This application has two configuration file. All of these configurations are a combination of the configurations of the other modules with the exception of
- Not having the
as these are not relevant for the GraphQL services or the aiomqtt.Client being used. - Additional mqtt configuration for
in case of MQTT errors - Kafka configuration map should be specific to the the consumer configurations and not producer
- Additional Kafka configuration for controlling consumer poll timeout
settings.yaml: Contain the key configurations need to connect with MQTT brokers
key sub key description default value mqtt host* Hostname of the mqtt broker instant. Mandatory configuration None mqtt port Port of the mqtt broker (int) 1883 mqtt qos QOS for the subscription. Valid values are 0,1,2 1 mqtt keep*alive Maximum time interval in seconds between two control packet published by the client (int) _60* mqtt version The MQTT version to be used for connecting to the broker. Valid values are : 5 (for MQTTv5), 4 (for MQTTv311) , 3(for MQTTv31) 5 mqtt clean*session Boolean value to be specified only if MQTT Version is not 5 _None* mqtt transport Valid values are "websockets", "tcp" "tcp" mqtt timestamp*attribute the attribute name which should contain the timestamp of the message's publishing *"timestamp"_ mqtt retry_interval Seconds to wait before trying to reconnect when there is an MQTT communication error _10_ graphdb url* Mandatory. The db connection URL string for your Neo4j instance None graphdb database the data base name to write to. if not provided default db ('') will be used '' graphdb uns*node_types List based on ISA-95 part 2 the nested depth. Nodes will by tagged with the node type depending on their depth. Can be of variable length. Recommended is 5 ["ENTERPRISE", "FACILITY", "AREA", "LINE", "DEVICE"] graphdb spB_node_types List based SparkplugB namespace specifications. Nodes will by tagged with the node type depending on their depth. This must be of length 5 ["spBv1_0", "GROUP", "MESSAGE_TYPE", "EDGE_NODE", "DEVICE"] graphdb nested_attribute_node_type Node Type used for nested attributes when they are created as child nodes to one of the topic nodes or another nested attribute node NESTED_ATTRIBUTE historian hostname* Mandatory. The db hostname of your TimescaleDB instance _None* historian port The port for the instance of your TimescaleDB instance 5432 historian database* Mandatory. The database name to write to. None historian table* Mandatory. The hypertable where the time-series of messages is stored. None kafka config* Mandatory Dict. see Kafka client configuration. All non security configurations for consumer None kafka consumer*timeout Maximum time to block waiting for message in Seconds _1.0* dynaconf_merge* Mandatory param. Always keep value as true -
.secret.yaml : Contains the username and passwords to connect This file is not checked into the repository for security purposes. However there is a template file provided
which should be edited and renamed to.secrets.yaml
key sub key sub key description default value mqtt username The user id needed to authenticate with the MQTT broker None mqtt password The password needed to authenticate with the MQTT broker None mqtt tls Provide a map of attributes needed for a TLS connection to the MQTT broker. See below attributes None mqtt tls ca*certs fully qualified path to the ca cert file. Mandatory for an SSL connection _None* mqtt tls certfile fully qualified path to the cert file None mqtt tls keyfile fully qualified path to the keyfile for the cert None mqtt tls cert*reqs Boolean. If note provided then ssl.CERT_NONE is used. if True the ssl.CERT_REQUIRED is used. else ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL is used _None* mqtt tls ciphers Specify which encryption ciphers are allowed for this connection None mqtt tls keyfile*password Password used to encrypt your certfile and keyfile _None* mqtt tls insecure*cert Boolean. Skips hostname checking required for self signed certificates. _True* graphdb username* The user id needed to authenticate with GraphDB None graphdb password* The password needed to authenticate with GraphDB None historian username* The user id needed to authenticate with TimescaleDB None historian password* The password needed to authenticate with TimescaleDB None historian sslmode Enables encrypted connection to TimescaleDB. valid values are disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full None historian sslcert Specifies the file name of the client SSL certificate None historian sslkey Specifies the location for the secret key used for the client certificate None historian sslrootcert Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s) None historian sslcrl Specifies the file name of the SSL certificate revocation list (CRL) None kafka config Dict. see kafka client configuration. Only the security related settings None dynaconf_merge* Mandatory param. Always keep value as true
This sub module can be independently setup as a dev environment in the folder 07_uns_graphql
Ensure that the configuration files are correctly updated to your MQTT broker and database instance
This has been tested on Unix(bash), Windows(powershell) and Mac(zsh)
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install poetry
# Ensure that the poetry shell is activated
poetry shell
python -m pip install --upgrade pip poetry
poetry install
Setting up VSCode
While importing the folder into VSCode remember to do the following steps the first time
Open a terminal in VSCode
Activate the poetry shell
poetry shell python -m pip install --upgrade pip poetry poetry install
The graphQL schema for this module can be found at uns_schema This can be generated by the following command
strawberry export-schema uns_graphql.uns_graphql_app:UNSGraphql.schema --output ./schema/uns_schema.graphql
This function is executed by the following command with the current folder as 07_uns_graphql
# Ensure that the poetry shell is activated
poetry shell
poetry run uvicorn uns_graphql.uns_graphql_app:UNSGraphql.app --host --port 8000
Update the hostname and port appropriately
strawberry server uns_graphql.uns_graphql_app:UNSGraphql.schema
### Running tests
The set of test for this module is executed by
#run all tests excluding integration tests
poetry run pytest -m "not integrationtest" test/
# runs all tests
poetry run pytest test/
The docker container image for this module are built and store in the Dockerize module published to Github Container Registry
The way to run the container is
# docker pull ghcr.io/mkashwin/unifiednamespace/uns/graphql:<tag>
# e.g.
docker pull ghcr.io/mkashwin/unifiednamespace/uns/graphql:latest
# docker run --name <container name> -d -v <full path to conf>:/app/conf uns/graphql:<tag>
# e.g.
docker run --name uns_graphql -d -v $PWD/conf:/app/conf uns/graphql:latest
Note: Remember to update the following before executing
<container name> : Identifier for the container so you can work with the same container instance using
docker start <container name> docker stop <container name>
<full path to conf>: Volume mounted to the container containing the configurations. See Key Configurations to provide. Give the complete path and not relative path
If you are running this image on the host as the MQTT broker and/or neo4j pass the flag
--network host
along with docker run to enurelocalhost
services on the host are correctly resolved
- [] customize docker image to allow all possible uvicorn deployment options
- [] Document Guidelines for securing deployment ( Reverse Proxy | CDN ) etc.
- [] Implement authorization / RBAC for the API queries & subscriptions
- [] Implement Caching, Pagination support.
- [] Explore if using ´gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker´ adds any value given this thread on stack overflow
- [] Stronger authentication and authorization, passing user principle to backend database to ensure RBAC / consistent fine grained security
- [] Architecture to secure the GraphQL server (reverse proxy, TLS, caching etc.)
- Official GraphQL Documentation: Official website with comprehensive guides, tutorials, and specifications.
- GraphQL Python Support: list of Python based libraries for GraphQL
- Why Strawberry:
- Code vs Schema Development of GraphQL: Blog comparing the approaches used for developing GraphQL services
- FastAPI vs Flask