Dynamic loading XAML file of Xamarin.Forms
It is a tool that you can preview by dynamically loading the XAML file of Xamarin.Froms format. Preview itself is implemented by the various emulator (iOS / Android / Winwodws Phone). Without having to build it is incorporated into Xamarin.Forms a XAML file, you can see the layout of the screen.
Code of these modules are written in F#. However, since it does not depend on FSharp.Core.dll, you can use in the same way from the C#.
- Easy preview tool
- Easy preview host (easy http server)
- NuGet
- Use x:Name by FindByName("name")
- Use Data Binding ex. Text="{Binding propName}"
- Use Command event ex. Command="{Binding ClickCommand}"
- Auto loading BindingContext ex. <local:MyViewModelData />
Xamarin.Forms.XamlProvider https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Forms.XamlProvider/
The MIT License (MIT)
- Static Resource の参照
- 外部UIモジュールの参照(特に Xamarin.Forms.Labs)
- デザイン時の Data Binding の実装
- ver.0.1.6 2014/07/25 FindByName bugfix and Xamarin.Forms version up
- ver.0.1.5 2014/07/24 standalone compile switch and modified FileByName<> method
Xamarin.Forms 用のプレビューアをアルファ版で公開 http://www.moonmile.net/blog/archives/6030