diff --git a/make b/make
deleted file mode 100755
index 69973b2a1..000000000
--- a/make
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,935 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3.13
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Script to run some or all PyGeodesy tests, rebuild the docs, etc.
-from collections import defaultdict
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from glob import iglob
-import os
-from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT, Popen
-from time import sleep, time
-import sys
-__version__ = '24.10.20'
-_PyGeodesy_ = 'PyGeodesy'
-_OO = '' if __debug__ else ' -OO'
-_PD = os.getcwd().split(_PyGeodesy_)[0]
-_SIsecs = 'fs', 'ps', 'ns', 'us', 'ms', 'sec' # reversed
-_time0 = time()
-def _all_locals(*files): # PYCHOK no cover
- # check __all__ vs locals().
- from os.path import basename, splitext
- import pygeodesy # Python 2- only
- if not pygeodesy.lazily._FOR_DOCS:
- sys.exit('usage: env PYGEODESY_FOR_DOCS=1 make ...')
- for f in (files or _walker(1)): # sorted?
- n = splitext(basename(f))[0]
- m = getattr(pygeodesy, n)
- d = dict((a, getattr(m, a)) for a in dir(m))
- for a in m.__all__:
- if a not in d and not a.startswith('_'):
- _printf('%s.%s %r not in %s.%s', n,'__all__', a, n,'locals')
- for a, o in d.items():
- if a not in m.__all__ and getattr(o, '__module__', '') == n:
- _printf('%s.%s %r not in %s.%s', n,'locals', a, n,'__all__')
-def _cmd(cmd, *args):
- if args:
- cmd = cmd % args
- _gc(cmd)
- return os.system(cmd)
-def _coverage_percentage(html, readme):
- # check coverage percentage in README.rst
- p = ''
- t = ''
- h = _read(html)
- i = h.find(t)
- if i > 0:
- i += len(t)
- j = h.find('% ', i)
- if j > i:
- p = h[i:j].strip() + '%'
- if not p:
- sys.exit('not in %s: %r' % (html, t))
- r = _read(readme)
- t = 'https://Img.Shields.io/badge/coverage-%s25-brightgreen' % (p,)
- if t not in r:
- sys.exit('not in %s: %r' % (readme, t))
- _cmd('echo coverage: %s %r in %s OK', html, p, readme)
-def _coverage_pygeodesy(*cb_, **z_p_): # MCCABE 15
- # remove _cb_...ext tails
- cb = {}
- for c in cb_:
- i = c.find('_cb_')
- j = c.rfind('.')
- if 0 < i < j < len(c):
- b = c[:i] + c[j:]
- if b != c:
- os.system('mv testcoverage/' + c +
- ' testcoverage/' + b)
- cb[c] = b
- # replace 'z_4569faf12939b165_' with 'pygeodesy_'
- os.system('rm -f testcoverage/class_index.html'
- ' testcoverage/function_index.html')
-# for h in iglob('testcoverage/*index.html'):
-# t = r = _read(h)
-# for c, b in cb.items():
-# t = t.replace(c, b)
-# _write(h, t, r)
- for h in iglob('testcoverage/*.html'):
- for z_, p_ in z_p_.items():
- t = h.replace(z_, p_)
- if t != h:
- os.system('mv ' + h + ' ' + t)
- h = t
- r = t = _read(h)
- t = t.replace(z_, p_)
- for c, b in cb.items():
- t = t.replace(c, b)
- _write(h, t, r)
- break
- h = 'testcoverage/index.html'
- r = t = _read(h)
- i = t.find('
- if i > 0: # buttons Classes, etc.
- j = t.find(' ', i) + 5
- if j > i:
- t = t[:i] + t[j:]
- for z_, p_ in z_p_.items():
- t = t.replace(z_, p_)
- for c, b in cb.items():
- t = t.replace(c, b)
- _write(h, t, r)
- # take out to tags
- i = t.find(' 0:
- j = t.find('', i) + 7
- if j > i:
- t = t[:i] + t[j:]
- return t
-def _coverage_pygeodesy_cleaner():
- x = _coverage_pygeodesy('coverage_html_cb_6fb7b396.js', 'favicon_32_cb_58284776.png',
- 'keybd_closed_cb_ce680311.png', 'style_cb_8e611ae1.css',
- z_4569faf12939b165_='pygeodesy_',
- z_5087a5e01bbcffc5_='pygeodesy_auxilats_',
- z_81bb61ef01d6cb97_='pygeodesy_deprecated_',
- z_4d2bca0ead806276_='pygeodesy_geodesicx_',
- z_5cf368818b86873a_='pygeodesy_rhumb_') # coverage 7.2.2+ only
- return x
-def _dist(dirname):
- # check that all sub=packackes are included, everywhere needed
- for n, sps, _ in os.walk(dirname):
- break
- if n != dirname:
- sys.exit('package %r bad: %r' % (dirname, n))
- try:
- sps.remove('__pycache__')
- except ValueError:
- pass
- from pygeodesy.interns import _SUB_PACKAGES
- if tuple(sorted(sps)) != tuple(sorted(_SUB_PACKAGES)):
- sys.exit('%s: lazily %r vs %s %r' % (_dist.__name__, _SUB_PACKAGES, n, sps))
- _init_py = '%s/__init__.py' % (n,)
- for f, x in (('setup.py', ", '%s.%s'"),
- ('MANIFEST.in', 'graft %s/%s'),
- ('testcoverage.rc', ' %s/%s/'),
- (_init_py, ' import %s.%s'),
- (_init_py, ' from %s.%s ')): # auxilats
- t = _read(f)
- for p in sps:
- p = x % (n, p)
- if p not in t:
- sys.exit('%s: %r missing in %s' % (_dist.__name__, p, f))
-def _eLs(py, pubs):
- # all public L{...} exports
- for n, s, t in _readlines3(py):
- j = 0
- while True:
- i = s.find('L{', j)
- if i < 0:
- break
- i += 2
- j = s.find('}', i)
- if j > i:
- L = s[i:j]
- p, _, g = L.partition('.')
- if not g:
- g = p
- elif p != 'pygeodesy':
- g = L
- if g in pubs or ('def %s(' % (L,)) in t or \
- ('class %s(' % (L,)) in t:
- continue
- yield n, L, s
- else:
- j = i
-def _epytext(py, d, *Ls):
- # check for balanced {...} brackets
- t = _read(py)
- j = 0
- while True:
- i = t.find('{', j) - 1
- if i < 0:
- break
- if t[i] in Ls: # 'BCILMU':
- j = t.find('}', i + 2)
- if j > i + 1:
- if '{' in t[i + 2:j]:
- j = t.find('}', j + 1, j + 100)
- if j > i:
- m = ' '.join(t[i:j + 1].split())
- if m[-1] != '}':
- m += ' ***'
- n = ':' + str(t[:i].count('\n') + 1)
- if m in d:
- d[m].append(py + n)
- else:
- d[m] = [py + n]
- else:
- j = i + 2
- else:
- j = i + 2
- return d
-def _files(files):
- d = {}
- for f in files:
- d[f] = d.get(f, 0) + 1
- return ' '.join(_filesort(d))
-def _filesort(d):
- for f, c in sorted(d.items()):
- if c > 1:
- f += ' %s' % (c,)
- yield f
-def _froms():
- # check from import ...
- d = defaultdict(tuple)
- for p in _walker(1):
- for n, s, _ in _readlines3(p):
- s = s.strip().split(None, 4)
- if (len(s) >= 2 and s[0] == 'import' or (
- len(s) >= 3 and s[0] == 'from'
- and s[2] == 'import')):
- d[s[1]] += (p + ':' + str(n),)
- from importlib import import_module
- for m, t in sorted(d.items()):
- try:
- i = import_module(m)
- del i
- except ImportError as x:
- print('%s: from %s import ... in %s' % (x, m, ' '.join(t)))
-def _gc(cmd):
- if len(cmd) > 104:
- cmd = cmd[:50] + '...' + cmd[-50:]
- _printf('\ncleaning for%s: %s (%s) ...', _OO, cmd, _secs2str(time() - _time0))
- c = '*.o *.pyc *.pyo *.*~ .DS_Store ._* .*ignore'.split()
- for g in (' ', ' */', ' */*/'):
- os.system('rm -f ' + g.join(c))
- os.system('rm -rf %s__pycache__' % (g,))
-def _html_cut(html, tag, m, end, n):
- # cut off some tags
- j = 0
- while True:
- i = html.find(tag, j)
- if i < 0:
- break
- i += m
- j = html.find(end, i, i+128)
- if j < 0:
- j = i
- else:
- j += n
- html = html[:i] + html[j:]
- return html
-_html_from_tos = (
- ('unreachable .', ''),
- (_PD, '..../'),
- ('attributes-LatLon-html ', 'LatLon '),
- ('>\\xc2\\xb0<', '>°<'),
- ('>\\xe2\\x80\\xb3<', '>″<'), # ″
- ('Parameters: ', 'Arguments: '),
- ('Get Method: ', 'Get method: '),
- ('Set Method: ', 'Set method: '),
- ('(', ' ('))
-def _html(html, *from_tos):
- # tweak html file
- t = h = _read(html)
- t = _html_cut(t, '. <function ', 5, '>', 4)
- for r in from_tos:
- t = t.replace(*r)
- if t != h:
- _printf('editing: %s', html)
- _write(html, t)
-def _long_description():
- t = ''
- try:
- t = _read('README.rst')
- except UnicodeEncodeError as x:
- if t:
- i = int(str(x).split('position ')[1].split(':')[0])
- t = t[i:i+64]
- print('%s: %r' % (x, t))
- raise
- return t
-def _pdf1page(pdf):
- b = _read(pdf, utf='') # raw
- i = b.find(b'/Type /Pages')
- if i > 0:
- i = b.find(b'/Count', i, i + 64)
- if i > 0:
- b = b[i + 6:i + 9].strip()
- return b == b'1'
- return False
-def _printf(fmt, *args):
- if args:
- fmt = fmt % args
- print(fmt)
-def _pushd(todir):
- #
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(todir)
- yield
- os.chdir(cwd)
-def _read(name, utf='utf-8'):
- # read and decode all of file C{name}
- with open(name, 'rb') as f:
- t = f.read() # all 1<<20?
- if utf and isinstance(t, bytes):
- t = t.decode(utf)
- return t
-def _readlines3(name, **utf):
- t = _read(name, **utf)
- n = 0
- for s in t.split('\n'): # os.linesep
- n += 1
- yield n, s, t
-def _secs2str(secs): # see .test/base.secs2str
- # convert secs to string
- if secs < 100:
- unit = len(_SIsecs) - 1
- while 0 < secs < 1 and unit > 0:
- secs *= 1000.0
- unit -= 1
- t = '%.3f %s' % (secs, _SIsecs[unit])
- else:
- m, s = divmod(secs, 60)
- if m < 60:
- t = '%d:%06.3f' % (int(m), s)
- else:
- h, m = divmod(int(m), 60)
- t = '%d:%02d:%06.3f' % (h, m, s)
- return t
-def _selfs(py, d):
- t = _read(py)
- for c in iter('()[]{}+-=,:;'):
- t = t.replace(c, ' ')
- for w in t.split():
- if w.startswith('self.'):
- d[w] = 1 + d.get(w, 0)
-def _urlower(item):
- return item[0].lower()
-# _os_pushd_popd_stack = list()
-# def _os_pushdir(dirname):
-# _os_pushd_popd_stack.append(os.getcwd())
-# os.chdir(dirname)
-# def _os_popdir():
-# os.chdir(_os_pushd_popd_stack.pop())
-def _urls2(py):
- # find URLs or {http...}
- t = _read(py)
- j = 0
- while True:
- i = t.find('http', j + 1)
- if i < 0:
- break
- u, b = None, {'<': '>', '{': '}', ' ': '\n', "'": "'"}.get(t[i-1], '')
- if b:
- j = t.find(b, i + 4)
- if j > i:
- u = ''.join(t[i:j].replace('# ', '').split())
- if u.startswith('https://') or \
- u.startswith('http://'):
- if b == '>' and t[j+1] == '}':
- k = t.rfind('U{', 0, i)
- if 0 < k < i:
- k = ' '.join(t[k+2:i-1].strip().split())
- else:
- k = ''
- else:
- k = ''
- yield k, u
- if not u:
- _printf('bad %r url %r...', py, t[i-1:i+32])
- j = i
-def _version():
- v = _version_str('pygeodesy/__init__.py')
- return '.'.join(map(str, map(int, v.split('.'))))
-def _version_str(py):
- for _, s, _ in _readlines3(py):
- if s.startswith('__version__'):
- return s.split('#')[0].split('=')[-1].strip().strip("'").strip('"')
- raise ValueError('no %r in %r' % ('__version__', py))
-def _versions(python): # PYCHOK expected
- '''Invoke a different python version.
- '''
- try:
- c = python, '-m', 'test.bases'
- p = Popen(c, creationflags=0,
- # executable =sys.executable,
- # shell =True,
- stdin =None,
- stdout =PIPE, # XXX
- stderr =STDOUT) # XXX
- r = p.communicate()[0]
- if isinstance(r, bytes): # Python 3+
- r = r.decode('utf-8')
- e = p.returncode
- if not e:
- return r.strip()
- except OSError as x:
- e = str(x)
- raise RuntimeError('%r error: %s' % (' '.join(c), e))
-def _walker(start, *files):
- '''Yield all "*.py" files, deep.
- '''
- ps = ['pygeodesy', 'test'][:start]
- _join = os.path.join
- while ps:
- for p, ds, fs in os.walk(ps.pop(0)):
- # for n in sorted(ds):
- # ps.append(_join(p, n))
- for n in sorted(fs):
- if n.endswith('.py'):
- yield _join(p, n)
- for f in files:
- yield f
-def _write(name, text, orig=''):
- if text != orig or not orig:
- with open(name, 'w') as f:
- f.write(text)
-_PyGeodesy_version = 'PyGeodesy-' + _version()
-if not os.getcwd().endswith('/' + _PyGeodesy_):
- sys.exit('wrong working dir')
-args = sys.argv[1:] or ['check', 'docs', 'test', 'unit', 'dist', 'locs', 'tails', 'readme', 'pdf1page']
-while args: # twine or pipy # MCCABE 85
- _cmd('rm -rf .coverage')
- t = args.pop(0)
- if len(t) < 2:
- _printf('unknown target: %s', t)
- break
- if 'check'.startswith(t):
- for v in ('', '3'):
- if _cmd('pychok%s -no pygeodesy', v):
- sys.exit('pychok%s' % (v,))
- if _cmd('pychok%s -no test', v):
- sys.exit('pychok%s' % (v,))
- elif 'dist'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 1:
- _dist('pygeodesy')
- v = '3.10' # sys.version.split('.', 1)[0] # just '2' or '3'
- _cmd('rm -rf dist')
- #
- #
- # --formats=gztar,bztar,ztar,tar,zip --dist-dir=dist --keep-temp
- _cmd('python%s%s setup.py sdist --formats=zip,gztar,bztar', v, _OO)
- if True: # requires the wheel package: pip install wheel
- _cmd('python%s%s -m pip install --upgrade wheel', v, _OO)
- #
- _cmd('python%s%s setup.py bdist_wheel --universal', v, _OO)
- _cmd('rm -rf build')
- # python3.10 -m pip wheel . -w dist #
- # python3.10 -m build --wheel # ,
- _cmd('rm -rf PyGeodesy.egg-info ' + _PyGeodesy_version)
- _coverage_percentage('testcoverage/index.html', 'README.rst')
- elif 'coverage'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 1:
- # _coverage_pygeodesy_cleaner()
- _coverage_percentage('testcoverage/index.html', 'README.rst')
- elif 'docs'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 2:
- _cmd('env PYGEODESY_FOR_DOCS=1 epydoc --debug --html --no-private --no-source --name=PyGeodesy --url=https://GitHub.com/mrJean1/PyGeodesy -v pygeodesy')
- for h in iglob('html/pygeodesy*.html'):
- _html(h, *_html_from_tos)
- _html('html/epydoc.css', ('font-size: +110%; font-style: italic;', 'font-size: +110%;')) # non-italic signatures
- _html('html/pygeodesy-module.html', ('Cartesian
', 'Cartesian
- ('LatLon
', 'LatLon
- ('height
', 'height
- ('Geoid
', 'Geoid
- _cmd('rm -f html/pygeodesy-{Cartesian,LatLon}-attributes-table.html')
- _cmd('python3 make_attributes_table_html.py Cartesian >html/pygeodesy-Cartesian-attributes-table.html')
- _cmd('python3 make_attributes_table_html.py LatLon >html/pygeodesy-LatLon-attributes-table.html')
- _cmd('rm -rf docs') # shutil.rmtree('docs'), not os.rmdir()
- _cmd('mv html docs')
- elif 'pydocs'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 4:
- _cmd(' '.join('''env PYGEODESY_FOR_DOCS=1 pydoctor3 --project-name=PyGeodesy
- --project-version=%s
- --project-base-dir="."
- --project-url=https://GitHub.com/mrJean1/PyGeodesy
- --make-html
- --html-output=pydocs
- --html-viewsource-base=https://GitHub.com/mrJean1/PyGeodesy/tree/master
- --intersphinx=https://docs.Python.org/3/objects.inv
- --docformat=epytext ./pygeodesy'''.split()), _version()) # | grep -v Unknown | grep -v __all__
- # --intersphinx=https://docs.Python.org/3/objects.inv for external documentation links, like L{Random} in L{hausdorff}
- elif 'tables'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 4:
- _cmd('rm -f pygeodesy-{Cartesian,LatLon}-attributes.{html,pdf}')
- _cmd('python3 make_attributes_table_html.py LatLon X >pygeodesy-LatLon-attributes.html')
- _cmd('python3 make_attributes_table_html.py Cartesian X >pygeodesy-Cartesian-attributes.html')
- _cmd('wkhtmltopdf --page-width 180.40 --page-height 530 pygeodesy-LatLon-attributes.html pygeodesy-LatLon-attributes.pdf') # -s A4, Letter, Legal, Tabloid, etc.
- _cmd('wkhtmltopdf --page-width 169.87 --page-height 290 pygeodesy-Cartesian-attributes.html pygeodesy-Cartesian-attributes.pdf')
- _cmd('rm -f pygeodesy-*-attributes.html')
- elif 'epytext'.startswith(t) and t > 2 and args:
- d = {}
- for f in _walker(1): # _walker(1, 'setup.py'):
- _epytext(f, d, *args)
- print('\n'.join('%s %s' % (c, _files(fs)) for c, fs in sorted(d.items())).encode('utf-8'))
- # print('\n'.join(sorted(d.keys())).encode('utf-8'))
- break
- elif 'froms'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 1:
- _froms()
- elif 'test'.startswith(t):
- try:
- 'env PYGEODESY_COVERAGE=5 PYGEODESY_WARNINGS=on PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=3 PYGEODESY_FSUM_F2PRODUCT=std PYGEODESY_GEODSOLVE=/opt/local/bin/GeodSolve PYGEODESY_INTERSECTTOOL=/opt/local/bin/IntersectTool PYGEODESY_RHUMBSOLVE=/opt/local/bin/RhumbSolve python3.12', # geographiclib 2.0
- 'env PYGEODESY_COVERAGE=5 PYGEODESY_WARNINGS=on PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 PYGEODESY_INIT__ALL__=__all__ python3.11', # geographiclib 2.0, numpy 1.24.2, scipy 1.10.1
- 'env PYGEODESY_COVERAGE=5 PYGEODESY_WARNINGS=on PYGEODESY_GEOCONVERT=/opt/local/bin/GeoConvert PYGEODESY_GEODSOLVE=/opt/local/bin/GeodSolve python3.10', # geographiclib 2.0, numpy 1.22.4, scipy 1.8.1 PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1
- 'env PYGEODESY_COVERAGE=0 PYGEODESY_WARNINGS=on PYGEODESY_GEOCONVERT=/opt/local/bin/GeoConvert PYGEODESY_GEODSOLVE=/opt/local/bin/GeodSolve PYGEODESY_INTERSECTTOOL=/opt/local/bin/IntersectTool PYGEODESY_RHUMBSOLVE=/opt/local/bin/RhumbSolve python2.7', # geographiclib 1.50, numpy 1.16.6, scipy 1.2.2
-# 'env PYGEODESY_COVERAGE=0 PYGEODESY_WARNINGS=on PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=3 PYGEODESY_XPACKAGES=numpy,scipy,geographiclib pypy3.10', # no geographiclib, no numpy, no scipy homebrew /opt/local/bin/pypy3.10
- ): # PYCHOK indent
- if _cmd('%s%s -W default test/run.py -results', v, _OO):
- _printf('%s%s tests FAILED', v, _OO)
- break
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- v = 'python3.13'
- t = 'testcoverage (%s)' % (_PyGeodesy_version.replace('-', ' '),)
- _cmd('rm -rf testcoverage/*.*') # *.*{css,html,js,json,png}
- _cmd('%s -m coverage html --rcfile=testcoverage.rc --title="%s"' % (v, t))
- _cmd('rm -rf .coverage')
- x = _coverage_pygeodesy_cleaner()
- if x:
- h = 'testcoverage/index__.html'
- _write(h, x)
-# assert f.name == h
- #
- #
- _cmd('wkhtmltopdf --page-width 180 --page-height 750 --disable-external-links --disable-internal-links %s testcoverage.pdf' % (h,)) # -s A4, Letter, Legal, Tabloid, etc.
- _cmd('rm -f %s' % (h,))
- _coverage_percentage('testcoverage/index.html', 'README.rst')
-# no PyPy on macOS 10.15.5 Catalina
-# for v in ('python2.7', # 'pypy3', 'pypy2' 'intelpython3'
-# if _cmd('%s%s test/run.py -results', v, _OO):
-# sys.exit('%s%s tests FAILED' % (v, _OO))
- elif 'pdf1page'.startswith(t):
- if not _pdf1page('testcoverage.pdf'):
- sys.exit('%s not single page' % ('testcoverage.pdf',))
- elif 'testElevations'.startswith(t):
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 python3',
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 python3.8',
- # 'pypy3', 'pypy2', # no PyPy on macOS 10.15.5 Catalina
- 'python2.7'): # 'intelpython3'
- if _cmd('%s%s test/testElevations.py 5', v, _OO):
- sys.exit('%s%s tests FAILED' % (v, _OO))
- sleep(5)
- elif 'testGeodTest'.startswith(t):
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 python3',
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=3 python3.8',
- # 'pypy3', 'pypy2', # no PyPy on macOS 10.15.5 Catalina
- 'python2.7'): # 'intelpython3'
- if _cmd('%s%s test/testEllipsoidalGeodTest.py ../testGeodTest.dat.txt', v, _OO):
- sys.exit('%s%s tests FAILED' % (v, _OO))
- sleep(5)
- elif 'testGeoidHeights'.startswith(t):
- for v in ('env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=3 python3', # arm64
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=3 python3.8', # arm64_x86_64
- # 'pypy3', 'pypy2', # no PyPy on macOS 10.15.5 Catalina
- # 'python2.7', # 'intelpython3'
- ): # PYCHOK indent
- for g in ('Karney', 'Pgm'):
- for e in ('egm84-15', 'egm96-5', 'egm2008-1'):
- p = v.split()[-1].replace('p', 'P')
- x = './testresults/testGeoid%s-%s-%s.txt' % (g, e, p)
- # _cmd('rm -f %s', x)
- t = time()
- if _cmd('%s%s test/testGeoids.py -%s -dat ../testGeoids/GeoidHeights.dat -eps 1.00 ../testGeoids/%s.pgm >%s', v, _OO, g, e, x): # '/dev/null'):
- # sys.exit('%s%s tests FAILED' % (v, _OO))
- _printf('%s%s tests FAILED', v, _OO)
- t = time() - t
- _printf('time %.3f secs for %s', t, x)
- elif 'testTMcoords'.startswith(t):
- for m in ('Exact', 'Etm', 'Utm', 'UtmUps'):
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 python3',
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 python3.8',
- # 'pypy3', 'pypy2', # no PyPy on macOS 10.15.5 Catalina
- 'python2.7'): # 'intelpython3'
- if _cmd('%s%s test/test%sTMcoords.py ../testTMcoords.dat.258K.txt', v, _OO, m):
- sys.exit('%s%s tests FAILED' % (v, _OO))
- sleep(5)
- elif 'unit'.startswith(t):
- _gc('unit test')
- from test import TestSuite
- #
- #
- import unittest
- t = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestSuite)
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(t)
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 python3',
- 'env PYGEODESY_LAZY_IMPORT=0 python3.8',
- # 'pypy2', 'pypy3', # no setuptools in PyPy 7.0.0, no PyPy on macOS 10.15.5 Catalina
- 'python2.7'): # 'intelpython3'
- _cmd('%s setup.py test', v)
- _cmd('rm -rf PyGeodesy.egg-info')
- elif 'zip'.startswith(t):
- z = 'docs-%s.zip' % (_PyGeodesy_version,)
- _cmd('rm -f %s', z)
- _cmd('zip -r -9 %s index.html docs', z)
- elif t.lower() in ('twine', 'pypi'):
- if args:
- # see
- # and index_servers settings in file ~/.pypirc
- _PyPI, _X = 'pypitest', args.pop(0)
- if not _X.isalpha():
- sys.exit('invalid test: %s %s' % (t, _X))
- else:
- _PyPI, _X = 'pypi', ''
- _long_description()
- x = None # only one sdist may be uploaded to PyPI
- for d in ('-py2.py3-none-any.whl', '.zip'): # '.tar.gz',
- s = 'dist/%s%s' % (_PyGeodesy_version, d)
- d = 'dist/%s%s%s' % (_PyGeodesy_version, _X, d)
- if d != s:
- _cmd('mv %s %s', s, d)
- if os.path.exists(d):
- # _cmd('twine3 register %s -r %s' % (d, _PyPI))
- if _cmd('twine3 upload --verbose %s -r %s', d, _PyPI):
- _printf('upload FAILED: %r', d)
- else:
- x = 'no such file: %s' % (d,)
- if s != d:
- _cmd('mv %s %s', d, s)
- if x:
- _printf(x + os.linesep)
- break
- elif t.startswith('L'):
- from pygeodesy.lazily import _all_imports
- e, p = 0, _all_imports()
-# for i, t in enumerate(sorted(p.items())):
-# print(i, t)
- for f in _walker(2, 'setup.py'):
- for n, L, t in _eLs(f, p):
- e += 1
- print('%5s %s:%s: %s ... %s' % (e, f, n, t.strip(), L))
- elif 'locs'.startswith(t):
- locs = {}
- for f in _walker(2, 'setup.py'):
- n = len(open(f).readlines())
- f = f.split(os.sep)[0]
- locs[f] = locs.get(f, 0) + n
- t = 0
- for f, n in sorted(locs.items()):
- t += n
- print('%7d %7d %s' % (n, t, f))
- elif 'tails'.startswith(t):
- _cmd('tail -1 testresults/*.txt')
- elif 'readme'.startswith(t):
- _cmd('python3.9 -m readme_renderer README.rst -o README.html')
- elif 'urlist'.startswith(t):
- urls = {}
- n = m = 0
- for f in _walker(2, 'README.rst', 'setup.py'):
- for k, u in _urls2(f):
- if not k:
- continue
- n += len(u)
- if k not in urls:
- urls[k] = u
- elif urls[k] == u:
- m += len(u)
- continue
- t = '*' if urls[k] != u else ':'
- print('%r%s %r %s' % (k, t, u, f))
- print('duplicate %s / %s bytes or %.1f%%' % (m, n, (m * 100.0 / n)))
- elif 'urls'.startswith(t):
- try:
- from httplib import HTTPConnection as Http
- from urlparse import urlparse
- except ImportError: # Python 3+
- from http.client import HTTPConnection as Http
- from urllib.parse import urlparse
- urls = {}
- for f in _walker(2, 'README.rst', 'setup.py'):
- for k, u in _urls2(f):
- if u in urls:
- urls[u].append(f)
- else:
- urls[u] = [f]
- # if k:
- # print('%r: %r,' % (k, u))
- i = d = e = t = 0
- fs = []
- for u, f in sorted(urls.items(), key=_urlower):
- #
- p = urlparse(u.rstrip('.')) # remove trailing '...'
- try:
- h = Http(p.netloc, timeout=4)
- h.request('HEAD', p.path)
- r = h.getresponse()
- s = r.status
- if int(s) < 400: # 301 Moved,
- s = 'OK'
- else:
- s = '%s *****' % (s,)
- e += 1
- except Exception as x:
- s = '%r *****' % (x,)
- e += 1
- if s.startswith('timeout'):
- t += 1
- i += 1
- d += len(f)
- _printf('%5d: <%s> %s %s', i, u, s, _files(f))
- if s != 'OK':
- fs.append(i)
- d -= i # duplicates
- if e:
- f = 'FAILED'
- if t:
- f += ', incl. %d timed out' % (t,)
- if fs:
- f = '%s (%s)' % (f, ', '.join(map(str, fs)))
- s = 's' if e > 1 else ''
- else:
- f = 'passed'
- e = 'all'
- s = 's'
- _printf('\n%s urls check%s %s, %d duplicates', e, s, f, d)
- elif t in ('xtgz',) and args:
- p = _PyGeodesy_
- v = p + args.pop(0)
- with _pushd('./..'):
- _cmd('env COPYFILE_DISABLE=true COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE=true tar -cvf %s %s', v, p)
- _cmd('gzip -9 -S .tgz %s', v)
- _cmd('ls -l *.tgz')
- break
- elif 'exported'.startswith(t):
- # print all exported, public classes, constants, functions and modules
- import pygeodesy as P
- from inspect import isfunction, ismodule
- _Enum = P.named._NamedEnum
- base = P.__name__
- dups = 0
- line = 0
- prev = ''
- def _export(mod, nam, val=''):
- global dups, line, prev
- nam = mod + '.' + nam
- if nam == prev:
- dups += 1
- else:
- prev = nam
- nam = nam + ' ' + val
- if len(nam) > 160:
- nam = nam[:80] + '....' + nam[-80:]
- line += 1
- _printf('%3d %s', line, nam)
- def _repr(o, n):
- if isfunction(o):
- return "" % (o.__module__, n)
- elif ismodule(o):
- return '' % (o.__name__, o.__version__)
- elif isinstance(o, str):
- return "%s('%s')" % (type(o).__name__, o)
- else:
- r = repr(o)
- if not (r.startswith('<') and r.endswith('>')):
- r = '%s(%s)' % (type(o).__name__, r)
- return r
- for n in sorted(P.__all__, key=str.lower):
- o = getattr(P, n)
- if isinstance(o, _Enum):
- for n in repr(o).split(',\n'):
- _export(base, n)
- elif ismodule(o):
- _export(base, n, '' % (o.__name__,))
- if o in (P.ellipsoidalKarney, P.ellipsoidalNvector, P.ellipsoidalVincenty,
- P.sphericalNvector, P.sphericalTrigonometry):
- for n in sorted(o.__all__, key=str.lower):
- r = _repr(getattr(o, n), n)
- _export(o.__name__, n, r)
- else:
- r = _repr(o, n).replace(' ' + n + ' ', ' ') \
- .replace(" '" + n + "' ", ' ')
- _export(base, n, r)
- _printf('--- %s %s (%s duplicates)', P.__name__, P.version, dups or 'no')
- elif 'self'.startswith(t):
- n, d = 0, {}
- while args:
- _selfs(args.pop(0), d)
- n += 1
- for t in sorted(d.items()):
- print(' %s: %sX' % t)
- print('\n %d selfs, %dX, %d files' % (len(d), sum(d.values()), n))
- elif 'versions'.startswith(t) and args:
- _printf(os.linesep + _versions(args.pop(0)))
- elif '__version__'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 2:
- import re
- _valid = '[0-9][0-9][.][0-9][0-9][.][0-9][0-9]'
- _valid = re.compile(_valid).match
- for f in _walker(2, 'setup.py', 'make'):
- v = _version_str(f)
- b = '' if len(v) == 8 and _valid(v) else 'INVALID!'
- print('%s = %r in %s %s' % ('__version__', v, f, b))
- if b:
- break
- elif '__all__'.startswith(t) and len(t) > 4:
- _all_locals(*args)
- else:
- _printf('unknown target: %s', t)
- break
-_gc('make, Python ' + sys.version.split()[0])