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File metadata and controls

997 lines (849 loc) · 41.6 KB

Table of contents

Beyond the Basics

Related locations

Sometimes there are places in the code other than the result location that can can help you understand a problem. We call these places related locations. SARIF represents related locations with the optional result.relatedLocations property, an array of location objects.

For example, suppose you analyze this Python file:

# 3-Beyond-basics/

expr = input("Expression> ")

The tool might detect the use of eval on a "tainted" variable (one that entered the system through user input and wasn't subsequently "sanitized"), and might produce a result like this (see bad-eval.sarif):

  "ruleId": "PY2335",
  "message": "Use of tainted variable 'expr' in the insecure function 'eval'.",
  "locations": [
      "physicalLocation": {
        "artifactLocation": {
          "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
        "region": {
          "startLine": 4

In a large code base, a user might not immediately see where the variable expr came from or why it is considered tainted. result.relatedLocations can help (see bad-eval-related-locations.sarif):

  "ruleId": "PY2335",
  "message": "Use of tainted variable 'expr' in the insecure function 'eval'.",
  "locations": [
      "physicalLocation": {
        "artifactLocation": {
          "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
        "region": {
          "startLine": 4
  "relatedLocations": [
      "message": {
        "text": "The tainted data entered the system here."
      "physicalLocation": {
        "artifactLocation": {
          "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
        "region": {
          "startLine": 3

The message property of the related location helps the user understand the problem.

More about messages

We have seen that in its simplest usage, a message object has a text property and that's the end of it. But message objects can do much more.

Markdown messages

A message object can optionally have a markdown property containing a string formatted with GitHub-Flavored Markdown (GFM). Not every SARIF viewer will know how to render GFM, so while this is legal:

"message": {
  "text": "This is great!"

... and this is legal:

"message": {
  "text": "This is great!",
  "markdown": "This is _great_!"

... this is not:

"message": {
  "markdown": "This is _illegal_ because there's no `text` property!"

Messages from metadata

Some result messages are long, because a good message not only explains what was wrong: it also explains why the flagged construct is considered questionable, provides guidance for remedying the problem, and explains when it's ok to ignore the result. The Appendix Authoring rule metadata and result messages provides guidance on authoring informative and actionable result messages.

To avoid repeating the lengthy message in every result, a message object can specify an identifier for the message text (see message-from-metadata.sarif):

  "version": "2.1.0",
  "runs": [
      "tool": {
        "driver": {
          "name": "CodeScanner",
          "rules": [
              "id": "CS0001",
              "messageStrings": {
                "default": {
                  "text": "This is the message text. It might be very long."
      "results": [
          "ruleId": "CS0001",
          "ruleIndex": 0,
          "message": {
            "id": "default"

The property tells us to look in the rule metadata for a string named default. The result.ruleIndex property tells us which rule's metadata to look at (the rule at index 0 in tool.driver.rules). The desired message is the property of messageStrings whose name matches id; that is, the property named default.1

This is another of the file-size-vs.-readability tradeoffs that SARIF offers. If rule metadata is available, a tool (or a post-processor) can choose to inline the messages or to refer to them in the metadata.

Messages with arguments

Some messages vary from result to result because (for example) they mention specific variables:

Variable 'x' was used without being initialized.

Messages in metadata can include C#-like placeholders ({0}). If an analysis tool creates message objects that refer to message strings in metadata, it must provide values for the placeholders by populating the arguments property (see message-with-arguments.sarif):

  "version": "2.1.0",
  "runs": [
      "tool": {
        "driver": {
          "name": "CodeScanner",
          "rules": [
              "id": "CS0001",
              "messageStrings": {
                "default": {
                  "text": "Variable '{0}' was used without being initialized."
      "results": [
          "ruleId": "CS0001",
          "ruleIndex": 0,
          "message": {
            "id": "default",
            "arguments": [

The elements of the arguments array are strings! Arguments of other types must be converted to strings before being added to arguments. It's up to the tool to choose the formatting, but it's likely to be culture-invariant.

Messages with embedded links

SARIF messages can include hyperlinks to web sites as well as to constructs within the SARIF file itself. We call these hyperlinks embedded links. Both text messages and Markdown messages can contain embedded links.

Links in text and Markdown

Although a SARIF text message cannot contain formatting, it can contain hyperlinks using a small subset of the Markdown hyperlink syntax:

  "text": "You can learn more about XSS attacks [here]("

All SARIF viewers, even those that don't support Markdown, are expected to render these link properly, for example:

You can learn more about XSS attacks here.

On the other hand, since a SARIF viewer that chooses to render Markdown is presumed to have a full GFM parser available, Markdown messages can use the full link syntax. Here's an example that uses the full reference link syntax:

  "text": "You can learn more about XSS attacks [here](",
  "markdown": "You can learn more about XSS attacks [here][xss].\n\n[xss]:"

Links to locations

SARIF supports a special "link target" syntax that refers to a location mentioned anywhere in the current result. That's a bit abstract-sounding, so let's look at an example (see link-to-location.sarif):

  "ruleId": "PY2335",
  "message": {
    "text": "Use of tainted variable 'expr' (which entered the system [here](1)) in the insecure function 'eval'."
  "locations": [
      "physicalLocation": {
        "artifactLocation": {
          "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
        "region": {
          "startLine": 4
  "relatedLocations": [
      "id": 1,
      "message": {
        "text": "The tainted data entered the system here."
      "physicalLocation": {
        "artifactLocation": {
          "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
        "region": {
          "startLine": 3

See how the target of the embedded link in the message consists of a single integer. This tells a SARIF viewer that the link target is a location defined somewhere in this result whose id property matches that integer. In this example, when a user clicks the link, the viewer should navigate to line 3 in

Typically these links refer to elements of the relatedLocations array (see "Related locations"), but they can point to a location anywhere in the result, for example, in a code flow.

Naturally it's illegal to have more than one location in the same result with the same id.


We've seen that a run object describes a single invocation of a single analysis tool. We've seen that the required run.tool property describes the tool that produced the run. Now we'll discuss the optional run.invocations property, which describes how the tool was invoked.

run.invocations is an array of invocation objects. Since a run describes a single invocation, you probably wonder why run.invocations is an array. The spec explains:3

NOTE: Normally, an analysis tool runs as a single process, and the invocations array requires only one element. The invocations property is defined as an array, rather than as a single invocation object, to accommodate tools which execute a sequence of programs to produce results. For example, a tool might run one program to determine the set of artifacts to analyze and another program to analyze those artifacts. The elements of the invocations array SHOULD, as far as possible, be arranged in chronological order according to the start time of each process. If some of the processes run in parallel, this might not be possible.

In other words, this is another case where support for an advanced scenario complicates the format.

Note that the spec clearly states that the elements of the array together describe a single run of a single tool. It's not correct for it to contain (for example) an invocation of Clang Static Analyzer followed by an invocation of ESLint, or two successive invocations of Clang Static Analyzer.

The only required property of the invocation object is the Boolean executionSuccessful. It's required because you can't tell from the integer exitCode property whether the tool succeeded or failed: not every tool returns 0 on success and non-zero on failure.

There are properties to capture the command line, both as a single string (commandLine) and parsed into arguments (arguments). There are properties for the start and end time (startTimeUtc and endTimeUtc4), for machine and environment information (machine, account, processId, workingDirectory, environmentVariables), and to capture the standard IO streams (stdin, stdout, stderr, stdoutStderr).

Most important, there are properties to capture "notifications" produced by the tool. We'll discuss those next.

If you capture the command line, or if you use the environment-related properties like machine, account, and environmentVaribles, be aware that they can contain sensitive information. SARIF offers a facility to "redact" sensitive information, and you should become familiar with it.5


In addition to analysis results, many tools provide information about their execution, such as progress notifications (for example, "Execution started." or "Analyzing directory src/io...") and error conditions (for example, "Rule CA1304 threw an exception and has been disabled." or "Rule CA9999 cannot be enabled because it does not exist.").

Tool execution notification and tool configuration notifications

SARIF distinguishes two types of notifications, tool configuration notifications and tool execution notifications.

Tool configuration notifications provide information about the configuration of the tool, for example, which options were selected, or which rules were enabled or disabled. They are found in the optional invocation.toolConfigurationNotifications property.

Tool execution notifications provide information about runtime conditions encountered during the tool's execution, such as the analysis start and end times, or an exception encountered during the evaluation of a rule. They are found in the optional invocation.toolExecutionNotifications property.

Both toolConfigurationNotifications and toolExecutionNotifications are arrays of notification objects.

Part of the rationale for distinguishing these notification types is that they are of interest to different audiences. Tool configuration notifications are of interest to build engineers; tool execution notifications (especially those that report runtime exceptions) are of interest to tool authors. Of course both might be of interest to tool users, and on smaller teams the same people might fill all of these roles.

Notifications vs. results

Notifications and results have much in common:

  • They can both have a severity level (for example, "Analysis started." is a "note"-level notification, which "Rule CA1304 threw an exception." is an "error"-level notification.)
  • They both have user-facing messages, possibly parameterized (for example, "Rule {0} threw an exception.").
  • Both can be described by additional metadata such as a full description, a help URI, and so forth.

For this reason, SARIF uses the same object to describe both rule metadata and what the spec refers to as notification metadata: the reportingDescriptor.6

Note that SARIF does not use the same object to represent the results and notifications themselves: a result object is not the same as a notification object. This is because there are so many properties of a result (for example, codeFlows) that don't apply to notifications.

So in our simple example, the property tool.driver.rules was actually an array of reportingDescriptors, and tool.driver has an additional property notifications that is also an array of reportingDescriptors.

For a more detailed example of the definition and use of notifications, see Notifications.sarif.


In the context of code analysis, a taxonomy is a system that classifies analysis results into a set of categories. The SARIF spec uses the term standard taxonomy for a taxonomy defined independently of any particular analysis tool, and custom taxonomy for a taxonomy defined by a tool.7 The Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) is a well-known example of a standard taxonomy.

In a sense, an analysis tool's rule set defines a taxonomy, but the SARIF spec uses the term only for classification systems other than analysis rule sets.

SARIF can represent taxonomies and can associate results with taxa (the individual categories within a taxonomy).

This will be easier to understand with an example. In the example below (see standard-taxonomy.sarif), the analysis tool claims to support the CWE taxonomy. The log file includes only the CWE taxa that are relevant to the results in the log file. The tool's analysis rule CA2101 detects memory leaks that correspond to the "Memory Leak" taxon in the CWE taxonomy.

  "version": "2.1.0",
  "runs": [
      "taxonomies": [
          "name": "CWE",
          "version": "3.2",
          "releaseDateUtc": "2019-01-03",
          "guid": "A9282C88-F1FE-4A01-8137-E8D2A037AB82",
          "informationUri": "",
          "downloadUri": "",
          "organization": "MITRE",
          "shortDescription": {
            "text": "The MITRE Common Weakness Enumeration"
          "taxa": [
              "id": "401",
              "guid": "10F28368-3A92-4396-A318-75B9743282F6",
              "name": "Memory Leak",
              "shortDescription": {
                "text": "Missing Release of Memory After Effective Lifetime"
              "defaultConfiguration": {
                "level": "warning"
          "isComprehensive": false
      "tool": {
        "driver": {
          "name": "CodeScanner",
          "supportedTaxonomies": [
              "name": "CWE",
              "guid": "A9282C88-F1FE-4A01-8137-E8D2A037AB82"
          "rules": [
              "id": "CA2101",
              "shortDescription": {
                "text": "Failed to release dynamic memory."
              "relationships": [
                  "target": {
                    "id": "401",
                    "guid": "A9282C88-F1FE-4A01-8137-E8D2A037AB82",
                    "toolComponent": {
                      "name": "CWE",
                      "guid": "10F28368-3A92-4396-A318-75B9743282F6"
                  "kinds": [
      "results": [
          "ruleId": "CA2101",
          "message": {
            "text": "Memory allocated in variable 'p' was not released."
          "taxa": [
              "id": "401",
              "guid": "A9282C88-F1FE-4A01-8137-E8D2A037AB82",
              "toolComponent": {
                "name": "CWE",
                "guid": "10F28368-3A92-4396-A318-75B9743282F6"

Let's look at this fairly complicated example from top to bottom.

Each element of run.taxonomies describes a standard taxonomy,8 in this case the CWE taxonomy. The array elements are toolComponent objects, the same kind of object as tool.driver and the array elements of tool.extensions.9

toolComponent.taxa defines the individual categories defined by the taxonomy; in this case, the single array element describes the CWE "Memory Leak" category. The array elements are reportingDescriptor objects, the same kind of object as the elements of tool.driver.rules and tool.driver.notifications.10

The log file does not have to include the complete taxonomy; it only needs to include the taxa relevant to the results in the current run. In this example, the value false for toolComponent.isComprehensive tells the SARIF consumer that this object contains only a subset of the taxa defined by the taxonomy.11 (false is actually the default value, which makes sense because a tool should have to make an explicit statement that it has provided the entire taxonomy.)

Moving down to the tool object, we see tool.driver.supportedTaxonomies, which in this example says that this tool supports the CWE taxonomy. The array elements of supportedTaxonomies are toolComponentReference objects, which makes sense since the taxonomies themselves are toolComponent object. The toolComponentReference.guid property matches the guid property in run.taxonomies[0], the object that defines the taxonomy itself.

Now let's look at tool.driver.rules. Recall that each array element is a reportingDescriptor object, which in this context represents an analysis rule. For the first time we encounter reportingDescriptor.relationships, each of whose elements is a reportingDescriptorRelationship object12 which establishes a relationship from this rule to another reportingDescriptor object. The target of the relationship can be a taxon in a taxonomy (as in this example), or another rule within this or another tool component.

The property identifies the target of the relationship. Its value is a reportingDescriptorReference object that identifies a reportingDescriptor within a toolComponent. reportingDescriptorReference.toolComponent, in turn, is a toolComponentReference object (which we met earlier as elements of supportedTaxonomies). All together, this reportingDescriptorReference object designates weakness 401 in the CWE taxonomy.

Finally, reportingDescriptorRelationship.kinds describes the type of this relationship (there can be more than one). In this example, the "superset" relationship kind tells us that CWE weakness 401 is a superset of this rule: that is, every violation of this rule is an example of CWE weakness 401, but not necessarily vice versa.13, 14

At last we come to run.results, where we see that each result can have a property taxa specifying the categories into which this result falls. Like reportingDescriptort.taxa (but unlike toolComponent.taxa, which is an array of reportingDescriptor objects!), result.taxa is an array of reportingDescriptorReference objects.15

In this example, the result is a violation of rule CA2101, and we've already seen that CWE weakness 401 is a superset of CA2101. So we could infer that this result fell into the taxon "CWE 401" even if the SARIF file didn't explicitly say so. And indeed, the spec says, in its usual formal language, that we can omit this element of result.taxa in this case.16

Code flows

Some tools detect issues by simulating the execution of a program, sometimes across multiple threads of execution. SARIF refers to the set of locations encountered in such a simulated execution as a code flow. A SARIF code flow contains one or more thread flows each of which describes a time-ordered sequence of code locations on a single thread of execution.17

Since more than one code flow might be relevant to understanding a result, the optional result.codeFlows property contains an array of codeFlow objects.

Here's an example with a single code flow tracing a single thread of execution. Suppose you analyze this Python file, similar to the example in Related locations, but with a function call for added interest (see

# 3-Beyond-basics/

print("Hello, world!")
expr = input("Expression> ")

def use_input(raw_input):

The tool might produce something like this (see bad-eval-with-code-flow.sarif):

  "version": "2.1.0",
  "runs": [
      "tool": {
        "driver": {
          "name": "PythonScanner"
      "results": [
          "ruleId": "PY2335",
          "message": {
            "text": "Use of tainted variable 'raw_input' in the insecure function 'eval'."
          "locations": [
              "physicalLocation": {
                "artifactLocation": {
                  "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
                "region": {
                  "startLine": 8
          "codeFlows": [
              "message": {
                "text": "Tracing the path from user input to insecure usage."
              "threadFlows": [
                  "locations": [
                      "message": {
                        "text": "The tainted data enters the system here."
                      "location": {
                        "physicalLocation": {
                          "artifactLocation": {
                            "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
                          "region": {
                            "startLine": 3
                      "state": {
                        "expr": {
                          "text": "undef"
                      "nestingLevel": 0
                      "location": {
                        "physicalLocation": {
                          "artifactLocation": {
                            "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
                          "region": {
                            "startLine": 4
                      "state": {
                        "expr": {
                          "text": "42"
                      "nestingLevel": 0
                      "message": {
                        "text": "The tainted data is used insecurely here."
                      "location": {
                        "physicalLocation": {
                          "artifactLocation": {
                            "uri": "3-Beyond-basics/"
                          "region": {
                            "startLine": 8
                      "state": {
                        "raw_input": {
                          "text": "42"
                      "nestingLevel": 1

We see that result.codeFlows is an array containing a single codeFlow object, whose required threadFlows property in turn is an array containing a single threadFlow object. The optional codeFlow.message explains the significance of the code flow. (threadFlow also has an optional message property, not used in this example.) The threadFlow object has a required locations property whose value is an array of threadFlowLocation objects.

Let's look more closely at the threadFlowLocation object. It has an optional message property that describes the significance of the location.

Next, we see that it has a location property of type location, so the code flow can include both physical and logical location information.18, 19

Next we have the state property, whose purpose is to allow a SARIF viewer to provide a "debugger Watch window"-like experience as the user steps through the code flow. The property names can be anything, but they are typically variable names (like the "expr" in this example) or expressions such as "x + y" in the syntax of the language being analyzed. The property values are string representations of the values of the corresponding variables or expressions. For example, if the value of the variable n is the integer 42 and the value of the variable s is the string "Hello", then the state property would look like this:

"state": {
  "n": {
    "text": "42"
  "s": {
    "text": "\"Hello\""

Note that the property values aren't simple strings; they are actually multiformatMessageString objects, which we haven't met before and won't discuss further — except to say that this allows a tool to produce a Markdown version of the expression value for viewers that can render Markdown.

Finally we see the optional nestingLevel property, whose purpose is to allow a SARIF viewer to present an indented view of the execution trace, for example:


The level of indentation would typically track the function call nesting level, but the spec doesn't require that.20

We've just scratched the surface of code flows in SARIF. The codeFlow, threadFlow, and threadFlowLocation objects all have more properties for more advanced scenarios.


You can run a SARIF-producing analysis tool by hand at any time, examine the resulting log file in a text editor or in a SARIF viewer, and use the results to improve your code. But SARIF goes beyond "manual" usage scenarioes with features that support its usage in large teams with elaborate, automated engineering processes.

SARIF provides ways to uniquely identify a run and to describe its role in the user's engineering system. Note that it is the run, not the log file, that has a unique identity. The log file is just a packaging mechanism for a set of runs; it's the runs that are important.21

Run identifiers

A run is identified by the run.automationDetails property, whose name suggests its intended usage: to enable automatic processing of scan results in an engineering system. Its value is an runAutomationDetails object. Here's an example (see automation-details.sarif):

  "version": "2.1.0",
  "runs": [
      "tool": {
        "driver": {
          "name": "CodeScanner"
      "automationDetails": {
        "description": {
          "text": "This is the October 10, 2018 nightly run of the CodeScanner tool on all product binaries in the 'master' branch of the 'sarif-sdk' repo"
        "id": "CodeScanner/nightly/sarif-sdk/master/2018-10-05",
        "guid": "d541006e-582d-4600-a603-64925b7f7f35",
        "correlationGuid": "53819b2e-a790-4f8b-b68f-a145c13b4f39"
      "results": []

The id and guid properties

Depending on the needs of your engineering system, you can identify your runs with a string-valued id property, a guid property, or both.

The id property is what the spec refers to as a hierarchical string.22 In a hierarchical string, the slashes are significant, and they're interpreted as defining a logical hierarchy. This means (for example) that a viewer is allowed to display a list of run ids indented by that hierarchy, or that an API is allowed to support a query such as "find all runs under CodeScanner/nightly/sarif-sdk".

The spec explicitly states when a string-valued property is hierarchical. In string-valued properties that are not hierarchical (which is most of them), slashes are not special and SARIF consumers aren't allowed to assume that they define a logical hierarchy.23

The correlationGuid property


1. CAUTION: message objects appear throughout the SARIF format, not just in result objects. So it's not always appropriate to look up the message string in tool.driver.rules. Depending on context, the string might come from notification metadata (see Notifications) or even from globalMessageStrings, which we won't say more about (see §3.19.22, globalMessageStrings property). You can find the complete, complicated algorithm in §3.11.7, Message string lookup. But you're not likely to need it, because it works as (one hopes!) as you would expect: result messages are looked up in rule metadata, notification messages are looked up in notification metadata, and other messages are looked up in globalMessageStrings. The algorithm is complicated because it also has to see if the message string was specified "inline" in message.text, it has to choose between the text and Markdown forms of the message, and it has to decide whether the message was defined by the tool's driver or by one of its extensions.

2. There is a potential ambiguity here that the spec doesn't explicitly address: namely, that 1 is a perfectly fine relative URI, and you might have analyzed a file named 1. A SARIF producer that uses links to locations should be aware of that, and should disambiguate file names that look like integers by (for example) changing "1" to "./1".

3. See §3.14.11, invocations property

4. All times in SARIF's first-class properties are expressed in UTC, and the properties are named to remind you of that.

5. See §3.5.2, Redactable strings, §3.14.28, redactionTokens property, and search for the string "redactable" in the spec to find all the tokens that might contain sensitive information.

6. Before Michael Fanning noticed the similarities between results and notifications, this object was called simply the rule object. This is a case where in my opinion the generalization of a concept led to a name that was less understandable. But despite my reputation for being a good "namer," I've never been able to come up with a better one.

7. See §3.19.3, Taxonomies.

8. If a tool supported a custom taxonomy, that taxonomy would appear as tool.driver.taxa (or tool.extensions[].taxa if the custom taxonomy were defined by a tool extension). This is a much less common scenario than the use of a standard taxonomy such as CWE, and we won't discuss it further.

9. The reason for this design choice was that almost all of the properties of this object make sense both for the tool's driver and extensions and for taxonomies. The result of this choice is that the spec occasionally has to include text to describe the conditions where certain properties can or cannot appear (see, for example, §3.19.25, taxa property):

If the toolComponent describes a standard taxonomy (for example, the Common Weakness Enumeration [CWE™]), it SHALL NOT contain rules (§3.19.23) or notifications (§3.19.24).

10. Again, the reason for this choice was the almost complete overlap between the properties that make sense for rules, notifications, and taxa. Again, the result is that occasionally the spec has to describe differences among the usages of the same object for different purposes (see, for example, §3.49.11, messageStrings property):

If the reportingDescriptor object defines a rule, the set of property names appearing in the messageStrings property SHALL contain at least the set of strings which occur as values of properties (§3.27.11, §3.11.10) in the current run object...

If the reportingDescriptor object describes a notification, the set of property names appearing in the messageStrings property SHALL contain at least the set of strings which occur as values of for any notification object in the run.

11. To avoid repeating taxonomy definitions in every log file, and to provide access to the complete taxonomy without bloating the log file, SARIF provides a facility called external property files (see §3.15.2) that allows large data sets needed by a SARIF log file to be stored in separate files.

12. See §3.49.11, reportingDescriptorRelationship object.

13. For information about all kinds of reporting descriptor relationships, see §3.53.3, kinds property.

14. The "directionality" of the relationships is confusing. Reading the log file, it appears to say that "Rule CA2101 is a superset of CWE weakness 401," when in fact it's the other way around. The TC made this choice because the relationship kind definitions came from an existing tool, and the TC felt that it would confuse users of that tool if SARIF's definitions were the opposite of the tool's.

15. Admittedly this is a bit confusing to remember. The SARIF TC considered using distinct names, so that the properties in reportingDescriptor and result would have been named (for example) "taxonReferences" instead of "taxa". We eventually decided that the more concise name was preferable. Actually the TC went through a little naming exercise at the end where we changed several properties names to improve conciseness. This might surprise you if you read the spec and encounter a name like externalPropertyFileReference!

16. As §3.27.8, taxa property so eloquently puts it:

thisObject.taxa does not need to contain elements which correspond to superset or equals relationships; rather, the result SHALL implicitly be taken to fall into all the taxa described by those relationships.

17. The spec does not commit to any particular operating system implementation of the concept of "thread of execution" (§3.36.1, Code flow object, General):

We define a thread flow as a temporally ordered sequence of code locations occurring within a single thread of execution, typically an operating system thread or a fiber.

18. Here's another example of where reasonable people might disagree about the property naming. The array elements of threadFlow.locations are of type threadFlowLocation (not of type location), whereas the property threadFlowLocation.location is of type location. Perhaps threadFlow.locations should have been named threadFlow.threadFlowLocations, but again, the TC chose conciseness in naming.

19. threadFlowLocation.location is almost always present, but it's not required because there are rare circumstances where location information is not available. See §3.38.3, location property for such an example.

20. Here's what the spec actually says about threadFlowLocation.nestingLevel (see §3.38.10, nestingLevel property):

[It] represents any type of logical containment hierarchy among the threadFlowLocation objects in the threadFlow. Typically, it represents function call depth.

A viewer that renders a threadFlow SHOULD provide a visual representation of the value of nestingLevel. Typically, this would be an indentation indicating the depth of each location in the call tree.

21. The SARIF spec doesn't say these words. This is simply a point of view I advocated in the TC design meetings, whenever we argued over whether a particular property should appear on the run object or the sarifLog object. The fact that the sarifLog object has hardly any properties of its own beyond the runs array indicates that this point of view prevailed.

22. See §3.5.4, Hierarchical strings

23. Within a team's engineering system, there might be out of band information (such as a convention) that interprets other string-valued properties as hierarchical strings, and tools built to work within that engineering system might respect that hierarchy. But the log files won't be interoperable, in the sense that "generic" SARIF tools — tools not specifically built to work within that engineering system — won't recognize the hierarchy.

Table of contents