Alternate Tuning Systems Library for Pure Data (Pd). The library is designed for tuning system demonstrations and how to build them with Pd in the music technology or music theory classroom.
- Download the latest release.
- Unzip the contents of the library into one folder.
- Run the _Main.pd patch from within the same unzipped folder.
To use meantoneTemperament.pd the pd-zexy library is required. You can install the library by selecting "Help" > "Find externals" and searching for "zexy." Choose the version that is right for your system–for example if you are using a Mac: zexy[v2.3.1](Darwin-amd64-32)–click on that version, and the library will be added to your Pd application.
The following sounds come from instruments in the pd-mkmr library:
- harp~.pd
- marimba~.pd
- piano~.pd
- rds~.pd