The source code of the Career Center platform is made available as open source for any security audit operation.
The platform is under a custom license: usage rights for non-commercial purposes are permitted with the owner's permission. Everything is in the readme file on the repository.
Go to the platform's homepage, go to the desired space and follow the forgotten password procedure, the accounts are already created by the administration with the institutional email address while we set up a Single Sign-On (SSO) system at the institute level.
The dashboard contains graphs to have an overview of the progress of the PFE, technical and worker internships and their related statistics.
The campaign management is handled by system administrators and enterprise relations directors. They launch mailing campaigns for internship searches, defining:
- Campaign duration (start/end dates)
- Target fields of study
- Internship types (PFE, Technical, Worker)
- Geographical scope
- Target companies
- Search criteria
The email database maintenance and campaign execution are managed by authorized administrative staff, ensuring:
- Regular database updates
- Automated bounce processing
- Unsubscribe management
- Engagement tracking
The email database is composed of companies, former supervisors, professors, former students, former supervisors, university partners.
Companies interested in the campaign send their internship offers on the platform, the offers are validated by the DASER before being published on the platform.
The student in this step fills out a form to provide information related to the generation of his convention. Once this is done the student generates his convention, the status of his declaration will go from the status "draft" to the status "declared".
Validation is done either by email or on the platform where he has access to students related to his field.
the school ensures the follow-up of the conventions on the platform by providing the current status of the conventions on the platform ("completed", "signed")
The project can contain pairs or trios so several students and several conventions if necessary.
The assignment can be done directly by the CF and/or CD then validated by the administration for a meticulous control over the supervisions added by the colleagues. The assignment can also be done in mass by injecting a file from a spreadsheet (excel or libre office calc).
Students are notified by email of the assignment of their supervisors.
Supervisors are notified by email of the assignment of students.
The same procedure as step 5, 6 and 7 is repeated for the assignment of examiners.
the school defines the intervals when the defenses will take place start date and end of the interval, start time of the day and end time, duration of breaks, duration of defenses.
Creation of rooms planned for defenses.
With a tailor-made algorithm, the platform generates time slots for defenses according to the defined intervals, excludes holidays and weekends programmatically.
With another algorithm the platform will distribute the projects on the time slots according to the planning constraints while avoiding the overlap of resources (teachers or rooms).
The planning algorithms are adaptable according to needs. - Favor defenses by end date of internship minimizing waiting time - Favor defenses by minimizing teacher travel - Favor defenses by minimizing the interval of defenses
Students are notified by email of the assignment of their defense dates.
Supervisors and examiners are notified by email of the assignment of defense dates.