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The following sections refer to classes available in the VSRTL core library.

code refers to in-source classes, member variables and functions.


Components are the building block of the graph which represents a circuit in vsrtl. A component may have an arbitrary number of input- and output Ports, which may be assigned to by the Component.


The Design class is comparable to the "top" file in a HDL project. Through a Design, a circuit may be clocked and reset. The graph which represents the circuit is owned by the Design and has its lifecycle managed by the lifecycle of the Design. A Design is a subclass of the Component class, and as such all components within the Design is present in the m_subcomponents variable.


A port may only have one input (source) but may have multiple outputs (sinks). Ports connect to other ports. A port contains a width value. This value corresponds to the bit width of the value which the port represents. A port must have its width set at construction time or before connecting the port. During connection of components, port widths are compared, verifying that ports are of equal width.

Circuit Graph Structure

The graph structure of a circuit in VSRTL may be traversed as a bidirectional or a unidirectional graph, with verticies of types Component and Port. A Component may have subcomponents,

Traversing the graph

Traversal of the graph is done on

Component::getInputComponents and Component::getOutputComponents returns a std::vector of the connected components of a component. While a std::set would be natural to return, a std::vector is utilized, allowing for duplicate connections between components, say, if the following structure is present:

___    ___
|  |-> |  |
|__|-> |__|

Wherein the multiple number of edges between two components is valuable information for graph partitioning algorithms, used within VSRTL Graphics. Both of the aforementioned functions generates the in- and output components by querying the in- and output ports of the current component, locating the sources and sinks of these ports, and from these source and sink ports, return their parent components.

Inner workings

Circuit verification

For a circuit to be considered correct and simulateable, the following conditions must evaluate to true:

  • Combinational loops
    • During circuit verification, the graph is traversed from sources to sinks, with Registers being seen as a cut in the graph. If cycles are detected, this is a sign of a combinational loop in the circuit, yielding the circuit invalid.
  • Port verification
    • Input ports must be connected to the output port of another component. If input ports may be disregarded for a component, similarly to HDL designs, the input port should be tied off to a constant value. In VSRTL this corresponds to connecting an input port to the output port of a constant component.
    • Ports must have their width set before connecting a port to other ports.

Propagation algorithm

In view of the propagation algorithm, the graph is traversed as a unidirectional graph, with Register being a cut in the graph. During Design circuit verification, the graph is analyzed for cycles, and if so, this is an indication of a combinational loop.

Components with no input ports are considered to be constant components, which are not considered for circuit propagation, except for the first clock cycle.

Example: Counter

A counting circuit may be represented by joining together a string of full adder circuits. n full adders represents an n bit counter. Initially, a full adder component must be created;

class FullAdder : public Component {
    FullAdder(std::string name) : Component(name) {
        A >> *xor1->in[0];
        B >> *xor1->in[1];

        xor1->out >> *xor2->in[0];
        Cin >> *xor2->in[1];

        xor1->out >> *and1->in[0];
        Cin >> *and1->in[1];

        A >> *and2->in[0];
        B >> *and2->in[1];

        and1->out >> *or1->in[0];
        and2->out >> *or1->in[1];

        or1->out >> Cout;
        xor2->out >> S;

    INPUTPORT_W(A, 1);
    INPUTPORT_W(B, 1);
    INPUTPORT_W(Cin, 1);

    OUTPUTPORT_W(Cout, 1);

    SUBCOMPONENT(xor1, Xor, 2, 1);
    SUBCOMPONENT(xor2, Xor, 2, 1);
    SUBCOMPONENT(and1, And, 2, 1);
    SUBCOMPONENT(and2, And, 2, 1);
    SUBCOMPONENT(or1, Or, 2, 1);


Outside of the constructor, the subcomponents of the full adder are specified; SUBCOMPONENT(xor1, Xor, 2, 1) instantiates an xor-gate (of the class Xor), named xor1, which has 2 inputs and a bit width of 1. INPUTPORT_W(A, 1) instantiates an inport port named A, with a bit width of 1.

With the subcomponents, as well as the input- and output ports of the full adder specified, the internals of the full adder must be connected. Connections are facilitated by the >> operator. This operator expects two Port& arguments, wherein the left-hand side represents the source of the signal, and the right hand side the sink of the signal. As seen, an INPUTPORT may be used as a source for ports within the FullAdder component. A >> *xor1->in[0] connects input port A to the first input of the xor1 gate. the >> operator or1->out >> Cout connects the output of the or1 component with the Cout port.

Having specified and connected a full-adder component, it is time to utilize this component in a Counter circuit;

template <unsigned int width>
class Counter : public Design {
    Counter() : Design(std::to_string(width) + " bit counter") {
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
            adders.push_back(create_component<FullAdder>(this, "adder_" + std::to_string(i)));
            regs.push_back(create_component<Register>(this, "reg_" + std::to_string(i), 1));

        // Connect
        c0->out >> adders[0]->Cin;
        c1->out >> adders[0]->A;
        regs[0]->out >> adders[0]->B;
        regs[0]->out >> *value->in[0];
        adders[0]->S >> regs[0]->in;

        for (int i = 1; i < width; i++) {
            adders[i - 1]->Cout >> adders[i]->Cin;
            regs[i]->out >> adders[i]->A;
            regs[i]->out >> *value->in[i];
            c0->out >> adders[i]->B;
            adders[i]->S >> regs[i]->in;

    std::vector<FullAdder*> adders;
    std::vector<Register*> regs;

    SUBCOMPONENT(value, Collator, width);

    SUBCOMPONENT(c0, Constant, 0, 1);
    SUBCOMPONENT(c1, Constant, 1, 1);

A std::vector of FullAdders and Registers are specified as member variables, along with a couple of 1-bit wide constants of values 0 and 1. Furthermore, SUBCOMPONENT(value, Collator, width) creates a Collator component, of width size. A collator joins together a number of 1-bit wide signals into an output signal of width width.

Within the constructor, #width adders and registers are created, and subsequently wired up. As seen, the Counter component is an instance of a Design and as such may be used for simulation.

in app.cpp the Counter may be instantiated with the required width and parsed as an argument to the vsrtl::MainWindow class - from here on out, the Graphics library will traverse the circuit and create the corresponding graphical representation

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    QApplication app(argc, argv);


    VSRTL::Counter<8> design;
    VSRTL::MainWindow w(design);;
