ics | title | stage | category | kind | author | created | implements |
10 |
GRANDPA Client |
draft |
instantiation |
Yuanchao Sun <ys@cdot.network>, John Wu <john@cdot.network> |
2020-03-15 |
2 |
This specification document describes a client (verification algorithm) for a blockchain using GRANDPA.
GRANDPA (GHOST-based Recursive Ancestor Deriving Prefix Agreement) is a finality gadget that will be used by the Polkadot relay chain. It now has a Rust implementation and is part of the Substrate, so likely blockchains built using Substrate will use GRANDPA as its finality gadget.
Blockchains using GRANDPA finality gadget might like to interface with other replicated state machines or solo machines over IBC.
Functions & terms are as defined in ICS 2.
This specification must satisfy the client interface defined in ICS 2.
This specification depends on correct instantiation of the GRANDPA finality gadget and its light client algorithm.
The GRANDPA client state tracks latest height and a possible frozen height.
interface ClientState {
latestHeight: uint64
frozenHeight: Maybe<uint64>
A set of authorities for GRANDPA.
interface AuthoritySet {
// this is incremented every time the set changes
setId: uint64
authorities: List<Pair<AuthorityId, AuthorityWeight>>
The GRANDPA client tracks authority set and commitment root for all previously verified consensus states.
interface ConsensusState {
authoritySet: AuthoritySet
commitmentRoot: []byte
The GRANDPA client headers include the height, the commitment root, a justification of block and authority set. (In fact, here is a proof of authority set rather than the authority set itself, but we can using a fixed key to verify the proof and extract the real set, the details are ignored here)
interface Header {
height: uint64
commitmentRoot: []byte
justification: Justification
authoritySet: AuthoritySet
A GRANDPA justification for block finality, it includes a commit message and an ancestry proof including all headers routing all precommit target blocks to the commit target block. For example, the latest blocks are A - B - C - D - E - F, where A is the last finalised block, F is the point where a majority for vote (they may on B, C, D, E, F) can be collected. Then the proof need to include all headers from F back to A.
interface Justification {
round: uint64
commit: Commit
votesAncestries: []Header
A commit message which is an aggregate of signed precommits.
interface Commit {
precommits: []SignedPrecommit
interface SignedPrecommit {
targetHash: Hash
signature: Signature
id: AuthorityId
The Misbehaviour
type is used for detecting misbehaviour and freezing the client - to prevent further packet flow - if applicable.
GRANDPA client Misbehaviour
consists of two headers at the same height both of which the light client would have considered valid.
interface Misbehaviour {
fromHeight: uint64
h1: Header
h2: Header
GRANDPA client initialisation requires a (subjectively chosen) latest consensus state, including the full authority set.
function initialise(identifier: Identifier, height: uint64, consensusState: ConsensusState): ClientState {
set("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}", consensusState)
return ClientState{
latestHeight: height,
frozenHeight: null,
The GRANDPA client latestClientHeight
function returns the latest stored height, which is updated every time a new (more recent) header is validated.
function latestClientHeight(clientState: ClientState): uint64 {
return clientState.latestHeight
GRANDPA client validity checking verifies a header is signed by the current authority set and verifies the authority set proof to determine if there is a expected change to the authority set. If the provided header is valid, the client state is updated & the newly verified commitment written to the store.
function checkValidityAndUpdateState(
clientState: ClientState,
header: Header) {
// assert header height is newer than any we know
assert(header.height > clientState.latestHeight)
consensusState = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{clientState.latestHeight}")
// verify that the provided header is valid
assert(verify(consensusState.authoritySet, header))
// update latest height
clientState.latestHeight = header.height
// create recorded consensus state, save it
consensusState = ConsensusState{header.authoritySet, header.commitmentRoot}
set("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{header.height}", consensusState)
// save the client
set("clients/{identifier}", clientState)
function verify(
authoritySet: AuthoritySet,
header: Header): boolean {
let visitedHashes: Hash[]
for (const signedPrecommit of Header.justification.commit.precommits) {
if (checkSignature(authoritySet, signedPrecommit)) {
return visitedHashes.equals(Header.justification.votesAncestries.map(hash))
GRANDPA client misbehaviour checking determines whether or not two conflicting headers at the same height would have convinced the light client.
function checkMisbehaviourAndUpdateState(
clientState: ClientState,
misbehaviour: Misbehaviour) {
// assert that the heights are the same
assert(misbehaviour.h1.height === misbehaviour.h2.height)
// assert that the commitments are different
assert(misbehaviour.h1.commitmentRoot !== misbehaviour.h2.commitmentRoot)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & authority set
consensusState = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{misbehaviour.fromHeight}")
// check if the light client "would have been fooled"
verify(consensusState.authoritySet, misbehaviour.h1) &&
verify(consensusState.authoritySet, misbehaviour.h2)
// set the frozen height
clientState.frozenHeight = min(clientState.frozenHeight, misbehaviour.h1.height) // which is same as h2.height
// save the client
set("clients/{identifier}", clientState)
GRANDPA client state verification functions check a Merkle proof against a previously validated commitment root.
function verifyClientConsensusState(
clientState: ClientState,
height: uint64,
prefix: CommitmentPrefix,
proof: CommitmentProof,
clientIdentifier: Identifier,
consensusStateHeight: uint64,
consensusState: ConsensusState) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "clients/{clientIdentifier}/consensusState/{consensusStateHeight}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the provided consensus state has been stored
assert(root.verifyMembership(path, consensusState, proof))
function verifyConnectionState(
clientState: ClientState,
height: uint64,
prefix: CommitmentPrefix,
proof: CommitmentProof,
connectionIdentifier: Identifier,
connectionEnd: ConnectionEnd) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "connections/{connectionIdentifier}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the provided connection end has been stored
assert(root.verifyMembership(path, connectionEnd, proof))
function verifyChannelState(
clientState: ClientState,
height: uint64,
prefix: CommitmentPrefix,
proof: CommitmentProof,
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
channelEnd: ChannelEnd) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the provided channel end has been stored
assert(root.verifyMembership(path, channelEnd, proof))
function verifyPacketData(
clientState: ClientState,
height: uint64,
prefix: CommitmentPrefix,
proof: CommitmentProof,
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
sequence: uint64,
data: bytes) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}/packets/{sequence}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the provided commitment has been stored
assert(root.verifyMembership(path, hash(data), proof))
function verifyPacketAcknowledgement(
clientState: ClientState,
height: uint64,
prefix: CommitmentPrefix,
proof: CommitmentProof,
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
sequence: uint64,
acknowledgement: bytes) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}/acknowledgements/{sequence}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the provided acknowledgement has been stored
assert(root.verifyMembership(path, hash(acknowledgement), proof))
function verifyPacketReceiptAbsence(
clientState: ClientState,
height: uint64,
prefix: CommitmentPrefix,
proof: CommitmentProof,
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
sequence: uint64) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}/acknowledgements/{sequence}")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that no acknowledgement has been stored
assert(root.verifyNonMembership(path, proof))
function verifyNextSequenceRecv(
clientState: ClientState,
height: uint64,
prefix: CommitmentPrefix,
proof: CommitmentProof,
portIdentifier: Identifier,
channelIdentifier: Identifier,
nextSequenceRecv: uint64) {
path = applyPrefix(prefix, "ports/{portIdentifier}/channels/{channelIdentifier}/nextSequenceRecv")
// check that the client is at a sufficient height
assert(clientState.latestHeight >= height)
// check that the client is unfrozen or frozen at a higher height
assert(clientState.frozenHeight === null || clientState.frozenHeight > height)
// fetch the previously verified commitment root & verify membership
root = get("clients/{identifier}/consensusStates/{height}")
// verify that the nextSequenceRecv is as claimed
assert(root.verifyMembership(path, nextSequenceRecv, proof))
Correctness guarantees as provided by the GRANDPA light client algorithm.
Not applicable.
Not applicable. Alterations to the client verification algorithm will require a new client standard.
None yet.
None at present.
March 15, 2020 - Initial version
All content herein is licensed under Apache 2.0.