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Jon Crain edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 8 revisions

The summary page is configurable by adding the following to your .env file:

CLIENT_DETAIL_WIDGETS="machine_info_1, machine_info_2, comment_detail, hardware_detail, software_detail, storage_detail, *"

* means fill up with leftover widgets, if you leave the * out no other widgets are shown. Widgets are automatically distributed on the page.

Mind that only widgets of enabled modules are now shown.

Note| Identifiers for the available client summary widgets can be found in the provides.php files of the modules, which is not very convenient.

Widgets Available (As of 5.6.0)

Module Widget Name
ARD ard
bluetooth bluetooth_detail
comment comment_detail
crashplan crashplan_detail
disk_report storage_detail
machine machine_info_1
mdm_status mdm_status_detail
network network_detail
security security_detail (or securtity_detail if you haven't pulled the latest wip)
timemachine timemachine_detail
user users_detail
warranty warranty_detail

Order of Widgets to Match < 5.1

CLIENT_DETAIL_WIDGETS="machine_info_1, machine_info_2, storage_detail, hardware_detail, software_detail, ard, warranty_detail, network_detail, users_detail, timemachine_detail, crashplan_detail, bluetooth_detail, comment_detail, securtity_detail"

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