- Constrain Satisfaction Problem
- Map Coloring
- Rubik's Cube
- Text Classification
In this project we use csp techniques to solve the following problem.
Imagine a graph whose nodes are either Triangle, Square, Circle, Pentagon or Hexagon. The aim is to assign values in range 1 to 9 to each node such that following conditions hold:
- Value of each Triangle node must equal to the left most digit of the multiplication of its neighbors.
- Value of each Square node must equal to the right most digit of the multiplication of its neighbors.
- Value of each Pentagon node must equal to the left most digit of the summation of its neighbors.
- Value of each Hexagon node must equal to the right most digit of the summation of its neighbors.
- A Circle node can have any value in range 1 to 9
Given an uncolored graph (usually map of a county) and a number of legal colors assign a valid color to each node such that no adjacent nodes have the same color.
This problem is solved using 2 local search algorithms.
- Genetic Algorithm
- Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Given a 2*2*2 rubik's cube instance find the minimum number of moves required to solve it.
This problem is solved using 3 search algorithms.
- Iterative Deepening Search (IDS)
- Bidrectional BFS
- UCS Algorithm (basically just a BFS)
Using a set of sample texts (training data) that each of them belongs to a specific subject we build two different models (unigram and bigram) and we use them to predict the class of a given text. (test data)