to release any type (pre-release/release), run yarn np <version>
. don't prefix version with v
letter, np automatically prefixes github tags with v
after each release don't forget to add fastlane metadata changelogs for current version code.
keytool -genkeypair -v -storetype PKCS12 -keystore azan_publish.keystore -alias azan_publish_alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
in days: 10000 ~= roughly 27 years
add this env variable to the gitlab secrets containing the base64 value of generated key:
openssl base64 < azan_publish.keystore | tr -d '\n' | tee azan_publish.keystore.base64.txt
The alias of your signing key, in this case azan_publish_alias
The keystore
The key
password. This will be same as keystore
password since using PKCS12
store type.
screenshots are made using "pixel 3" on android 13