From 19586e38e2efa8a4c60b403238117595bbdda11c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Microsoft Graph DevX Tooling <>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 12:25:20 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] feat(generation): update request builders and models

Update generated files with build 165500
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php  |   5 +-
 ...ssagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilder.php     |   4 +-
 .../ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilder.php    |   6 +-
 ...cyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php   |   2 +-
 .../ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilder.php      |   6 +-
 ...liciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php   |   2 +-
 .../TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php   |   2 +-
 ...nagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 ...ationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilder.php    |   6 +-
 ...usItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilder.php      |   6 +-
 ...atusesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 ...nagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 ...ntItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 ...bileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 ...ationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilder.php      |  18 +-
 ...ppItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../MobileApps/MobileAppsRequestBuilder.php   |   6 +-
 ...DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilder.php |  12 +-
 ...liciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 ...viceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilder.php |  18 +-
 ...cyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php    |  12 +-
 ...ationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php |  18 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 ...EnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 ...ollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php |  12 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../DeviceManagementRequestBuilder.php        |   2 +-
 .../Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilder.php |  12 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilder.php     |   4 +-
 ...ctItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php     |   4 +-
 ...rdItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php     |   4 +-
 ...rdItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../RetentionLabelRequestBuilder.php          |   6 +-
 .../EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilder.php      |   4 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 src/Generated/Groups/GroupsRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 .../Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilder.php   |   8 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php        |   6 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php  |   5 +-
 ...ssagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../ConversationThreadItemRequestBuilder.php  |   2 +-
 .../Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilder.php        |   6 +-
 .../PostsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php        |   6 +-
 .../Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilder.php  |   6 +-
 ...geItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 ...stomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilder.php      |   6 +-
 ...ntItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Models/AttackSimulationOperation.php      |   3 +
 src/Generated/Models/Community.php            |   7 +-
 src/Generated/Models/Domain.php               |  32 +-
 src/Generated/Models/EmployeeExperience.php   |   3 +
 .../Models/EngagementAsyncOperation.php       |   3 +
 src/Generated/Models/Entity.php               |   2 +
 src/Generated/Models/Group.php                |   3 +
 src/Generated/Models/KeyCredential.php        |   8 +-
 src/Generated/Models/LongRunningOperation.php |   3 +
 src/Generated/Models/ProtectionRuleBase.php   |   4 +-
 .../Models/RichLongRunningOperation.php       |   3 +
 .../Models/Security/AdditionalOptions.php     |  15 +
 src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseAction.php  |   2 +
 .../Models/Security/CaseOperation.php         |   1 +
 .../Models/Security/DeviceEvidence.php        |  66 ++++
 .../EdiscoverySearchExportOperation.php       | 246 +++++++++++++
 .../Models/Security/ExportCriteria.php        |  11 +
 .../Models/Security/ExportFormat.php          |  12 +
 .../Models/Security/ExportLocation.php        |  11 +
 src/Generated/Models/User.php                 |   7 +-
 .../BannerLogo/BannerLogoRequestBuilder.php   |   6 +-
 .../Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilder.php   |  12 +-
 ...onItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../EdiscoverySearchItemRequestBuilder.php    |  16 +
 .../ExportReportPostRequestBody.php           | 205 +++++++++++
 ...raphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder.php |  76 +++++
 ...RequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php |  22 ++
 .../ExportResultPostRequestBody.php           | 250 ++++++++++++++
 ...raphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder.php |  76 +++++
 ...RequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php |  22 ++
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilder.php     |   6 +-
 ...stItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilder.php   |   6 +-
 .../SitesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Enable/EnableRequestBuilder.php           |   4 +-
 .../GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php  |   5 +-
 ...ssagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Replies/RepliesRequestBuilder.php    |   6 +-
 .../GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php  |   5 +-
 ...ssagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilder.php |   6 +-
 .../GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php  |   5 +-
 ...ssagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php  |   5 +-
 ...ssagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilder.php  |   6 +-
 ...esenceRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 .../Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php   | 114 -------
 .../Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php    |   9 +-
 .../Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilder.php     |   6 +-
 ...erItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilder.php   |   8 +-
 .../UsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php |   2 +-
 src/Generated/kiota-dom-export.txt            | 323 ++++++++----------
 src/Generated/kiota-lock.json                 |   2 +-
 146 files changed, 1481 insertions(+), 2097 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Models/Security/AdditionalOptions.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Models/Security/EdiscoverySearchExportOperation.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportCriteria.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportFormat.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportLocation.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/ExportReportPostRequestBody.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/ExportResultPostRequestBody.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder.php
 create mode 100644 src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
 delete mode 100644 src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php

diff --git a/src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 151fac8d607..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Applications\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 786650ebb53..27e09e302b1 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Applications/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
index 5a5fc20530e..41df40bb6ad 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages from all chats that a user is a participant in, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<GetAllRetainedMessagesGetResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages from all chats that a user is a participant in, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index ea0dc00e7a0..f9048fa95bf 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+ * Get all retained messages from all chats that a user is a participant in, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
 class GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 234639418d3..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Contacts\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 6baf93def2f..6a9740dcbb6 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Contacts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 720a3461669..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Contracts\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 1e4d0d89b4d..3266b126a47 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Contracts/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilder.php
index 88287f64f28..d6f3bb07b46 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilder.php
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * @param DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceAppManagement|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public function get(?DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $r
      * @param DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceAppManagement|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(DeviceAppManagement $body, ?DeviceAppManagementRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilder.php
index 585633ea447..ea6ff0df539 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ public function delete(?ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfigura
-     * Read properties and relationships of the windowsInformationProtection object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppConfiguration object.
      * @param ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedAppPolicy|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderDe
-     * Read properties and relationships of the windowsInformationProtection object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppConfiguration object.
      * @param ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 01409153916..ef9bce96aef 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the windowsInformationProtection object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppConfiguration object.
 class ManagedAppPolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
index c14dff918a3..2c92f59d08d 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * @param TargetAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(TargetAppsPostRequestBody $body, ?TargetAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilder.php
index 53195d29d1f..5230cbcc5ad 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * List properties and relationships of the windowsInformationProtection objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppPolicy objects.
      * @param ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedAppPolicyCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public function post(ManagedAppPolicy $body, ?ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderPo
-     * List properties and relationships of the windowsInformationProtection objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppPolicy objects.
      * @param ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index e14d5359821..075c0ea67e0 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppPolicies/ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * List properties and relationships of the windowsInformationProtection objects.
+ * List properties and relationships of the managedAppPolicy objects.
 class ManagedAppPoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/AppliedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/AppliedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
index e141c5e3073..0cf00c54e3d 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/AppliedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/AppliedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * @param TargetAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(TargetAppsPostRequestBody $body, ?TargetAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/IntendedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/IntendedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
index ae38e904200..d534a409ba9 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/IntendedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/IntendedPolicies/Item/TargetApps/TargetAppsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * @param TargetAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(TargetAppsPostRequestBody $body, ?TargetAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilder.php
index 8fffbf674ef..f2aeb41e1d8 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ public function delete(?ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestCon
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosManagedAppRegistration object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the androidManagedAppRegistration object.
      * @param ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedAppRegistration|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBui
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosManagedAppRegistration object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the androidManagedAppRegistration object.
      * @param ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 92858399e1b..bae004f29fe 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/Item/ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the iosManagedAppRegistration object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the androidManagedAppRegistration object.
 class ManagedAppRegistrationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilder.php
index 0e65ab6bf24..81082a207c7 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppRegistration objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the androidManagedAppRegistration objects.
      * @param ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedAppRegistrationCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public function post(ManagedAppRegistration $body, ?ManagedAppRegistrationsReque
-     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppRegistration objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the androidManagedAppRegistration objects.
      * @param ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index b4f489ab30a..8163f822b71 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppRegistrations/ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * List properties and relationships of the managedAppRegistration objects.
+ * List properties and relationships of the androidManagedAppRegistration objects.
 class ManagedAppRegistrationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilder.php
index 767ab2c7107..1b81a537200 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ public function delete(?ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfigura
-     * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppStatus object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppStatusRaw object.
      * @param ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedAppStatus|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderDe
-     * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppStatus object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppStatusRaw object.
      * @param ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 1a778e35b25..e257e0cbe70 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/Item/ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppStatus object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the managedAppStatusRaw object.
 class ManagedAppStatusItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilder.php
index 1b6706769e5..09583ad8d7a 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppStatus objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppStatusRaw objects.
      * @param ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedAppStatusCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public function post(ManagedAppStatus $body, ?ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderPo
-     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppStatus objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the managedAppStatusRaw objects.
      * @param ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 1de2629bd1c..02671246a61 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedAppStatuses/ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * List properties and relationships of the managedAppStatus objects.
+ * List properties and relationships of the managedAppStatusRaw objects.
 class ManagedAppStatusesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilder.php
index 3d660b86958..b364b796be0 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ public function delete(?ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestCon
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosVppEBookAssignment object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedEBookAssignment object.
      * @param ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedEBookAssignment|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBui
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosVppEBookAssignment object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedEBookAssignment object.
      * @param ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index fa920db8c52..854e051c551 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/ManagedEBooks/Item/Assignments/Item/ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the iosVppEBookAssignment object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the managedEBookAssignment object.
 class ManagedEBookAssignmentItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
index 6cfa31634c9..3e80867291c 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ public function delete(?ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDel
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosMobileAppConfiguration object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration object.
      * @param ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationI
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosMobileAppConfiguration object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration object.
      * @param ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 4b0240dadba..22dd29d03d8 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/Item/ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the iosMobileAppConfiguration object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration object.
 class ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
index b7f2940d11f..feacdc9ddcd 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * List properties and relationships of the iosMobileAppConfiguration objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration objects.
      * @param MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public function post(ManagedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration $body, ?MobileAppConfig
-     * List properties and relationships of the iosMobileAppConfiguration objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration objects.
      * @param MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 804ed807506..b6d9410cd6a 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileAppConfigurations/MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * List properties and relationships of the iosMobileAppConfiguration objects.
+ * List properties and relationships of the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration objects.
 class MobileAppConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilder.php
index ff5bc832a3a..5ce3f81fd97 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Deletes a androidStoreApp.
+     * Deletes a managedIOSStoreApp.
      * @param MobileAppItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function delete(?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toDeleteRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ public function delete(?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $r
-     * Read properties and relationships of the windowsWebApp object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the iosLobApp object.
      * @param MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<MobileApp|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ public function get(?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $request
-     * Update the properties of a microsoftStoreForBusinessApp object.
+     * Update the properties of a managedIOSStoreApp object.
      * @param MobileApp $body The request body
      * @param MobileAppItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<MobileApp|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(MobileApp $body, ?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ public function patch(MobileApp $body, ?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestC
-     * Deletes a androidStoreApp.
+     * Deletes a managedIOSStoreApp.
      * @param MobileAppItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderDeleteReq
-     * Read properties and relationships of the windowsWebApp object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the iosLobApp object.
      * @param MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetRequestCo
-     * Update the properties of a microsoftStoreForBusinessApp object.
+     * Update the properties of a managedIOSStoreApp object.
      * @param MobileApp $body The request body
      * @param MobileAppItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 743090e3234..db31f6b6341 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/Item/MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the windowsWebApp object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the iosLobApp object.
 class MobileAppItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/MobileAppsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/MobileAppsRequestBuilder.php
index e56d38dd166..36175b05f61 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/MobileAppsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceAppManagement/MobileApps/MobileAppsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ public function get(?MobileAppsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestCon
-     * Create a new macOSLobApp object.
+     * Create a new windowsAppX object.
      * @param MobileApp $body The request body
      * @param MobileAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<MobileApp|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(MobileApp $body, ?MobileAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?MobileAppsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfi
-     * Create a new macOSLobApp object.
+     * Create a new windowsAppX object.
      * @param MobileApp $body The request body
      * @param MobileAppsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilder.php
index f245cacf9fe..8b35d3bd20f 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * List properties and relationships of the windows10MobileCompliancePolicy objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the macOSCompliancePolicy objects.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceCompliancePolicyCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ public function get(?DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfigurati
-     * Create a new windows10MobileCompliancePolicy object.
+     * Create a new windows10CompliancePolicy object.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicy $body The request body
      * @param DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceCompliancePolicy|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(DeviceCompliancePolicy $body, ?DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public function post(DeviceCompliancePolicy $body, ?DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequ
-     * List properties and relationships of the windows10MobileCompliancePolicy objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the macOSCompliancePolicy objects.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderG
-     * Create a new windows10MobileCompliancePolicy object.
+     * Create a new windows10CompliancePolicy object.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicy $body The request body
      * @param DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index c302cd790e2..2f89606b58e 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * List properties and relationships of the windows10MobileCompliancePolicy objects.
+ * List properties and relationships of the macOSCompliancePolicy objects.
 class DeviceCompliancePoliciesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilder.php
index 501377ce241..f54f201acc4 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Deletes a windows81CompliancePolicy.
+     * Deletes a androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function delete(?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toDeleteRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ public function delete(?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestCon
-     * Read properties and relationships of the androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceCompliancePolicy object.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceCompliancePolicy|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -133,12 +133,12 @@ public function get(?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfigura
-     * Update the properties of a windows81CompliancePolicy object.
+     * Update the properties of a androidCompliancePolicy object.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicy $body The request body
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceCompliancePolicy|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(DeviceCompliancePolicy $body, ?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public function patch(DeviceCompliancePolicy $body, ?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemR
-     * Deletes a windows81CompliancePolicy.
+     * Deletes a androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBui
-     * Read properties and relationships of the androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceCompliancePolicy object.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilde
-     * Update the properties of a windows81CompliancePolicy object.
+     * Update the properties of a androidCompliancePolicy object.
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicy $body The request body
      * @param DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index b4825fdae1d..d7debf15f83 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceCompliancePolicies/Item/DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the deviceCompliancePolicy object.
 class DeviceCompliancePolicyItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
index 423c29ee2f8..dc9a5f9c262 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * List properties and relationships of the windows81GeneralConfiguration objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the editionUpgradeConfiguration objects.
      * @param DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceConfigurationCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ public function get(?DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $
-     * Create a new windows10TeamGeneralConfiguration object.
+     * Create a new windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceConfiguration $body The request body
      * @param DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceConfiguration|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(DeviceConfiguration $body, ?DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ public function post(DeviceConfiguration $body, ?DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuil
-     * List properties and relationships of the windows81GeneralConfiguration objects.
+     * List properties and relationships of the editionUpgradeConfiguration objects.
      * @param DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRe
-     * Create a new windows10TeamGeneralConfiguration object.
+     * Create a new windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceConfiguration $body The request body
      * @param DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index d63576daa9b..d7ff339fa94 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * List properties and relationships of the windows81GeneralConfiguration objects.
+ * List properties and relationships of the editionUpgradeConfiguration objects.
 class DeviceConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
index 742b7d73f5d..a9ac2c79204 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Deletes a editionUpgradeConfiguration.
+     * Deletes a windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration.
      * @param DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function delete(?DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toDeleteRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ public function delete(?DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfig
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosCertificateProfile object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceConfiguration|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ public function getOmaSettingPlainTextValueWithSecretReferenceValueId(string $se
-     * Update the properties of a windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration object.
+     * Update the properties of a windows10GeneralConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceConfiguration $body The request body
      * @param DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceConfiguration|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(DeviceConfiguration $body, ?DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ public function patch(DeviceConfiguration $body, ?DeviceConfigurationItemRequest
-     * Deletes a editionUpgradeConfiguration.
+     * Deletes a windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration.
      * @param DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilde
-     * Read properties and relationships of the iosCertificateProfile object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGe
-     * Update the properties of a windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration object.
+     * Update the properties of a windows10GeneralConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceConfiguration $body The request body
      * @param DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 94f7943a648..18dac0f0170 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceConfigurations/Item/DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the iosCertificateProfile object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration object.
 class DeviceConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
index f47aa1f4793..b726f577dbe 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ public function get(?DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfi
-     * Create a new deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration object.
+     * Create a new deviceEnrollmentLimitConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfiguration $body The request body
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceEnrollmentConfiguration|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(DeviceEnrollmentConfiguration $body, ?DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBu
-     * Create a new deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration object.
+     * Create a new deviceEnrollmentLimitConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfiguration $body The request body
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
index 70a5d9a1d72..418ef0b5a51 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Deletes a deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration.
+     * Deletes a deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration.
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function delete(?DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toDeleteRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ public function delete(?DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteReq
-     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceEnrollmentConfiguration|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ public function patch(DeviceEnrollmentConfiguration $body, ?DeviceEnrollmentConf
-     * Deletes a deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration.
+     * Deletes a deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration.
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemReq
-     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration object.
      * @param DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 3eb55aa0e82..6c181a7a96b 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations/Item/DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration object.
 class DeviceEnrollmentConfigurationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceManagementRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceManagementRequestBuilder.php
index 263498ed6d3..7fb9a5aad64 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceManagementRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/DeviceManagementRequestBuilder.php
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ public function getEffectivePermissionsWithScope(string $scope): GetEffectivePer
      * @param DeviceManagementRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DeviceManagement|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(DeviceManagement $body, ?DeviceManagementRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilder.php
index 915ba4e6526..3a5609743b5 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Deletes a roleDefinition.
+     * Deletes a deviceAndAppManagementRoleDefinition.
      * @param RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function delete(?RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toDeleteRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ public function delete(?RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfigurati
-     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceAndAppManagementRoleDefinition object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the roleDefinition object.
      * @param RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<RoleDefinition|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public function patch(RoleDefinition $body, ?RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderPat
-     * Deletes a roleDefinition.
+     * Deletes a deviceAndAppManagementRoleDefinition.
      * @param RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderDele
-     * Read properties and relationships of the deviceAndAppManagementRoleDefinition object.
+     * Read properties and relationships of the roleDefinition object.
      * @param RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 66802fd4f88..6ab7af424b5 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DeviceManagement/RoleDefinitions/Item/RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the deviceAndAppManagementRoleDefinition object.
+ * Read properties and relationships of the roleDefinition object.
 class RoleDefinitionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d8e8f36a85..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Devices\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index f8e818f21ad..824d6a7a2b7 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Devices/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 887362f0e46..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Directory\DeletedItems\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 4dbcc848e7e..1bf1ec1ac02 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Directory/DeletedItems/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b7450c745..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\DirectoryObjects\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 4cd7a97fe5b..fccda8b9ff0 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DirectoryObjects/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c71b2f7e53..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\DirectoryRoleTemplates\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index ec1bc9efc68..c6f5db43c65 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DirectoryRoleTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c24a243461..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\DirectoryRoles\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 9c69376885f..fe7823dd51b 100644
--- a/src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/DirectoryRoles/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilder.php
index 70bf506a4c5..f74e35f4ebb 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand and $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
+     * The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand. Supports $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
      * @param DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public function get(?DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $r
-     * The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand and $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
+     * The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand. Supports $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
      * @param DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 2399418ec19..00789c3ad52 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/DomainNameReferences/Item/DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand and $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
+ * The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand. Supports $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
 class DirectoryObjectItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php
index aeeac202e58..0ba9b0ee300 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public function delete(?DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfigurat
-     * DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @param DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DomainDnsRecord|null>
      * @throws Exception
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderDel
-     * DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @param DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 425fb157253..bae55d4c678 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/ServiceConfigurationRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+ * DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
 class DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php
index b11ce96e0fd..e3d589ebb87 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public function delete(?DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfigurat
-     * DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @param DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DomainDnsRecord|null>
      * @throws Exception
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderDel
-     * DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @param DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 7896ff24c5b..6dd43476a01 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Domains/Item/VerificationDnsRecords/Item/DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+ * DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
 class DomainDnsRecordItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Drives/Item/Items/Item/RetentionLabel/RetentionLabelRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Drives/Item/Items/Item/RetentionLabel/RetentionLabelRequestBuilder.php
index 419c92ac755..47be9ad9743 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Drives/Item/Items/Item/RetentionLabel/RetentionLabelRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Drives/Item/Items/Item/RetentionLabel/RetentionLabelRequestBuilder.php
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ public function get(?RetentionLabelRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $reques
-     * Apply (set) a retention label on a driveItem (files and folders). Retention labels don't need to be published in a retention label policy to be applied using this method. When a retention label is applied to a folder, all the items in the folder are tagged with the same retention label. For information about conflict resolution for retention labels, see Will an existing label be overridden or removed. For information about retention labels from an administrator's perspective, see Use retention labels to manage the lifecycle of documents stored in SharePoint.
+     * Lock or unlock a retention label on a driveItem that classifies content as records. For information about retention labels from an administrator's perspective, see Use retention labels to manage the lifecycle of documents stored in SharePoint. For more information about how you can lock and unlock retention labels, see Use record versioning to update records stored in SharePoint or OneDrive.
      * @param ItemRetentionLabel $body The request body
      * @param RetentionLabelRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ItemRetentionLabel|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(ItemRetentionLabel $body, ?RetentionLabelRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?RetentionLabelRequestBuilderGetRequestC
-     * Apply (set) a retention label on a driveItem (files and folders). Retention labels don't need to be published in a retention label policy to be applied using this method. When a retention label is applied to a folder, all the items in the folder are tagged with the same retention label. For information about conflict resolution for retention labels, see Will an existing label be overridden or removed. For information about retention labels from an administrator's perspective, see Use retention labels to manage the lifecycle of documents stored in SharePoint.
+     * Lock or unlock a retention label on a driveItem that classifies content as records. For information about retention labels from an administrator's perspective, see Use retention labels to manage the lifecycle of documents stored in SharePoint. For more information about how you can lock and unlock retention labels, see Use record versioning to update records stored in SharePoint or OneDrive.
      * @param ItemRetentionLabel $body The request body
      * @param RetentionLabelRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/EmployeeExperience/EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/EmployeeExperience/EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilder.php
index 5fbc0e84552..7aab2efff47 100644
--- a/src/Generated/EmployeeExperience/EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/EmployeeExperience/EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilder.php
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public function learningCourseActivitiesWithExternalcourseActivityId(string $ext
      * Update employeeExperience
-     * @param EmployeeExperience $body The request body
+     * @param EmployeeExperience $body Represents a container that exposes navigation properties for employee experience resources.
      * @param EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<EmployeeExperience|null>
      * @throws Exception
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilderGetRequ
      * Update employeeExperience
-     * @param EmployeeExperience $body The request body
+     * @param EmployeeExperience $body Represents a container that exposes navigation properties for employee experience resources.
      * @param EmployeeExperienceRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c0c5781db..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\GroupSettingTemplates\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index abd444baf7a..5c35dbfb9ce 100644
--- a/src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/GroupSettingTemplates/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/GroupsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/GroupsRequestBuilder.php
index f6a2b404f5e..53cf3f32c0e 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/GroupsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/GroupsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ public function get(?GroupsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfigu
-     * Create a new group as specified in the request body. You can create the following types of groups: This operation returns by default only a subset of the properties for each group. These default properties are noted in the Properties section. To get properties that are not returned by default, do a GET operation and specify the properties in a $select OData query option.
+     * Create a new group object if it doesn't exist, or update the properties of an existing group object.You can create or update the following types of group: By default, this operation returns only a subset of the properties for each group. For a list of properties that are returned by default, see the Properties section of the group resource. To get properties that are not returned by default, do a GET operation and specify the properties in a $select OData query option.
      * @param Group $body The request body
      * @param GroupsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<Group|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(Group $body, ?GroupsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?GroupsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfigura
-     * Create a new group as specified in the request body. You can create the following types of groups: This operation returns by default only a subset of the properties for each group. These default properties are noted in the Properties section. To get properties that are not returned by default, do a GET operation and specify the properties in a $select OData query option.
+     * Create a new group object if it doesn't exist, or update the properties of an existing group object.You can create or update the following types of group: By default, this operation returns only a subset of the properties for each group. For a list of properties that are returned by default, see the Properties section of the group resource. To get properties that are not returned by default, do a GET operation and specify the properties in a $select OData query option.
      * @param Group $body The request body
      * @param GroupsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilder.php
index a21735b2eae..707dc038739 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * @param ConversationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function delete(?ConversationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toDeleteRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ public function delete(?ConversationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration
-     * The group's conversations.
+     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of conversation object.
      * @param ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<Conversation|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?ConversationItemRequestBuilderDelete
-     * The group's conversations.
+     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of conversation object.
      * @param ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 54b516ea9f8..7065f9e0262 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * The group's conversations.
+ * Retrieve the properties and relationships of conversation object.
 class ConversationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php
index ff71408b5cc..87ff9d06b72 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Conversations/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Reply to a post and add a new post to the specified thread in a group conversation.  You can specify both the parent conversation and thread in the request, or, you can specify just the parent thread without the parent conversation.
+     * Create an open extension (openTypeExtension object) and add custom properties in a new or existing instance of a resource. You can create an open extension in a resource instance and store custom data to it all in the same operation, except for specific resources. The table in the Permissions section lists the resources that support open extensions.
      * @param ReplyPostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(ReplyPostRequestBody $body, ?ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public function post(ReplyPostRequestBody $body, ?ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequest
-     * Reply to a post and add a new post to the specified thread in a group conversation.  You can specify both the parent conversation and thread in the request, or, you can specify just the parent thread without the parent conversation.
+     * Create an open extension (openTypeExtension object) and add custom properties in a new or existing instance of a resource. You can create an open extension in a resource instance and store custom data to it all in the same operation, except for specific resources. The table in the Permissions section lists the resources that support open extensions.
      * @param ReplyPostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 000601748dd..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Groups\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 4647e12afde..3194e2b9154 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
index c61de3e6b5c..94caec6ffd9 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<GetAllRetainedMessagesGetResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 20ece9759f7..bc873cef802 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Team/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+ * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
 class GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/ConversationThreadItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/ConversationThreadItemRequestBuilder.php
index ed15aa44905..5d9dc5868e9 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/ConversationThreadItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/ConversationThreadItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * @param ConversationThreadItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function delete(?ConversationThreadItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toDeleteRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilder.php
index 50b0c921966..5400772fd5f 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilder.php
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Get the properties and relationships of a post in a specified thread. You can specify both the parent conversation and the thread, or, you can specify the thread without referencing the parent conversation. Since the post resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in a post instance.
+     * Get the posts of the specified thread. You can specify both the parent conversation and the thread, or,you can specify the thread without referencing the parent conversation.
      * @param PostsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<PostCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?PostsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public function get(?PostsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfigur
-     * Get the properties and relationships of a post in a specified thread. You can specify both the parent conversation and the thread, or, you can specify the thread without referencing the parent conversation. Since the post resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in a post instance.
+     * Get the posts of the specified thread. You can specify both the parent conversation and the thread, or,you can specify the thread without referencing the parent conversation.
      * @param PostsRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 80d8fda794c..c3d334096ac 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Posts/PostsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Get the properties and relationships of a post in a specified thread. You can specify both the parent conversation and the thread, or, you can specify the thread without referencing the parent conversation. Since the post resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in a post instance.
+ * Get the posts of the specified thread. You can specify both the parent conversation and the thread, or,you can specify the thread without referencing the parent conversation.
 class PostsRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php
index f4530b3b65b..719c5714495 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Groups/Item/Threads/Item/Reply/ReplyRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Reply to a post and add a new post to the specified thread in a group conversation.  You can specify both the parent conversation and thread in the request, or, you can specify just the parent thread without the parent conversation.
+     * Create an open extension (openTypeExtension object) and add custom properties in a new or existing instance of a resource. You can create an open extension in a resource instance and store custom data to it all in the same operation, except for specific resources. The table in the Permissions section lists the resources that support open extensions.
      * @param ReplyPostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<void|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(ReplyPostRequestBody $body, ?ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public function post(ReplyPostRequestBody $body, ?ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequest
-     * Reply to a post and add a new post to the specified thread in a group conversation.  You can specify both the parent conversation and thread in the request, or, you can specify just the parent thread without the parent conversation.
+     * Create an open extension (openTypeExtension object) and add custom properties in a new or existing instance of a resource. You can create an open extension in a resource instance and store custom data to it all in the same operation, except for specific resources. The table in the Permissions section lists the resources that support open extensions.
      * @param ReplyPostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param ReplyRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilder.php
index 7ed57d3f26d..1ade86add76 100644
--- a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ public function delete(?AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguratio
-     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackage object.
+     * Retrieve an access package with a list of accessPackageResourceRoleScope objects. These objects represent the resource roles that an access package assigns to each subject. Each object links to an accessPackageResourceRole and an accessPackageResourceScope.
      * @param AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<AccessPackage|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderDelet
-     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackage object.
+     * Retrieve an access package with a list of accessPackageResourceRoleScope objects. These objects represent the resource roles that an access package assigns to each subject. Each object links to an accessPackageResourceRole and an accessPackageResourceScope.
      * @param AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index b0dedf46c49..95e920d4be4 100644
--- a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/AccessPackages/Item/AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Retrieve the properties and relationships of an accessPackage object.
+ * Retrieve an access package with a list of accessPackageResourceRoleScope objects. These objects represent the resource roles that an access package assigns to each subject. Each object links to an accessPackageResourceRole and an accessPackageResourceScope.
 class AccessPackageItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilder.php
index 75379f8964e..a0f01050229 100644
--- a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ public function delete(?CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestCon
-     * Read the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object.
+     * Read the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentRequestWorkflowExtension object.
      * @param CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<CustomCalloutExtension|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBui
-     * Read the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object.
+     * Read the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentRequestWorkflowExtension object.
      * @param CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index e76ab2b8876..dae8c9ba9e5 100644
--- a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/EntitlementManagement/Catalogs/Item/CustomWorkflowExtensions/Item/CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object.
+ * Read the properties and relationships of an accessPackageAssignmentRequestWorkflowExtension object.
 class CustomCalloutExtensionItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilder.php
index 943430a02e7..4e607afdbae 100644
--- a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ public function delete(?AgreementItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $r
-     * Retrieve all files related to an agreement. This includes the default file and all localized files.
+     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of an agreement object.
      * @param AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<Agreement|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?AgreementItemRequestBuilderDeleteReq
-     * Retrieve all files related to an agreement. This includes the default file and all localized files.
+     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of an agreement object.
      * @param AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index c02c9925684..3ba58bfc831 100644
--- a/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/IdentityGovernance/TermsOfUse/Agreements/Item/AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Retrieve all files related to an agreement. This includes the default file and all localized files.
+ * Retrieve the properties and relationships of an agreement object.
 class AgreementItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/AttackSimulationOperation.php b/src/Generated/Models/AttackSimulationOperation.php
index 93c8b59a6cd..eec064dab87 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/AttackSimulationOperation.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/AttackSimulationOperation.php
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
+ * The status of a long-running operation.
 class AttackSimulationOperation extends LongRunningOperation implements Parsable 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Community.php b/src/Generated/Models/Community.php
index 4c5275b5958..543e7626b51 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/Community.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Community.php
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Types\TypeUtils;
+ * Represents a community in Viva Engage that is a central place for conversations,files, events, and updates for people sharing a common interest or goal.
 class Community extends Entity implements Parsable 
@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@ public function getOwners(): ?array {
-     * Gets the privacy property value. The privacy property
+     * Gets the privacy property value. Types of communityPrivacy.
      * @return CommunityPrivacy|null
     public function getPrivacy(): ?CommunityPrivacy {
@@ -170,7 +173,7 @@ public function setOwners(?array $value): void {
-     * Sets the privacy property value. The privacy property
+     * Sets the privacy property value. Types of communityPrivacy.
      * @param CommunityPrivacy|null $value Value to set for the privacy property.
     public function setPrivacy(?CommunityPrivacy $value): void {
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Domain.php b/src/Generated/Models/Domain.php
index e2e34d64022..9a0578f09ad 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/Domain.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Domain.php
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public function getAvailabilityStatus(): ?string {
-     * Gets the domainNameReferences property value. The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand and $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
+     * Gets the domainNameReferences property value. The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand. Supports $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
      * @return array<DirectoryObject>|null
     public function getDomainNameReferences(): ?array {
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public function getDomainNameReferences(): ?array {
-     * Gets the federationConfiguration property value. Domain settings configured by a customer when federated with Microsoft Entra ID. Supports $expand.
+     * Gets the federationConfiguration property value. Domain settings configured by a customer when federated with Microsoft Entra ID. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @return array<InternalDomainFederation>|null
     public function getFederationConfiguration(): ?array {
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public function getIsAdminManaged(): ?bool {
-     * Gets the isDefault property value. true if this is the default domain that is used for user creation. There's only one default domain per company. Not nullable
+     * Gets the isDefault property value. true if this is the default domain that is used for user creation. There's only one default domain per company. Not nullable.
      * @return bool|null
     public function getIsDefault(): ?bool {
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public function getIsInitial(): ?bool {
-     * Gets the isRoot property value. true if the domain is a verified root domain. Otherwise, false if the domain is a subdomain or unverified. Not nullable
+     * Gets the isRoot property value. true if the domain is a verified root domain. Otherwise, false if the domain is a subdomain or unverified. Not nullable.
      * @return bool|null
     public function getIsRoot(): ?bool {
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public function getIsRoot(): ?bool {
-     * Gets the isVerified property value. true if the domain has completed domain ownership verification. Not nullable
+     * Gets the isVerified property value. true if the domain completed domain ownership verification. Not nullable.
      * @return bool|null
     public function getIsVerified(): ?bool {
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public function getModel(): ?string {
-     * Gets the passwordNotificationWindowInDays property value. Specifies the number of days before a user receives notification that their password will expire. If the property isn't set, a default value of 14 days is used.
+     * Gets the passwordNotificationWindowInDays property value. Specifies the number of days before a user receives notification that their password expires. If the property isn't set, a default value of 14 days is used.
      * @return int|null
     public function getPasswordNotificationWindowInDays(): ?int {
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ public function getRootDomain(): ?Domain {
-     * Gets the serviceConfigurationRecords property value. DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * Gets the serviceConfigurationRecords property value. DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @return array<DomainDnsRecord>|null
     public function getServiceConfigurationRecords(): ?array {
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ public function getSupportedServices(): ?array {
-     * Gets the verificationDnsRecords property value. DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * Gets the verificationDnsRecords property value. DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @return array<DomainDnsRecord>|null
     public function getVerificationDnsRecords(): ?array {
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ public function setAvailabilityStatus(?string $value): void {
-     * Sets the domainNameReferences property value. The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand and $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
+     * Sets the domainNameReferences property value. The objects such as users and groups that reference the domain ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand. Supports $filter by the OData type of objects returned. For example, /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/microsoft.graph.user and /domains/{domainId}/domainNameReferences/
      * @param array<DirectoryObject>|null $value Value to set for the domainNameReferences property.
     public function setDomainNameReferences(?array $value): void {
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ public function setDomainNameReferences(?array $value): void {
-     * Sets the federationConfiguration property value. Domain settings configured by a customer when federated with Microsoft Entra ID. Supports $expand.
+     * Sets the federationConfiguration property value. Domain settings configured by a customer when federated with Microsoft Entra ID. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @param array<InternalDomainFederation>|null $value Value to set for the federationConfiguration property.
     public function setFederationConfiguration(?array $value): void {
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ public function setIsAdminManaged(?bool $value): void {
-     * Sets the isDefault property value. true if this is the default domain that is used for user creation. There's only one default domain per company. Not nullable
+     * Sets the isDefault property value. true if this is the default domain that is used for user creation. There's only one default domain per company. Not nullable.
      * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the isDefault property.
     public function setIsDefault(?bool $value): void {
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ public function setIsInitial(?bool $value): void {
-     * Sets the isRoot property value. true if the domain is a verified root domain. Otherwise, false if the domain is a subdomain or unverified. Not nullable
+     * Sets the isRoot property value. true if the domain is a verified root domain. Otherwise, false if the domain is a subdomain or unverified. Not nullable.
      * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the isRoot property.
     public function setIsRoot(?bool $value): void {
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ public function setIsRoot(?bool $value): void {
-     * Sets the isVerified property value. true if the domain has completed domain ownership verification. Not nullable
+     * Sets the isVerified property value. true if the domain completed domain ownership verification. Not nullable.
      * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the isVerified property.
     public function setIsVerified(?bool $value): void {
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ public function setModel(?string $value): void {
-     * Sets the passwordNotificationWindowInDays property value. Specifies the number of days before a user receives notification that their password will expire. If the property isn't set, a default value of 14 days is used.
+     * Sets the passwordNotificationWindowInDays property value. Specifies the number of days before a user receives notification that their password expires. If the property isn't set, a default value of 14 days is used.
      * @param int|null $value Value to set for the passwordNotificationWindowInDays property.
     public function setPasswordNotificationWindowInDays(?int $value): void {
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ public function setRootDomain(?Domain $value): void {
-     * Sets the serviceConfigurationRecords property value. DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * Sets the serviceConfigurationRecords property value. DNS records the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the domain can be used by Microsoft Online services. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @param array<DomainDnsRecord>|null $value Value to set for the serviceConfigurationRecords property.
     public function setServiceConfigurationRecords(?array $value): void {
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ public function setSupportedServices(?array $value): void {
-     * Sets the verificationDnsRecords property value. DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Supports $expand.
+     * Sets the verificationDnsRecords property value. DNS records that the customer adds to the DNS zone file of the domain before the customer can complete domain ownership verification with Microsoft Entra ID. Read-only, Nullable. Doesn't support $expand.
      * @param array<DomainDnsRecord>|null $value Value to set for the verificationDnsRecords property.
     public function setVerificationDnsRecords(?array $value): void {
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/EmployeeExperience.php b/src/Generated/Models/EmployeeExperience.php
index cf393a9102c..44e779bbda4 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/EmployeeExperience.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/EmployeeExperience.php
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Types\TypeUtils;
+ * Represents a container that exposes navigation properties for employee experience resources.
 class EmployeeExperience implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/EngagementAsyncOperation.php b/src/Generated/Models/EngagementAsyncOperation.php
index 6da91e5bc0a..e4a09c7f8e1 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/EngagementAsyncOperation.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/EngagementAsyncOperation.php
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
+ * Represents the status of a Viva Engage async operation that is an operation that transcends thelifetime of a single API request. These operations are long-running or too expensive to completewithin the time frame of their original request.
 class EngagementAsyncOperation extends LongRunningOperation implements Parsable 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Entity.php b/src/Generated/Models/Entity.php
index b37e468b63a..62da5fcd1c1 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/Entity.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Entity.php
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\EdiscoveryReviewSetQuery;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\EdiscoveryReviewTag;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\EdiscoverySearch;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\EdiscoverySearchExportOperation;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\EdiscoveryTagOperation;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\EscapedCase;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\FilePlanDescriptor;
@@ -797,6 +798,7 @@ public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): Entit
                 case '': return new EdiscoveryReviewSetQuery();
                 case '': return new EdiscoveryReviewTag();
                 case '': return new EdiscoverySearch();
+                case '': return new EdiscoverySearchExportOperation();
                 case '': return new EdiscoveryTagOperation();
                 case '': return new FilePlanDescriptor();
                 case '': return new FilePlanDescriptorTemplate();
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Group.php b/src/Generated/Models/Group.php
index c145e22bbbf..b188ac85775 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/Group.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Group.php
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Types\TypeUtils;
+ * Represents a Microsoft Entra group.
 class Group extends DirectoryObject implements Parsable 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/KeyCredential.php b/src/Generated/Models/KeyCredential.php
index b2e9341dd5f..a6ed49dbbe9 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/KeyCredential.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/KeyCredential.php
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public function getCustomKeyIdentifier(): ?StreamInterface {
-     * Gets the displayName property value. Friendly name for the key. Optional.
+     * Gets the displayName property value. The friendly name for the key, with a maximum length of 90 characters. Longer values are accepted but shortened. Optional.
      * @return string|null
     public function getDisplayName(): ?string {
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-     * Gets the key property value. The certificate's raw data in byte array converted to Base64 string. Returned only on $select for a single object, that is, GET applications/{applicationId}?$select=keyCredentials or GET servicePrincipals/{servicePrincipalId}?$select=keyCredentials; otherwise, it is always null.  From a .cer certificate, you can read the key using the Convert.ToBase64String() method. For more information, see Get the certificate key.
+     * Gets the key property value. The certificate's raw data in byte array converted to Base64 string. Returned only on $select for a single object, that is, GET applications/{applicationId}?$select=keyCredentials or GET servicePrincipals/{servicePrincipalId}?$select=keyCredentials; otherwise, it's always null.  From a .cer certificate, you can read the key using the Convert.ToBase64String() method. For more information, see Get the certificate key.
      * @return StreamInterface|null
     public function getKey(): ?StreamInterface {
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ public function setCustomKeyIdentifier(?StreamInterface $value): void {
-     * Sets the displayName property value. Friendly name for the key. Optional.
+     * Sets the displayName property value. The friendly name for the key, with a maximum length of 90 characters. Longer values are accepted but shortened. Optional.
      * @param string|null $value Value to set for the displayName property.
     public function setDisplayName(?string $value): void {
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ public function setEndDateTime(?DateTime $value): void {
-     * Sets the key property value. The certificate's raw data in byte array converted to Base64 string. Returned only on $select for a single object, that is, GET applications/{applicationId}?$select=keyCredentials or GET servicePrincipals/{servicePrincipalId}?$select=keyCredentials; otherwise, it is always null.  From a .cer certificate, you can read the key using the Convert.ToBase64String() method. For more information, see Get the certificate key.
+     * Sets the key property value. The certificate's raw data in byte array converted to Base64 string. Returned only on $select for a single object, that is, GET applications/{applicationId}?$select=keyCredentials or GET servicePrincipals/{servicePrincipalId}?$select=keyCredentials; otherwise, it's always null.  From a .cer certificate, you can read the key using the Convert.ToBase64String() method. For more information, see Get the certificate key.
      * @param StreamInterface|null $value Value to set for the key property.
     public function setKey(?StreamInterface $value): void {
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/LongRunningOperation.php b/src/Generated/Models/LongRunningOperation.php
index 39e1cd631ab..640cf60f12d 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/LongRunningOperation.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/LongRunningOperation.php
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
+ * The status of a long-running operation.
 class LongRunningOperation extends Entity implements Parsable 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/ProtectionRuleBase.php b/src/Generated/Models/ProtectionRuleBase.php
index 15ebfc31de1..475bd947772 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/ProtectionRuleBase.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/ProtectionRuleBase.php
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-     * Gets the isAutoApplyEnabled property value. Indicates whether the protection rule is static or dynamic.
+     * Gets the isAutoApplyEnabled property value. true indicates that the protection rule is dynamic; false that it's static. Currently, only static rules are supported.
      * @return bool|null
     public function getIsAutoApplyEnabled(): ?bool {
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public function setError(?PublicError $value): void {
-     * Sets the isAutoApplyEnabled property value. Indicates whether the protection rule is static or dynamic.
+     * Sets the isAutoApplyEnabled property value. true indicates that the protection rule is dynamic; false that it's static. Currently, only static rules are supported.
      * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the isAutoApplyEnabled property.
     public function setIsAutoApplyEnabled(?bool $value): void {
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/RichLongRunningOperation.php b/src/Generated/Models/RichLongRunningOperation.php
index 53843a553b1..e5b817d92e5 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/RichLongRunningOperation.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/RichLongRunningOperation.php
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
+ * The status of a long-running operation.
 class RichLongRunningOperation extends LongRunningOperation implements Parsable 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/AdditionalOptions.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/AdditionalOptions.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..359e870cda7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/AdditionalOptions.php
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Enum;
+class AdditionalOptions extends Enum {
+    public const NONE = 'none';
+    public const TEAMS_AND_YAMMER_CONVERSATIONS = 'teamsAndYammerConversations';
+    public const CLOUD_ATTACHMENTS = 'cloudAttachments';
+    public const ALL_DOCUMENT_VERSIONS = 'allDocumentVersions';
+    public const SUBFOLDER_CONTENTS = 'subfolderContents';
+    public const LIST_ATTACHMENTS = 'listAttachments';
+    public const UNKNOWN_FUTURE_VALUE = 'unknownFutureValue';
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseAction.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseAction.php
index aabd3eab741..3c8014d67c5 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseAction.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseAction.php
@@ -14,4 +14,6 @@ class CaseAction extends Enum {
     public const HOLD_UPDATE = 'holdUpdate';
     public const UNKNOWN_FUTURE_VALUE = 'unknownFutureValue';
     public const PURGE_DATA = 'purgeData';
+    public const EXPORT_REPORT = 'exportReport';
+    public const EXPORT_RESULT = 'exportResult';
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseOperation.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseOperation.php
index 6136a6f83d4..2e354a8de93 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseOperation.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/CaseOperation.php
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): CaseO
                 case '': return new EdiscoveryHoldOperation();
                 case '': return new EdiscoveryIndexOperation();
                 case '': return new EdiscoveryPurgeDataOperation();
+                case '': return new EdiscoverySearchExportOperation();
                 case '': return new EdiscoveryTagOperation();
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/DeviceEvidence.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/DeviceEvidence.php
index ab2a40acc2c..d4fd0b3449a 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/Security/DeviceEvidence.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/DeviceEvidence.php
@@ -63,6 +63,18 @@ public function getDeviceDnsName(): ?string {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'deviceDnsName'");
+    /**
+     * Gets the dnsDomain property value. The DNS domain that this computer belongs to. A sequence of labels separated by dots.
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getDnsDomain(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('dnsDomain');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'dnsDomain'");
+    }
      * The deserialization information for the current model
      * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
@@ -73,8 +85,10 @@ public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
             'azureAdDeviceId' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAzureAdDeviceId($n->getStringValue()),
             'defenderAvStatus' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDefenderAvStatus($n->getEnumValue(DefenderAvStatus::class)),
             'deviceDnsName' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDeviceDnsName($n->getStringValue()),
+            'dnsDomain' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDnsDomain($n->getStringValue()),
             'firstSeenDateTime' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setFirstSeenDateTime($n->getDateTimeValue()),
             'healthStatus' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setHealthStatus($n->getEnumValue(DeviceHealthStatus::class)),
+            'hostName' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setHostName($n->getStringValue()),
             'ipInterfaces' => function (ParseNode $n) {
                 $val = $n->getCollectionOfPrimitiveValues();
                 if (is_array($val)) {
@@ -87,6 +101,7 @@ public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
             'lastIpAddress' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setLastIpAddress($n->getStringValue()),
             'loggedOnUsers' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setLoggedOnUsers($n->getCollectionOfObjectValues([LoggedOnUser::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'])),
             'mdeDeviceId' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setMdeDeviceId($n->getStringValue()),
+            'ntDomain' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setNtDomain($n->getStringValue()),
             'onboardingStatus' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setOnboardingStatus($n->getEnumValue(OnboardingStatus::class)),
             'osBuild' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setOsBuild($n->getIntegerValue()),
             'osPlatform' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setOsPlatform($n->getStringValue()),
@@ -122,6 +137,18 @@ public function getHealthStatus(): ?DeviceHealthStatus {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'healthStatus'");
+    /**
+     * Gets the hostName property value. The hostname without the domain suffix.
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getHostName(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('hostName');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'hostName'");
+    }
      * Gets the ipInterfaces property value. Ip interfaces of the device during the time of the alert.
      * @return array<string>|null
@@ -186,6 +213,18 @@ public function getMdeDeviceId(): ?string {
         throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'mdeDeviceId'");
+    /**
+     * Gets the ntDomain property value. A logical grouping of computers within a Microsoft Windows network.
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getNtDomain(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('ntDomain');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'ntDomain'");
+    }
      * Gets the onboardingStatus property value. The status of the machine onboarding to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. The possible values are: insufficientInfo, onboarded, canBeOnboarded, unsupported, unknownFutureValue.
      * @return OnboardingStatus|null
@@ -291,13 +330,16 @@ public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
         $writer->writeStringValue('azureAdDeviceId', $this->getAzureAdDeviceId());
         $writer->writeEnumValue('defenderAvStatus', $this->getDefenderAvStatus());
         $writer->writeStringValue('deviceDnsName', $this->getDeviceDnsName());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('dnsDomain', $this->getDnsDomain());
         $writer->writeDateTimeValue('firstSeenDateTime', $this->getFirstSeenDateTime());
         $writer->writeEnumValue('healthStatus', $this->getHealthStatus());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('hostName', $this->getHostName());
         $writer->writeCollectionOfPrimitiveValues('ipInterfaces', $this->getIpInterfaces());
         $writer->writeStringValue('lastExternalIpAddress', $this->getLastExternalIpAddress());
         $writer->writeStringValue('lastIpAddress', $this->getLastIpAddress());
         $writer->writeCollectionOfObjectValues('loggedOnUsers', $this->getLoggedOnUsers());
         $writer->writeStringValue('mdeDeviceId', $this->getMdeDeviceId());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('ntDomain', $this->getNtDomain());
         $writer->writeEnumValue('onboardingStatus', $this->getOnboardingStatus());
         $writer->writeIntegerValue('osBuild', $this->getOsBuild());
         $writer->writeStringValue('osPlatform', $this->getOsPlatform());
@@ -332,6 +374,14 @@ public function setDeviceDnsName(?string $value): void {
         $this->getBackingStore()->set('deviceDnsName', $value);
+    /**
+     * Sets the dnsDomain property value. The DNS domain that this computer belongs to. A sequence of labels separated by dots.
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the dnsDomain property.
+    */
+    public function setDnsDomain(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('dnsDomain', $value);
+    }
      * Sets the firstSeenDateTime property value. The date and time when the device was first seen.
      * @param DateTime|null $value Value to set for the firstSeenDateTime property.
@@ -348,6 +398,14 @@ public function setHealthStatus(?DeviceHealthStatus $value): void {
         $this->getBackingStore()->set('healthStatus', $value);
+    /**
+     * Sets the hostName property value. The hostname without the domain suffix.
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the hostName property.
+    */
+    public function setHostName(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('hostName', $value);
+    }
      * Sets the ipInterfaces property value. Ip interfaces of the device during the time of the alert.
      * @param array<string>|null $value Value to set for the ipInterfaces property.
@@ -388,6 +446,14 @@ public function setMdeDeviceId(?string $value): void {
         $this->getBackingStore()->set('mdeDeviceId', $value);
+    /**
+     * Sets the ntDomain property value. A logical grouping of computers within a Microsoft Windows network.
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the ntDomain property.
+    */
+    public function setNtDomain(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('ntDomain', $value);
+    }
      * Sets the onboardingStatus property value. The status of the machine onboarding to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. The possible values are: insufficientInfo, onboarded, canBeOnboarded, unsupported, unknownFutureValue.
      * @param OnboardingStatus|null $value Value to set for the onboardingStatus property.
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/EdiscoverySearchExportOperation.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/EdiscoverySearchExportOperation.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ddfc78b8c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/EdiscoverySearchExportOperation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Types\TypeUtils;
+class EdiscoverySearchExportOperation extends CaseOperation implements Parsable 
+    /**
+     * Instantiates a new EdiscoverySearchExportOperation and sets the default values.
+    */
+    public function __construct() {
+        parent::__construct();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+     * @return EdiscoverySearchExportOperation
+    */
+    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): EdiscoverySearchExportOperation {
+        return new EdiscoverySearchExportOperation();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the additionalOptions property value. The additionalOptions property
+     * @return AdditionalOptions|null
+    */
+    public function getAdditionalOptions(): ?AdditionalOptions {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalOptions');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof AdditionalOptions) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalOptions'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the description property value. The description property
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getDescription(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('description');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'description'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the displayName property value. The displayName property
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getDisplayName(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('displayName');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'displayName'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportCriteria property value. The exportCriteria property
+     * @return ExportCriteria|null
+    */
+    public function getExportCriteria(): ?ExportCriteria {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportCriteria');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportCriteria) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportCriteria'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportFileMetadata property value. The exportFileMetadata property
+     * @return array<ExportFileMetadata>|null
+    */
+    public function getExportFileMetadata(): ?array {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportFileMetadata');
+        if (is_array($val) || is_null($val)) {
+            TypeUtils::validateCollectionValues($val, ExportFileMetadata::class);
+            /** @var array<ExportFileMetadata>|null $val */
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportFileMetadata'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportFormat property value. The exportFormat property
+     * @return ExportFormat|null
+    */
+    public function getExportFormat(): ?ExportFormat {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportFormat');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportFormat) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportFormat'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportLocation property value. The exportLocation property
+     * @return ExportLocation|null
+    */
+    public function getExportLocation(): ?ExportLocation {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportLocation');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportLocation) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportLocation'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportSingleItems property value. The exportSingleItems property
+     * @return bool|null
+    */
+    public function getExportSingleItems(): ?bool {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportSingleItems');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportSingleItems'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * The deserialization information for the current model
+     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
+    */
+    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
+        $o = $this;
+        return array_merge(parent::getFieldDeserializers(), [
+            'additionalOptions' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAdditionalOptions($n->getEnumValue(AdditionalOptions::class)),
+            'description' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDescription($n->getStringValue()),
+            'displayName' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDisplayName($n->getStringValue()),
+            'exportCriteria' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportCriteria($n->getEnumValue(ExportCriteria::class)),
+            'exportFileMetadata' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportFileMetadata($n->getCollectionOfObjectValues([ExportFileMetadata::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'])),
+            'exportFormat' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportFormat($n->getEnumValue(ExportFormat::class)),
+            'exportLocation' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportLocation($n->getEnumValue(ExportLocation::class)),
+            'exportSingleItems' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportSingleItems($n->getBooleanValue()),
+            'search' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setSearch($n->getObjectValue([EdiscoverySearch::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'])),
+        ]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the search property value. The search property
+     * @return EdiscoverySearch|null
+    */
+    public function getSearch(): ?EdiscoverySearch {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('search');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof EdiscoverySearch) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'search'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Serializes information the current object
+     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+    */
+    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
+        parent::serialize($writer);
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('additionalOptions', $this->getAdditionalOptions());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('description', $this->getDescription());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('displayName', $this->getDisplayName());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportCriteria', $this->getExportCriteria());
+        $writer->writeCollectionOfObjectValues('exportFileMetadata', $this->getExportFileMetadata());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportFormat', $this->getExportFormat());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportLocation', $this->getExportLocation());
+        $writer->writeBooleanValue('exportSingleItems', $this->getExportSingleItems());
+        $writer->writeObjectValue('search', $this->getSearch());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the additionalOptions property value. The additionalOptions property
+     * @param AdditionalOptions|null $value Value to set for the additionalOptions property.
+    */
+    public function setAdditionalOptions(?AdditionalOptions $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalOptions', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the description property value. The description property
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the description property.
+    */
+    public function setDescription(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('description', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the displayName property value. The displayName property
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the displayName property.
+    */
+    public function setDisplayName(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('displayName', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportCriteria property value. The exportCriteria property
+     * @param ExportCriteria|null $value Value to set for the exportCriteria property.
+    */
+    public function setExportCriteria(?ExportCriteria $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportCriteria', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportFileMetadata property value. The exportFileMetadata property
+     * @param array<ExportFileMetadata>|null $value Value to set for the exportFileMetadata property.
+    */
+    public function setExportFileMetadata(?array $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportFileMetadata', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportFormat property value. The exportFormat property
+     * @param ExportFormat|null $value Value to set for the exportFormat property.
+    */
+    public function setExportFormat(?ExportFormat $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportFormat', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportLocation property value. The exportLocation property
+     * @param ExportLocation|null $value Value to set for the exportLocation property.
+    */
+    public function setExportLocation(?ExportLocation $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportLocation', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportSingleItems property value. The exportSingleItems property
+     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the exportSingleItems property.
+    */
+    public function setExportSingleItems(?bool $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportSingleItems', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the search property value. The search property
+     * @param EdiscoverySearch|null $value Value to set for the search property.
+    */
+    public function setSearch(?EdiscoverySearch $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('search', $value);
+    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportCriteria.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportCriteria.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..acb56467176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportCriteria.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Enum;
+class ExportCriteria extends Enum {
+    public const SEARCH_HITS = 'searchHits';
+    public const PARTIALLY_INDEXED = 'partiallyIndexed';
+    public const UNKNOWN_FUTURE_VALUE = 'unknownFutureValue';
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportFormat.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportFormat.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5006521f8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportFormat.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Enum;
+class ExportFormat extends Enum {
+    public const PST = 'pst';
+    public const MSG = 'msg';
+    public const EML = 'eml';
+    public const UNKNOWN_FUTURE_VALUE = 'unknownFutureValue';
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportLocation.php b/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportLocation.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..07220de3211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/Security/ExportLocation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Enum;
+class ExportLocation extends Enum {
+    public const RESPONSIVE_LOCATIONS = 'responsiveLocations';
+    public const NONRESPONSIVE_LOCATIONS = 'nonresponsiveLocations';
+    public const UNKNOWN_FUTURE_VALUE = 'unknownFutureValue';
diff --git a/src/Generated/Models/User.php b/src/Generated/Models/User.php
index 68f093d653c..bad0ed9a168 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Models/User.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Models/User.php
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Types\TypeUtils;
+ * Represents a Microsoft Entra user account.
 class User extends DirectoryObject implements Parsable 
@@ -1418,7 +1421,7 @@ public function getPasswordPolicies(): ?string {
-     * Gets the passwordProfile property value. Specifies the password profile for the user. The profile contains the user's password. This property is required when a user is created. The password in the profile must satisfy minimum requirements as specified by the passwordPolicies property. By default, a strong password is required. Returned only on $select. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, in, and eq on null values).
+     * Gets the passwordProfile property value. Specifies the password profile for the user. The profile contains the user's password. This property is required when a user is created. The password in the profile must satisfy minimum requirements as specified by the passwordPolicies property. By default, a strong password is required. Returned only on $select. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, in, and eq on null values). To update this property:  In delegated access, the calling app must be assigned the Directory.AccessAsUser.All delegated permission on behalf of the signed-in user.  In application-only access, the calling app must be assigned the User.ReadWrite.All (least privilege) or Directory.ReadWrite.All (higher privilege) application permission and at least the User Administrator Microsoft Entra role.
      * @return PasswordProfile|null
     public function getPasswordProfile(): ?PasswordProfile {
@@ -2759,7 +2762,7 @@ public function setPasswordPolicies(?string $value): void {
-     * Sets the passwordProfile property value. Specifies the password profile for the user. The profile contains the user's password. This property is required when a user is created. The password in the profile must satisfy minimum requirements as specified by the passwordPolicies property. By default, a strong password is required. Returned only on $select. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, in, and eq on null values).
+     * Sets the passwordProfile property value. Specifies the password profile for the user. The profile contains the user's password. This property is required when a user is created. The password in the profile must satisfy minimum requirements as specified by the passwordPolicies property. By default, a strong password is required. Returned only on $select. Supports $filter (eq, ne, not, in, and eq on null values). To update this property:  In delegated access, the calling app must be assigned the Directory.AccessAsUser.All delegated permission on behalf of the signed-in user.  In application-only access, the calling app must be assigned the User.ReadWrite.All (least privilege) or Directory.ReadWrite.All (higher privilege) application permission and at least the User Administrator Microsoft Entra role.
      * @param PasswordProfile|null $value Value to set for the passwordProfile property.
     public function setPasswordProfile(?PasswordProfile $value): void {
diff --git a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Branding/Localizations/Item/BannerLogo/BannerLogoRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Branding/Localizations/Item/BannerLogo/BannerLogoRequestBuilder.php
index f2a5a2103ea..319b02c2e3d 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Branding/Localizations/Item/BannerLogo/BannerLogoRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Branding/Localizations/Item/BannerLogo/BannerLogoRequestBuilder.php
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ public function delete(?BannerLogoRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $requ
-     * Read the properties and relationships of an organizationalBrandingLocalization object. To retrieve a localization branding object, specify the value of id in the URL.
+     * Retrieve the default organizational branding object, if the Accept-Language header is set to 0 or default. If no default organizational branding object exists, this method returns a 404 Not Found error. If the Accept-Language header is set to an existing locale identified by the value of its id, this method retrieves the branding for the specified locale. This method retrieves only non-Stream properties, for example, usernameHintText and signInPageText. To retrieve Stream types of the default branding, for example, bannerLogo and backgroundImage, use the GET organizationalBrandingLocalization method.
      * @param BannerLogoRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<StreamInterface|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?BannerLogoRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?BannerLogoRequestBuilderDeleteReques
-     * Read the properties and relationships of an organizationalBrandingLocalization object. To retrieve a localization branding object, specify the value of id in the URL.
+     * Retrieve the default organizational branding object, if the Accept-Language header is set to 0 or default. If no default organizational branding object exists, this method returns a 404 Not Found error. If the Accept-Language header is set to an existing locale identified by the value of its id, this method retrieves the branding for the specified locale. This method retrieves only non-Stream properties, for example, usernameHintText and signInPageText. To retrieve Stream types of the default branding, for example, bannerLogo and backgroundImage, use the GET organizationalBrandingLocalization method.
      * @param BannerLogoRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilder.php
index 739ed13cbf9..7b3508bdb1f 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ public function delete(?OrganizationItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration
-     * Read properties and relationships of the organization object.
+     * Get the properties and relationships of the currently authenticated organization. Since the organization resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in an organization instance.
      * @param OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<Organization|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -132,12 +132,12 @@ public function get(?OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requ
-     * Update the properties of a organization object.
+     * Update the properties of the currently authenticated organization. In this case, organization is defined as a collection of exactly one record, and so its ID must be specified in the request.  The ID is also known as the tenantId of the organization.
      * @param Organization $body The request body
      * @param OrganizationItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<Organization|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(Organization $body, ?OrganizationItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?OrganizationItemRequestBuilderDelete
-     * Read properties and relationships of the organization object.
+     * Get the properties and relationships of the currently authenticated organization. Since the organization resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in an organization instance.
      * @param OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetReques
-     * Update the properties of a organization object.
+     * Update the properties of the currently authenticated organization. In this case, organization is defined as a collection of exactly one record, and so its ID must be specified in the request.  The ID is also known as the tenantId of the organization.
      * @param Organization $body The request body
      * @param OrganizationItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 8c22067b457..4f144e8136a 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the organization object.
+ * Get the properties and relationships of the currently authenticated organization. Since the organization resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in an organization instance.
 class OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9eced13df..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Organization\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 638c8d310cb..8295a461f49 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Organization/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca51ce30d6..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\PermissionGrants\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 84a2fda2b01..267b432e8ea 100644
--- a/src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/PermissionGrants/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/EdiscoverySearchItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/EdiscoverySearchItemRequestBuilder.php
index 32ef5f52325..7d604500504 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/EdiscoverySearchItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/EdiscoverySearchItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\CustodianSources\CustodianSourcesRequestBuilder;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\LastEstimateStatisticsOperation\LastEstimateStatisticsOperationRequestBuilder;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityEstimateStatistics\MicrosoftGraphSecurityEstimateStatisticsRequestBuilder;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityPurgeData\MicrosoftGraphSecurityPurgeDataRequestBuilder;
 use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\NoncustodialSources\NoncustodialSourcesRequestBuilder;
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\BaseRequestBuilder;
@@ -58,6 +60,20 @@ public function microsoftGraphSecurityEstimateStatistics(): MicrosoftGraphSecuri
         return new MicrosoftGraphSecurityEstimateStatisticsRequestBuilder($this->pathParameters, $this->requestAdapter);
+    /**
+     * Provides operations to call the exportReport method.
+    */
+    public function microsoftGraphSecurityExportReport(): MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder {
+        return new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder($this->pathParameters, $this->requestAdapter);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Provides operations to call the exportResult method.
+    */
+    public function microsoftGraphSecurityExportResult(): MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder {
+        return new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder($this->pathParameters, $this->requestAdapter);
+    }
      * Provides operations to call the purgeData method.
diff --git a/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/ExportReportPostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/ExportReportPostRequestBody.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e41b2cad9ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/ExportReportPostRequestBody.php
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\AdditionalOptions;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\ExportCriteria;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\ExportLocation;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
+class ExportReportPostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
+    /**
+     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
+    */
+    private BackingStore $backingStore;
+    /**
+     * Instantiates a new ExportReportPostRequestBody and sets the default values.
+    */
+    public function __construct() {
+        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
+        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+     * @return ExportReportPostRequestBody
+    */
+    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): ExportReportPostRequestBody {
+        return new ExportReportPostRequestBody();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
+    */
+    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
+            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the additionalOptions property value. The additionalOptions property
+     * @return AdditionalOptions|null
+    */
+    public function getAdditionalOptions(): ?AdditionalOptions {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalOptions');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof AdditionalOptions) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalOptions'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
+     * @return BackingStore
+    */
+    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
+        return $this->backingStore;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the description property value. The description property
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getDescription(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('description');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'description'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the displayName property value. The displayName property
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getDisplayName(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('displayName');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'displayName'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportCriteria property value. The exportCriteria property
+     * @return ExportCriteria|null
+    */
+    public function getExportCriteria(): ?ExportCriteria {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportCriteria');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportCriteria) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportCriteria'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportLocation property value. The exportLocation property
+     * @return ExportLocation|null
+    */
+    public function getExportLocation(): ?ExportLocation {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportLocation');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportLocation) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportLocation'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * The deserialization information for the current model
+     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
+    */
+    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
+        $o = $this;
+        return  [
+            'additionalOptions' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAdditionalOptions($n->getEnumValue(AdditionalOptions::class)),
+            'description' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDescription($n->getStringValue()),
+            'displayName' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDisplayName($n->getStringValue()),
+            'exportCriteria' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportCriteria($n->getEnumValue(ExportCriteria::class)),
+            'exportLocation' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportLocation($n->getEnumValue(ExportLocation::class)),
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Serializes information the current object
+     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+    */
+    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('additionalOptions', $this->getAdditionalOptions());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('description', $this->getDescription());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('displayName', $this->getDisplayName());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportCriteria', $this->getExportCriteria());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportLocation', $this->getExportLocation());
+        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
+    */
+    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the additionalOptions property value. The additionalOptions property
+     * @param AdditionalOptions|null $value Value to set for the additionalOptions property.
+    */
+    public function setAdditionalOptions(?AdditionalOptions $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalOptions', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
+     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
+    */
+    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
+        $this->backingStore = $value;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the description property value. The description property
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the description property.
+    */
+    public function setDescription(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('description', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the displayName property value. The displayName property
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the displayName property.
+    */
+    public function setDisplayName(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('displayName', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportCriteria property value. The exportCriteria property
+     * @param ExportCriteria|null $value Value to set for the exportCriteria property.
+    */
+    public function setExportCriteria(?ExportCriteria $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportCriteria', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportLocation property value. The exportLocation property
+     * @param ExportLocation|null $value Value to set for the exportLocation property.
+    */
+    public function setExportLocation(?ExportLocation $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportLocation', $value);
+    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder.php
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+++ b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder.php
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport;
+use Exception;
+use Http\Promise\Promise;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\ODataErrors\ODataError;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\BaseRequestBuilder;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\HttpMethod;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\RequestAdapter;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\RequestInformation;
+ * Provides operations to call the exportReport method.
+class MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder extends BaseRequestBuilder 
+    /**
+     * Instantiates a new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder and sets the default values.
+     * @param array<string, mixed>|string $pathParametersOrRawUrl Path parameters for the request or a String representing the raw URL.
+     * @param RequestAdapter $requestAdapter The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+    */
+    public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdapter) {
+        parent::__construct($requestAdapter, [], '{+baseurl}/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/{ediscoveryCase%2Did}/searches/{ediscoverySearch%2Did}/');
+        if (is_array($pathParametersOrRawUrl)) {
+            $this->pathParameters = $pathParametersOrRawUrl;
+        } else {
+            $this->pathParameters = ['request-raw-url' => $pathParametersOrRawUrl];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Invoke action exportReport
+     * @param ExportReportPostRequestBody $body The request body
+     * @param MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+     * @return Promise<void|null>
+     * @throws Exception
+    */
+    public function post(ExportReportPostRequestBody $body, ?MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+        $errorMappings = [
+                'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
+        ];
+        return $this->requestAdapter->sendNoContentAsync($requestInfo, $errorMappings);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Invoke action exportReport
+     * @param ExportReportPostRequestBody $body The request body
+     * @param MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+     * @return RequestInformation
+    */
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(ExportReportPostRequestBody $body, ?MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+        $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
+        $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
+        $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
+        $requestInfo->httpMethod = HttpMethod::POST;
+        if ($requestConfiguration !== null) {
+            $requestInfo->addHeaders($requestConfiguration->headers);
+            $requestInfo->addRequestOptions(...$requestConfiguration->options);
+        }
+        $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
+        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
+        return $requestInfo;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a request builder with the provided arbitrary URL. Using this method means any other path or query parameters are ignored.
+     * @param string $rawUrl The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+     * @return MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder
+    */
+    public function withUrl(string $rawUrl): MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder {
+        return new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilder($rawUrl, $this->requestAdapter);
+    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php
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+++ b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReport;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\BaseRequestConfiguration;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\RequestOption;
+ * Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+class MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration extends BaseRequestConfiguration 
+    /**
+     * Instantiates a new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration and sets the default values.
+     * @param array<string, array<string>|string>|null $headers Request headers
+     * @param array<RequestOption>|null $options Request options
+    */
+    public function __construct(?array $headers = null, ?array $options = null) {
+        parent::__construct($headers ?? [], $options ?? []);
+    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/ExportResultPostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/ExportResultPostRequestBody.php
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index 00000000000..5b77cef3b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/ExportResultPostRequestBody.php
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\AdditionalOptions;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\ExportCriteria;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\ExportFormat;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\Security\ExportLocation;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
+class ExportResultPostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
+    /**
+     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
+    */
+    private BackingStore $backingStore;
+    /**
+     * Instantiates a new ExportResultPostRequestBody and sets the default values.
+    */
+    public function __construct() {
+        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
+        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
+     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
+     * @return ExportResultPostRequestBody
+    */
+    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): ExportResultPostRequestBody {
+        return new ExportResultPostRequestBody();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
+    */
+    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
+            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the additionalOptions property value. The additionalOptions property
+     * @return AdditionalOptions|null
+    */
+    public function getAdditionalOptions(): ?AdditionalOptions {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalOptions');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof AdditionalOptions) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalOptions'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
+     * @return BackingStore
+    */
+    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
+        return $this->backingStore;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the description property value. The description property
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getDescription(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('description');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'description'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the displayName property value. The displayName property
+     * @return string|null
+    */
+    public function getDisplayName(): ?string {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('displayName');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_string($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'displayName'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportCriteria property value. The exportCriteria property
+     * @return ExportCriteria|null
+    */
+    public function getExportCriteria(): ?ExportCriteria {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportCriteria');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportCriteria) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportCriteria'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportFormat property value. The exportFormat property
+     * @return ExportFormat|null
+    */
+    public function getExportFormat(): ?ExportFormat {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportFormat');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportFormat) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportFormat'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportLocation property value. The exportLocation property
+     * @return ExportLocation|null
+    */
+    public function getExportLocation(): ?ExportLocation {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportLocation');
+        if (is_null($val) || $val instanceof ExportLocation) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportLocation'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the exportSingleItems property value. The exportSingleItems property
+     * @return bool|null
+    */
+    public function getExportSingleItems(): ?bool {
+        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('exportSingleItems');
+        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
+            return $val;
+        }
+        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'exportSingleItems'");
+    }
+    /**
+     * The deserialization information for the current model
+     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
+    */
+    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
+        $o = $this;
+        return  [
+            'additionalOptions' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAdditionalOptions($n->getEnumValue(AdditionalOptions::class)),
+            'description' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDescription($n->getStringValue()),
+            'displayName' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setDisplayName($n->getStringValue()),
+            'exportCriteria' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportCriteria($n->getEnumValue(ExportCriteria::class)),
+            'exportFormat' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportFormat($n->getEnumValue(ExportFormat::class)),
+            'exportLocation' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportLocation($n->getEnumValue(ExportLocation::class)),
+            'exportSingleItems' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setExportSingleItems($n->getBooleanValue()),
+        ];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Serializes information the current object
+     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
+    */
+    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('additionalOptions', $this->getAdditionalOptions());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('description', $this->getDescription());
+        $writer->writeStringValue('displayName', $this->getDisplayName());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportCriteria', $this->getExportCriteria());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportFormat', $this->getExportFormat());
+        $writer->writeEnumValue('exportLocation', $this->getExportLocation());
+        $writer->writeBooleanValue('exportSingleItems', $this->getExportSingleItems());
+        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
+     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
+    */
+    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the additionalOptions property value. The additionalOptions property
+     * @param AdditionalOptions|null $value Value to set for the additionalOptions property.
+    */
+    public function setAdditionalOptions(?AdditionalOptions $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalOptions', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
+     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
+    */
+    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
+        $this->backingStore = $value;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the description property value. The description property
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the description property.
+    */
+    public function setDescription(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('description', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the displayName property value. The displayName property
+     * @param string|null $value Value to set for the displayName property.
+    */
+    public function setDisplayName(?string $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('displayName', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportCriteria property value. The exportCriteria property
+     * @param ExportCriteria|null $value Value to set for the exportCriteria property.
+    */
+    public function setExportCriteria(?ExportCriteria $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportCriteria', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportFormat property value. The exportFormat property
+     * @param ExportFormat|null $value Value to set for the exportFormat property.
+    */
+    public function setExportFormat(?ExportFormat $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportFormat', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportLocation property value. The exportLocation property
+     * @param ExportLocation|null $value Value to set for the exportLocation property.
+    */
+    public function setExportLocation(?ExportLocation $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportLocation', $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the exportSingleItems property value. The exportSingleItems property
+     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the exportSingleItems property.
+    */
+    public function setExportSingleItems(?bool $value): void {
+        $this->getBackingStore()->set('exportSingleItems', $value);
+    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder.php
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index 00000000000..fad249e21b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder.php
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult;
+use Exception;
+use Http\Promise\Promise;
+use Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Models\ODataErrors\ODataError;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\BaseRequestBuilder;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\HttpMethod;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\RequestAdapter;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\RequestInformation;
+ * Provides operations to call the exportResult method.
+class MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder extends BaseRequestBuilder 
+    /**
+     * Instantiates a new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder and sets the default values.
+     * @param array<string, mixed>|string $pathParametersOrRawUrl Path parameters for the request or a String representing the raw URL.
+     * @param RequestAdapter $requestAdapter The request adapter to use to execute the requests.
+    */
+    public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdapter) {
+        parent::__construct($requestAdapter, [], '{+baseurl}/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/{ediscoveryCase%2Did}/searches/{ediscoverySearch%2Did}/');
+        if (is_array($pathParametersOrRawUrl)) {
+            $this->pathParameters = $pathParametersOrRawUrl;
+        } else {
+            $this->pathParameters = ['request-raw-url' => $pathParametersOrRawUrl];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Invoke action exportResult
+     * @param ExportResultPostRequestBody $body The request body
+     * @param MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+     * @return Promise<void|null>
+     * @throws Exception
+    */
+    public function post(ExportResultPostRequestBody $body, ?MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+        $errorMappings = [
+                'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
+        ];
+        return $this->requestAdapter->sendNoContentAsync($requestInfo, $errorMappings);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Invoke action exportResult
+     * @param ExportResultPostRequestBody $body The request body
+     * @param MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+     * @return RequestInformation
+    */
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(ExportResultPostRequestBody $body, ?MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+        $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
+        $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
+        $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
+        $requestInfo->httpMethod = HttpMethod::POST;
+        if ($requestConfiguration !== null) {
+            $requestInfo->addHeaders($requestConfiguration->headers);
+            $requestInfo->addRequestOptions(...$requestConfiguration->options);
+        }
+        $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
+        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
+        return $requestInfo;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a request builder with the provided arbitrary URL. Using this method means any other path or query parameters are ignored.
+     * @param string $rawUrl The raw URL to use for the request builder.
+     * @return MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder
+    */
+    public function withUrl(string $rawUrl): MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder {
+        return new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilder($rawUrl, $this->requestAdapter);
+    }
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index 00000000000..ca65394cc73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Generated/Security/Cases/EdiscoveryCases/Item/Searches/Item/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult/MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration.php
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Security\Cases\EdiscoveryCases\Item\Searches\Item\MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResult;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\BaseRequestConfiguration;
+use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\RequestOption;
+ * Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
+class MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration extends BaseRequestConfiguration 
+    /**
+     * Instantiates a new MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration and sets the default values.
+     * @param array<string, array<string>|string>|null $headers Request headers
+     * @param array<RequestOption>|null $options Request options
+    */
+    public function __construct(?array $headers = null, ?array $options = null) {
+        parent::__construct($headers ?? [], $options ?? []);
+    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e93e55b981b..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\ServicePrincipals\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 93a5c8645d8..4715a67c9e8 100644
--- a/src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/ServicePrincipals/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilder.php
index 624c79020e2..c03e7cf99ff 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@ public function delete(?ListItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $reques
-     * Get a list of rich long-running operations associated with a list.
+     * Returns the metadata for a list.
      * @param ListItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<EscapedList|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?ListItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?ListItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestC
-     * Get a list of rich long-running operations associated with a list.
+     * Returns the metadata for a list.
      * @param ListItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 779041bf847..aed7732a9cd 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Sites/Item/Lists/Item/ListItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Get a list of rich long-running operations associated with a list.
+ * Returns the metadata for a list.
 class ListItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilder.php
index 5762865a54b..3d7f8acc4b4 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Search across a SharePoint tenant for sites that match keywords provided. The only property that works for sorting is createdDateTime. The search filter is a free text search that uses multiple properties when retrieving the search results.
+     * List all available sites in an organization. Specific filter criteria and query options are also supported and described below: In addition, you can use a $search query against the /sites collection to find sites matching given keywords.If you want to list all sites across all geographies, refer to getAllSites. For more guidance about building applications that use site discovery for scanning purposes, see Best practices for discovering files and detecting changes at scale.
      * @param SitesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<SiteCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?SitesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public function get(?SitesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfigur
-     * Search across a SharePoint tenant for sites that match keywords provided. The only property that works for sorting is createdDateTime. The search filter is a free text search that uses multiple properties when retrieving the search results.
+     * List all available sites in an organization. Specific filter criteria and query options are also supported and described below: In addition, you can use a $search query against the /sites collection to find sites matching given keywords.If you want to list all sites across all geographies, refer to getAllSites. For more guidance about building applications that use site discovery for scanning purposes, see Best practices for discovering files and detecting changes at scale.
      * @param SitesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 8e8b1c7a645..66d728ca0a9 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Sites/SitesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Search across a SharePoint tenant for sites that match keywords provided. The only property that works for sorting is createdDateTime. The search filter is a free text search that uses multiple properties when retrieving the search results.
+ * List all available sites in an organization. Specific filter criteria and query options are also supported and described below: In addition, you can use a $search query against the /sites collection to find sites matching given keywords.If you want to list all sites across all geographies, refer to getAllSites. For more guidance about building applications that use site discovery for scanning purposes, see Best practices for discovering files and detecting changes at scale.
 class SitesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Solutions/BackupRestore/Enable/EnableRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Solutions/BackupRestore/Enable/EnableRequestBuilder.php
index a0f0066789a..6258ff76481 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Solutions/BackupRestore/Enable/EnableRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Solutions/BackupRestore/Enable/EnableRequestBuilder.php
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Enable the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage service for a tenant. Before you call this API, call List protection policies to initialize the data store in the tenant. Data store initialization takes about 5 minutes. If you call this API before the data store is initialized, the call results in an error.
+     * Enable the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage service for a tenant.
      * @param EnablePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param EnableRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ServiceStatus|null>
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public function post(EnablePostRequestBody $body, ?EnableRequestBuilderPostReque
-     * Enable the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage service for a tenant. Before you call this API, call List protection policies to initialize the data store in the tenant. Data store initialization takes about 5 minutes. If you call this API before the data store is initialized, the call results in an error.
+     * Enable the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage service for a tenant.
      * @param EnablePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param EnableRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
index 68bd5b9e82b..31ad13ae6a9 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<GetAllRetainedMessagesGetResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index bece3ce30eb..5bf9b709376 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+ * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
 class GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/Item/Messages/Item/Replies/RepliesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/Item/Messages/Item/Replies/RepliesRequestBuilder.php
index ba88609dded..a9a419c07bb 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/Item/Messages/Item/Replies/RepliesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Teams/Item/Channels/Item/Messages/Item/Replies/RepliesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ public function get(?RepliesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfig
-     * Send a new reply to a chatMessage in a specified channel.
+     * Create a new reply to a chatMessage in a specified channel.
      * @param ChatMessage $body The request body
      * @param RepliesRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<ChatMessage|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(ChatMessage $body, ?RepliesRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?RepliesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfigur
-     * Send a new reply to a chatMessage in a specified channel.
+     * Create a new reply to a chatMessage in a specified channel.
      * @param ChatMessage $body The request body
      * @param RepliesRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
index cb3c5634aad..5af4f33a558 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<GetAllRetainedMessagesGetResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 28b74506c16..dc53d5ce621 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Teamwork/DeletedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+ * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
 class GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/TenantRelationships/MultiTenantOrganization/MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/TenantRelationships/MultiTenantOrganization/MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilder.php
index 2abc4972dc7..ea912f9dee8 100644
--- a/src/Generated/TenantRelationships/MultiTenantOrganization/MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/TenantRelationships/MultiTenantOrganization/MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilder.php
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ public function get(?MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguratio
-     * Update the properties of a multitenant organization.
+     * Create a new multitenant organization. By default, the creator tenant becomes an owner tenant upon successful creation. Only owner tenants can manage a multitenant organization.
      * @param MultiTenantOrganization $body The request body
      * @param MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<MultiTenantOrganization|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function patch(MultiTenantOrganization $body, ?MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPatchRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public function toGetRequestInformation(?MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilderGe
-     * Update the properties of a multitenant organization.
+     * Create a new multitenant organization. By default, the creator tenant becomes an owner tenant upon successful creation. Only owner tenants can manage a multitenant organization.
      * @param MultiTenantOrganization $body The request body
      * @param MultiTenantOrganizationRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
index 7d541b891fb..34afe52dc02 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages from all chats that a user is a participant in, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<GetAllRetainedMessagesGetResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages from all chats that a user is a participant in, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 09ec3b0c975..061226670df 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Chats/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+ * Get all retained messages from all chats that a user is a participant in, including one-on-one chats, group chats, and meeting chats. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
 class GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
index bcb20e87923..baa533f1d60 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilder.php
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<GetAllRetainedMessagesGetResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public function get(?GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration
-     * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+     * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
      * @param GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 2ab92e474ca..a925d7891f9 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/JoinedTeams/Item/Channels/GetAllRetainedMessages/GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Invoke function getAllRetainedMessages
+ * Get all retained messages across all channels in a team. To learn more about how to use the Microsoft Teams export APIs to export content, see Export content with the Microsoft Teams export APIs.
 class GetAllRetainedMessagesRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilder.php
index d964ee26acc..9d61c5f6f27 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilder.php
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ public function delete(?PresenceRequestBuilderDeleteRequestConfiguration $reques
-     * Get a user's presence information.
+     * Set a presence status message for a user. An optional expiration date and time can be supplied.
      * @param PresenceRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<Presence|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?PresenceRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?PresenceRequestBuilderDeleteRequestC
-     * Get a user's presence information.
+     * Set a presence status message for a user. An optional expiration date and time can be supplied.
      * @param PresenceRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 3794e0b7d32..7aecc5f7422 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Presence/PresenceRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Get a user's presence information.
+ * Set a presence status message for a user. An optional expiration date and time can be supplied.
 class PresenceRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c26fb7d408f..00000000000
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestorePostRequestBody.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-namespace Microsoft\Graph\Generated\Users\Item\Restore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\AdditionalDataHolder;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\Parsable;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\ParseNode;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Serialization\SerializationWriter;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackedModel;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStore;
-use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Store\BackingStoreFactorySingleton;
-class RestorePostRequestBody implements AdditionalDataHolder, BackedModel, Parsable 
-    /**
-     * @var BackingStore $backingStore Stores model information.
-    */
-    private BackingStore $backingStore;
-    /**
-     * Instantiates a new RestorePostRequestBody and sets the default values.
-    */
-    public function __construct() {
-        $this->backingStore = BackingStoreFactorySingleton::getInstance()->createBackingStore();
-        $this->setAdditionalData([]);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the appropriate class based on discriminator value
-     * @param ParseNode $parseNode The parse node to use to read the discriminator value and create the object
-     * @return RestorePostRequestBody
-    */
-    public static function createFromDiscriminatorValue(ParseNode $parseNode): RestorePostRequestBody {
-        return new RestorePostRequestBody();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @return array<string, mixed>|null
-    */
-    public function getAdditionalData(): ?array {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('additionalData');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_array($val)) {
-            /** @var array<string, mixed>|null $val */
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'additionalData'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @return bool|null
-    */
-    public function getAutoReconcileProxyConflict(): ?bool {
-        $val = $this->getBackingStore()->get('autoReconcileProxyConflict');
-        if (is_null($val) || is_bool($val)) {
-            return $val;
-        }
-        throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Invalid type found in backing store for 'autoReconcileProxyConflict'");
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @return BackingStore
-    */
-    public function getBackingStore(): BackingStore {
-        return $this->backingStore;
-    }
-    /**
-     * The deserialization information for the current model
-     * @return array<string, callable(ParseNode): void>
-    */
-    public function getFieldDeserializers(): array {
-        $o = $this;
-        return  [
-            'autoReconcileProxyConflict' => fn(ParseNode $n) => $o->setAutoReconcileProxyConflict($n->getBooleanValue()),
-        ];
-    }
-    /**
-     * Serializes information the current object
-     * @param SerializationWriter $writer Serialization writer to use to serialize this model
-    */
-    public function serialize(SerializationWriter $writer): void {
-        $writer->writeBooleanValue('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $this->getAutoReconcileProxyConflict());
-        $writer->writeAdditionalData($this->getAdditionalData());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the AdditionalData property value. Stores additional data not described in the OpenAPI description found when deserializing. Can be used for serialization as well.
-     * @param array<string,mixed> $value Value to set for the AdditionalData property.
-    */
-    public function setAdditionalData(?array $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('additionalData', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the autoReconcileProxyConflict property value. The autoReconcileProxyConflict property
-     * @param bool|null $value Value to set for the autoReconcileProxyConflict property.
-    */
-    public function setAutoReconcileProxyConflict(?bool $value): void {
-        $this->getBackingStore()->set('autoReconcileProxyConflict', $value);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the BackingStore property value. Stores model information.
-     * @param BackingStore $value Value to set for the BackingStore property.
-    */
-    public function setBackingStore(BackingStore $value): void {
-        $this->backingStore = $value;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
index 087c7a3b7cf..82e3d090503 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/Restore/RestoreRequestBuilder.php
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<DirectoryObject|null>
      * @throws Exception
      * @link Find more info here
-    public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
-        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
+    public function post(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
+        $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
         $errorMappings = [
                 'XXX' => [ODataError::class, 'createFromDiscriminatorValue'],
@@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ public function post(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostReq
      * Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. However, security groups can't be restored. Also, restoring an application doesn't restore the associated service principal automatically. You must call this API to explicitly restore the deleted service principal. A recently deleted item remains available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted.
-     * @param RestorePostRequestBody $body The request body
      * @param RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
-    public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
+    public function toPostRequestInformation(?RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): RequestInformation {
         $requestInfo = new RequestInformation();
         $requestInfo->urlTemplate = $this->urlTemplate;
         $requestInfo->pathParameters = $this->pathParameters;
@@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ public function toPostRequestInformation(RestorePostRequestBody $body, ?RestoreR
         $requestInfo->tryAddHeader('Accept', "application/json");
-        $requestInfo->setContentFromParsable($this->requestAdapter, "application/json", $body);
         return $requestInfo;
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilder.php
index d1135726efd..08e35ed8229 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilder.php
@@ -650,11 +650,11 @@ public function exportDeviceAndAppManagementDataWithSkipWithTop(int $skip, int $
-     * Read properties and relationships of the user object.
+     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of user object. This operation returns by default only a subset of the more commonly used properties for each user. These default properties are noted in the Properties section. To get properties that are not returned by default, do a GET operation for the user and specify the properties in a $select OData query option. Because the user resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in a user instance. Customers through Microsoft Entra ID for customers can also use this API operation to retrieve their details.
      * @param UserItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<User|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?UserItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ public function toDeleteRequestInformation(?UserItemRequestBuilderDeleteRequestC
-     * Read properties and relationships of the user object.
+     * Retrieve the properties and relationships of user object. This operation returns by default only a subset of the more commonly used properties for each user. These default properties are noted in the Properties section. To get properties that are not returned by default, do a GET operation for the user and specify the properties in a $select OData query option. Because the user resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in a user instance. Customers through Microsoft Entra ID for customers can also use this API operation to retrieve their details.
      * @param UserItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 4ffb975bcb1..02898a7be9e 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/Item/UserItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * Read properties and relationships of the user object.
+ * Retrieve the properties and relationships of user object. This operation returns by default only a subset of the more commonly used properties for each user. These default properties are noted in the Properties section. To get properties that are not returned by default, do a GET operation for the user and specify the properties in a $select OData query option. Because the user resource supports extensions, you can also use the GET operation to get custom properties and extension data in a user instance. Customers through Microsoft Entra ID for customers can also use this API operation to retrieve their details.
 class UserItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilder.php b/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilder.php
index 06425a513f1..05db42372c5 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilder.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilder.php
@@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ public function __construct($pathParametersOrRawUrl, RequestAdapter $requestAdap
-     * List properties and relationships of the user objects.
+     * Retrieve a list of user objects.
      * @param UsersRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<UserCollectionResponse|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function get(?UsersRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toGetRequestInformation($requestConfiguration);
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public function get(?UsersRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration $requestConfigur
      * @param UsersRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return Promise<User|null>
      * @throws Exception
-     * @link Find more info here
+     * @link Find more info here
     public function post(User $body, ?UsersRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $requestConfiguration = null): Promise {
         $requestInfo = $this->toPostRequestInformation($body, $requestConfiguration);
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public function post(User $body, ?UsersRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration $r
-     * List properties and relationships of the user objects.
+     * Retrieve a list of user objects.
      * @param UsersRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration|null $requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options.
      * @return RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php b/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
index 3e762ac4482..1e989d3b59e 100644
--- a/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
+++ b/src/Generated/Users/UsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters.php
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 use Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\QueryParameter;
- * List properties and relationships of the user objects.
+ * Retrieve a list of user objects.
 class UsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters 
diff --git a/src/Generated/kiota-dom-export.txt b/src/Generated/kiota-dom-export.txt
index 52fdfaf7daa..222a756372c 100644
--- a/src/Generated/kiota-dom-export.txt
+++ b/src/Generated/kiota-dom-export.txt
@@ -2778,23 +2778,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.applications.item.removePassword.RemovePasswordRequest
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.applications.item.removePassword.removePasswordRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.applications.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.applications.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.applications.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.applications.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -8719,23 +8708,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contacts.item.OrgContactItemRequestBuilderGetRequestCo
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contacts.item.OrgContactItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration::|static|public|createQueryParameters(expand?:array; select?:array):OrgContactItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contacts.item.OrgContactItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contacts.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contacts.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contacts.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contacts.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -9247,23 +9225,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contracts.item.getMemberObjects.GetMemberObjectsReques
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contracts.item.getMemberObjects.getMemberObjectsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contracts.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contracts.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contracts.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.contracts.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -26624,23 +26591,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.devices.item.registeredUsers.registeredUsersRequestBui
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.devices.item.registeredUsers.registeredUsersRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array; queryParameters?:RegisteredUsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters):void
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.devices.item.registeredUsers.registeredUsersRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration::|static|public|createQueryParameters(count?:bool; expand?:array; filter?:string; orderby?:array; search?:string; select?:array; skip?:int; top?:int):RegisteredUsersRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.devices.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.devices.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.devices.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.devices.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -28252,23 +28208,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\
 Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array; queryParameters?:GraphUserRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters):void
 Microsoft\Graph\|static|public|createQueryParameters(expand?:array; select?:array):GraphUserRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
-Microsoft\Graph\>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -28909,23 +28854,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryObjects.item.getMemberObjects.GetMemberObject
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryObjects.item.getMemberObjects.getMemberObjectsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryObjects.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryObjects.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryObjects.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryObjects.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -29641,23 +29575,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoles.item.members.ref.RefRequestBuilderGetRe
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoles.item.members.ref.RefRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration::|static|public|createQueryParameters(count?:bool; filter?:string; orderby?:array; search?:string; skip?:int; top?:int):RefRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoles.item.members.ref.RefRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoles.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoles.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoles.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoles.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -30049,23 +29972,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoleTemplates.item.getMemberObjects.GetMember
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoleTemplates.item.getMemberObjects.getMemberObjectsRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoleTemplates.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoleTemplates.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoleTemplates.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.directoryRoleTemplates.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -73818,23 +73730,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groups.item.resetUnseenCount.ResetUnseenCountRequestBu
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groups.item.resetUnseenCount.resetUnseenCountRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groups.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groups.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groups.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groups.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -91711,23 +91612,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groupSettingTemplates.item.GroupSettingTemplateItemReq
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groupSettingTemplates.item.GroupSettingTemplateItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration::|static|public|createQueryParameters(expand?:array; select?:array):GroupSettingTemplateItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groupSettingTemplates.item.GroupSettingTemplateItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groupSettingTemplates.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groupSettingTemplates.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groupSettingTemplates.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.groupSettingTemplates.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -140644,6 +140534,13 @@ Microsoft\Graph\
@@ -140987,6 +140884,8 @@ Microsoft\Graph\
@@ -141320,14 +141219,17 @@ Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor():
@@ -141341,13 +141243,16 @@ Microsoft\Graph\|public|Serialize(writ
@@ -141641,6 +141546,30 @@ Microsoft\Graph\|p
@@ -141753,6 +141682,9 @@ Microsoft\Graph\
@@ -141774,6 +141706,13 @@ Microsoft\Graph\
@@ -156192,23 +156131,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.organization.item.OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetReq
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.organization.item.OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration::|static|public|createQueryParameters(expand?:array; select?:array):OrganizationItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.organization.item.OrganizationItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.organization.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.organization.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.organization.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.organization.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -156518,23 +156446,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.permissionGrants.item.ResourceSpecificPermissionGrantI
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.permissionGrants.item.ResourceSpecificPermissionGrantItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration::|static|public|createQueryParameters(expand?:array; select?:array):ResourceSpecificPermissionGrantItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.permissionGrants.item.ResourceSpecificPermissionGrantItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.permissionGrants.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.permissionGrants.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.permissionGrants.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.permissionGrants.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -167829,6 +167746,8 @@ Microsoft\Graph\
 Microsoft\Graph\|public|Patch(body:EdiscoverySearch; requestConfiguration?:EdiscoverySearchItemRequestBuilderPatchRequestConfiguration):EdiscoverySearch
@@ -167875,6 +167794,68 @@ Microsoft\Graph\
 Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
+Microsoft\Graph\>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|Post(body:ExportReportPostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):void
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:ExportReportPostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportReportRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
+Microsoft\Graph\>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|Post(body:ExportResultPostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):void
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:ExportResultPostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:MicrosoftGraphSecurityExportResultRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
+Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
 Microsoft\Graph\|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
@@ -174214,23 +174195,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.servicePrincipals.item.removePassword.RemovePasswordRe
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.servicePrincipals.item.removePassword.removePasswordRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.servicePrincipals.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.servicePrincipals.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.servicePrincipals.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.servicePrincipals.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
@@ -223078,23 +223048,12 @@ Microsoft\Graph\Generated.users.item.reprocessLicenseAssignment.ReprocessLicense
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.users.item.reprocessLicenseAssignment.reprocessLicenseAssignmentRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration::|public|constructor(headers?:array; options?:array):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.users.item.restore.restorePostRequestBody~~>AdditionalDataHolder; BackedModel; Parsable
 Microsoft\Graph\Generated.users.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|constructor(pathParameters:array; requestAdapter:RequestAdapter):void
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.users.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|Post(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):DirectoryObject
-Microsoft\Graph\Generated.users.item.restore.RestoreRequestBuilder::|public|ToPostRequestInformation(body:RestorePostRequestBody; requestConfiguration?:RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration):RequestInformation
diff --git a/src/Generated/kiota-lock.json b/src/Generated/kiota-lock.json
index 4a39506fdd6..60af1fd8810 100644
--- a/src/Generated/kiota-lock.json
+++ b/src/Generated/kiota-lock.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  "descriptionHash": "E8C58B9E7D0737F125B46642DD10349452886D3991D072A5549EF231E3AB647E521BEEE339112445B6BBE5F42F0CD10593CA2E7B03AE41B325473F3F6C5DD3B8",
+  "descriptionHash": "98EF62C7D00E0055EEF293516CE37164005556511054A4427B000658699E347C690A7914DA6986ED3BCA9369BD022680E8BB97C60642CD30589F657BDC7C2504",
   "descriptionLocation": "../../msgraph-metadata/clean_v10_openapi/openapi.yaml",
   "lockFileVersion": "1.0.0",
   "kiotaVersion": "1.19.0",