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Examples of vavr function lifting.



A partial function from X to Y is a function f: X′ → Y, for some X′ c X. For x e X\X′ function is undefined.

In programming, if partial function is called with a disallowed input value, it will typically throw an exception.

In programming - we lift function f to f′: X -> Option<Y> in such a manner:

  • f′(x).get() = f(x) on X′
  • f′(x) = Option.none() for x e X\X′


In vavr we have two approaches to lifting:

  • lifting function with Option
    Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> divide = (a, b) -> a / b;
    Function2<Integer, Integer, Option<Integer>> lifted = Function2.lift(divide);
  • lifting function with Try
    Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> divide = (a, b) -> a / b;
    Function2<Integer, Integer, Try<Integer>> lifted = Function2.liftTry(divide);

project description

  1. suppose we have:
    • BlockedUser with a method to activate it:
      class BlockedUser {
          int id;
          int warn;
          LocalDate banDate;
          ActiveUser activate(Clock clock) {
              if (warn > 10) {
                  throw new BusinessException("id = " + id + ": warns has to be <= 10");
              if (ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(banDate, < 14) {
                  throw new BusinessException("id = " + id + "minimum ban time is 14 days!");
              return ActiveUser.builder().id(id).build();
    • simple ActiveUser
      class ActiveUser {
          int id;
  2. suppose we cannot modify class BlockedUser
  3. we have Stream of BlockedUsers and we want to activate them (if possible) and save to the database
    • activate throws exceptions, so we lift that function (FunctionLiftingTest - lift()):
      //        given
              ActiveUserRepository activeUserRepository = new ActiveUserRepository();
              var cannotBeActive = BlockedUser.builder()
              var canBeActive = BlockedUser.builder()
              var now = Clock.fixed(Instant.parse("2016-12-03T10:15:30Z"), ZoneId.systemDefault());
      //        when
              Stream.of(cannotBeActive, canBeActive)
                      .map(Function1.lift(x -> x.activate(now)))
                      .forEach(option -> option.peek(activeUserRepository::add));
      //        then
  4. we have Stream of BlockedUsers and we want to activate them (if possible) and save to the database or generate report of exceptions occurred during activation (FunctionLiftingTest - liftTry())
    //        given
            ActiveUserRepository activeUserRepository = new ActiveUserRepository();
            var cannotBeActive = BlockedUser.builder()
            var canBeActive = BlockedUser.builder()
            var now = Clock.fixed(Instant.parse("2016-12-03T10:15:30Z"), ZoneId.systemDefault());
            List<String> fails = new LinkedList<>();
    //        when
            Stream.of(cannotBeActive, canBeActive)
                    .map(Function1.liftTry(x -> x.activate(now)))
                    .forEach(tryF -> tryF
                            .onFailure(exception -> fails.add(exception.getMessage())));
    //        then
            assertThat(activeUserRepository.count(), is(1));
    //        and
            assertThat(fails, hasSize(1));
            assertThat(fails.get(0), is("id = 1: warns has to be <= 10"));