A toy language.
Currently this README serves mostly as personal notes, so it might not make sense.
Online Moly to WebAssembly compiler to draw the mandelbrot set: https://misabiko.github.io/moly_lang/ Based on https://blog.scottlogic.com/2019/05/17/webassembly-compiler.html
- Rust compiler implementation of Monkey Script
- Calling function literals directly:
fn() { 5 }()
- Monkey
- Eliding field name on struct initialization
- Go
- Elm-style compiler-driven development
- When possible, instead of having the compiler optimize redundant code, give messages on how to optimize the code
- TODO Any need for empty static arrays?
Later features
- Removing semicolons, for now it's much easier to parse and make sense of
Wasm bytecode https://blog.scottlogic.com/2019/05/17/webassembly-compiler.html