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StormX Token Swap

Addresses of deployed contract on ropsten network

StormXToken: 0x4Ca8D5938b7Cb5A4b7f48578459529b58F136221 (the new token)

StormToken: 0xFB6917A5b8233B4ab3c214652C5184cA750928eF (the old token)

Swap: 0xcFE79e9B017C401C0aCC2E16D96Ff21c2d2Bc2bb

Addresses of deployed contract on mainnet

StormXToken (STMX): 0xbE9375C6a420D2eEB258962efB95551A5b722803 (the new token)

StormToken (STORM): 0xd0a4b8946cb52f0661273bfbc6fd0e0c75fc6433 (the old token)

Swap: 0x617592b603a57B88dC4d2D9cFf180669390134bF

Executive Summary

StormX currently operates an ERC20 token deployed on Ethereum mainnet address 0xd0a4b8946cb52f0661273bfbc6fd0e0c75fc6433. The token contract includes features for privileged access that allow StormX to mint new tokens for and remove tokens from arbitrary accounts. The StormX team sought to develop a new ERC20 token smart contract that will not include the aforementioned functions. Additionally, the token should include a new feature for locking tokens (so-called “staking”). The StormX team sought to reward users who choose to hold and lock their tokens with tokens from their own reserves.

This document provides information about the developed solution.


# Assumption
A1 The new token will become the owner of the original token smart contract so that it can call the owner-only functions in the original token smart contract.
A2 After tokens are locked, users alway have to manually unlock the locked tokens if they want to manipulate these tokens.
A3 The privileged access (function destroy()) can be used for migration.
A4 StormX will embed support for staking and unstaking into their Chrome plugin.


# Non-requirements
N1 StormX will have an off-chain job sending tokens accumulated as interest to users' accounts based on the locked balance. The implementation will not support reward beyond reading the locked token balance of users.
N2 After migration is closed, existing StormX tokens will not be destroyed for users who do not wish to migrate.
N3 The token swap website does not need to provide functionality for staking and unstaking.


The following requirements were gathered and agreed upon before the development:

Standard ERC20 interface

# Requirement
R1-1 Supports the standard ERC20 interface and include methods.
R1-2 Supports two standard ERC20 events Transfer and Approval .
R1-3 The name of the new token is “StormX“.
R1-4 The symbol of the new token is “STMX“.
R1-5 The decimals of the new token remains the same.
R1-6 The new token supports a function transfers()for batch transfer of tokens.
R1-7 The signature of function transfers() is identical with the signature of the function transfers() in the original token.
R1-8 The function transfers() is available to everyone.
R1-9 The function transfers() is available only when transfers is not disabled.
R1-10 The function enableTransfers() is only available to StormX.
R1-11 The new token contract is ownable.
R1-12 StormX is the owner of the new token contract.

MetaTransaction supported via GSN

# Requirement
R2-1 The new token smart contract is GSN-capable and is able to receive transactions from GSN.
R2-2 Each accepted meta transactions via GSN charges the user a certain amount of StormX tokens. The default charge fee is 10 StormX (unless changed by StormX; see R2-3).
R2-3 The fee for GSN network is settable by StormX.
R2-4 Fees charged for transactions relayed by GNS are sent to an Ethereum address.
R2-5 StormX can change the address for collecting fees for GSN at any point.
R2-6 Users can send meta transactions via GSN and the relayed call should be accepted as long as the users have enough token balance.
R2-7 The new token smart contract also supports receiving transaction directly.
R2-8 The meta transaction call via GSN is rejected with the error code INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE if the user does not have enough balance.

Security Emphasis

# Requirement
R3-1 The token contract includes methods increaseAllowance() and decreaseAllowance() to mitigate allowance double-spend exploit
R3-2 The token is not pausable.
R3-3 The privileged access in the form of functions ​destroy()​ and ​issue()​ is removed.

Token Migration

# Requirement
R4-1 The token swap contract allows for a token swap from old StormX token to the new one.
R4-2 The conversion guarantees that the total supply of the new token match exactly with that of the original token.
R4-3 The swap is possible for at least 6 months. Then, StormX can stop it. After stopping the swap, the rest of the tokens should be minted and sent to StormX’s reserve, so the total supply will reach the original StormX total supply.
R4-4 Users do not need to provide approvals for the tokens to migrate.

Staking Feature

# Requirement
R5-1 Users can lock and unlock their tokens
R5-2 Users cannot manipulate locked tokens by any means.
R5-3 Locked tokens are still reported as owned by the user when method balanceOf() is called.
R5-4 Users can transfer their tokens after unlocking them.
R5-5 Anyone can read the locked token balance of a user.

Token Swap Website Requirements

# Requirement
R6-1 The website is to be hosted on Heroku as its own app with (sub-)domain
R6-2 The website must allow for swapping old StormX token to the new StormX token.
R6-3 The visual look of the website must respect branding guide of StormX with UX similar to
R6-4 The website must support TrustWallet.
R6-5 The website must support Ledger.
R6-6 The website must support interaction by uploading keystore, entering private key, or mnemonic.
R6-7 The website must support submitting transactions to GSN network.
R6-8 The website must support submitting transactions directly to the swap smart contract.
R6-9 The website must be covered by unit and e2e tests.
R6-10 The website should visualize if the swap phase is still open or not (see R4-3 for context).

(See also the N3 for the website non-requirements.)

Technical Executions

Quantstamp developed the contracts according to the requirements using Solidity and Javascript for testing. This section outlines the technical solution.


This contract is an ownable contract for supporting GSN relayed calls and charging users for accepted GSN calls. Both StormXToken and Swap inherit from this contract. For every accepted GSN relayed call, the user will be charged for a specified amount of StormXTokens, i.e.chargeFee, and the charged tokens will be transferred to the specified address stormXReserve. If the user does not have enough unlocked token balance, the GSN relayed call will be rejected and the user will not be charged at all.

The function acceptRelayedCall() implemented in StormXGSNRecipient.sol decides whether to accept a relayed call from GSN or not. As per current implementation, if the user has no less than specified charge fee chargeFee, the relayed call will be accepted and the user will be charged the specified fee.

Only the contract owner can call the methods setChargeFee(uint256 newFee) and setStormXReserve(address newReserve) to set chargeFee and stormXReserve respectively. If chargeFee and stormXReserve are set successfully, events ChargeFeeSet(uint256 newFee) and StormXReserveSet(address newAddress) will be emitted respectively.


For any contract inheriting from this contract, it will try to charge users for every GSN relayed call.

  1. This contract accepts the GSN relayed call if the user has enough unlocked token balance and will charge user before the called function is executed.

  2. If the user does not have enough unlocked token balance and is calling the function Swap.convert(uint256 amount) or StormXToken.unlock(uint256 amount), this contract accepts the GSN relayed call only if they will have enough unlocked new token balance after the function is executed, i.e. amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee. After convert() or unlock() is executed successfully, the user will be charged for the fee.

  3. If the user does not have enough unlocked token balance and is calling the function StormXToken.transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount), this contract accepts the GSN relayed call only if they will have enough unlocked new token balance after the function is executed, i.e. amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee, recipient == user, and the transfering can be executed successfully (See UC1.6 for more details). After transferFrom() is executed successfully, the user will be charged for the fee.

  4. If none of the previous is satisfied, rejects the relayed call.

Gas Station Network (GSN) Support

The existing token smart contract is only able to receive transactions directly. The new token smart contract and the swap contract is GSN-capable and can receive transactions from GSN, as well as they will be callable directly by users. Each accepted meta transaction via GSN will charge the user a certain amount of StormX tokens (see requirement R2-2), with the default value being 10 StormX tokens. A setter for this value is provided so that StormX can change it at any point.

In the future, for any contract that needs to support GSN and charge users in the new StormXToken, it can simply inherit from StormXGSNRecipient. However, for these recipients to successfully charge users, users' approvals are required before charging.

Centralization of power

The contract StormXGSNRecipient.sol uses ownable pattern and has a state variable owner to designate the address with special privileges. In this contract, owner and only owner has the privileged access to set chargeFee and stormXReserve arbitrarily.

Note: StormXToken.sol and Swap.sol both inherit from this contract and are using ownable pattern. Some functions are only available to the contract owner, and users should be aware of those owner-only functions stated in sections StormXToken and Swap.

Transaction order dependencies

There exist transaction order dependencies between setChargeFee() and functions that read chargeFee. One possible case that users should be aware of is that chargeFee is increased after it is read and before the meta transaction is executed. In this case, the meta transaction may fail if the user does not have enough unlocked token balance against the new chargeFee.


StormXToken is the new token contract implemented for StormX. It supports standard ERC20 interface, transferring in batch, staking feature and GSN relayed calls.

Standard ERC20 interface

StormXToken is in compliance with ERC20 as described in ​​. This token contract is ownable and mintable.

Allowance Double-Spend Exploit

Allowance double-spend exploit is mitigated in this contract with functions increaseAllowance() and decreaseAllowance().

However, community agreement on an ERC standard that would protect against this exploit is still pending. Users should be aware of this exploit when interacting with this contract.


The function mint() is overriden in this contract to prevent contract owner from minting tokens arbitrarily. There is only one valid minter which should be set by the function StormXToken.initialize(address swap) public onlyOwner. This function StormXToken.initialize() can only be called once and is only available to contract owner. After this function is invoked, swap will be the only address that can call function mint().

Note: to support token migration, StormXToken.initialize() must be called before any Swap.convert() function call is executed.

Transferring in batch

Anyone can call the method transfers() to perform multiple transferring in a single function call when transfers is allowed.

function transfers(
    address[] memory recipients, 
    uint256[] memory values
  ) public transfersAllowed returns (bool)

Only contract owner can enable/disable the method transfers() by invoking the method enableTransfers(bool enable). It enables method transfers()for batch transfers if enable=true, and disables transfers() otherwise. The event TransfersEnabled(bool newStatus) is emitted.

Staking Feature

The new token includes a staking feature and StormX will reward users for any staked tokens they have.

This feature comprises the following sections.


By invoking the function lock(), users can lock any amount of new StormX tokens as long as they have enough unlocked token balance. Locked tokens can not be manipulable by any means. Once the specified amount of tokens are locked successfully, an interest start to be accumulated and calculated off-chain by StormX (see N1). The locked token balance of users can be read via read methods (see section Read Methods). While the users are not able to perform any operations on locked tokens, these locked tokens are still reported as owned by the users when method balanceOf() is called.


By invoking the function unlock(), users are able to unlock any amount of locked new StormX tokens they have, and are able to perform any operations on their unlocked tokens as desired. Once the specified amount of tokens becomes unlocked, those tokens will no longer accumulate interest.

Read Methods

Anyone can call read methods to retrieve the different kinds of balance.

  1. lockedBalanceOf(address account) returns the amount of locked tokens account holds

  2. unlockedBalanceOf(address account) returns the amount of unlock tokens account holds

  3. balanceOf(address account) returns the total amount of tokens account holds, i.e the sum of locked and unlocked tokens


Contract owner and a specific role rewardRole can invoke the function reward(address recipient, uint256 amount) public onlyAuthorized to reward a user with specified amount of tokens, or they can invoke the function rewards(address[] memory recipients, uint256[] memory values) to reward multiple users at one time.

Contract owner can assign the specific role rewardRole to any address by invoking the function assignRewardRole(address account) public onlyOwner. This function emits an event RewardRoleAssigned(address rewardRole) when rewardRole is assigned successfully.


By default, all rewarded tokens will be automatically staked for users when reward() or rewards() is invoked. Users can disable the auto-staking feature by invoking the function setAutoStaking(bool enabled) with enabled being false. If users want to enable this feature, invoke setAutoStaking(bool enabled) with enabled being true. If auto-staking feature is disabled, rewarded tokens will not be staked for users.

GSN relayed calls

StormXToken contract inherits from StormXGSNRecipient (see StormXGSNRecipient section for more details) and is able to receive GSN relayed calls from GSN relay hub. For references, see [1,2].

By inheriting from StormXGSNRecipient, the contract can charge users in StormX tokens for any accepted GSN relayed calls , and the charged tokens will be transferred to the specified StormX’s reserve address (see Charging section under StormXGSNRecipient).

As per current implementation, only StormXToken.sol and Swap.sol can charge users for a fee without users' explicit approval. In the future, any contract that inherits from StormXGSNRecipient and is deployed at address recipient, it can charge user successfully only if the user invokes StormXToken.approve(recipient, chargeFee) before the GSN relayed call.


This smart contract supports the token migration and guarantees that the total supply of the new token will be at most the total supply of the original token (the token supply will in fact be equal to the original token supply after token migration is closed; see R4-3)

Token Migration

To open token migration, ownership of the old token contract should be transferred to this contract. The contract owner should call the function initialize() to accept the old token contract ownership and record the initialized time to guarantee the token swap can last at least 24 weeks.

Anyone can call the method convert(uint256 amount) to convert a specified amount of original StormX tokens to the new token with exchange rate 1:1 as long as the user has enough unlocked token balance.

The migration uses the privileged access of the original token to dispose of the amount being migrated, and token minting for the new StormX token. Therefore, the user does not need to issue approvals for the tokens undergoing migration.

The new token is compliant with the principles of decentralization, i.e., it is the choice of a user to convert their original tokens to the new tokens. StormX is not able to force or deny such a conversion for any account.

Close Token Migration

The token migration can be stopped by StormX only after 16 weeks from initialization. Only the contract owner can call the function disableMigration(address reserve) to stop token swap, which will mint remaining tokens and send them to the address reserve.

If token migration is closed successfully, the events MigrationClosed() and MigrationLeftoverTransferred(stormXReserve, amount) will be emitted to indicate the success.

Transfer Ownership

This contract requires the ownership of the old token contract during token migration and it supports an owner-only method to transfer the old token ownership to a desired new owner.

The contract owner can call the method transferOldTokenOwnership(address newOwner) to transfer the old token contract ownership to newOwner, and newOwner has to accept the ownership explicitly by calling the function acceptOwnership() in old token contract to accept the ownership.

Important: This token is prevented from being initialized twice. Therefore, once the old token ownership is transferred out to a new owner, this swap contract will never be able to accept the old token ownership again and convert(uint256 amount) will never be able to be invoked.

Deployment Instructions

The following order is strictly required when deploying relevant contracts and setting up initializations (the Ethereum account used by StormX team will be referred to as StormXAdmin).

  1. StormXAdmin deploys StormXToken, passing the address of StormX’s reserve. StormXAdmin becomes the owner of the contract and StormX’s reserve will receive all charged fees of GSN relayed calls.

    • verify that StormXAdmin is the owner of StormXToken contract.
  2. StormXAdmin deploys Swap, passing the address of StormToken(the old token contract), StormXToken and StormX’s reserve. StormXAdmin becomes the owner of Swap and StormX’s reserve will receive all charged fees of GSN relayed calls.

    • verify that StormXAdmin is the owner of Swap contract.
  3. StormXAdmin invokes the function StormXToken.initialize(Swap.address) for Swap.sol to mint new tokens during token swap and charge users for GSN relayed call

    • verify that the state variable swap is set to Swap.address properly in StormXToken.sol
  4. StormXAdmin invokes the functions StormToken.transferOwnership(Swap.address) and Swap.initialize() sequentially so that Swap can destroy old tokens for users during token swap.

    • verify that Swap contract is the owner of the old token contract.

Non-Trivial Use-Cases

All use cases are considered using GSN. If the user calls functions directly for UC1.1-UC1.5, steps 1-3 will be skipped.

UC1.1 User locks some amount of new StormX tokens via GSN

  1. The user calls the function lock(amount) with signed signature to GSN.

  2. The new token smart contract accepts the relayed call from GSN and executes lock(amount) if the user has enough unlocked new StormX token balance, i.e. no less than specified chargeFee, and rejects otherwise.

  3. The user is charged by the specified amount chargeFee of new StormX tokens, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve.

  4. The function checks whether the _msgSender()(i.e the original caller) has this amount of unlocked new StormX tokens, and reverts if not.

  5. The function increases lockedBalance of the original caller by amount.

  6. The function emits the event TokenLocked(userAddress, amount) to indicate the success of staking.

  7. The function returns true.

UC1.2 User unlocks some amount of new StormX tokens via GSN

  1. The user calls the function unlock(amount) with signed signature to GSN.

  2. The contract accepts the relayed call from GSN and executes unlock(amount) if the user has enough unlocked new StormX token balance or amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee.

  3. The StormXToken contract charges the user by chargeFee if the user has enough unlocked token balance right now, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve. Otherwise, the charging will be in step 8 if the transaction succeeds.

  4. The function checks whether the _msgSender()(i.e the original caller) has this amount locked StormX tokens, and reverts if not.

  5. The function decreases lockedBalance of the original caller by amount.

  6. The function emits the event TokenUnlocked(userAddress, amount) to indicate the success of unstaking.

  7. The function returns true.

  8. The user is charged by the specified amount chargeFee of new StormX tokens if the user was not charged previously, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve.

UC1.3 User converts original tokens to new StormX token via GSN call

  1. The user calls the function convert(amount) with signed signature to GSN.

  2. The Swap contract accepts the relayed call from GSN and executes convert(amount) if the user has enough unlocked new StormX token balance or amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee.

  3. The contract charges the user by chargeFee if the user has enough unlocked token balance right now, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve. Otherwise, the charging will be in step 8 if the transaction succeeds.

  4. The function checks whether the _msgSender()(i.e the original caller) has this amount of original StormX tokens, and reverts if not.

  5. The function calls the function destroys(userAddress, amount) of original StormX tokens from the user and mints amount of new StormX tokens for the user.

  6. The event TokenConverted(userAddress, amount) is emitted to indicate the success of conversion.

  7. The function returns true.

  8. The user is charged by the specified amount chargeFee of new StormX tokens if the user was not charged previously, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve.

UC1.4 StormX admin closes token migration and collects all the rest of original tokens via GSN

  1. StormX admin calls the function disableMigration(address reserve) with signed signature to GSN.

  2. The Swap contract accepts the relayed call from GSN and executes disableMigration(address reserve) if StormX admin has enough unlocked new StormX token balance, i.e. no less than specified chargeFee, and rejects otherwise.

  3. StormX admin is charged by the specified amount chargeFee of new StormX tokens, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve.

  4. This function checks the timestamp and reverts if it has not been 16 weeks from the token migration initialization.

  5. The function also reverts if token migration is not open yet or it is already closed.

  6. This function then sets migrationOpen to false, emits the event MigrationClosed() .

  7. This function mints the remaining tokens and transfers them to the address reserve.

  8. The event MigrationLeftoverTransferred(stormX, amount) is emitted.

  9. This function returns true.

UC1.5 The user calls transfers() via GSN

  1. The user calls the function transfers(address[] _recipients, uint256[] _values) with signed signature to GSN.

  2. The new token smart contract accepts the relayed call from GSN and executes transfers(address[] _recipients, uint256[] _values) if the user has enough unlocked balance, i.e. no less than specified chargeFee, and rejects otherwise.

  3. The user is charged by the specified amount chargeFee of new StormX tokens, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve.

  4. The function checks whether transfers() is allowed, and reverts if not.

  5. The function checks whether the lengths of _recipients and _values match, and reverts if not.

  6. If all checks pass, transfer _values to _recipients respectively by invoking the function transfer() multiple times.

UC1.6 The user calls transferFrom() via GSN

  1. The user calls the function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) with signed signature to GSN.

  2. The contract accepts the relayed call from GSN and executes transferFrom() if the user has enough unlocked new StormX token balance, i.e StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee.

  3. Otherwise, it checks the following to make sure the user can have enough unlocked StormX tokens after transferFrom() is executed successfully.

    1. amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee
    2. recipient == user
    3. StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(sender) >= amount
    4. StormXToken.allowance(sender, user) >= amount
  4. The StormXToken contract charges the user by chargeFee if the user has enough unlocked token balance right now, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve. Otherwise, the charging will be in step 5 if the transaction succeeds.

  5. The standard ERC20 transferFrom() function is invoked in StormXToken.sol.

  6. The user is charged by the specified amount chargeFee of new StormX tokens if the user was not charged previously, and the charged tokens are transferred to StormX’s reserve stormXReserve.

UC1.7 The user sends a meta transaction to GSN and this token contract accepts the relayed call from GSN

  1. User sends a function with signed data to GSN relayHub.

  2. acceptRelayedCall() in the new token contract is called by some relayer in GSN relayHub

function acceptRelayedCall(
        address relay,
        address from,
        bytes calldata encodedFunction,
        uint256 transactionFee,
        uint256 gasPrice,
        uint256 gasLimit,
        uint256 nonce,
        bytes calldata approvalData,
        uint256 maxPossibleCharge
        returns (uint256, bytes memory);
  1. The new token contract then checks whether unlockedBalanceOf[from] >= chargeFee .

  2. Accepts the relayed call originated by the user from if the above returns true, transfers the user’s balance with amount chargeFee to stormXReserve.

  3. If the user is calling Swap.convert(uint256 amount) and amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee, accepts the call and charge the user after convert() is executed successfully.

  4. If the user is calling StormXToken.unlock(uint256 amount) and amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee, accepts the call and charge the user after unlock() is executed successfully.

  5. If the user is calling StormXToken.transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount), the function checks the following and charge the user after transferFrom() is executed successfully.

    1. amount + StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(user) >= chargeFee
    2. recipient == user
    3. StormXToken.unlockedBalanceOf(sender) >= amount
    4. StormXToken.allowance(sender, user) >= amount
  6. Rejects the call with errorcode otherwise.

UC1.7 Send transactions via GSN

  1. The user signs the data {relayerAddress, userAddress, GSNRecipientAddress, encodedFunction, transactionFee, gasPrice, gasLimit ,nonce, relayHubAddress}

    1. relayerAddress Address of the relayer that the user wants to send request to. The relayer must have already been registered in GSN for the request to succeed

    2. userAddress Address of the user who signs the data and wants to send the meta transaction via GSN

    3. GSNRecipientAddress The target contract, i.e. the address of the new token contract

    4. encodedFunction The function call to relay

    5. transactionFee The fee(%) the relay takes over the actual gas cost

    6. gasPrice The gas price that the user is willing to pay

    7. gasLimit The limit the user wants to put on the transaction

    8. nonce The target relayer’s nonce for avoiding replay attack

    9. relayHubAddress Address of the relayHub

  2. The user sends the data and the signature to a registered relayer

  3. The registered relayer sends the transaction for the user.

UC1.8 Reward a user

  1. An address account invokes the function reward(address recipient, uint256 amount) public onlyAuthorized to reward a user.

  2. The function checks whether account matches contract owner address or rewardRole address. If neither matches, the function reverts.

  3. Checks whether recipient is address zero. If recipient==address(0), the function reverts.

  4. The function transfers amount tokens to the address recipient.

  5. If auto-staking feature is disabled for the address recipient, the function returns.

  6. Else, stake all rewarded tokens for recipient.


  1. Interacting with RelayHub:

  2. Source code of RelayHub:

  3. ERC20:

  4. GSN:

  5. To write a GSN-callable contract:

  6. Source code of the original StormX token: