Scala 3 related documents ⬆
The docs\ directory contains a selection of external links and PDF documents related to Scala 3.
🔎 Articles published on the Web have been converted to PDF format and do not necessarily reflect the actual state of the original publication.
"Types: Never commit too early"
- "Part 1: The Free Theorems", August 2018.
- "Part 2: How typeclasses save us", August 2018.
- "Part 3: Stacking Monad Transformers without statck", August 2018.
Stéphane Derosiaux, personal website. -
[Link] [PDF]
"Higher-rank and higher-kinded types", 2016 (7 pages).
Stephan Boyer, personal website. -
[Link] [PDF]
"Sum Types Are Coming: What You Should Know", 2015 (21 pages).
Chad Austin, personal website.
- [Link] [PDF]
"Scala code examples for Functional Programming Jargon", 2017 (19 pages).
Ikhoon Eom, Github repository.
- [Link] [PDF]
"Programming with intersection types, uniion types and polymorphism", 1991 (39 pages).
Benjamin C. Pierce, Canergie Mellon University.
"Scala 3, Type Inference and You!", 2019 (45 minutes).
Gillaum Martres, LAMP - EPFL -
"GADTs in Dotty", July 2019 (30 minutes).
Aleksander Boruch-Gruszecki, LAMP - EPFL. -
"From DOT to Dotty", 2017 (48 minutes).
Martin Odersky, LAMP - EPFL. -
[Link] [PDF]
"The Trouble with Types", 2014 (50 slides).
Martin Odersky, LAMP - EPFL.
- [Link] [PDF]
"Behavioral Types in Programming Languages", 2016 (139 pages).
Davide Ancona & al., Foundations and Trends® in Programming Languages, Now Publishers.