Deployed Application:
A content management system (CMS) style blog platform that allows users to create accounts, post, comment, edit, and delete their own posts. Built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap v5, jQuery, Handlebars.js, Express.js, Node.js, Sequelize, MySQL, and Express-Session.
A user navigates to the deployed application URL and creates a free account by entering a username, email address, and password.
Once a user creates an account/registers, they are taken to their personal dashboard where they can see all of their posts. The available links in the navigation bar also swap over now that the user is logged in. The user may edit or delete only their posts. The edit modal is pre-populated with the post information so that the user does not have to copy & paste or retype the entire post. A user will be automatically logged out if left inactive for 5 minutes.
This application is covered under the GNU GPLv3 license.
Users are free to contribute to this project.
No tests have been created for this application.
GitHub: mbussert
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