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🧑‍💻 Developer's guide: Nextclade CLI and Nextalign CLI

This guide describes how to setup a development environment for building and running Nextclade CLI and Nextalign CLI executables, how to contribute to Nextclade C++ code, maintain and release the CLI tools. If you are interested in Nextclade Web Application, see: "Developer's guide: Nextclade Web".

🧠 Implementation notes

Nextclade CLI and Nextalign CLI are the executables are written in C++. The build system is based on CMake. Most of the algorithm code is separated in a separate static library CMake module. And the executable CMake modules link against the libraries. The default build scripts use Conan package manager to manage the dependencies. However this i not mandatory and you can obtain the dependencies any way you like, as long as they are discoverable by CMake, as in any CMake project.

There is a convenience Makefile in the root of the project that launches the build scripts. These scripts are used by project maintainers for the routine development and maintenance as well as by the continuous integration system.

The easiest way to start the development is to use the included docker container option, described in the next section. The same environment can, of course, be setup on a local machine, but that requires some manual steps, also described further.

✨ Develop inside a docker container

  1. Get docker

  2. Run:

    git clone --recursive
    cd nextclade
    make docker-dev

✨ Develop locally

💡 The instructions below and the provided dev scripts are for convenience only and by no means are mandatory. The project is based on CMake, so if you are familiar with CMake, you don't need further instructions and can build the project as usual - just run CMake CLI or CMake GUI and point them to the root of the project.

  1. Install and configure the build tools

    💡 Quick install for Ubuntu (click to expand)

    You can install required dependencies from

    sudo apt-get install 
      bash \
      ccache \
      cmake \
      coreutils \
      file \
      gdb \
      g++ \
      gcc \
      make \
      python3 \
      python3-pip \
      python3-setuptools \
      python3-wheel \
    pip3 install --user --upgrade conan cppcheck

    💡 Quick install for macOS (click to expand)

    You need to install XCode command line tools. After that you can install remaining required dependencies using Homebrew and pip

    xcode-select --install
    brew install ccache cmake coreutils python
    pip3 install --user --upgrade conan cppcheck

  • Required:

    • C++17-compliant C++ compiler

      ⚠️ Only GCC >= 9 and Clang >= 10 are officially supported (but you can try older versions too and tell us how it goes)

    • cmake >= 3.10

    • conan package manager

    • cppcheck for static analysis

      ⚠️ A version that supports C++17 is required

    • coreutils

  • Recommended:

    • ccache for faster rebuilds

    • gdb to automatically run the executables under debugger and show stack traces and other useful information in case of crashes

    • nodemon for watch & rebuild feature, for better developer experience and productivity

      ⚠️ nodemon requires Node.js and npm

      💡 If you don't want to install Node.js and nodemon, or don't want the automatic watch & rebuild feature, you can use make dev-nowatch instead of make dev during development (see below).

    • clang-tidy for static analysis. It is recommended to use an text editor or an IDE with clang-tidy support

  1. Clone, run and develop

    git clone
    cd nextclade
    make dev

    This will:

    • configure conan profile
    • install or update conan packages
    • run cmake and generate makefiles
    • build the project and tests
    • run static analysis on source files
    • run tests
    • run CLI with parameters defined in DEV_NEXTALIGN_CLI_OPTIONS and DEV_NEXTCLADE_CLI_OPTIONS environment variable (see .env.example file for defaults)
    • watch source files and rebuild on changes

    💡 If you don't want to install Node.js and nodemon, or don't want the automatic watch & rebuild feature, you can use make dev-nowatch instead of make dev during development. In this case you will need to rerun the script on ode changes (as opposed to it rerunning automatically).

    🎉 You are ready! Start coding! In particular, take a look at these files and directories:

    packages/nextalign_cli/src/cli.cpp # Entry pint of the Nextalign CLI executable
    packages/nextalign/src/nextalign.cpp # Entry point of the library is the `nextalign()` function in this file
    packages/nextclade_cli/src/cli.cpp # Entry pint of the Nextclade CLI executable
    packages/nextclade/src/nextclade.cpp # Entry point of the library is the `Nexatlign` class

    The CLI binaries are produced in


    The tests binaries are in


    They are ran automatically upon rebuild. But you can run them directly too, if you'd like.

    You can change the default arguments of the CLI invocation made by the make dev target by creating a .env file:

    cp .env.example .env

    and modifying the DEV_NEXTALIGN_CLI_OPTIONS and DEV_NEXTCLADE_CLI_OPTIONS variables or by setting these environment variables in the shell.

    💡 The default input files are located in data/example

    💡 By default, the output files are produced in tmp/ directory in the root of the project.

    ⚠️ Do not measure performance of executables produced with make dev and do not use them for real workloads. Development builds, with disabled optimizations and with enabled debugging tools and instrumentation, are meant for developer's productivity, not runtime performance, and can be orders of magnitudes slower than the optimized build. Instead, for any performance assessments, use benchmarks, profiling or production build. In real workloads always use the production build.

⏩ Production build

This section describes how to build the "production" or "release" versions of Nextclade CLI and Nextalign CLI. This are the builds that are shipped to end users. Production builds have performance optimizations enabled are are much faster, but it's harder to debug them.

For build inside a docker container, run

make docker-prod

or, for local build, install the requirements from the "Develop locally" section and run:

make prod

This will produce the optimized executables in


as well as the final, stripped executables in


(replace Linux and x86_64 with your OS and hardware platform)

⚠️ Production build (and all builds with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release enforce standalone static executable) configuration.

✅ Assessment of correctness

🧪 Unit tests

Test are run as a part of the main development script (make dev). The test executables are built to:


and can be invoked directly as needed.

We are using Google Test. See Google Test documentation and Google Mock documentation for more details.

💥 End-to-end tests

The default dev scripts run the Nextalign CLI and Nextclade CLI under GDB (if installed), which serves a smoke test.

TODO: setup proper e2e tests. Compare results to known-well previous results and assert on differences.

🔬 Static analysis

We use the following static analysis tools.


clang-tidy, a part of LLVM project, is a static analysis (linter) tool. During development, it is recommended to use a text editor or an IDE which has clang-tidy integration. Check .clang-tidy file in the root of the project for current configuration.


Clang Static Analyzer (clang-analyzer), a part of LLVM project, is a source code analysis tool. Type

make dev-clang-analyzer

to build and run Nextalign CLI and Nextclade CLI with clang-analyzer and keep an eye on console warnings.


cppcheck runs as a part of the main development script (make dev). Keep an eye on console warnings. The file .cppcheck in the root of the project contains arguments passed to cppcheck.

🔥 Runtime analysis

We use the following tools to perform runtime analysis of the builds.

🛀 Sanitizers

Sanitizers are the binary instrumentation tools, which help to find various runtime issues related to memory management, threading and programming mistakes which lead to undefined behavior .

The project is set up to build with sanitizers, if one of the following CMAKE_BUILD_TYPEs is set:

ASAN Address + Leak sanitizers
MSAN Memory sanitizer
TSAN Thread sanitizer
UBSAN Undefined behavior sanitizer

💡 For example, if the program is crashing with a segfault, you could to try to run address sanitizer on it:


💡 Both GCC and Clang support these sanitizers to various degrees, but there might be kinks here and there. So you might need to try with both compilers (see: Use non-default compiler).


Valgrind memcheck

Set environment variable USE_VALGRIND=1 in order to run the executable with valgrind memcheck:

USE_VALGRIND=1 make dev
Valgrind massif

Set environment variable USE_MASSIF=1 in order to run the executable with valgrind massif heap profiler:

USE_MASSIF=1 make prod

Note the process id in the header:

==263799== Massif, a heap profiler

It's 263799 in this example.

After valgrind is done, in order to visualize results, run ms_print, with the output filename, containing the process ID. For the example from above it will be:

ms_print massif.out.263799

⏱️ Runtime performance assessment

🪑 Microbenchmarks

A set of benchmarks is located in packages/nextalign/benchmarks and in packages/nextclade/benchmarks. We are using Google Benchmark framework. Read the important Runtime and Reporting Considerations .

⚠️ For the most accurate results, you should disable CPU frequence scaling for the time of your benchmarking session. (More info: [kernel] , [arch] , [debian])

💡 As a simple solution, on most modern hardware and Linux distros, before running benchmarks you could temporarily switch to performance governor, with

sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance

and then back to powersave governor with

sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor powersave

Run benchmarks with

make benchmarks

This will install dependencies, build the library and benchmarks in "Release" mode and will run the benchmarks. Benchmarks will rerun on code changes.

Or run the scripts/ directly (no hot reloading).

You can also run the executables directly, which are located in


💡 For better debugging experience, you can also build in "Debug" mode and run under GDB with:

CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug USE_GDB=1 make benchmarks

You can pass parameters to the benchmark executable with either of:

BENCHMARK_OPTIONS='--help' make benchmarks
scripts/ --help

For example, you can filter the benchmarks by name: to run only the benchmarks containing the word "Average":

BENCHMARK_OPTIONS='--benchmark_filter=.*Average' make benchmarks

The results are also saved to the files


You can compare multiple results using the tool from Google Benchmark repository. For more information refer to Benchmark Tools documentation.

🐢 Profiling an instrumented build with perf:

make profile

TODO: expand this section

⚙️ Use non-default compiler

Building with Clang

You can tell build scripts to forcefully use Clang instead of the default compiler (e.g. GCC on Linux) by setting the environment variable USE_CLANG=1. For example:

USE_CLANG=1 make dev
USE_CLANG=1 make prod

In this case, binaries will be produced in directories postfixed with -Clang, e.g. .build/Debug-Clang.

💡 On Ubuntu you can build LLVM project (including Clang) with a script provided in scripts/deps/ It depends on binutils which should be built with scripts/deps/ prior to that. There is also a script to build GCC: scripts/deps/ Refer to comments inside these scripts for the list of dependencies required. As a result of these scripts, the ready-to-use compilers will be in 3rdparty/gcc and 3rdparty/llvm,

💡 The projects' build system is setup to automatically pickup the gcc and g++ executables from 3rdparty/gcc/bin/, and clang and clang++ executables from 3rdparty/llvm/bin/ if any of those exist.

🚢 Distribution

1️⃣ Standalone static build

To simplify distribution to end users, we produce standalone, statically linked binaries, as well as a minimalistic docker image, containing only single executable.

By default static build is enable for all builds that have CMAKE_RELEASE_TYPE=Release (that is, production build and benchmarks). It can be selectively enabled or disabled during build time, using environment variables NEXTALIGN_STATIC_BUILD="(0|1)" and NEXTCLADE_STATIC_BUILD="(0|1)":

NEXTALIGN_STATIC_BUILD=1 make dev # produces statically-linked dev build
NEXTALIGN_STATIC_BUILD=0 make prod # produces dynamically-liked prod build

See PR #7 for caveats and other considerations.

🚅 Link-time optimization (LTO)

Runtime performance is important for this project and for production builds we use a gold-plugin-enabled linker executable.

TODO: this is currently not true. We need to setup LTO on CI.

💡 On Ubuntu you can build it along with other binutils using the provided script in scripts/deps/ The results of the build will be in 3rdparty/binutils.

💡 The projects' build system is setup to automatically pickup the ld linker from 3rdparty/binutils/bin/ if it exists.

🚅 Profile-guided optimization (PGO)

TODO: setup profile-guided optimization based on CLI executable or e2e tests

🚀 Creating a new release

  • Increment version in VERSION file in the root directory

  • Write release notes in a new section in the beginning of Make it friendly and comprehensible for the users. Note that this changelog will appear in the "What's new" popup dialog of next released version of Nextclade Web as well.

  • Merge changes to release-cli branch (do not create a tag!). In most cases you want to simply release what's on master branch. In this case fast-forward the release-cli branch to master branch. Push the changes to the remote.

  • Upon pus, CI will trigger a build and

    • run build script
    • upload binaries to Github Releases
    • build and push Docker image to Docker Hub
    • create and push a git tag
  • After GitHub Release is created by CI, edit it and paste the release notes for this version into the description

TODO: automate publication of release notes on GitHub Releases

😮 Troubleshooting

1. I have a newer version of a compiler, but conan and cmake keep using the old one

As a workaround you may try to add the new compiler to the PATH and delete and regenerate conan profile:

  • Remove the old conan profile by deleting .cache/.conan directory
  • rebuild the project and and watch for compiler=<COMPILER_NAME> and compiler.version=<VERSION> in the output in console output of the "Install dependencies" build step, and/or set CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=1 variable and check the compiler path used during "Build" step.

2. I receive CMake errors about CMakeCache.txt directory being different

The error might look similar to this (click to open):

Possibe CMake error
CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt directory .build/Debug/CMakeCache.txt is different than the directory /src/.build/Debug where CMakeCache.txt was created. This may result in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt

CMake Error: The source "CMakeLists.txt" does not match the source "/src/CMakeLists.txt" used to generate cache.  Re-run cmake with a different source directory.

You are probably trying to run local build after running docker-based build.

Docker build uses the same host directory as local build, but the paths inside container are different. That's why CMake gets confused.

Simply delete the current build directory, e.g. .build/Debug or the entire .build, and rerun, so that CMake can regenerate its cache with the correct paths.

3. I have other strange things happening during build

Try to remove the temporary directories: .build, .cache, .out, .reports, tmp and rebuild.

Note that removing conan cache in .cache/conan will require downloading and rebuilding of all of the dependencies on next build, which happens automatically, but is time-consuming.

4. It does not work, I still need help

Feel free to create a new Github Issue or to join Nextstrain Discussion at