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VFC Dashboard - A Getting Started Example:

This example will guide you step by step through the VFC Dahsboard functionalities. You will create a simple but interactive dashboard that shows the status of your three (simulated) machines that you already connected to Insights Hub. You will learn the essential nodes for dashboarding with the VFC and will be able to extend your dashboard according to your own needs. The Dashboard you create will look like this:


This tutorial is meant to start from scratch. You will set up your Assets, generate data for them and build your dashboard on the basis of this data. If you just want to check out the dashboard, import it From Here. Please note, that you have to change major components to fit the dashboard to your own tenant's asset model.


  • around 120 minutes of time
  • Visual Flow Creator
  • Asset Manager
  • basic Javascript knowledge is helpful, but not required

All required applications and resources are part of a Start for free tenant. You can follow this tutorial along regardless of your Insights Hub package.

This tutorial is designed for beginners. However, some fundamental knowledge about the VFC will make your learning journey more enjoyable. Learn the basics Here.


We will simulate three different versions of an industrial machine:

  • Basic
  • Performance
  • Eco

This step requires you to be familiar with Insights Hub's asset structure and that you can create new aspects, assets and asset types. If this sounds like a big headache to you, please visit the Asset Manager Tutorial first.

If not, please follow the Setup Instructions and come back once you completed the process.

Dashboard Structure:

Start by creating a new flow and name it something like Dashboard or MyFirstDashboard. Then switch to the dashboard tab under Layout, which will be blank for now.


Here you can structure the basic layout of your dashboard using tabs and groups. A tab is the equivalent of a dashboard page. You can assign different content to each tab and it will then only be displayed on that that. Each tab will display your content in groups, which act like columns. For example, a structure that you created under Tabs & Links like this:


the corresponding dashboard page would be organized as shown below:


Inside a group (column), the dashboard content is structured vertically, from top to bottom. If you assigned three items to a single group on a single tab like this:


the corresponding dashboard page would be organized as shown below:


As you can see, Group 1 is centered automatically on the tab. You don't have to worry about the position of your groups, Mindsphere does that automatically for you. Just remember the following rule of thumb:

Tabs are individual dashboard pages. You can only view one tab at once.

Groups, that are structured from top to bottom, will be displayed from left to right on your dashboard page.

Content, that is structured from top to bottom, will be displayed from top to bottom inside a group.

Now let's start building the overview dashboard:

  • Create a tab and name it Overview
  • Under Overview, create three new groups
  • Rename these groups to Selector, Asset Map and Info
  • Remember the way the VFC is displaying groups. You want to place the Selector group on the left and the Info group on the right

You can rename tabs and groups by hovering over them and clicking the edit button:


Now create a second tab called Detail with only one group named Events. We will use the Detail tab at the very end of this tutorial, so consider this a little teaser.

Designing the Dashboard:

In this chapter, we will bring some life and functionality to our Overview dashboard. This tutorial is designed to build all elements from scratch and simultaneously show the logic behind a VFC dashboard. Some steps might be overcomplicated with the purpose of demonstrating several VFC nodes.

If you just want to check out the final result, you can copy paste the Json Flow Data From Here. It will import all elements, including nodes, tabs and groups. Remember to adjust all read-timeseries and write-timeseries nodes to your own assets.

For the beginning, we will place three text nodes and three button nodes in the flow. This will be our Asset selector, where each machine has it's own button like below:


But before styling our nodes, we have to adjust the width of the group. Click edit on the Selector group and give it a width of 9. Rearrange your nodes in the flow, so that the text nodes are alternating with the button nodes, starting with the text node. Double click the first text node to open it's properties. Here you can assign the node to a group and change it's apperence. We will start with our Basic machine. Copy the following setting:


So we assigned the text node to our Selector group, gave it a form of 6x2 (width x height) and chose the:
label value (left aligned)
format, where label = Asset: and value = Basic. This text is static and will not change depending on the input.
Now rinse and repeat for the other two text nodes, but remember to change the value to Performance and Eco.

Now apply the following settings to the three button nodes:


The positioning of nodes in the flow is not relevant for the structure of the dashboard. By organizing your flow, you will have a huge benefit once it get's complicated, but the order of the nodes under the Selection group is decisive. The check, which node in the group is the corresponding node in the flow, just hover over it. The node in the flow will be bordered red:


Your flow should look like this:


Now you want to switch to your dashboard and view your progress.

Hint: You can open your dashboard by clicking Open dashboard in new tab. Here, you can also reload all dashboards to apply changes made to the flow model.


The Selection group of the dashboard should look like this:


The next step is to implement a map, where you can see the location of the asset you chose in the Selector group. Mindsphere offers some pre-build nodes, that reflect the Mindsphere look and feel and can be implemented into your VFC dashboards. You find them in the MDSP Dashboard node section. There is a date picker, timeseries chart, asset list, aspect variable selector, event table and the Mindsphere Map. But first, change the Asset Map group width to 122. Now drop the MDSP Map and another text node into your flow, assign them to the Asset Map group (the MDSP Map node is positioned below the text node) and configure them as follows:



Maybe you have noticed that we already set initial position and zoom level for the MDSP Map node. Feel free to alter the position to your company's headquarters and experiment with the zoom level. Furthermore, the value of the text node is {{}}. We want to display a dynamic text which changes depending on your selection in the Selector group. The text node will check the incoming message to have a property and will display it`s value. Changing the text according to the selected Asset is great, but we want to display the stored location of this asset in the map too.

You can change the initial position of the MDSP Map by sending a payload with {latitude, longitude, zoomLevel}

Let's assume, our three machines Basic, Performance and Eco are located on three different fairs in Germany as exhibition machines. Basic is located at fair Frankfurt, Performance at fair Munich and Eco at fair Berlin. We have already set the location of the machines in the Setup and want to get these locational informations into our flow. This can be achievend using the read-aspect-static node, as we want to read data from the static aspect Dashboard_Machine_Location. Configure one read-aspect-static node for each machine with the given example:


In the next step, we hava to transform the data to the form {latitude, longitude, zoomLevel}, so that the MDSP Map can interpret the input. We achieve this using function nodes. Create three function nodes (again, one for each machine) and use the following code:

var long = msg.payload.longitude;
var lat = msg.payload.latitude;

var maploc = {'longitude':long,'latitude': lat,'zoomLevel': 12};
msg.payload = maploc; = 'INSERT MACHINE TYPE HERE';
return msg;

Obviously, change INSERT MACHINE TYPE HERE to the corresponding machine type in your function code.

Now it is time to connect the nodes and complete our first dashboard functionality:


Now try out your dashboard. The Location of and Map view should change every time you click an Asset in the Selector group:


Our next topic will be the third group, the Info group. Here we want to display some quick info about the selected machine. In this case:

  • A status indicator
  • and the software version, the machine is running on

First things first, adjust the width of the Info group to 12. Now we are facing a design problem: If we load or reload the dashboard (so no machine is selected), the whole skeleton of the Info group would be visible, but empty. So we want to hide the Info group by default and only display it if any of the machines is selected. We can use the ui control node from the dashboard section. The default function iss to change the currently displayed tab by sending the tab name as msg.payload, but you can also control the visibility of groups of widgets by sending a payload in the form:

  "group": {
    "hide": ["tab_name_group_name_with_underscores"], 
    "show": ["reveal_another_group"], 
    "focus": true

The "focus" : true is optional.

Another feature of the ui node is that it emit's a msg when a browser client connects or looses connection. Let´s combine these funtionalities to create the following. When the dashboard is loaded, the ui node emit's a message and the info group is hidden. On the other hand, when you select one of the machines, the info group is displayed again:


To set the msg.payload, you could use a function node or just take advantage of the change node. Choose the Set property from the dropdown and set to msg. payload to a JSON object, like this:


By clicking the three dots in the change, node, you can insert JSON code. Use this code to hide the Info group:

    "group": {
        "hide": [

And this code to show the Info group:

    "group": {
        "show": [

Now that we implemented that functionality, let´s give the Info group some content! We want to display the Software Version of the machine and a status indicator, showing the actual status of our machine. The data generator is generating a status code between 1 and five, so lets' assume:

  • 1 = Status OK
  • 2 = Status Information
  • 3 = Status WARNING
  • 4 = Status FAULT
  • 5 = Status MAINTENANCE

Remember, that the Machine_Status is a dynamic variable and the Software_Version is a static attribute. So we need three read-timeseries nodes and three read-aspect-static nodes from the mindsphere section. Drop them in your flow and arrange them as you like. Now adjust all six read nodes, so they read the right data from your assets. For the three read-timeseries nodes choose Mode Period and set the Period to 2 hours with no offset. Group them logically, like so:


Now drop five more nodes into your flow:

  • 2 function nodes from the function node section
  • 2 text nodes from the dashboard node section
  • 1 led node from the dashboard node section

and change the settings to the following for the first text node:


for the led node:


and for the second text node:


Now that these elements are set up, let's take care of the function nodes. The read-timeseries nodes return an array with multiple data points, but we only want to extract the latest value in this array and sent it as msg.payload. Name the first function node Extract Machine Status and the second function node Extract Software Version. Use the following javascript code for the Extract Machine Status node:

var lastDataPoint = msg.payload.slice(-1)[0];
msg.payload =lastDataPoint['Machine_Status'];
return msg;

and insert this code in the Extract Software Version node:

msg.payload = msg.payload['Software_Version'];
return msg;

Next we simply have to combine the nodes:


Try these new functionalities in your own dashboard. If you click on a machine, the led and Software Version should change dynamically:


Let's take a short summary. As a VFC user you have already visualized your three assets, their location and status. Now you want to take things to the next level. Imagine beeing a machine Operator, who wants to report a critical machine failure as quickly as possible directly from the dashboard. Furthermore, you want to be able to navigate to your machine and see what happened. Insights Hub offers a functionality that supports our idea, it' called events. So let's implement events in our dashboard. But we have to do something else first. The logic of our flow needs to know which machine is actually selected. We need to store some kind of indicator which machine is selected and we can do it in two different ways:

  1. By sending the machine directly as msg.payload or as a msg.xxxxx property
  2. By setting up a flow variable When you are declaring variables in a function node, they are of course only valid and accessible in the respective function. Flow variables however are stored on flow level and can be used to store some data and read it again later in the flow without the need to send it in the msg. We now want to store our selected machine in a flow variable called ActiveAsset. Drop three change nodes and one store ctx node into your flow.

Configure each change node to only have one rule that sets the msg.payload to a string. The first node set's msg.payload to Basic, the second to Performance and the third to Eco. Use these settings for the store ctx node:


Now we will add a couple of nodes on top:

  • one button node
  • one read ctx node
  • one switch node
  • one change node
  • one ui control node

First: the button node. Assign it to the Info Group and type Go To Asset in the Label field. Configure the read ctx node to Context = Flow and Key = ActiveAsset. By doing so, we will read the selected machine that was previosly stored in the ActiveAsset flow variable. Configure the switch node as follows:


The switch node now has three outputs and will route the msg signal with the given rules. So if msg.payload = Basic, the node will send a message to the first output. With the help of the change node, set the msg.payload to detail. Let's understand the purpose of these nodes. When you click on the button Go To Asset, the flow reads the ActiveAsset flow variable and will direct the flow in a way, that the dashboard changes to a new tab; the detail page for a machine. We will create one of these detail tabs, for our Basic machine. Add a new tab in the Tabs&Links menu and name it Detail. Then connect the nodes like this:


Connect the nodes to the rest of your flow and your flow should now have the following form:


So, if you have the Basic machine selected and click on Go To Asset, you should be redirected to a new blank tab. As a control mechanism, try to click on Go To Asset if Performance or Eco machine is selected. Nothing should happen there, as we have not connected any nodes to these routings of the switch node yet.

Now let's do the same for our emergency button. Drop these buttons in the flow and place them in the right order (from left to right):

  • one change node
  • one button node
  • one read ctx node
  • one switch node

On top of that, add three create event nodes and one notification node and place them on the right side of the flow. Let us configure the nodes together, but the logic is the same as for the tab switch. Configure the change node to set the msg.payload to a string Critical Failure. Assign the button node to the Info group and Label ist Report emergency. The read ctx node has a Context of Flow (so it can only read variables in the flow scope) and a Key of ActiveAsset. Configure the switch node in the same way as you did a few steps before:


You also have to change the settings of the create event nodes because you have to specify the type of event that VFC generates for you. These are the settings for the Basic machine:


Adjust the create event node settings for the other two machines as well, but change the target asset and the Description text. Finally, take these settings for the notification node:


Connect the nodes to make the flow logic functional:


And the whole bottom part of your flow should look like this:


But what exactly are these nodes doing? If a machine is selected and you click on the button Report emergency you create an event for this machine, which is saved and bound to your asset, so you can see and use this event in the future or execute other commands dependent of the event severity. At the same time, a notification pops out in the right corner of your browser to inform you that the event was successfully created.

Now let's get this getting-started dashboard finished and implement one last feature: we want to see our events for a machine on our detail dashboard. Insights Hub offers the pre build event table node exactly for this purpose. Go to your Detail tab and create a new group called Events with a width of 26. Then drop the event table node from the MDSP Dashboard section in your flow and assign it to the Events group. Give the node a Size of 26 x 12. We want it to be big, to see al the details of the events. Choose the Basic machine in the Asset field and check these columns to show:

  • Severity
  • EntityId
  • Timestamp
  • Despriction
  • Source
  • Acknowledged
  • CorrlationId
  • TypeId
  • Code

Then drop another Button node and ui control node in your flow. This button will take you back to the Overview tab. Try to configure these two nodes by yourself, so it appears on the Detail page and takes you back to the overview page when clicked.

Hint 1: Give the Button node a Size of 26 x 1

Hint 2: Send a JSON object as msg.payload

Hint 3: Send

   "tab": "Overview"

to change back to the Overview tab when clicked

As you can see, displaying an event table and implementing a button that chages tabs can be achieved in only three nodes:


This will complete the content of this tutorial and your final flow should look something like this:


You finished your first dashboard! Check it out, try some things and experiment with creating events. As we all know, this dashboard is not perfect at all and has mainly the purpose to present different elements of VFC dashboarding. What would you do different? Now it's time to bring in your own ideas!

Next Steps

You can extend this dashboard in many ways. See it as a starting point and add the content that you think would fit your own use case. If you are completely lost, here are some ideas what you could do:

  • Add more Data to the Info group
  • Create a detail dashboard for Performance and Eco
    1. You can create a single tab for each machine
    2. Or you can combine the three machines in one tab by creating a dynamic data layer
  • Implement a security check when creating an event (e.g.: Do you really want to create this event? Yes, No)
  • Alarm people automatically when an event is triggered
  • Design a dynamic text input for the triggered event
  • . . .

Questions and Answers

Feel free to ask your questions in the Insights Hub Developer Forum.

Or open an issue if you find a bug in our examples.

You want to contribute? Your pull request is always welcome!!!