Prosody-captcha is a little modification for standard prosody's module mod_register that provides captcha protection for registration form.
First of all you should build and install lua bindings for libgd — lua-gd.
Then clone repsository lua-captcha:
git clone
install it:
make install
There are two ways to install the module in your prosody:
Automatically: To install the module automatically, run the script named install.lua (Works only if prosody is placed in /usr/lib/).
Modules and libraries are usually located in /usr/lib/prosody/modules.
You need to replace the standard prosody library called dataforms.lua and the module mod_register.lua by the ones from this repository.
Then prosody should be configured. This module requires 5 fields that must be added into VirtualHost entry:
captcha_config = {
dir = "/tmp"; -- Directory used to store the images. Please make sure the prosody user is allowed to write there.
timeout = 60; -- Timeout of the captcha expiration
web_path = "challenge"; -- Web path used to separate main prosody site from modules.
font = "/usr/lib/prosody/FiraSans-Regular.ttf"; -- Font used for the captcha text
quality = 60; -- The captcha quality percentage
Prosody captcha is ready!