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197 lines (194 loc) · 79.9 KB

File metadata and controls

197 lines (194 loc) · 79.9 KB

Core Functions

Method Name HTTP Url/Desc Payload
getStatus GET /status
Query the server's current status.
createSession POST /session
Create a new session.
getSessions GET /sessions
Returns a list of the currently active sessions.
getSession GET
Retrieve the capabilities of the specified session.
deleteSession DELETE
Delete the session.
timeouts POST /timeouts
Configure the amount of time that a particular type of operation can execute for before they are aborted and a
asyncScriptTimeout POST /timeouts/async_script
Set the amount of time, in milliseconds, that asynchronous scripts executed by /session/:sessionId/execute_async are permitted to run before they are aborted and a
implicitWait POST /timeouts/implicit_wait
Set the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for elements.
getWindowHandle GET /window_handle
Retrieve the current window handle.
getWindowHandles GET /window_handles
Retrieve the list of all window handles available to the session.
getUrl GET /url
Retrieve the URL of the current page.
setUrl POST /url
Navigate to a new URL.
forward POST /forward
Navigate forwards in the browser history, if possible.
back POST /back
Navigate backwards in the browser history, if possible.
refresh POST /refresh
Refresh the current page.
execute POST /execute
Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame.
executeAsync POST /execute_async
Inject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame.
getScreenshot GET /screenshot
Take a screenshot of the current page.
availableIMEEngines GET /ime/available_engines
List all available engines on the machine.
getActiveIMEEngine GET /ime/active_engine
Get the name of the active IME engine.
isIMEActivated GET /ime/activated
Indicates whether IME input is active at the moment (not if it's available).
deactivateIMEEngine POST /ime/deactivate
De-activates the currently-active IME engine.
activateIMEEngine POST /ime/activate
Make an engines that is available (appears on the listreturned by getAvailableEngines) active.
setFrame POST /frame
Change focus to another frame on the page.
setWindow POST /window
Change focus to another window.
closeWindow DELETE /window
Close the current window.
postWindowSize POST /window/:windowhandle/size
Change the size of the specified window.
getWindowSize GET /window/:windowhandle/size
Get the size of the specified window.
postWindowPosition POST /window/:windowhandle/position
Change the position of the specified window.
getWindowPosition GET /window/:windowhandle/position
Get the position of the specified window.
maximizeWindow POST /window/:windowhandle/maximize
Maximize the specified window if not already maximized.
getCookies GET /cookie
Retrieve all cookies visible to the current page.
setCookie POST /cookie
Set a cookie.
deleteCookies DELETE /cookie
Delete all cookies visible to the current page.
deleteCookie DELETE /cookie/:name
Delete the cookie with the given name.
getPageSource GET /source
Get the current page source.
title GET /title
Get the current page title.
findElement POST /element
Search for an element on the page, starting from the document root.
findElements POST /elements
Search for multiple elements on the page, starting from the document root.
active POST /element/active
Get the element on the page that currently has focus.
keys POST /keys
Send a sequence of key strokes to the active element.
getOrientation GET /orientation
Get the current browser orientation.
setOrientation POST /orientation
Set the browser orientation.
getAlertText GET /alert_text
Gets the text of the currently displayed JavaScript alert(), confirm(), or prompt() dialog.
setAlertText POST /alert_text
Sends keystrokes to a JavaScript prompt() dialog.
postAcceptAlert POST /accept_alert
Accepts the currently displayed alert dialog.
postDismissAlert POST /dismiss_alert
Dismisses the currently displayed alert dialog.
moveTo POST /moveto
Move the mouse by an offset of the specificed element.
clickCurrent POST /click
Click any mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command).
postButtondown POST /buttondown
Click and hold the left mouse button (at the coordinates set by the last moveto command).
postButtonup POST /buttonup
Releases the mouse button previously held (where the mouse is currently at).
postDoubleclick POST /doubleclick
Double-clicks at the current mouse coordinates (set by moveto).
touchClick POST /touch/click
Single tap on the touch enabled device.
touchDown POST /touch/down
Finger down on the screen.
touchUp POST /touch/up
Finger up on the screen.
touchMove POST /touch/move
Finger move on the screen.
postTouchScroll POST /touch/scroll
Scroll on the touch screen using finger based motion events.
postTouchDoubleclick POST /touch/doubleclick
Double tap on the touch screen using finger motion events.
touchLongClick POST /touch/longclick
Long press on the touch screen using finger motion events.
flick POST /touch/flick
Flick on the touch screen using finger motion events.
getGeoLocation GET /location
Get the current geo location.
setGeoLocation POST /location
Set the current geo location.
getLocalStorage GET /local_storage
Get all keys of the storage.
postLocalStorage POST /local_storage
Set the storage item for the given key.
deleteLocalStorage DELETE /local_storage
Clear the storage.
getLocalStorageKey GET /local_storage/key/:key
Get the storage item for the given key.
deleteLocalStorageKey DELETE /local_storage/key/:key
Remove the storage item for the given key.
getLocalStorageSize GET /local_storage/size
Get the number of items in the storage.
getSessionStorage GET /session_storage
Get all keys of the storage.
postSessionStorage POST /session_storage
Set the storage item for the given key.
deleteSessionStorage DELETE /session_storage
Clear the storage.
getSessionStorageKey GET /session_storage/key/:key
Get the storage item for the given key.
deleteSessionStorageKey DELETE /session_storage/key/:key
Remove the storage item for the given key.
getSessionStorageSize GET /session_storage/size
Get the number of items in the storage.
getLog POST /log
Get the log for a given log type.
getLogTypes GET /log/types
Get available log types.
getApplicationCacheStatus GET /application_cache/status
Get the status of the html5 application cache.
getCurrentContext GET /context
Get the current context (mjsonWire).
setContext POST /context
Set the current context (mjsonWire).
getContexts GET /contexts
Get a list of the available contexts (mjsonWire).
performTouch POST /touch/perform
Perform touch action (mjsonWire).
performMultiAction POST /touch/multi/perform
Perform multitouch action (mjsonWire).
mobileShake POST /appium/device/shake
Shake device (mjsonWire).
lock POST /appium/device/lock
Lock device (mjsonWire).
keyevent POST /appium/device/keyevent
Send key event to device (DEPRECATED) (mjsonWire).
pressKeyCode POST /appium/device/press_keycode
Send key event to device (mjsonWire).
mobileRotation POST /appium/device/rotate
Rotate device (mjsonWire).
getCurrentActivity GET /appium/device/current_activity
Get current activity (mjsonWire).
getCurrentPackage GET /appium/device/current_package
Get current package (mjsonWire).
installApp POST /appium/device/install_app
Install app (mjsonWire).
removeApp POST /appium/device/remove_app
Remove app (mjsonWire).
isAppInstalled POST /appium/device/app_installed
Check if the app is installed (mjsonWire).
pushFile POST /appium/device/push_file
Push file to device (mjsonWire).
pullFile POST /appium/device/pull_file
Pull file from device (mjsonWire).
pullFolder POST /appium/device/pull_folder
Pull folder from device (mjsonWire).
toggleFlightMode POST /appium/device/toggle_airplane_mode
Toggle airplane mode (mjsonWire).
toggleWiFi POST /appium/device/toggle_wifi
Toggle wifi (mjsonWire).
toggleLocationServices POST /appium/device/toggle_location_services
Toggle location services (mjsonWire).
toggleData POST /appium/device/toggle_data
Toggle data (mjsonWire).
startActivity POST /appium/device/start_activity
Start an Android activity (mjsonWire).
launchApp POST /appium/app/launch
Launch app (mjsonWire).
closeApp POST /appium/app/close
Close app (mjsonWire).
reset POST /appium/app/reset
Reset app (mjsonWire).
background POST /appium/app/background
Background app (mjsonWire).
endCoverage POST /appium/app/end_test_coverage
End test coverage (mjsonWire).
getStrings POST /appium/app/strings
Retrieve app strings (mjsonWire).
getNetworkConnection GET /network_connection
Get appium selendroid network connection type (mjsonWire).
setNetworkConnection POST /network_connection
Set appium selendroid network connection type (mjsonWire).
hideKeyboard POST /appium/device/hide_keyboard
Hide keyboard (mjsonWire).
openNotifications POST /appium/device/open_notifications
Open Notifications (mjsonWire).
fingerprint POST /appium/device/finger_print
Send fingerprint (mjsonWire).
sendSMS POST /appium/device/send_sms
Send sms to Android emulator (mjsonWire).
gsmCall POST /appium/device/gsm_call
Send GSM call to Android emulator (mjsonWire).
gsmSignal POST /appium/device/gsm_signal
Set GSM signal strenght on Android emulator (mjsonWire).
gsmVoice POST /appium/device/gsm_voice
Set GSM state fingerprint (mjsonWire).
powerCapacity POST /appium/device/power_capacity
Set battery percent on Android emulator (mjsonWire).
powerAC POST /appium/device/power_ac
Set state of power charger on Android emulator(mjsonWire).
networkSpeed POST /appium/device/network_speed
Set Android emulator network speed (mjsonWire).
touchId POST /simulator/touch_id
Simulate iOS touchID (mjsonWire)
getTimeouts GET /timeouts
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/timeouts
getWindowHandle GET /window/handle
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window/handle
getWindowHandles GET /window/handles
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window/handles
postFrameParent POST /frame/parent
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/frame/parent
getWindowHandle GET /window
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window
getCookie GET /cookie/:name
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/cookie/:name
active GET /element/active
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/active
getElement GET /element/:elementid
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid
findElementFromElement POST /element/:elementid/element
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/element
findElementsFromElement POST /element/:elementid/elements
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/elements
click POST /element/:elementid/click
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/click
submit POST /element/:elementid/submit
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/submit
getText GET /element/:elementid/text
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/text
setValue POST /element/:elementid/value
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/value
getName GET /element/:elementid/name
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/name
clear POST /element/:elementid/clear
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/clear
elementSelected GET /element/:elementid/selected
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/selected
elementEnabled GET /element/:elementid/enabled
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/enabled
getAttribute GET /element/:elementid/attribute/:name
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/attribute/:name
equalsElement GET /element/:elementid/equals/:otherid
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/equals/:otherid
elementDisplayed GET /element/:elementid/displayed
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/displayed
getLocation GET /element/:elementid/location
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/location
getLocationInView GET /element/:elementid/location_in_view
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/location_in_view
getSize GET /element/:elementid/size
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/size
getCssProperty GET /element/:elementid/css/:propertyname
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/css/:propertyname
getRotation GET /rotation
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/rotation
setRotation POST /rotation
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/rotation
performActions POST /actions
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/actions
getPageIndex GET /element/:elementid/pageindex
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/pageindex
receiveAsyncResponse POST /receive_async_response
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/receive_async_response
getDeviceTime GET /appium/device/system_time
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/system_time
unlock POST /appium/device/unlock
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/unlock
isLocked POST /appium/device/is_locked
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/is_locked
startRecordingScreen POST /appium/start_recording_screen
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/start_recording_screen
stopRecordingScreen POST /appium/stop_recording_screen
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/stop_recording_screen
getPerformanceDataTypes POST /appium/performancedata/types
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/performancedata/types
getPerformanceData POST /appium/performancedata
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/getperformancedata
longPressKeyCode POST /appium/device/long_press_keycode
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/long_press_keycode
activateApp POST /appium/device/activate_app
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/activate_app
terminateApp POST /appium/device/terminate_app
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/terminate_app
queryAppState GET /appium/device/app_state
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/app_state
queryAppState POST /appium/device/app_state
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/app_state
isKeyboardShown GET /appium/device/is_keyboard_shown
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/is_keyboard_shown
getSystemBars GET /appium/device/system_bars
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/system_bars
getDisplayDensity GET /appium/device/display_density
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/display_density
simulatorTouchId POST /appium/simulator/touch_id
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/simulator/touch_id
toggleEnrollTouchId POST /appium/simulator/toggle_touch_id_enrollment
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/simulator/toggle_touch_id_enrollment
setValueImmediate POST /appium/element/:elementid/value
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/element/:elementid/value
replaceValue POST /appium/element/:elementid/replace_value
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/element/:elementid/replace_value
updateSettings POST /appium/settings
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/settings
getSettings GET /appium/settings
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/settings
appReceiveAsyncResponse POST /appium/receive_async_response
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/receive_async_response
getAlertTextEx GET /alert/text
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/alert/text
setAlertTextEx POST /alert/text
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/alert/text
postAcceptAlertEx POST /alert/accept
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/alert/accept
postDismissAlertEx POST /alert/dismiss
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/alert/dismiss
getElementRect GET /element/:elementid/rect
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/rect
execute POST /execute/sync
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/execute/sync
executeAsync POST /execute/async
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/execute/async
getElementScreenshot GET /screenshot/:elementid
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/screenshot/:elementid
getElementScreenshot GET /element/:elementid/screenshot
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/screenshot
getWindowRect GET /window/rect
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window/rect
setWindowRect POST /window/rect
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window/rect
maximizeWindow POST /window/maximize
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window/maximize
minimizeWindow POST /window/minimize
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window/minimize
fullScreenWindow POST /window/fullscreen
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/window/fullscreen
getProperty GET /element/:elementid/property/:name
get /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/element/:elementid/property/:name
setClipboard POST /appium/device/set_clipboard
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/set_clipboard
getClipboard POST /appium/device/_clipboard
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/device/get_clipboard
compareImages POST /appium/compare_images
post /wd/hub/session/:sessionid/appium/compare_images