Some React components have a declarative parent-child relationship (like [Compound Components]( While this is not an issue in itself, sometimes this relationship is very strict, such that only components at the first level after the parent **can be** valid `children` of it. for example: ```tsx function Tabs() { return
} class Tab() { render() { return
} } // Valid
first tab content
second tab content
// Invalid (in a strict relationship)
first tab content
second tab content
``` In the above example the `div`s wrapping the `Tab` components don't make a lot of sense, but when you look how at a naive approach when using Angular-React would work, you'd get this in the DOM: ```html
``` Which wouldn't work if the internal implementation of Tabs is strict: ```javascript props.children.filter(child => child instanceof Tab); ``` For these case the `Disguise` component was created - which accepts all the relevant inputs and renders things in React rather than in Angular, as much as possible: ```typescript interface DisguiseProps { /** * The type to render the root component as. * @default React.Fragment */ disguiseRootAs?: React.ReactType; /** * The type to render the child components as. * @default the Children's own type. */ disguiseChildrenAs?: React.ReactType; /** * The Angular child components to render. */ ngChildComponents?: ReactWrapperComponent[]; } ``` This allows exposing the API as described above to the wrapper component's users (app), while the internal implementation is a bit more complex. Two of the components that use these come from the [Fabric package](./ - [`Link`]( - Since it accepts an (optional) `as` input (exposed as `linkAs` in ``, due to Angular compiler restrictions) - [`Pivot`]( - For the exact reasons described above - it has a strict implementation, not allowing putting any React elements between the `Pivot` and `PivotItem` components (besides `React.Fragment`, which `Disguise` leverages). ## `passProp` decorator > Decorator to specify a property that should be passed as a prop to the underlying React component implicitly. > Mainly useful for passing child components using the `Disguise` component. When using the `Disguise` component to render strict parent-children relationships, you still need to somehow pass `Input`s passed to the child wrapper components to the actual child React elements that will be created within `Disguise`. The `passProp` decorator solves this, and allows specifying an implicit way to pass down props to these elements.