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Mika Lindqvist edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 1 revision

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Daemon API changes


Returns total number of atomic units generated since genesis block.

  • Input parameters: none

  • Output parameters:

Parameter Type Description
alreadyGeneratedCoins string Total number of atomic units generated
status string OK on success, otherwise error message


Returns gray list of peers.

  • Input parameters: none

  • Output parameters:

Parameter Type Description
status string OK on success, otherwise error message
peers vector of strings List of peer addresses

Masternode daemon API


Returns transaction hash of the collateral used for this masternode.

  • Input parameters: none

  • Output parameters:

Parameter Type Description
collateralHash string Transaction hash of collateral payment
status string OK on success, otherwise error message


Returns address of the fee wallet used for this masternode.

  • Input parameters: none

  • Output parameters:

Parameter Type Description
fee_address string wallet address for collected fees
status string OK on success, otherwise error message


Returns total number of atomic units sent to specific wallet address in single transaction.

  • Input parameters:
Parameter Type Description
transaction string Transaction hash of payment you want to verify
account string Wallet address of the receiver of transaction output you want to verify
viewKey string Private view key of the wallet address that was specified in account parameter
  • Output parameters:
Parameter Type Description
amount 64-bit unsigned number Total number of atomic units. 1 BTOR = 100 atomic units.
status string OK on success, otherwise error message