In addition to what's described in [future directions](./, there are some things that we'd like to add to the library: ## `@angular-react/core` - Explore the option of replacing the usage of `styles` (with `'react-renderer'`) with `data`, which seems more appropriate for this sort of thing. - The issue with this is that the `ReactRenderer` is currently a singleton, meaning that the `data` is shared across all components, regardless of the component being rendered. - If this is not possible, at least export `'react-renderer'` as a const and import it as needed in wrapper components, if possible (the Angular compiler may complain, at least in AOT compilation). - Explore using [React Portals]( instead of regular `ReactDOM.render()` for every wrapper React component. As described in [limitations](./, currently each component instance is isolated in its own React VDOM tree. Meaning that things that aren't explicitly passed down between components are not shared (like [Context]( There is a good claim to be made that only a root element should be rendered using `ReactDOM.render()`, and then subsequent ones using [`ReactDOM.createPortal()`](, to allow Context etc. to be accessible from all React elements in the tree. Using React Portals introduces some complexity (like [event bubbling](, but we thing it may be worth it, as either an opt-in, or an opt-out feature, per component. There is no technical limitation blocking this, and we are open for community feedback and contributions on this as well. - Explore the _option of_ creating a simple generic wrapper components, similar in nature to what projects like [`react2angular`]( offer (but for Angular 2+), to allow easier usage of React components within Angular. These components would not enjoy the benefit of having a more Angular-y API when exposed to apps, but may be sufficient for some use-cases. See [#103]( for more details and follow up. ## `@angular-react/fabric` - Add more wrapper components for components in `office-ui-fabric-react` - Create more declarative patterns where applicable ([#3](