This is the start of the unsupported sentence manual entry flow.
A check is performed here to ensure that there are unsupported sentences.
title: Unsupported Sentence Flow
subgraph Page Redirection [ ]
subgraph CheckInformationPage [Check Information Page]
LCIP(Load Check \nInformation Page)-->CHK
CHK{Unsupported Sentences \n or Scenarios?}--No?-->CARRYON((Carry on with\nCheck Information Page))
subgraph UnsupportedSentence [Unsupported Sentence Check Information Page]
LCIPUS(Load Check Information\nPage for Unsupported\nSentences)--Recheck-->UnsupportedSentenceCheck
LCIPUS-->RV(Run Validation)
RV-->LV(List Validation Reasons)
LV-->CB(Click Go Button)
CB--Recheck-->UnsupportedSentenceCheck[Unsupported Sentences?]
UnsupportedSentenceCheck--After clicking Go Button-->SMD(Select Manual Dates)
SMD-->LDE(Load Date Entry Page)
LDE--Recheck on load date entry page-->UnsupportedSentenceCheck
LDE --> SD(Submit Date) --Next Date--> LDE
SD--All dates submitted-->RVS(Review Screen)
RVS--Check for unsupported sentences-->UnsupportedSentenceCheck
RVS-->SB(Click submit button)
SB--Final check for unsupported sentences-->UnsupportedSentenceCheck
subgraph UnsupportedSentenceCheck [Unsupported Sentence Check ]
UnsupportedSentenceCheck--All Sentences & Scenarios Supported-->CheckInformationPage
click CARRYON ""
It is imperative that a user cannot enter dates for a sentence that could be calculated by the Calculate Release Dates service. For this reason we check at each stage that there are still unsupported sentences or scenarios. This check is not a full validation, but simply a cut down version of the check.
If at any point we detect that the sentence or scenario is supported by the CRDS we redirect the user back to the Check Information screen so that the release dates could be calculated by the service.