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Troubleshooting Upgrades

Jon Crain edited this page Apr 19, 2019 · 1 revision

When coming from older versions of MunkiReport, there are a few common errors that you may see and things you may miss.

Wrong Serving Directory


Not Found  
The requested resource /index.php? was not found on this server.


Document root is now in a directory called /public. The best practice is to serve your MunkiReport instance from this directory or make a symlink to this directory.


Serve the public directory not the MunkiReport root.

General error 17


ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 17 database schema has changed...


The schema change error means literally that, the schema of the table has changed and you can’t alter the table anymore without reloading.


Rerun the migration.

Failed Migration - no such column


ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such column: ...


There may be a column that the migration wants to update that was never in the original table and the sql query is failing. (someone have a better explanation for this one?)


Drop the failed migration table or manually convert the data. It will be named table-name_orig. This table holds the old data that is being migrated. If it is a table you don't mind losing, it is much simpler to drop and start over. In tests, 2.7.3 -> 4.x had trouble with bluetooth and munkireport tables and 2.13 -> 4.x had troubles with the smart_stats table.

Index Already Exists


ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 index power_manufacture_date already exists


The index already exists. SQL indexing is not my strong point. I'm not sure why this is happening TBH.


Edit the database and drop the indexes for the table with the issue.


If you'd like to contribute, here is the pseudo-code I used for testing. It would be helpful to have more tests with actual data.

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