All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AlarmApi | createAlarm | POST /alarms/{Type}/{Uid} | Create alarm |
AlarmApi | deleteAlarm | DELETE /alarm/{Uid} | Delete a component alarm |
AlarmApi | getAlarm | GET /alarm/{Uid} | Get a component alarm |
AlarmApi | listAlarms | GET /alarms/{Type}/{Uid} | List component alarms |
AlarmApi | setAlarm | PUT /alarm/{Uid} | Set a component alarm |
AlarmApi | updateAlarm | PATCH /alarm/{Uid} | Update a component alarm |
AttachmentApi | deleteAttachment | DELETE /attachment/{Type}/{Uid}/{Digest} | Delete an encoded attachment. NOTE: When an attachment is modified the parent component SHOULD also be updated (at least by incremenenting the SEQUENCE property). |
AttachmentApi | getAttachment | GET /attachment/{Type}/{Uid}/{Digest} | Your GET endpoint |
AttachmentApi | listAttachments | GET /attachments/{Type}/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
AttachmentApi | setAttachment | PUT /attachment/{Type}/{Uid}/{Digest} | Replace an encoded binary attachment. NOTE: When an attachment is modified the parent component SHOULD also be updated (at least by incremenenting the SEQUENCE property). |
AttachmentApi | uploadAttachment | POST /attachments/{Type}/{Uid} | Upload a new attachment to the component specified by UID path parameter. NOTE: When an attachment is uploaded the parent component SHOULD also be updated (at least by incremenenting the SEQUENCE property). |
AvailabilityApi | createAvailability | POST /availability | Create a new availability component |
AvailabilityApi | getAvailability | GET /availability/{Uid} | Get resource availability |
AvailabilityApi | listAvailability | GET /availability | Your GET endpoint |
AvailabilityApi | setAvailability | PUT /availability/{Uid} | Replace an existing availability definition |
AvailabilityApi | updateAvailability | PATCH /availability/{Uid} | Update an existing availability definition |
AvailableApi | createAvailable | POST /available/availability/{Uid} | Create a new available definition for the specified availability id. NOTE: When an available definition is created the parent component SHOULD also be updated (at least by incremenenting the SEQUENCE property). |
AvailableApi | deleteAvailable | DELETE /available/{Uid} | Delete an existing available definition. NOTE: When an available definition is modified the parent component SHOULD also be updated (at least by incremenenting the SEQUENCE property). |
AvailableApi | getAvailable | GET /available/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
AvailableApi | listAvailable | GET /available/availability/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
AvailableApi | setAvailable | PUT /available/{Uid} | Replace an existing available definition with a new value. NOTE: When an available definition is modified the parent component SHOULD also be updated (at least by incremenenting the SEQUENCE property). |
AvailableApi | updateAvailable | PATCH /available/{Uid} | Update an existing available definition. NOTE: When an available definition is modified the parent component SHOULD also be updated (at least by incremenenting the SEQUENCE property). |
CalendarApi | createCalendar | POST /calendars | Create a new calendar |
CalendarApi | deleteCalendar | DELETE /calendar/{Uid} | Delete a calendar instance |
CalendarApi | getCalendar | GET /calendar/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
CalendarApi | listCalendars | GET /calendars | Your GET endpoint |
CalendarApi | setCalendar | PUT /calendar/{Uid} | Overwrite a calendar instance |
CalendarApi | updateCalendar | PATCH /calendar/{Uid} | Update a calendar instance |
EventApi | createEvent | POST /events | Create a new event |
EventApi | deleteEvent | DELETE /event/{Uid} | Delete an existing event |
EventApi | getEvent | GET /event/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
EventApi | listEvents | GET /events | Your GET endpoint |
EventApi | setEvent | PUT /event/{Uid} | Create a new revision by replacing the entire component content with the supplied values. |
EventApi | updateEvent | PATCH /event/{Uid} | Create a new event revision using values provided in the payload |
FreebusyApi | requestFreebusy | GET /freebusy | Your GET endpoint |
JournalApi | createJournal | POST /journals | Create a journal entry |
JournalApi | deleteJournal | DELETE /journal/{Uid} | Delete a journal entry |
JournalApi | getJournal | GET /journal/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
JournalApi | listJournals | GET /journals | Your GET endpoint |
JournalApi | setJournal | PUT /journal/{Uid} | Create a new revision by replacing the entire component content with the supplied values. |
JournalApi | updateJournal | PATCH /journal/{Uid} | Update a journal entry |
ListApi | listAlarms | GET /alarms/{Type}/{Uid} | List component alarms |
ListApi | listAttachments | GET /attachments/{Type}/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
ListApi | listAvailability | GET /availability | Your GET endpoint |
ListApi | listAvailable | GET /available/availability/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
ListApi | listCalendars | GET /calendars | Your GET endpoint |
ListApi | listEvents | GET /events | Your GET endpoint |
ListApi | listJournals | GET /journals | Your GET endpoint |
ListApi | listTodos | GET /todos | Your GET endpoint |
TodoApi | createTodo | POST /todos | Create a new todo component |
TodoApi | deleteTodo | DELETE /todo/{Uid} | Remove an existing todo component |
TodoApi | getTodo | GET /todo/{Uid} | Your GET endpoint |
TodoApi | listTodos | GET /todos | Your GET endpoint |
TodoApi | setTodo | PUT /todo/{Uid} | Create a new revision by replacing the entire component content with the supplied values. |
TodoApi | updateTodo | PATCH /todo/{Uid} | Update an existing todo component |
- alarm
- alarm-spec
- attach-spec
- attachment
- attachmentInline
- attachmentRef
- attendee
- availability
- availability-spec
- available
- available-spec
- calendar
- calendar-spec
- comment
- contact
- event
- event-patch
- event-spec
- fbperiod
- freebusy
- journal
- journal-spec
- location
- organizer
- related
- resource
- structuredData
- structuredDataInline
- structuredDataRef
- styledDescription
- styledDescriptionInline
- styledDescriptionRef
- todo
- todo-spec
- trigger
- triggerAbs
- triggerRel
All endpoints do not require authorization.