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Storm Spring

Storm Spring provides the functionality to build Storm topologies in a Spring XML configuration and submit them to a storm cluster or run them locally.

To find out more information about Storm see the Storm Github Repository

This allows you to modify topology bolts, spouts, configurations, and properties without recompiling.

Creating Topologies

Defining topologies using Storm Spring is very similar to defining a topology in the Storm TopologyBuilder api. To start lets take a look at the ExclamationTopology in the Storm Starter Project.

Using TopologyBuilder a topology is defined in javaas follows:

TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("words", new TestWordSpout(), 10);
builder.setBolt("exclaim1", new ExclamationBolt(), 3)
builder.setBolt("exclaim2", new ExclamationBolt(), 2)

The same topology wired into Storm Spring is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <!-- Topology Submission -->
    <bean id="exclamationTopologySubmission" class="storm.contrib.spring.topology.SingleTopologySubmission"
          c:topologyId="exclamationTopology" c:stormTopology-ref="exclamationTopology"

    <!-- Topology Config -->
    <bean id="config" class="backtype.storm.Config" p:debug="false"/>

     <!-- Assembled Topologies -->
    <bean id="exclamationTopology" class="storm.contrib.spring.topology.TopologyFactory"
          c:spout-ref="topologySpouts" c:bolt-ref="topologyBolts"/>
    <util:list id="topologySpouts">
        <bean id="wordSpout" class="storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.spout.RichSpout"
              c:componentId="word" c:stormSpout-ref="testWordSpoutImpl" p:parallelismHint="10"/>
    <util:list id="topologyBolts">
        <bean id="exclamationBolt1" class="storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.bolt.RichBolt"
              c:componentId="exclaim1" c:stormBolt-ref="exclamationBoltImpl"
              p:boltGroupings-ref="exclamationGrouping1" p:parallelismHint="3"/>
        <bean id="exclamationBolt2" class="storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.bolt.RichBolt"
              c:componentId="exclaim2" c:stormBolt-ref="exclamationBoltImpl"
              p:boltGroupings-ref="exclamationGrouping2" p:parallelismHint="2"/>

    <!-- Grouping For Each Bolt -->
    <bean id="exclamationGrouping1" class="storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.grouping.ShuffleBoltGrouping"
    <bean id="exclamationGrouping2" class="storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.grouping.ShuffleBoltGrouping"

    <!-- Bolt And RichSpout Implementations -->
    <bean id="testWordSpoutImpl" class="backtype.storm.testing.TestWordSpout"/>
    <bean id="exclamationBoltImpl" class="storm.sample.bolt.ExclamationBolt"/>

Toplogy Components

The Storm Spring has equvalents of all of the standard Storm components for use in spring xml. Below are a few examples which are used in the XML above:

  • backtype.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder -> storm.contrib.spring.topology.TopologyFactory
  • backtype.storm.topology.IRichSpout -> storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.spout.RichSpout
  • backtype.storm.topology.IRichBolt -> storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.bolt.RichBolt

To define inputs to the a Bolt there are classes for all Bolt Groupings in Storm Spring. Below are a few examples:

  • BoltDeclarer.ShuffleGrouping() -> storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.grouping.ShuffleBoltGrouping
  • BoltDeclarer.FieldsGrouping() -> storm.contrib.spring.topology.component.grouping.FieldsBoltGrouping

Submitting Topologies

Once you have created a topology in Spring. There are a few more components in Storm Spring that may be useful when submitting topologies.


A TopologySubmission is composed of 1 or more topologies and a Storm configuration. An example is shown in the XML above. This bean can be utilized by the TopologySubmitter discussed below.


The ToplogySubmitter is usefull for submitting various topologies and configurations to a storm cluster. To submit to a cluster locally for testing you can use the LocalToplogySubmitter as well. Note: LocalToplogySubmitter has a third argument for runtime

To submit a TopologySubmission bean to a storm cluster using ToplogySubmitter follow the following command format:

storm jar ${Storm-Jar-With-Dependecies} storm.contrib.spring.topology.TopologySubmitter ${spring-XML-Location} ${TopologySubmission-Bean-Id}

A sample command from the Storm Spring Sample Project is:

storm jar storm-spring-sample-jar-with-dependencies.jar storm.contrib.spring.topology.TopologySubmitter classpath:/spring-context.xml topologySubmission

Utilizing TopologySubmitter you can submit any number of topologies and configurations to storm without neededing to recompile source.


To see an example of how to use Storm Spring to define topologys in Spring XML please see the Storm Spring Sample Project.


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