Releases: microsoft/ARI
Performance Optimization on LoadBalancer module
Improvements on Azure Firewall Module
Improvements on ARC Servers and NSG
Improvements on NSG and PrivateEndpoint
New PostgreSQL Flexible Server Module
Improvements on VNET Module
Improvements on Key Vault Module
Improvements on VNET Peering Module
Improvements on Storage Account Module
NIC Module and improvements on Core Script and SQLDB
New Backup Module
Improvements on VM Module
BugFix on ARCServers Module
Bugfix on Extension Column
Improvements on Log Analytics Workspace Module
Improvements on Stream Analytics Module
Improvements on Private DNS Module
Bugfix on App Services Module
Bugfix on Private Endpoint Module
Improvements on Event Hubs Module
Improvements on App Insights Module
Improvements and Bugfix on AKS Module
What's Changed
- 1.2.2 by @ClaudioMerola in #5
- Added NetworkSecurityGroup report by @ChristopherGLewis in #34
- Updated Tags for consistency, need to check LB.ps1 by @ChristopherGLewis in #39
- Adjustment in resource parameter serialization by @EdneiMonteiro in #64
- Addition of a column with Linked Virtual Network's name by @EdneiMonteiro in #63
- Fix for SQL Server Private Endpoints listing by @EdneiMonteiro in #62
- Nat gateway missing by @EdneiMonteiro in #60
- Modification to prevent jobs from crashing while passing parameters by @EdneiMonteiro in #59
- Unify headers and values in tables containing TLS version. by @anotherbridge in #82
- Fix wrongly displayed annual savings. by @anotherbridge in #81
- Update Charts.ps1 by @jfmatth in #79
- SQL MI integration in the report by @krislev in #84
- Fix typo that leads to no output in TLS version of storage accounts. by @anotherbridge in #90
- Fix: compatibility with WSL and Powershell Unix for diagram by @quintindk in #91
- Filter resources by tag by @rubaroca in #94
- Add VM vCPUs, RAM (GiB) and hybrid benefit texts by @Seppohto in #113
- Fix license type bug by @Seppohto in #114
- Update by @bweissman in #116
- Added ElasticPools and ElasticPoolID in SQL DBs by @foysters in #119
- Feature: added the ability to run ARI for a management group hierarch… by @quintindk in #123
- Fix: added thread sleep during wait for jobs to complete. by @quintindk in #126
- Onboarding to GitOps.ResourceManagement by @microsoft-github-policy-service in #130
- docs: Improving the parameters section by @tanure in #132
- docs: fixes typo in parameters section by @ChrisMissal in #136
- param resourcegroup as array of strings and conversion in graph query by @davymartu in #145
- fix column formats for ip addresses by @davymartu in #152
New Contributors
- @ClaudioMerola made their first contribution in #5
- @ChristopherGLewis made their first contribution in #34
- @EdneiMonteiro made their first contribution in #64
- @anotherbridge made their first contribution in #82
- @jfmatth made their first contribution in #79
- @krislev made their first contribution in #84
- @quintindk made their first contribution in #91
- @rubaroca made their first contribution in #94
- @Seppohto made their first contribution in #113
- @bweissman made their first contribution in #116
- @foysters made their first contribution in #119
- @microsoft-github-policy-service made their first contribution in #130
- @tanure made their first contribution in #132
- @ChrisMissal made their first contribution in #136
- @davymartu made their first contribution in #145
Full Changelog: