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Inherit.jl is used to inherit fields and interface definitions from a supertype. It supports programming with an object-oriented flavor in Julia, whenever this is more appropriate than developing under traditional Julia patterns.

Fields defined in a supertype are automatically inherited by each subtype, and method declarations are checked for each subtype's implementation. An inheritance hierachy across multiple modules is supported. To accomplish this, macro processing is used to construct native Julia types, which allows the the full range of Julia syntax to be used in most situations.

Quick Start

Use @abstractbase to declare an abstract supertype, and use @implement to inherit from such a type. Standard struct syntax is used.

using Inherit

Base type of Fruity objects. 
Creates a julia native type with 
	`abstract type Fruit end`
@abstractbase struct Fruit
	"declares an interface which must be implemented"
	function cost(fruit::Fruit, unitprice::Float64) end

Concrete type which represents an apple, inheriting from Fruit.
Creates a julia native type with 
	`struct Apple <: Fruit weight::Float64; coresize::Int end`
@implement struct Apple <: Fruit 

Implements supertype's interface declaration `cost` for the type `Apple`
function cost(apple::Apple, unitprice::Float64)
	apple.weight * unitprice * (apple.coresize < 5 ? 2.0 : 1.0)

println(cost(Apple(3.0, 4), 1.0))

Note that the definition of cost function inside of Fruit is interpreted as an interface declaration; it does not result in a method being defined.

!!! info What this declaration means is that when invoking the cost function, passing an object which is a subtype of Fruit (declared with the @implement macro) to the fruit::Fruit parameter must be able to dispatch to some method instance. This is verified when a module is first loaded.

Interaction with modules

An object oriented programming style can be useful to applications that span across multiple modules. Even though Inherit.jl can be used inside of scripts, its true usefulness is to assert common interfaces shared by different data types from different modules. Verification of method declarations take place in the __init__() function of the module which the implementing type belongs to (i.e. where the @implement macro is used).

The module __init__() function

The specially named module-level (i.e. top-level) function __init__() is called after the module has been fully loaded by Julia. If an interface definition has not been met, an exception will be thrown.

module M1
	using Inherit
	@abstractbase struct Fruit
		function cost(fruit::Fruit, unitprice::Float64) end
	@implement struct Apple <: Fruit end
	@implement struct Orange <: Fruit end
	@implement struct Kiwi <: Fruit end

	function cost(fruit::Union{Apple, Kiwi}, unitprice::Float64) 
ERROR: InitError: ImplementError: subtype M1.Orange missing Tuple{typeof(M1.cost), M1.Orange, Float64} declared as:
function cost(fruit::Fruit, unitprice::Float64)

Upon loading module M1, Inherit.jl throws an ImplementError from the __init__() function, telling you that it's looking for a method signature that can dispatch cost(::M1.Orange, ::Float64). It makes no complaints about Apple and Kiwi because their dispatch can be satisfied.

The @postinit macro

The presence of an @abstractbase or @implement macro causes Inherit.jl to generate and overwrite the module's __init__() function. To execute your own module initialization code, the @postinit macro is available. It accepts a function as argument and registers that function to be executed after __init__(). Multiple occurrences of @postinit will result in each function being called successively.

Putting it all together

Let's demonstrate @postinit as well as other features in a more extended example.

module M1
	using Inherit

	@abstractbase struct Fruit
		"docstrings of method declarations are appended at the end of method docstrings"
		function cost(fruit::Fruit, unitprice::Float64) end
	"this implementation satisfies the interface declaration for all subtypes of Fruit"
	function cost(item::Fruit, unitprice::Real)
		unitprice * item.weight

module M2
	using Inherit
	import ..M1

	@abstractbase struct Berry <: M1.Fruit
		In a declaration, the supertype can appear in a variety of positions. 
		A supertype argument can be matched with itself or a __narrower__ type.
		Supertypes inside containers must be matched with itself or a __broader__ type.
		function pack(time::Int, ::Berry, bunch::Vector{Berry}) end

		However, if you prefix the supertype with `<:`, it becomes a ranged parameter. You can match it with a ranged subtype parameter.
		function move(::Vector{<:Berry}, location) end

	@implement struct BlueBerry <: Berry end

	The implementing method's argument types can be broader than the interface's argument types.
	Note that `AbstractVector{<:BlueBerry}` will not work in the 3rd argument, because a `Vector{Berry}` argument will have no dispatch.
	function pack(time::Number, berry::BlueBerry, bunch::AbstractVector{<:M1.Fruit}) 
		println("packing things worth \$$(cost(first(bunch), 1.5) + cost(berry, 1.5))")

	The subtype `BlueBerry` can be used in a container, because it's a ranged parameter. Make sure nested containers are all ranged parameters; otherwise, the interface cannot be satisfied.
	function move(bunch::Vector{<:BlueBerry}, location) 
		println("moving $(length(bunch)) blueberries to $location")

	@postinit function myinit()
		println("docstring of imported `cost` function:\n", @doc cost)
		pack(0, BlueBerry(1.0), [BlueBerry(2.0)])
		move([BlueBerry(1.0), BlueBerry(2.0)], "the truck")
[ Info: Inherit.jl: processed M1 with 1 supertype having 1 method requirement. 0 subtypes were checked with 0 missing methods.
[ Info: Inherit.jl: processed M2 with 1 supertype having 3 method requirements. 1 subtype was checked with 0 missing methods.
docstring of imported `cost` function:
this implementation satisfies the interface declaration for all subtypes of Fruit
docstrings of method declarations are appended at the end of method docstrings

packing things worth $4.5
moving 2 blueberries to the truck

We can make a few observations regarding the above example:

  • A summary message is printed after each module is loaded, showing Inherit.jl is active.
  • Multiple levels of inheritance is possible across multiple modules.
  • Method definitions are quite flexible. In a method declaration, you can name a supertype anywhere that's valid in Julia, and it will be checked for proper dispatch of subtypes.
  • The function M1.cost was automatically imported into module M2. The function still lives in module M1 together with its method instances, but it is available in M2 through the symbol cost.
    • While not shown in this example, you can extend M1.cost by writing function cost(...) ... end in module M2
  • Docstrings are preserved. Docstring for method declarations are added to the end of any method docstrings.

!!! info When implementing a method declaration, supertypes inside of containers like (e.g. Pair, Vector, Dict) may not be substituted with a subtype, because Julia's type parameters are invariant. However, a ranged supertype parameter (prefixed with <:) can be substituted with a ranged subtype.

Changing the reporting level

To have module __init__() log an error message instead of throwing an exception, add setreportlevel(ShowMessage) near the front of the module. You can also disable interface checking altogether with setreportlevel(SkipInitCheck)

By default, module __init__() writes its summary message at the Info log level. You can change this by setting ENV["INHERIT_JL_SUMMARY_LEVEL"] to one of ["debug", "info", "warn", "error", "none"].


Parametric types are currently not supported. Basic support for parametric concrete types is being planned.

Methods are examined only for their positional arguments. Inherit.jl has no special knowledge of keyword arguments, but this may improve in the future.

Inherit.jl has no special knowledge about constructors (inner or otherwise). They're treated like normal functions. As a result, constructor inheritance is not available.

Short form function definitions such as f() = nothing are not supported for method declaration; use the long form function f() end instead. Using short form for method implementation can be problematic as well (e.g. when the function is imported from another module); it's generally safer to use long form.

Multiple inheritance

Multiple inheritance is currently not supported, but is being planned. It will have the following syntax:

@abstractbase struct Fruit
	function cost(fruit::Fruit, unitprice::Float64) end

@trait struct SweetFood
	Subtype must define:
		function sugarlevel(obj::T) end  
	where T<--SweetFood
	function sugarlevel(obj<--SweetFood) end  

@implement struct Apple <: Fruit _ <-- SweetFood 

function sugarlevel(apple::Apple) "depends on "*join(fieldnames(Apple),", ") end	

sugarlevel(Apple(3.3, "sucrose", 4))
"depends on weight, sugartype, coresize"

See documentation for API details.