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Development Setup


Install docker and docker-compose.


cp .env.example .env

Edit values in .env to point to existing postgresql databases. See nmdc_server/ for all configuration variables. Variable names in .env should be all uppercase and prefixed with NMDC_.

OAuth setup

  1. Create an ORCID account at

  2. Create an Application via the ORCID developer tools page.

    • Set the Redirect URIs (the first and only one) to
      • In case you run into validation errors, you may find this issue helpful.
      • Note: Our production Redirect URIs are listed here.
    • You will use the resulting Client ID and Client Secret in the next step.
  3. Set the following configuration in .env.

  4. Populate the below fields in .env. Values for these should be generated by running openssl rand -hex 32. You will have to run the command twice total to get a value for each field. Now restart the stack.


Load production data

The nmdc-server CLI has a load-db subcommand which populates your local database using a nightly production backup. These backups are stored on NERSC. You must have NERSC credentials to use this subcommand.

First use NERSC's sshproxy tool to generate an ssh key. -u <nersc_username>

Then run the load-db subcommand from a backend container, mounting the ssh key.

docker compose run \
  --rm \
  -v ~/.ssh/nersc:/tmp/nersc \
  backend \
  nmdc-server load-db -u <nersc_username>

To see all CLI options run:

nmdc-server load-db --help

Note: if you already have a local database set up, the first time you attempt to load from a production backup you may see an error about a missing nmdc_data_reader role. If you see this error, run the following command to remove existing docker volumes:

docker compose down -v

This should only need to be done once. When the db service starts up again (including via running the load-db command), the necessary roles and databases will be created automatically.

Running the server

docker-compose up -d

View main application at and the swagger page at

Outside Docker

# Start only the service dependencies.
docker-compose up -d db data redis

With python virtualenv. Requires Python 3.7+

pip install -e .
pip install uvicorn tox

uvicorn nmdc_server.asgi:app --reload

View swagger page at

Running ingest

You need an active SSH tunnel connection to NERSC attached to the compose network. After running docker-compose up, run this container.

If you haven't already, set up MFA on your NERSC account (it's required for SSHing in).

export NERSC_USER=changeme
docker run --rm -it -p 27017:27017 --network nmdc-server_default --name tunnel kroniak/ssh-client ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L $ '/bin/bash -c "while [[ 1 ]]; do echo heartbeat; sleep 300; done"'

You can connect to the instance manually

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --network nmdc-server_default mongoclient/mongoclient

In order to populate the database, you must create a .env file in the top level directory containing mongo credentials.

# .env

With that file in place, populate the docker volume by running,

docker-compose run backend nmdc-server truncate # if necessary
docker-compose run backend nmdc-server migrate
docker-compose run backend nmdc-server ingest -vv --function-limit 100

Running the client

Run the client in development mode.

cd web/
yarn serve

View main application at

Why not localhost?

It is recommended to use instead of localhost for local development. This is because localhost is not allowed as a redirect URI for an ORCID client. The workaround is to register as a redirect URI with ORCID and to use subsequently visit for local testing.



Generating new migrations

# Autogenerate a migration diff from the current HEAD
docker-compose run backend alembic -c nmdc_server/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate

In order to generate a migration, your database state should match HEAD. If you started the server from a totally empty database, then the default behavior is to ignore migration scripts and set up the database to match Before you can generate a migration, you need to reset your database to match HEAD.

# Destroy everything.  You'll lose your data!
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose up -d db
# Create the database
docker-compose run backend psql -c "create database nmdc_a;" -d postgres
# Run migrations to HEAD
docker-compose run backend alembic -c nmdc_server/alembic.ini upgrade head
# Autogenerate a migration diff from the current HEAD
docker-compose run backend alembic -c nmdc_server/alembic.ini revision --autogenerate

Developing with the shell

A handy IPython shell is provided with some commonly used symbols automatically imported, and autoreload 2 enabled. To run it:

docker-compose run --rm backend nmdc-server shell

You can also pass --print-sql to output all SQL queries.