Main SDK functions are grouped in
module and designed for easy integration with embedded firmware. They require basic pieces:
- entropy or seed of the wallet, that usually stored in device memory
- password, that usually provided by the user
- derivation path to determine which keys of HD wallet to use (see HD Sequential wallets (à la BIP-44))
Main functions allow to:
- sign transaction id (hash of transaction body)
- sing arbitrary data
- derive private and public keys from known seed
- check that particular public key belongs to HD wallet (that it can be derived from current seed, to be precise)
Here is a tour of available functionality:
// Preparations: define some mnemonic and make entropy.
// (in real setup entropy or seed will be loaded from device memory)
let mnemonics = "aim wool into nose tell ball arm expand design push elevator multiply glove lonely minimum";
let mnemonics = Mnemonics::from_string(&dictionary::ENGLISH, mnemonics).unwrap();
let password = b"embedano";
let entropy = Entropy::from_mnemonics(&mnemonics).unwrap();
// Make derivation path for account 0 and address 0 according to CIP-1852
let path: DerivationPath = "m/1852'/1815'/0'/0/0".parse().unwrap();
// Try to parse transaction id and sign it
let tx_id =
let signature = embedano::sign_tx_id(&tx_id, &entropy, password, &path);
// Derive key pair using same path ant try to verify signature from `sign_tx_id`
let (prv_key, pub_key) = embedano::derive_key_pair(&entropy, password, &path);
assert!(pub_key.verify(tx_id.to_bytes(), &signature));
// Check if public key can be derived from given entropy by signing nonce
let nonce = b"some nonce";
// Define what key type of public key we pass to prove function.
// This will affect what address derivation will be used and how many indexes will be checked.
// As earlier we used derivation path "m/1852'/1815'/0'/0/0" to make keys,
// `pub_key` corresponds to address 0 of account 0 so as `key_type`.
let key_type = embedano::KeyType::AddressKey {
account_gap: 5,
address_gap: 5,
let proof_sig =
embedano::prove_ownership(nonce, &pub_key, &entropy, password, key_type).unwrap();
// If we got Some(signature), then we can verify proof with public key we tested.
assert!(pub_key.verify(nonce, &proof_sig));
// Function above defined on top of types in `` that can provide more fine grinded control.
// E.g.:
// Create root private key from entropy
let root_key = XPrvKey::from_entropy(&entropy, password);
println!("Root key: {}", root_key.to_hex());
// Derive private key for same path that was used in `derive_key_pair` above
let prv_key = root_key
println!("Private key: {}", prv_key.to_hex());
// Derive corresponding public key
let pub_key = prv_key.to_public();
println!("Public key: {}", pub_key.to_hex());
// Sign and verify using derived keys
let some_data = b"some data";
let signature = prv_key.sign(some_data);
println!("Verify: {}", pub_key.verify(some_data, &signature))