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John Graybeal edited this page Jul 16, 2014 · 27 revisions

CF Standard Names Vocabulary Browser

Note: This tool has experimental status, so its functionality is subject to change at any time.

What it is

This tool is essentially a user-oriented search and browse service for the CF standard names, using the vocabulary as loaded into the MMI Ontology Registry and Repository, and internally driven by the associated SPARQL endpoint.

It is implemented in Javascript using AngularJS. In its current form, the only external runtime dependency is the SPARQL endpoint. Since this endpoint is CORS-enabled, the CF Browser can be installed even on your local computer.

The tool is currently available at, and the examples in the description below use this location.

Main page - Displays a table with all standard names. Navigation is mainly based on clicking the displayed standard names and searching using the field at the top of the table. The contents of the table is updated as the field is edited. If the Enter key is pressed, the URL in the browser location field is updated to create the [corresponding search URL](#Search by text via URL).

Search by text via URL - Displays the main page with the result of searching by the given text ("zenith").

Individual name - Displays the definition of the particular name ("sea_surface_temperature"). Also includes the URI of the corresponding vocabulary term in the MMI ORR (useful for semantic tools, and links to retrieve the term in various formats).

Eventually, this view can also include:

  • Mapped terms according to SKOS properties (exactMatch, closeMatch, etc.,), OWL's sameAs property, and others. This will be at the basic level of hyperlinking the found URIs/links; further navigation will be via direct opening of those links and not through this tool.
  • Links to the term in other CF vocabulary services
  • Counts of mappings for the term

Providing feedback

You can create an issue or suggestion for the tool using the Github issues feature.

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