ClojureScript/Clojure event-driven application framework. Successor to Carry.
Carry framework is very strict about separating signals (side effects) and actions (model changing functions). In a long run it turned out to produce a lot of boilerplate (e.g. many signal handlers are anemic and only dispatch an action). Such separation was mainly needed for implementing Redux-ish time traveling debugger, but in the end I don’t find such tool too useful, it’s pretty easy to debug the app using traditional approaches.
By default Carry recommends using keywords for events and actions. It makes it cumbersome to maintain the codebase, because IDEs don’t understand this abstraction.
re-frame has an implicit global state and hard dependency on Reagent.
Also it’s based on patterns which are too heavyweight:
Subscriptions (vs., for instance, Reagent reactions or Rum derived atoms).
Effects & co-effects (vs. usual function and/or method calls and using mocks in tests).
Interceptors (vs. middleware pattern).
Async event handling queue.
Events can be defined as vars (so that IDE can jump to definition and compiler can detect undefined events).
Event definitions look similarly to
(so that IDE can highlight arguments, etc.). -
Events can be async.
Events can be serialized/deserialized. E.g. it’s possible to record and replay user’s actions.
No enforced separation between "side-effectful" and "pure" events.
Testable. It’s possible to test event handlers similarly to usual functions and also mock the events.
Supports injecting additional functionality via third-party packages (such as logging, routing, etc.). See
Proposes a pattern for SPAs (single app atom, view/view-model separation).
Framework core is agnostic to UI and model layers.
Proposes app lifecycle pattern (via standard start/stop events). This is needed for "stateful" third-party packages.
(TODO) Time traveling debugger.
Define an app which has some model:
(ns app.core
(:require [aide.core :as aide]))
(let [*model (atom {:val 0})
app (aide/object {:*model *model})]
Define an event which modifies the app model:
(aide/defevent on-increment
[app _data]
(swap! (:*model app) update :val inc))
Define an event which emits another event asynchronously:
(aide/defevent on-delayed-increment
[app delay-ms]
(.setTimeout js/window #(aide/emit app on-increment) delay-ms))
Emit events into the app:
(aide/emit app aide-lifecycle/on-start)
(aide/emit app on-increment)
(aide/emit app on-delayed-increment 1000)
(aide/emit app aide-lifecycle/on-stop)
Middleware example:
(defn add-logging
"Will log all events."
(update app :aide.core/emit
(fn wrap-emit
(fn emit
[object event data]
(println (str event) (pr-str data))
(original-emit object event data)))))
(def app-with-logging (-> app