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OpenSky Network Downloading

This repository is a collection of shell scripts and MATLAB code to query the OpenSky Network Impala database and download crowdsourced observations of aircraft. The download data can then processed using the em-processing-opensky repository.

Point of Contact

We encourage the use of the GitHub Issues but when email is required, please contact the administrators at As the encounter models transition to a more community driven effort, a separate mailing list for code discussion may be created.


Acronym Phrase
ADS-B automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast
AGL above ground level
HPC high performance computing
LLSC Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center
MAC midair collision
MSL mean sea level


With the integration of unmanned aircraft systems into the U.S. National Airspace System, low altitude regions are being stressed in historically new ways. Unmanned aircraft must operate as to not create a MAC (midair collision) a hazard due to the loss of life and property. The FAA must then understand and quantify the risk of UAS collision with manned aircraft during desired low altitude unmanned operations in order to produce regulations and standards. A key component of these risk assessments are statistical models and characterization of aircraft flight. Recent assessments have been based on data sourced from the OpenSky Network, a crowdsourced ADS-B receiver network that provides open access to the aircraft data. The network, started in 2012 with 12 European sensors, has grown to over a thousand worldwide active sensors. ADS-B Equipped aircraft automatically self-report their position to ground stations and other equipped aircraft. In response, the em-processing-opensky repository was developed and released to process OpenSky Network data to support these assessments. To further leverage the OpenSky Network, we developed capabilities to efficiently query the historical OpenSky Network database and store the data.


This software generates and executes queries to download aggregate ADS-B data collected by the OpenSky Network. The download data can then processed using the em-processing-opensky repository. Additionally this software is a MATLAB and shell alternative to the Python-based Xavier Olive's traffic and Junzi Sun's pyModeS repositories. The shell scripts can be used independent of the MATLAB software. The software also enables queries based on AGL altitude, aerodromes, airspace class, and time zone.

Initial Setup

This section specifies the run order and requirements for the initial setup the repository. Other repositories in this organization are reliant upon this setup being completed.


If you have not already, complete the initial setup associated with the em-core repository. Notably, the functionality associated with msl2agl.m and RUN_Airspace_1.m from that repository are required here.


If you have not already, complete the initial setup associated with the em-processing-opensky repository. Notably, the MATLAB code assumes the AEM_DIR_OPENSKY persistent system environment has been set. If you're only using the shell scripts from this repository, AEM_DIR_OPENSKY does not need to be set.

Run Order

Code developed and tested for Matlab R2019b in Windows and Unix. The local dev machine had a CPU of Intel Xeon Gold 6130 at 2.10GHz and 64 GB of RAM. The LLSC was also used for large parallel and batch processing; however not all the LLSC code has been publicly released.

Startup script

At MATLAB startup, run startup_opensky to set the MATLAB path and configuration. If you're not using the MATLAB code, this step is not required.

1. Create queries

First, run RUN_generateQueries_1 which calls generateQueries_1 to generate bounding boxes based on airspace class and aerodromes; and generate list of queries based on the bounding boxes. The user can also define their own bounding boxes by setting boxLat_deg and boxLon_deg. If these two variables are passed as inputs, steps 1-8 are skipped in the workflow described below. This behavior is demonstrated by RUN_generateQueries_1.

While this repository provides a MATLAB example prototype to generate the queries, this step can be accomplished using any programming language.


Specifically, generateQueries_1 has the following input parameters:

Variable Description Example
fileAirspace Airspace file created in em-core [getenv('AEM_DIR_CORE') filesep 'output' filesep 'airspace-B-C-D-E-03-Aug-2020' '.mat']
outFile Name of output file with queries queries.txt
queriesPerGroup Maximum queries per group 1000
rad_nm Radius in nautical miles of small circles away from aerodromes 8
areaThres_nm Maximum bounding box size in nautical miles (will divide boxes larger than this) 1000
classInclude Airspace classes to include {'B','C','D'}
maxConvgInit Maximum iterations to attempt when unioning bounding boxes 20
minAGL_ft Minimum barometric altitude (feet AGL) 0
maxAGL_ft Maximum barometric altitude (feet AGL) 5100
maxMSL_ft Maximum barometric altitude (feet MSL) 12500
timeStart Start time datetime('2019-11-01 05:00:00')
timeEnd End time datetime('2019-11-01 23:00:00')
timeStep Time step hours(18)
rngSeed Random seed 42
isWrite If true, write queries to file true
isRandomize If true, randomize order of queries (this often helps with load balancing) true
isPlotBoundary If true, plot intermediate boundaries false
isPlotFinal If true, plot final bounding boxes true
boxLat_deg (Optional) Cell array of latitude coordinates for each bounding box {[28.8934625375834;28.8934625375834; 28.0871285009554; 28.0871285009554]}
boxLon_deg (Optional) Cell array of longitude coordinates for each bounding box {[-81.3985939300731; -81.0194399160377; -81.0194399160377; -81.3985939300731]}

The following table overviews the outputs of generateQueries_1. Note that minAlt_m_msl and maxAlt_m_msl are in units meters instead of the recommended units feet, per the Contributing Guidelines. Since the OpenSky Network uses units meters, this use of units meters was an acceptable deviation from the guidelines.

Variable Type Description
queries N X 1 string Queries to be executed on OpenSky Network Impala database
groups N X 1 double Based on queriesPerGroup, the group assigned to each bounding box
boxLat_deg N X 1 cell Latitude coordinates for each bounding box
boxLon_deg N X 1 cell Longitude coordinates for each bounding box
minAlt_m_msl N X 1 double Minimum elevation (m MSL) for each bounding box
maxAlt_m_msl N X 1 double Maximum elevation (m MSL) for each bounding box


The high level workflow for this step is as follows:

  1. Identify aerodromes within or under terminal airspaces​
  2. Generate circles around each aerodrome​
  3. Union circles to create a boundary of all aerodromes within a specific airspace​
  1. Generate bounding boxes for each boundary​
  2. Union bounding boxes to create polygons with only right angles​
Class D Class B, C, D
polyunion_nyc_bos_d polyunion_nyc_bos_bcd
  1. Iteratively union polygons to create discrete bounding boxes that do not overlap​
  2. For large bounding boxes, divide into smaller bounding boxes​
  3. Remove small bounding boxes that are not within or under terminal airspace​
Class D (499 boxes) Class B, C, D (695 boxes)
polybox_nyc_bos_d polybox_nyc_bos_bcd
polybox_conus_d polybox_conus_bcd
  1. For each bounding box, use NOAA GLOBE digital elevation model to estimate the min/max elevation ​
  2. Based on elevation, calculate the potential MSL altitude given AGL altitude range
  3. For each bounding box, identify time zone based on longitude (meridian-based)​
  4. Generate queries based on bounding box, MSL altitude, and local time
  5. Assign a group to each query to facilitate load balancing and storage optimization

Example Queries

SELECT * FROM state_vectors_data4 WHERE baroaltitude>=224 AND baroaltitude<=1981 AND lon>=-84.668913 AND lon<=-84.235492 AND lat>=33.619715 AND lat<=34.239499 AND time>=1577833200 AND hour>=1577833200 AND time<=1577898000 AND hour<=1577898000;quit;
SELECT * FROM state_vectors_data4 WHERE baroaltitude>=8 AND baroaltitude<=1631 AND lon>=-81.610597 AND lon<=-81.268535 AND lat>=27.819678 AND lat<=28.320688 AND time>=1572588000 AND hour>=1572588000 AND time<=1572591600 AND hour<=1572591600;​quit;

2. Execute queries

Assuming the queries were written to a file, they can be executed and have data downloaded using the shell script, execQuery_2. It has three inputs and will prompt the user for their OpenSky network password when the script is executed. Note since the OpenSky Network does not support SSH key for access, the script uses expect to access the database when iterating over queries. For security, execQuery_2 can prompt the user for the OpenSky Network username and password at runtime.

For serial operations, RUN_execQuery_2 will first prompt for the OpenSky Network username and password. The script can then be modified at the bottom to serially execute multiple calls of execQuery_2.

Input Name Description
$1 INQUERIES Name of file containing queries
$2 OUTDIR Name of output directory where we write the logs to
$3 OSNUSER OpenSky Network username
$4 PASSWORD OpenSky Network password

Permission Denied Bug

The expect functionality in execQuery_2 is not completely robust. On occasion the OpenSky Network Impala database will refuse the password, display "Permission denied, please try again" and prompt for the password again. Currently, execQuery_2 can not automatically handle this event. The user must manually input their password to continue but then execQuery_2 will resume working as intended.

Permission denied

The logged .txt file for this iteration will not contain the query results. Instead it will look like this:

Script started on 2020-10-02 16:09:38-0400's password: 
Permission denied, please try again.'s password: 
Permission denied, please try again.'s password: 
Connection closed by port 2230

Script done on 2020-10-02 18:17:41-0400

If querying the OpenSky Network constantly, this bug should occur for less than 1% of queries and may appear after several hours of runtime.

3. Format logs

Once downloaded, the logs can be formatted individually using the shell script, formatLogs_3, or serially batched processed using RUN_format_3. The formatLogs_3 script has the following parameters:

Input Name Description
$1 INFILE Name of file containing logged OpenSky query generated in Step 2
$2 OUTFILE (optional) Name of CSV formatted log


Please use the appropriate documents listed in em-overview/README when citing the technical concepts.


Please use this DOI number reference when citing the software:

Fill in once released


For referencing the use of OpenSky Network data for encounter model development, please use this current article:

A. Weinert, N. Underhill, B. Gill, and A. Wicks, “Processing of Crowdsourced Observations of Aircraft in a High Performance Computing Environment,” arXiv:2008.00861 [cs], Aug. 2020.

  url = {},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  eprinttype = {arxiv},
  eprint = {2008.00861},
  primaryClass = {cs},
  title = {Processing of {{Crowdsourced Observations}} of {{Aircraft}} in a {{High Performance Computing Environment}}},
  author = {Weinert, Andrew and Underhill, Ngaire and Gill, Bilal and Wicks, Ashley},
  month = aug,
  year = {2020},
  keywords = {Computer Science - Computational Engineering; Finance; and Science,Computer Science - Distributed; Parallel; and Cluster Computing,E.2,H.3,I.6.5}

OpenSky Network

For referencing the OpenSky Network itself, please use this article:

M. Schäfer, M. Strohmeier, V. Lenders, I. Martinovic and M. Wilhelm, "Bringing up OpenSky: A large-scale ADS-B sensor network for research," IPSN-14 Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Berlin, 2014, pp. 83-94.

	title = {Bringing Up OpenSky: A Large-scale ADS-B Sensor Network for Research},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1109/IPSN.2014.6846743,
	language = {en},
  booktitle={IPSN-14 Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks}, 
  author={M. {Schäfer} and M. {Strohmeier} and V. {Lenders} and I. {Martinovic} and M. {Wilhelm}},
  month = apr,
  year = {2014},
	pages = {83--94}


The Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center was used by MIT LL when prototyping this software. When referencing the LLSC, please use this article:

A. Reuther et al., "Interactive Supercomputing on 40,000 Cores for Machine Learning and Data Analysis," 2018 IEEE High Performance extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), Waltham, MA, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/HPEC.2018.8547629.

  author={A. {Reuther} and J. {Kepner} and C. {Byun} and S. {Samsi} and W. {Arcand} and D. {Bestor} and B. {Bergeron} and V. {Gadepally} and M. {Houle} and M. {Hubbell} and M. {Jones} and A. {Klein} and L. {Milechin} and J. {Mullen} and A. {Prout} and A. {Rosa} and C. {Yee} and P. {Michaleas}},
  booktitle={2018 IEEE High Performance extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)},
  title={Interactive Supercomputing on 40,000 Cores for Machine Learning and Data Analysis},
  month = july
  doi = {10.1109/HPEC.2018.8547629},
  url = {},

Distribution Statement

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.

© 2018 - 2024 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

This material is based upon work supported by the Federal Aviation Administration under Air Force Contract No. FA8702-15-D-0001.

Delivered to the U.S. Government with Unlimited Rights, as defined in DFARS Part 252.227-7013 or 7014 (Feb 2014). Notwithstanding any copyright notice, U.S. Government rights in this work are defined by DFARS 252.227-7013 or DFARS 252.227-7014 as detailed above. Use of this work other than as specifically authorized by the U.S. Government may violate any copyrights that exist in this work.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Aviation Administration.

This document is derived from work done for the FAA (and possibly others), it is not the direct product of work done for the FAA. The information provided herein may include content supplied by third parties. Although the data and information contained herein has been produced or processed from sources believed to be reliable, the Federal Aviation Administration makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information, conclusions or recommendations provided herein. Distribution of the information contained herein does not constitute an endorsement or warranty of the data or information provided herein by the Federal Aviation Administration or the U.S. Department of Transportation. Neither the Federal Aviation Administration nor the U.S. Department of Transportation shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information. The Federal Aviation Administration and U.S. Department of Transportation shall not be liable for any claim for any loss, harm, or other damages arising from access to or use of data or information, including without limitation any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, special or consequential damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. The Federal Aviation Administration shall not be liable to anyone for any decision made or action taken, or not taken, in reliance on the information contained herein.