Releases: micronaut-projects/micronaut-rabbitmq
Releases · micronaut-projects/micronaut-rabbitmq
Micronaut RabbitMQ 2.3.0
v2.3.0 (2020-12-14)
Main Changes:
- Upgrade to RabbitMQ Java Client to 5.10.0
Merged pull requests:
- New version is 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT and target micronaut-core 2.3.x branch #180 (@ilopmar)
- Upgrade Kotlin to 1.4.21 #179 (@ilopmar)
- Upgrade micronaut-test to 2.3.0 #178 (@ilopmar)
- Upgrade Testcontainers to 1.15.1 #177 (@ilopmar)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #174 (@micronaut-build)
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.5.1 to v3.5.2 #173 (@dependabot[bot])
- Upgrade RabbitMQ AMQP client to 5.10.0 #171 (@micronaut-build)
Micronaut RabbitMQ 2.2.1
v2.2.1 (2020-12-04)
Closed issues:
- RabbitMQ Health Indicator fails to instantiate when multiple servers are configured #168
- RabbitMQ Health check does not support more than one connection #128
- DefaultRabbitListenerExceptionHandler conflicts with other RabbitListenerExceptionHandler implementations #114
Merged pull requests:
- Support multiple connections in the health indicator #170 (@jameskleeh)
- Bump micronaut-gradle-plugins from 2.0.11 to 2.0.13 #169 (@dependabot[bot])
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #166 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #164 (@micronaut-build)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
- RabbitMQ Health check does not support more than one connection (#128)
Micronaut RabbitMQ 2.2.0
v2.2.0 (2020-11-18)
Main Changes:
- Upgrade to Micronaut 2.1.4
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade to Micronaut 2.1.4 #161 (@ilopmar)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #159 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #156 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #154 (@micronaut-build)
- Bump spock from 1.15.0-rc2 to 1.15.0 #152 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump testcontainers from 1.15.0-rc2 to 1.15.0 #151 (@dependabot[bot])
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #148 (@micronaut-build)
- Upgrade to testcontainers 1.15.0-rc2 #147 (@ilopmar)
- Dependency upgrades #144 (@micronaut-build)
- Set micronaut test to 2.0.0 #143 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #141 (@micronaut-build)
- Bump micronaut-gradle-plugins from 2.0.10 to 2.0.11 #140 (@dependabot[bot])
- Dependency upgrades #139 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #137 (@micronaut-build)
- doc: Add repository section #136 (@sdelamo)
Micronaut RabbitMQ 2.1.0
- Bump up Kotlin to 1.4.0 from 1.3.72
Micronaut RabbitMQ 2.0.0
v2.0.0 (2020-06-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Bump micronaut-gradle-plugins from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 #94 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump micronaut-gradle-plugins from 2.0.0.RC9 to 2.0.0 #93 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Dependency upgrades #92 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #90 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #89 (@micronaut-build)
- Dependency upgrades #88 (@micronaut-build)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Micronaut RabbitMQ v2.0.0.RC1
v2.0.0.RC1 (2020-06-10)
Closed issues:
- Update what's new docs for 2.0 #72
Merged pull requests:
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #86 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #84 (@micronaut-build)
- [rabbitmq] Update common files for branch master #83 (@micronaut-build)
- [TEST] Update common files #80 (@micronaut-build)
- Dependency upgrades #78 (@micronaut-build)
- Bump testcontainers from 1.14.2 to 1.14.3 #73 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Micronaut RabbitMQ 2.0.0.M1
v2.0.0.M1 (2020-05-28)
Breaking changes:
- Change artifact id and package #70
- Artifact rename #71 (@alvarosanchez)
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade to Micronaut 2.x #65 (@alvarosanchez)
Micronaut RabbitMQ 1.2.0
v1.2.0 (2020-05-28)
This release requires Micronaut 1.3, and updates the RabbitMQ version to 5.9
Closed issues:
- Could not convert the publisher acknowledgement response to the return type of the method #66
Merged pull requests:
- Bump testcontainers from 1.10.5 to 1.14.2 #69 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump awaitility from 4.0.1 to 4.0.3 #68 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump kotlintest-runner-junit5 from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 #41 (@dependabot-preview[bot])
- Configuration surrounding defining connections has been expanded to support a list of addresses for fail over and multiple connections.
- Consumers can now define which connection and executor to use.
- Publishers can now define which connection to use.
- Support for specifying the prefetch limit has been added.
- The api:configuration.rabbitmq.serdes.RabbitMessageSerDes[] api has been changed significantly to support setting properties before publishing and deserializing complex types.
- Messages published using the default JSON serialization will now have their content type set to "application/json" if it was not set already.
- A consumer can now bind to the Channel used to consume messages
- Support for Direct Reply-To (RPC) has been added. See <<rpc, the documentation>> for more information.
- A new base class for doing channel initialization has been added to make the process easier. See <<initialization, the documentation>> for more information.
- Support for acknowledging messages with a Boolean return type has been removed.
- Publisher acknowledgements will now be executed on the IO thread pool.