This service can be used independently but is used primarily by fd-engine to index content into ElasticSearch
See Application config for various fd-search defaults. These can be overridden while fd-search is starting if you pass them in via the command line. But for evaluation purposes, they are good enough!
The ElasticSearch cluster that fd-search joins by default is
You can change this by passing in your own configuration settings, i.e.
This is a SpringBoot application and honours all the standard SpringBoot configuration switches.
If you're pressed for time and just want to see thing going, then you can run fd-search straight from the command line
$ cd fd-search/target
$ java -jar fd-search-0.98.1.jar
fd-search does not have any security. All endpoints are unsecured. This is in contract to fd-engine which has a fully secured interface. It is not recommended that you expose fd-search or elasticsearch directly to the internet.
There is a ping url
curl -X GET http://localhost:14002/api/v1/admin/ping
And health of the service can be queried via a secured call
curl -X GET http://localhost:14002/api/v1/admin/health
Say hello to ElasticSearch
curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true
Generally that's it. There are some endpoints implemented using an @ServiceActivator pattern but these are reserved for fd-engine integration.
fd-search requires an ElasticSearch instance to be running. It uses ports 9200 and 9300. This is basically so you can experiment with ElasticSearch clustering on one computer.
FlockData indexes documents in a structure that follows [fd.{fortress-code}.{document-type}/{caller-ref}] structure.
This lets you search wide or narrow index structures with wild cards. This approach keeps your syslog activity from logstash separate from your business domain data in the same cluster
By integrating the "latest" version of data being changed in ElasticSearch, you have a powerful enterprise class way of searching all your computer systems for any data value. It's like a Google search for your domain data.
Deploy kibana and start looking at your data in new ways.