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904 lines (760 loc) · 24.4 KB


File metadata and controls

904 lines (760 loc) · 24.4 KB

Listing of v1e.tcl


package require djdsl::v1e
namespace import ::djdsl::v1e::*

A small excerpt from the GPL feature model, defined using the v1e textual notation.

set gpl [Model newFromScript {
  #// gpl1 //
  Root "Graph" {
    Choice -lower 0 -upper 1 {
      Feature -name "coloured"
    Choice -lower 0 -upper 1 {
      Feature -name "weighted"
  #// end //

puts [$gpl asDot]

% llength [$gpl getOwnedElements]

TVL example of flattening declaration hierarchies (Fig 2)

set tvl1 [Model newFromScript {
  #// tvl1 //
  Root "R" {
    Choice -lower 1 -upper 1 {
      Feature -name "Level1" {
        Choice -lower 1 -upper 1 {
          Feature -name "Level2" {
            Choice -lower 2 -upper 2 {
              Feature -name "Level3a"
              Feature -name "Level3b"
  #// end //

% llength [$tvl1 getOwnedElements]

set tvl2 [Model newFromScript {
  #// tvl2 //
  Root "R" {
    Choice -lower 1 -upper 1 {

  Feature -name "Level1" {
    Choice -lower 1 -upper 1 {

  Feature -name "Level2" {
    Choice -lower 2 -upper 2 {
      Feature -name "Level3a"
      Feature -name "Level3b"
  #// end //

% llength [$tvl2 getOwnedElements]

set constrainedModel [Model newFromScript {
  #// constrM //
  Root "Graph" {
    Choice -lower 0 -upper 1 {
      Feature -name "Algorithm" {
        Choice -lower 1 -upper 2 {
          Feature -name "MST"
          Feature -name "ShortestPath"
    Choice -lower 0 -upper 1 {
      Feature -name "weighted"
    #// end //
    #// constr2 //
    Constraint {not MST or weighted}
    #// end //

% llength [$constrainedModel getOwnedElements]
% $constrainedModel nrValidConfigurations

set constrainedModel2 [Model newFromScript {
  Root "Graph" {
    Choice -lower 0 -upper 1 {
      Feature -name "Algorithm" {
        Choice -lower 1 -upper 2 {
          Feature -name "MST"
          Feature -name "ShortestPath"
    Choice -lower 0 -upper 1 {
      Feature -name "weighted"

$constrainedModel2 addFromScript {
  #// constr3 //
  Choice with -lower 1 -upper 2 {
    Feature with {
      Choice with -lower 0 -upper 0 {
        Feature with -name "MST"
    Feature with -name "weighted"
  #// end //

% $constrainedModel2 nrValidConfigurations

% $constrainedModel getValidConfigurations [$constrainedModel nrValidConfigurations]
Graph {Graph weighted} {Graph ShortestPath Algorithm} {Graph ShortestPath Algorithm weighted} {Graph MST Algorithm weighted} {Graph MST ShortestPath Algorithm weighted}

% $constrainedModel2 getValidConfigurations [$constrainedModel2 nrValidConfigurations]
Graph {Graph weighted} {Graph ShortestPath Algorithm} {Graph ShortestPath Algorithm weighted} {Graph MST Algorithm weighted} {Graph MST ShortestPath Algorithm weighted}


package req nx 2.3

package require pt::pgen
package require pt::rde::nx

namespace eval ::pt::rde {

  # PARAM/NX runtime: pt::rde::nx

  nx eval {

    :public method parset {script} {
      :reset {}
      :data $script
      :MAIN ; # Entrypoint for the generated code.

    :public object method pgen {frontendPeg} {

      # We might also use opeg::Rewriter here, as the OO wrapper, but
      # this would render pgen dependent on the opeg package.
      set ser [pt::peg::from::peg convert $frontendPeg]

      ## initialize to NX/PEG backend defaults or dummies
      pt::tclparam::configuration::nx def _ _ _  {pt::peg::to::tclparam configure}

      ## strip down to just the core script fragment
      pt::peg::to::tclparam configure -template {@code@}
      # puts stderr ser=$ser
      set body [pt::peg::to::tclparam convert $ser]
      set cls [nx::Class new -superclasses [self] -- $body]
      return $cls

    # An auxiliary tree printer facility, for all NX-based parsers.

    :public method print {input} {
      set ast [:parset $input]
      :printNode {*}$ast

    :method printNode {{-indent ""} -last:switch symbol start end args} {
      set nrChildren [llength $args]
      set parent [expr {$nrChildren ? "+" : "-"}]
      set pipe [expr {$indent ne "" ? "|" : ""}]
      set lastChild  [expr {$last ? "\\" : $pipe}]
      set output [string cat $indent $lastChild "-" $parent "="]
      append indent [expr {$last ? "  " : "$pipe "}]

      puts "$output $symbol :: $start $end"

      for {set i 0} {$i < $nrChildren} {incr i} {
        set pargs [list -indent $indent]
        if {$i == $nrChildren-1} {
          lappend pargs -last
        :printNode {*}$pargs {*}[lindex $args $i]

nx::Class create Model {

  :property -accessor public constraints:object,type=Constraint,0..*
  :property -accessor public choices:object,type=Choice,1..*

  # TODO: make derived, without providing setters (only getters)
  :property -accessor public {root:substdefault,object,type=Feature {[:setup]}}

  # Uniqueness-constrained property based on [dict]
  :property -accessor protected -incremental owned:object,type=Model::Element,1..* {
    :public object method value=set {obj prop value:object,type=::djdsl::v1e::Model::Element,1..*} {
      dict keys [next [list $obj $prop [concat {*}[lmap a $value b {} {list $a $b}]]]]

    :public object method value=get {obj prop} {
      dict keys [next]
    :public object method value=add {obj prop value:object,type=::djdsl::v1e::Model::Element} {
      dict keys [$obj eval [list dict set :$prop $value ""]]

    :public object method value=delete {obj prop value} {
      $obj eval [list dict unset :$prop $value]

  :protected method setup {} {
    set rf [:define Feature -name ""]
    set rc [:define Choice -lower 1 -upper 1 -candidates $rf]
    lappend :choices $rc
    return $rf

  :public method define {elementType:class args} {
    set el [:require $elementType {*}$args]
    $el register
    :owned add $el
    return $el

  :public method require {elementType:class args} {
    try {
      $elementType new -model [self] {*}$args
    } trap {V1E SPEC INVALID} {e opts} {
      return -code error -errorcode "V1E SPEC INVALID" $e
    } on error {e opts} {
      return -code error -errorcode  "V1E SPEC INVALID" "Invalid '$elementType' specification: $args."

  :public method getOwnedElements {elementType:class,optional} {

    set owned [:owned get]
    if {![info exists elementType]} {
	return $owned

    set res [list]
    foreach el $owned {
	if {[$el info has type $elementType]} {
 lappend res $el
    return $res

  :public method featureLookup {name} {

    if {![info exists :feats]} {
      set :feats [dict create]

    if {[dict exists ${:feats} $name]} {
      return [dict get ${:feats} $name]



  :public method featureSet {name obj} {

    if {![info exists :feats]} {
      set :feats [dict]

    if {$obj in [dict values ${:feats}]} {
      foreach k [dict keys [dict filter ${:feats} value $obj]] {
        dict unset :feats $k

    dict set :feats $name $obj

  :public method destroy {} {
    if {[:owned exists]} {
      foreach el [:owned get] {
        $el destroy

  ## Nesting API

  nx::Class create [self]::Factory {
    :object property -accessor public outputModel:object,type=[:info parent]
    :object property -accessor public ns
    :public method with args {
      set m [[current class] outputModel get]
      set ns [[current class] ns get]
      lassign [next $args] initArgs cmds parentAxis
      set nested [list]
      if {[llength $cmds]} {
        $m eval {lappend :kidz [dict create]}
        # $m eval {*}$cmds
        $m eval [list apply [list {} [lindex $cmds 0] $ns]]
        set nested  [$m eval {lindex ${:kidz} end}]
        $m eval {set :kidz [lrange ${:kidz} 0 end-1]}

      try {
        set current [$m define [self] {*}$initArgs {*}$nested]
      } trap {V1E SPEC INVALID} e {
        return -code error $e

      set up [$m eval {lindex ${:kidz} end}]
      dict lappend up $parentAxis $current
      $m eval [list lset :kidz end $up]

  # :public object method newFromScript {-rootFeature:required script} {
  #   set ns [self]::ns
  #   namespace eval $ns {;}
  #   foreach elClass [[current]::Element info subclasses] {
  #     interp alias {} ${ns}::[namespace tail $elClass] {} $elClass with
  #   }
  #   try {
  #     :with -rootFeature $rootFeature -ns $ns $script
  #     # apply [list {} [list :with -rootFeature $rootFeature $script] $ns]
  #   } finally {
  #     namespace delete $ns
  #   }
  # }

  :public object method newFromScript {script} {
    set box [nx::Object new -childof [self] {
      :object method root {args} {
        set :root $args
      :object method feature {-name args} {
        set aliasName [self]::%$name
        append body [list interp alias {} [self]::%$name {}] \;
        append body [list Feature -name $name {*}$args] \;
        interp alias {} [self]::%$name {} apply [list {} $body [self]]
        # dict set :env $name $args
    $box require namespace
    interp alias {} ${box}::Root {} :root
    interp alias {} ${box}::Feature {} :feature
    $box eval [list apply [list {} $script $box]]
    lassign [$box eval {set :root}] rootFeature script

    foreach elClass [[current]::Element info subclasses] {
      interp alias {} ${box}::[namespace tail $elClass] {} $elClass with

    try {
      :with -rootFeature $rootFeature -ns $box $script
      # apply [list {} [list :with -rootFeature $rootFeature $script] $ns]
    } finally {
      $box destroy

  :public method addFromScript {script ns:optional} {

    if {![info exists ns]} {
      set ns [namespace current]
      namespace eval [self] {namespace import ::djdsl::v1e::*}

    set factory "[current class]::Factory"
    $factory outputModel set [self]
    $factory ns set $ns
    nx::Class mixins add $factory
    try {
      lappend :kidz [dict create]
      apply [list {} $script $ns]
      if {[info exists :kidz]} {
        set k [lindex ${:kidz} end]
        if {[dict exists $k -owned]} {
          ${:root} configure {*}[dict filter $k key -owned]
          ${:root} register
        if {[dict exists $k -constraints]} {
          # TODO: substdefault on root is called again, FIX!
          :configure -root ${:root} {*}[dict filter $k key -constraints]
    } on error {res opts} {
      return -code error -options $opts $res
    } finally {
      nx::Class mixins delete $factory
      $factory outputModel unset
      $factory ns unset
      unset -nocomplain :kidz

  :public object method with {-rootFeature -ns spec} {
    set m [:new]
    set root [$m root get]
    if {[info exists rootFeature]} {
     	$root name set $rootFeature
      $m featureSet $rootFeature $root
    if {[info exists ns]} {
      $m addFromScript $spec $ns
    } else {
      $m addFromScript $spec
    return $m

  # A slim component wrapper around tclbdd's TclOO facility, plus helpers.

  try {
    package req tclbdd
  } trap {TCL PACKAGE UNFOUND} {} {
    # TODO: should we warn about an undetectable TclBDD installation; or is it optional
  } on ok {} {
    nx::Class create [self]::BDDSystem {
      :property model:object,type=[:info parent]

      :public method isSatisfiable {} {
        return [${:system} satisfiable ${:model}]

      :public method satCount {} {
        return [${:system} satcount ${:model}]

      :public method computeValidConfigurations {n} {
        set out [list]
        set counter 0
        ${:system} foreach_sat x ${:model} {
          bdd::foreach_fullsat v ${:varsIdx} $x {
            if {$counter == $n} { return $out; }
            lappend out [lmap i ${:varsIdx} j $v {
              set _ [expr {($i+1)*$j}];
              if {$_ == 0} {
              } else {
                set obj [lindex ${:vars} [incr _ -1]]
                if {[$obj name exists]} {
                  $obj name get
                } else {
                  continue; # $obj;
            incr counter
        return $out

      :public method destroy args {
        rename ${:system} ""
        unset :system

      :method init {} {

        # TODOs:
        # - rework to walk spines of choices, rather than all choices as a bulk (visitor)
        # - ::djdsl::v1e::* prefixing should not be necessary, v1e.test ok, v1e.tcl not. grrr.
        # - refactor, so that we can process arbitrary choices into
        #   corresponding BDDs, given a BDD system.

        set :system [bdd::system new]
        set feats [${:model} eval {set :feats}]
        set rootFeat [${:model} root get]

        # FIX:
        # set :vars [lsort -unique [${:model} getOwnedElements ::djdsl::v1e::Feature]]
        set :vars [${:model} getOwnedElements ::djdsl::v1e::Feature]

        set pos 0
        foreach f ${:vars} {
          ${:system} nthvar $f $pos
          lappend :varsIdx $pos
          incr pos

        ${:system} & ${:model} 1 1; # root feature is always TRUE

        # FIX:
        # puts stderr >>>[namespace current],[namespace which Choice],[uplevel 1 {namespace current}]
        foreach c [${:model} getOwnedElements ::djdsl::v1e::Choice] {
          if {[$c context exists]} {
            set p [$c context get]
          } else {
            set p ${:model}

          if {[$c lower get] == 0 && [$c upper get] == 1} {
            if {[llength [$c candidates get]] == 1} {
              # optional, solitary sub-feature
              set f [$c candidates get]
              # puts "${:system} <= C$C $f $p"
              ${:system} <= $c $f $p
            } else {
              # TODO: is this needed?
              # group of optional features
          } elseif {[$c lower get] == 1 && [$c upper get] == 1} {
            if {[llength [$c candidates get]] == 1} {
              # mandatory, solitary sub-feature
              set f [$c candidates get]
              # ${:system} <= aC$C $p $f
              # ${:system} <= bC$C $f $p
              # ${:system} & C$C aC$C bC$C
              ${:system} == $c $p $f
            } else {

              # pt 1: disjunction term
              set cands [$c candidates get]
              set r [lassign $cands c1 c2]
              ${:system} | tmp0 $c1 $c2
              foreach rc $r {
                ${:system} | tmp0 tmp0 $rc
              # ${:system} <= aC$C tmp0 $p
              # ${:system} <= bC$C $p tmp0
              # ${:system} & C$C aC$C bC$C
              ${:system} == $c tmp0 $p
              # CHECK: unset tmp0 then?
              # pt 2: pairwise exclusions
              foreach comb [:comb2 $cands] {
                lassign $comb c1 c2
                ${:system} & tmp3 $c1 $c2
                ${:system} ~ ntmp3 tmp3; # negate the term
                ${:system} & $c $c ntmp3
          } elseif {[$c lower get] == 1 && [$c upper get] > 1 &&
                    [$c upper get] == [llength [$c candidates get]]} {
            set r [lassign [$c candidates get] c1 c2]
            ${:system} | tmp1 $c1 $c2
            foreach rc $r {
              ${:system} | tmp1 tmp1 $rc
            ${:system} == $c tmp1 $p
          } elseif {!([$c lower get] + [$c upper get])} {
            # ${:system} ~ ntmp4 [$c candidates get]
            # ${:system} == $c $p ntmp4
            ${:system} & $c 1 1
            foreach cand [$c candidates get] {
              ${:system} ~ ntmp4 $cand
              ${:system} & $c $c ntmp4
            ${:system} == $c $p ntmp4
          } else {
            throw {V1E BDD NOTIMPLEMENTED} "The multiplicity [$c lower get],[$c upper get] is not implemented."

          ${:system} & ${:model} ${:model} $c
          # puts [${:system} dump ${:model}]
          # puts >>>>[:asDot $c]

        # inject the constraints feature expressions into the BDD
        # system, if any ...
        set fexprs [lmap cstr [${:model} getOwnedElements ::djdsl::v1e::Constraint] {
          $cstr cget -expression

        if {[llength $fexprs]} {
          ${:system} & ${:model} ${:model} [:add {*}$fexprs]

      :protected method comb2 {in} {
        if {[llength $in] <= 2} {
          return [list $in]
        while {[llength $in]} {
          set in [lassign $in x]
          foreach y $in {
            lappend out [list $x $y]
        return $out

      ## Add BDDs into a system using "feature expressions". A "feature
      ## expression" is a propositional formula ...
      ## - whose variables represent (existing) features in the model.
      ## - which does *not* contain literal truth values (1, 0).

      # leaf:   BinaryOp 		<- AndOp / OrOp / ImplOp;
      #         ImplOp 			<- 'implies' / '->';

      set v1e {
        PEG v1e (Expression)
        #// constrL //
        Expression   <- _ Term (_ BinaryOp _ Term)?;
        Term	     <- NotOp? _ (Variable / '(' Expression ')');
        leaf:   BinaryOp     <- AndOp / OrOp;
        AndOp 	     <- 'and' / '&&';
        OrOp	     <- 'or' / '||';
        NotOp 	     <- 'not' / '-';
        Variable     <- <alnum>+;
        void:	_	     <- <space>*;
        #// end //

      set v1eParser [pt::rde::nx pgen $v1e]
      $v1eParser create [self]::FexprParser

      :public method add {fexpr args} {
        if {[llength $args]} {
          set fexpr ([join [list $fexpr {*}$args] ") and ("])
        # puts >>>$fexpr
        # [current class]::FexprParser print $fexpr
        set st [lassign [[current class]::FexprParser parset $fexpr] m]

        set :fexpr ${fexpr}
        set r [:input $m {*}$st]
        unset :fexpr
        return $r


      # TODO: Better check args arity than default to EmptyOp/EmptyOpnd?
      :method "input EmptyOp" {} {return &}
      :method "input EmptyOpnd" {} {return 1}
      :method "input Expression" {from to args} {
        set res "fexpr[incr :exprCounter]"
        lassign [list {*}$args EmptyOp EmptyOpnd] lhs op rhs
        # puts lhs=$lhs,op=$op,rhs=$rhs
        set lhs [:input {*}$lhs]
        set op [:input {*}$op]
        set rhs [:input {*}$rhs]
        # puts "${:system} $op $res $lhs $rhs"
        ${:system} $op $res $lhs $rhs
        return $res

      # why does forward "input Expression" not work?

      :method "input Term" {from to args} {
        lassign $args prefix fexpr
        if {$fexpr eq ""} {
          set fexpr $prefix
          return [:input {*}$fexpr]
        } else {
          set op [:input {*}$prefix]
          set res [:input {*}$fexpr]
          ${:system} $op "n$res" $res
          return "n$res"

      :method "input BinaryOp" {from to args} {
        array set ops {and & or | not ~}
        return $ops([string range ${:fexpr} $from $to])

      :method "input NotOp" args {
        return [:input BinaryOp {*}$args]

      :method "input Variable" {from to args} {
        # TODO: Check for valid feature names?
        set name [string range ${:fexpr} $from $to]
        ${:model} featureLookup $name

      # Helpers
      # DOT printer: `dot -Nfontname=FreeSans -Tsvg`
      :public method asDot {bdd} {
        set dump [dict create {*}[${:system} dump $bdd]]

        dict unset dump 0
        dict unset dump 1

        append dot "digraph \"$bdd\" {" \n;
        append dot "0 \[shape=box, label=\"0\", style=filled, shape=box, height=0.3, width=0.3\];" \n;
        append dot "1 \[shape=box, label=\"1\", style=filled, shape=box, height=0.3, width=0.3\];" \n

        set levels [dict create]
        dict for {node dat} $dump {
          lassign $dat varIdx lo hi
          set feat [lindex ${:vars} $varIdx]
          set label ""; # unnamed features (helpers) remain blank
          if {[$feat name exists]} {
            set label [$feat name get]
          append dot "$node \[label=\"$label\"\];" \n
          append dot "$node -> $lo \[style=dotted\];" \n
          append dot "$node -> $hi \[style=filled\];" \n

          dict lappend levels $varIdx $node

        dict for {level nodes} $levels {
          append dot "{rank = same; [join $nodes ;]}"

        append dot "}"
        return $dot

    }; # BDDSystem

    # BDD wrappers for Model

    :public method isValid {} {
      set bdd [: -local requireBDD]
      return [$bdd isSatisfiable]

    :public method nrValidConfigurations {} {
      set bdd [: -local requireBDD]
      return [$bdd satCount]

    :public method getValidConfigurations {{n:substdefault {[:nrValidConfigurations]}}} {
      set bdd [: -local requireBDD]
      return [$bdd computeValidConfigurations $n]

    # :public method equiv {that:object,type=Model} {
    #   set bdd [: -local requireBDD]
    #   return [$bdd ]
    # }

    :public method asDot {} {
      set bdd [: -local requireBDD]
      return [$bdd asDot [self]]

    :private method requireBDD {} {
      if {![info exists :bdd]} {
        set :bdd [[current class]::BDDSystem new -model [self]]
      return ${:bdd}
  } on error {msg opts} {
    return -opts $opts -errorcode "DJDSL V1E TCLBDD FAILED" $msg
}; # Model

nx::Class create Model::Element {
  :property -accessor public model:object,type=[:info parent],required
  :protected method register {} {
    error "Must be implemented by each subclass!"
  # :public method init {} {
  # :register
  # }

nx::Class create Choice -superclasses Model::Element {

  :property -accessor public context:object,type=Feature

  :property -accessor public candidates:object,type=Feature,1..*

  :property -accessor public {upper:integer 1}
  :property -accessor public {lower:integer 1}

  :public method register {} {
    foreach c ${:candidates} {
      if {![$c owning exists]} {
        $c owning set [self]

  :public method isXor {} {;}
  :public method isOr {} {;}
  :public method isAnd {} {;}

  :public object method with {{-lower 1} {-upper 1} args} {
    return [list [list -lower $lower -upper $upper] $args -owned]

nx::Class create Feature -superclasses Model::Element {
  :property -accessor public name

  :property -accessor public owning:object,type=Choice
  :property -accessor public -incremental owned:object,type=Choice,0..*

  :public object method new {-model -name args} {
    if {![info exists name]} {
      set existing ""
    } else {
      set existing [$model featureLookup $name]

    if {$existing eq ""} {
    } else {
      return $existing

  :public method register {} {
    # ${:owningModel} featureSet ${:name} [self]
    if {[info exists :name]} {
      ${:model} featureSet ${:name} [self]
    if {[info exists :owned]} {
      foreach c ${:owned} {
        $c context set [self]

  :public method parentFeature {} {;}
  :public method subFeatures {} {;}

  :public method isMandatory {} {;}
  :public method isOptional {} {;}

  ## Nesting API

  :public object method with {-name args} {
    set initArgs [list]
    if {[info exists name]} {
      set initArgs [list -name $name]
    return [list $initArgs $args -candidates]


nx::Class create Constraint -superclasses Model::Element {
  :property expression
  :public method register {args} {}
  :public object method with {expr} {
    return [list [list -expression $expr] "" -constraints]

namespace export Model Choice Feature Constraint