API, add support for unmanaged assemblies.
- 0.5.0 - Refactor API, pickle vagabond data to files, add compression, bug fixes.
- 0.3.2 - Update AppDomainPool, add examples and tests.
- 0.3.1 - Implement AppDomainPool.
- 0.3.0 - Rename to Vagabond, improve exception messages in topological sorting.
- 0.2.9 - fix API issue.
- 0.2.8 - add ignored assemblies functionality in Vagabond initialization API.
- 0.2.7 - rename VagabondAssembly type, add support for user-defined assembly ignore rules
- 0.2.6 - bug fixes
- 0.2.5 - update FsPickler
- 0.2.4 - update dependency traversal logic
- 0.2.3 - fix packaging issues
- 0.2.2 - update FsPickler
- 0.2.1 - update FsPickler
- 0.2.0 - update FsPickler, change dependency resolution method, simplify public API
- 0.1.4 - bug fix in transitive dependency resolution
- 0.1.3 - bug fix in dependency traversal
- 0.1.2 - add .IsLoadedAssembly method
- 0.1.1 - add AssemblyCache utility, add support for assembly hashes
- 0.1.0 - initial release