0x00-hello_world |
Fundamental introduction to C programming including C syntax, compilation and execution of C programs. |
0x01-variables_if_else_while |
Implements keywords and identifiers, integers, Arithmetic Operations, if statements, if...else, relational operators, logical operators, and while loops in C. |
0x02-functions_nested_loops |
Implements nested while loops, C-functions and header files in C. |
0x03-debugging |
Implements the concept of debugging C and how to mannually read the errors. |
0x04-more_functions_nested_loops |
More on nested while loops, C functions, function prototypes, and C-header files. |
0x05-pointers_arrays_strings |
Implements pointers in C, difference between pointers and arrays, string manipulation and scope of variables in C. |
0x06-pointers_arrays_strings |
More on implenting pointers in C, differences between pointers and arrays, string manipulation and scope of variables in C |
0x07-pointers_arrays_strings |
Implementing C pointers, multidimensional arrays, common C stanadrd library and functions to manipulate strings. |
0x08-recursion |
Implementing Recursion in C. |
0x09-static_libraries |
Basic usage of ar , ranlib , nm |
0x0A-argc_ argv |
How to use arguments passed by your own program, prototypying a header file, and using __attribute__((unused)) or (void) to compile functions with unused variables or parameters |
0x0B-malloc_free |
Implements dynamic and dynamic and automatic memory allocation, and freeing memory in C using malloc , free , and valgrid functions. |
0x0C-more_malloc__free |
Implenting exit , calloc , and realloc functions in C with a cutom header file. |
0x0D-preprocessor |
Implementing C macros, predefined C macros, and gurding the C- header file. |
0x0E-structures_typedef |
Implementing data strcutures in C using the typedef function, and custom functions in a custom header file. |
0x0F-function_pointers |
Implents function pointers, and the virtual memory concept in C. |
0x10-variadic_functions |
Implents variadic functions in C using va_strat , va_arg , va_end , and const functions in C. |
0x11-printf |
A collaboration project to create a custom printf function with that works like the printf function in the stdio.h library. |
0x12-singly_linked_lists |
Implenting single-lined lists in C - building and using single linked lists in C. |
0x13-more_singly_linked_lists |
Implenting linked lists in C. |
0x14-bit_manipulation |
How to manipulate bits and use bitwise operators. |
0x15-file_io |
Using I/O System calls, open , read , and write and implementing O_RDONLY , O_WRONLY , O_RDWR |
0x17-doubly_linked_lists |
Implements doubly linked lists in C . |
0x18-dynamic_libraries |
Implementing dynamic libraries in C, how it work, how to create one, and how to use it. |
0x1A-hash_tables |
Implementing hash functions in C |
0x1C-makefiles |
Implementing Make files |
0x1E-search_algorithms |
Search Algorithms in C |