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Chalk programming language

A collection of ideas that I hope will turn into a working programming language.

Note: this readme is out of date. Most up-to-date information probably will be in

Current status, as of 25. 11. 2018: still just a collection of ideas.

Highlights TODO

  • modules
  • nullable types
  • reflection
  • generics
  • sensible alternative to operator overloading
  • (nested) classes
  • traits
  • compile time execution of code
  • async functions
  • generators
  • RAII

Language and standard library

What chalk does NOT and will not have

  • header files
  • macros
  • (stop the world) garbage collection
  • significant whitespace
  • class inheritance
  • wrong methods called because of polymorphism
  • statements; everything is an expression
  • synchronous IO (but there is compile-time IO)
  • global state and variables (but there are module-wide ones)
  • namespaces (but there are static classes)
  • duck typing, including in templates
  • (probably) exceptions


Every type is either a class, a trait, or a composite type.

Basic types

You can find more at TODO link to standard library.

Type Description
Object Trait that every class implicitly implements.
Int Signed integer, size depends on platform, at least pointer size.
Int8 Signed 8-bit integer.
Int16 Signed 16-bit integer.
Int32 Signed 32-bit integer.
Int64 Signed 64-bit integer.
Float32 32-bit floating-point number.
Float64 64-bit floating-point number.
Bool Boolean, true or false.
String Utf8 string.

Type modifiers

  • mut T - makes a type modifiable.
  • const T - makes a type constant.

Type modifiers affect all variables in a single declaration, not just one.

Constant type can accept any variable, but prevents any modifications of its value. Types that are marked neither mut nor const can act as either, unless it would allow assignment of constant variable to a mutable variable.

class Car {
  [4]Wheel wheels;
  *Wheel getWheel(Int i) { return wheels[i] };

mut Car mutCar;
const Car constCar;

// OK
mut *Wheel mutWheel = mutCar.getWheel(0);
const *Wheel constWheel = constCar.getWheel(0);

// Error, cannot assign const value to mut variable
mut *Wheel mutWheel = constCar.getWheel(0);

Syntactic sugar

Sugar Type Description
*T Ptr<T> Pointer to T.
?T Optional<T> Optional T, can be null.
[]T Array<T> Resizable array of T.
[3]T Array<T, 3> Array of T with length 3.
[?]T -- Array of T with inferred length.

Pointers also need to be optional to be able to hold null.

Floats cannot be NaN, but optional floats can be null.

Some examples:

  • ?[]mut ?Int8 is optional dynamic array to mutable optional integers.
  • const *mut T - constant pointer to mutable T.
  • mut *const T - mutable pointer to constant T.
  • ?*T - optional (nullable) pointer to T.
  • *?T - pointer to optional (nullable) T.

Implicit type conversions

Conversions can be chained.

Conversion Description
Int8 -> Int16 -> Int32 -> Int64 Integer widening
*T -> T deferefence
T -> *T reference
T -> ?T type to optional type
A&B -> A
`A -> A B`

Additionally, there is unsafe ?T -> T, see unsafe keyword.


Example Description
42 Base-10 integer
0b101010 Base-2 integer
0o52 Base-8 integer
0x2A Base-16 integer
42.5 Base-10 floating-point number
0b101010.1 Base-2 floating-point number
0o52.4 Base-8 floating-point number
0x2A.8 Base-16 floating-point number

Underscores can be placed between digits.

Example Description
"hello" String
[ 0, 10 ] Array of integers
[ 0, "a" ] Array of Object
{ T t: val, Int i: 9 } Instance of implicilty defined anonymous class

There are two special values, null, which is assignable to (any) optional type, and undefined, which is used to leave variables uninitialized (unsafe, see unsafe keyword) or use default function argument (safe).

To understand how equality works with null, have a look at TODO link to std/Object.equals()

Classes and enums

Classes are collections of values and methods. Enum is a class that has finitely many constant instances. Enum implicily implements trait Enum.

Classes can be nested, both static and inner. Inner classes have the same type even if they belong to a different instance.

Class fields marked mut are mutable even if the instance is const. Such fields must be private.

Example class:

class X : Trait1, Trait2 friend Y {
  Int a = 0; // private, only accessible to class X and Y
  get Int b; // read only
  set Int c; // write only
  pub Int d; // public
  // Constructor
  pub new() : b(0), c(0), d(0) {} // Order must be same as declaration.
  pub new(Int a, Int b, Int c, Int d) : a(a), b(b), c(c), d(d) {}
  // Methods are either private or pub.
  pub Int getA() { return a }
  pub void setA(Int a) ~ { this.a = a }
  pub static X s() {}
  // Destructor, called at the end of variable's lifetime
  pub wen

X x = new(1, 2, 3, 4);

Example enum:

enum Bool { true, false } // Definition of Bool in standard library.

enum E {

trait DirTrait { Int8 dirX, dirY; }

enum Direction : DirTrait {
  up(1, 0),
  down(-1, 0),
  left(0, -1),
  right(0, 1);
  get Int8 dirX;
  get Int8 dirY;
  Direction(Int8 x, Int8 y) : x(x), y(y) {}

Direction.up.dirX // 1


Traits are collections of method definitions and declarations (with implicit pub access modifier) that a class must have. They can also contain member types.

The own keyword specifies that the member function/variable belongs to the trait itself, not to a class.

trait Console {
  static String defaultMessage = "(blank)";
  print(*String str = defaultMessage);
  println(*String str = defaultMessage) { print(str + "\n"); }
  own foo() {}
  static class Stats;

class SimpleConsole : Console {
  static class Stats friend SimpleConsole {
    get Int bytesWritten;
  Stats stats;
  print(*String str) {
    stats.bytesWritten += out.write(str);
}; // Prints "(blank)\n"; // is an error

Composite types

If A and B are classes, A|B is a union class.

If A and B are traits, A&B is an intersection triat and A|B is a union trait.

Control flow and basic syntax


Int var0 = 5;

ClassType var1 = new(args, to, constructor);

TraitType var2 =;

// TODO decide
class : Trait1, Trait2 Value = bar();

class Value : Trait1, Trait2 = bar();

Keyword auto can be used to infer type from right hand side of assignment.

auto var3 = 5; // var3 is Int.

auto var4 =; // var4 is ClassType.


condition && foo();
condition || bar();

condition ? {
} : bar();

Code block

Code block is an expression that contains multiple sub-expressions and returns the last one. It creates a new scope.

Int x = {
  Int x = rand.random();
  x * x;

For loops

Braces are mandatory. The expression continue skips the rest of one iteration of the for loop, break skips the rest of the whole loop.

for {} // Infinite loop
for cond {} // While x
for ; cond; post {}
for init; cond; post {}
for Type x : iterable {}

outer: for []Int arr : arrArr {
  for Int i : arr {
    i > 0 && continue outer;


Switch must be exhaustive.

switch x {
  case 0: foo();
  case 1, 2: { bar(); continue; }
  case _: x -= 1;

// Switch with array literals
switch [ x, y ] {
  case [ false, false ]: a();
  case [ false,  true ]: b();
  case [  true, false ]: c();
  case [  true,  true ]: d();

switch { // Equivalent to `switch true {`
  case x <  5: a();
  case x == 5: b();
  case x >  5: c();


TODO precedence

Modulo uses euclidean division, ie. 0 <= a % b < b.

Most operators are syntactic sugar for method calls, so it's possible to emulate operator overloading by implementing certain traits.

Example Sugar for Trait
a += b a.add(b) Number
a -= b a.sub(b) Number
a *= b a.mul(b) Number
a /= b a.div(b) Number
a %= b a.mod(b) Number
a **= b a.pow(b) Number
a <<= b a.shl(b) (must be Int)
a >>= b a.shr(b, true) (must be Int)
a >>>= b a.shr(b, false) (must be Int)
a &= b a.bitwiseAnd(b) (must be Int)
a |= b a.bitwiseOr(b) (must be Int)
a ^= b a.bitwiseXor(b) (must be Int)
a + b Number.add(a, b) Number
a - b Number.sub(a, b) Number
a * b Number.mul(a, b) Number
a / b Number.div(a, b) Number
a % b Number.mod(a, b) Number
a ** b Number.pow(a, b) Number
a << b Int.shl(a, b) (must be Int)
a >> b Int.shr(a, b, true) (must be Int)
a >>> b Int.shr(a, b, false) (must be Int)
a & b Int.bitwiseAnd(a, b) (must be Int)
a | b Int.bitwiseOr(a, b) (must be Int)
a ^ b Int.bitwiseXor(a, b) (must be Int)
a == b Object.equals(a, b) Object
a != b !Object.equals(a, b) Object
a < b Int.sign(Comparable.cmp(a, b)) == -1 Comparable
a > b Int.sign(Comparable.cmp(a, b)) == 1 Comparable
a <= b Int.sign(Comparable.cmp(a, b)) != 1 Comparable
a >= b Int.sign(Comparable.cmp(a, b)) != -1 Comparable
a <=> b Comparable.cmp(a, b) Comparable
a = b a.assign(b) Object
a[b] a.get(b) Indexable
!a Bool.not(a) (a must be Bool)
?a Optional.hasValue(a) (a must be Optional)
??a Optional.getValue(a) (a must be Optional)
a ?: b Optional.getValue(a, b) (a must be Optional)

Operators that are not syntactic sugar:

Example Operator Return type
a; b Sequential Type of b
a.b Member access Type of b
a?.b Member access Type of b or Null
a && b Logical and Bool if b is Bool, else Null.
a || b Logical or Bool if b is Bool, else Null.
a ? b : c Conditional Common type of b and c

The first operand of conditional, logical and and logical or operators must be Bool.


A single program is typically written in multiple files. Each file that contains code is a module.

A module can export code using the keyword export. Other modules cannot write to variables they import.

// a.chalk

Int64 modulePrivate = 2;

export class Car {}

class X {
  get Int a, b, c;

function foo() {}

export { foo, X as Y };

Code exported from other modules (including the standard library) can be imported in other modules. Unless the module std/default-import.chalk is imported explicitly, everything from it is imported by default.

Import expressions must be part of the module scope (note conditional operator implicitly creates a new scope even without braces).

// b.chalk

import { Car, foo, Y } from "./a.chalk";

// Or
import * as A from "./a.chalk";

foo ==; // True.


A function represents a computation that takes zero or more parameters and returns a value.

Int add(Int a, Int b) {
  return a + b;

Functions are copyable and assignable. Syntactic sugar types can be used on functions.

Int addCopy(Int a, Int b) = add;

Int *addPtr(Int a, Int b) = add;

Bool []logicalOps(Bool a, Bool b) =
    [ Bool(Bool a, Bool b) { return a && b; }
    , Bool(Bool a, Bool b) { return a || b; }
    , Bool(Bool a, Bool b) { return a != b; }

All functions in the same scope must have a unique signature. Signature consists of name of the function and types of its parameters.

A function can have default parameter(s). Such a function defines multiple overloads, one for each combination of default/nondefault arguments. If the last X parameters are default and of the same type, only the rightmost Y <= X can be omitted.

Blank argument (underscore) acts as default argument when used in the place of default parameter.

The default argument will be evaluated for each call.

Int x(Int i = 10) { return 10 * i; }

Int a() = x;

a() == x(); // True.

If an argument's type is a trait, function is dispatched dynamically.

Tail call optimization is guaranteed for every function invocation that is the last executed expression in a function.

Functions can be contain type definitions (and that includes other functions).

TODO Nested function can return as the outer function

All functions are instances of the Function class.

Return type can be auto, a common type of all posibly returned values.

Example Description
Int(P p0, P p1) Type of a function with two P params and Int return type
Int a() { return 0; } Function a that returns 0
Int b() = a; Function b that is a copy of a
Int []c() = [ a, b ]; Array c of functions a and b
void d() { /*...*/ } Ordinary function


Methods are functions defined inside a class. Non-static methods have an implicit first parameter this and can access and modify instance's private members.

class X {
  void foo();

X x;

void foo(*X this) =;


Generator functions

A function that returns a Stream is a generator. It can use the yield keyword.

Stream<Int> fibonacci() {
  Int [ a, b ] = [ 0, 1 ];
  for {
    yield a;
    [ a, b ] = [ b, a + b ];

for Int i : fibonacci().take(10) {

Async functions

A function that returns (TODO or can return?) a promise is an async function. It can use the await keyword to suspend its execution and wait for promises to resolve.

Promise foo(i) { await sleep(200); bar(i); }

Promise<String> fn() {
  for await Int i : asyncInterator { print(i); }
  for i : range(10) { await foo(i); } // runs serially;
  return "abc";

// Can this function use async keyword?
Bool|Promise<Bool> randBool() {
  // If enough entropy, return Bool, else return Promise<Bool>


Syntactic sugar for normal functions. Types can be omitted if they can be inferred.

Example Equivalent to
a => b BType(AType a) { return b; }
(Int a, Int b) => a + b Int(Int a, Int b) { return a + b; }


Generic types are types that have generic parameters. A generic parameter can be a type or a constant value. Generic parameters are implicitly comptime.

Unlike in C++, duck typing doesn't work in Chalk. All members of type parameters must be specified in a trait the type implements.

class Box<class Val> {
  pub Val value;

class PrintableCollection<class Val : Printable, class Col : Collection> : Printable {
  pub Col values;
  String toString() {
    return + ":\n" + => v.toString() + "\n").join();

Generic types can be specialized, but only in the module it was defined in.

Trait types of local variables whose class is known at compile time are compiled as if they were class types.

Parameters can be declared comptime, calling a function with such parameters will call an optimized version of the function if some of the parameters' values are known at compile time.

void fn(comptime Bool b) {
  b ? a() : b(); // Branch is eliminated if `b` is know at compile time


See the standard library TODO add a link to not yet existing resource.

TODO some basics

Compile-time code execution

Arbitrary compile time execution of code with the comptime keyword, comptime file reads.

[64][64]Float values = comptime new((*Float value, Int i0, Int i1) {
  value = heavyMath(i0, i1);

Compile-time execution fails if it attempts to access a mutable variable that is not defined in the currently executing comptime expression.

void(Int i) {
  return comptime i; // Error

Safe code

Safe code is code without undefined behavior, it either does what it should or terminates the program. Safe code does not produce memory leaks and race conditions. Note this was written very early and is probably too optimistic.

Keyword unsafe marks unsafe code. Using it may result in unpredictable behavior.

Unsafe parts of language can be used without unsafe if they are provably safe to the compiler.

Unsafe code

  • explicit constructor and destructor calls (
  • assignment of undefined - does not initialize a variable
  • pass reference to an object with longer lifetime than the reference
  • pointer arithmetic



Async functions

Cooperative, in the same thread as caller.


Preemptive, threaded.

Tools, language compatibility