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FAQ and Common Issues

Caitlin Bales (MSFT) edited this page Jul 25, 2017 · 2 revisions


What resources are available through the Microsoft Graph API?

The MS Graph documentation contains a Table of Contents listing all the available resources in both v1 and beta branches

My access token is invalid

Read over the guide to app authentication with Graph. Azure has also published several articles on authenticating using several different application types and endpoints.

My access token is valid, but I receive an error that I do not have sufficient privileges to access a resource

When you authenticate against Graph, you will have to specify which scopes you want. Some of these scopes require admin consent. Consult the Permission scopes documentation as well as the prerequisite scope of the resource you are trying to access. For example,

One of the following scopes is required to execute this API: Calendars.ReadWrite

I cannot add query parameters to my request

Make sure that you either use single quotes around your endpoint or escape your "$"

$graph->createCollectionRequest("GET", "/me/messages?\$filter=from/emailAddress/address eq ''");


$graph->createCollectionRequest("GET", '/me/messages?$select=subject');

I'm having issues with ____. Is this a known issue?

Check the Known issues page first if you are getting request errors. If you are still looking for troubleshooting, try asking your question on StackOverflow

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