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How to run code on LUMI AMD GPUs (JAX)

This repo is a collection of notes from the LUMI Hackathon

LUMI G node

A node has 4 AMD MI250X GPUs with 128GB memory. However, the MI250x GPU modules have two Graphics Compute Dies, each with 64GB memory. So, that's in total 8 devices with 64GB memory each. The latter is how we think about it when interacting with lumi. 8 GPUs with 64GB memory each. JAX also sees 8 devices.

LUMI-G node

Full documentation

LUMI AI Workshop Materials


To run anything useful we need to use singularity containers. These can be configured, but usually they are provided by LUMI support. In case of JAX, the process of configuring one seems to be very painful, so we just use the one provided by LUMI.

The JAX container provided by LUMI comes with an Anaconda environment that has jax and jaxlib installed. (Whatever we do, we need to make sure that we do NOT touch these installations). With that warning in mind, we need to create a python venv and activate it inside the singularity container after activating the conda environment. (Yes, this is messy, we need a venv inside a conda env that is inside a singularity container). Setting this up is covered in the Setup section, alternatively see sample script.

Running code can be done with srun and sbatch and is covered in the Running on a GPU node section. Alternatively, see the run on one node and 8 gpus and run on multiple nodes scripts.

The rest covers some quick nifty commands and optimizations that are still to be proven useful. Furthermore, the /bash directory also has some scripts to run rocprofv3 and omnitrace profilers.


The login node has no software that we can use to train our models. On LUMI, singularity containers are used and these can be found in the folder: /appl/local/containers/sif-images/. We care only about the JAX one located at /appl/local/containers/sif-images/lumi-jax-rocm-6.2.0-python-3.12-jax-0.4.28.sif. We should expect updates so the paths can change in the future. But in general, we need a singularity container with the correct ROCM drivers and a JAX installation built. So far it seems that JAX is built from source by people working for LUMI. So, whatever we do, we NEVER update or change the jax and jaxlib installations.

In the following we will setup a virtual environment for our python code. This needs to be done within the container we are going to use.

To get inside:

module use /appl/local/training/modules/AI-20240529/
module load singularity-userfilesystems/default
singularity shell /appl/local/containers/sif-images/lumi-jax-rocm-6.2.0-python-3.12-jax-0.4.28.sif

First line will load: cotainr, singularity-bindings, singularity-userfilesystems, cotainr_installation, singularity-CPEbits modules. I am not sure we need the cotainr ones, but the other three setup the singularity container.

The second line binds our specific paths with singularity. So we can see our home and project folders.

Once inside:

We need to activate the Conda environment inside. Otherwise the installed JAX will not show:


With this command jax and jaxlib will be available. To use further pytrhon packages with our code, we have to create a python virtual environment and install the things inside. However, it is very important that we do NOT change the version of jax and prohibit any library dependent on jax to update it according to its dependency declarations. For this reason, once the virtual environment is created with the --system-site-packages flag:

python3 -m venv /path/ --system-site-packages

we have to run:

pip install optax==0.2.2 flax==0.8.3 jax==0.4.28 #these should also be hardcoded like this in a requirements.txt file

which will make sure to install flax and optax that are compatible with the jax version 0.4.28. For some weird reason we still need to pass jax==0.4.28 to really make sure we don't update jax. Then we can go on installing stuff that is independent of jax by

pip install -r requirements.txt


pip install .

with or without the editable flag -e. Assuming you're working from inside a root of a python package.

Nothing makes sense and jax is of a wrong version just after $WITH_CONDA

If one installs some packages on the login node without thinking, those can end up in the ~/.local/ path that singularity will always bind and thus the packages an be from there. I chose violence and deleted the whole directory at the LUMI hackathon. Quite sure it's not the best solution but it worked and didn't give any complications so far.

A sample setup script is available in bash/

Run on a GPU node

To run on GPU with LUMI, we need to either use the small-g or standard-g partition, where the former one is for debugging and where the ressources allocated can be placed in suboptimal layout. For instance, one does not get a full node. The second always allocates a node (8 gpus) even if we only use 2.

One can submit jobs using sbatch or run jobs using srun. Both will have to run some code inside the singularity container. So this code needs to activate things we need as the first thing.

A nice environment variable to set (dont ask just do)



srun is used to launch some code in a GPU node from the login node.

One can either do the whole thing in a long command:

srun --account=--account=project_your_project_number0 --partition=small-g --nodes=1 --gpus=1 --time=05:00 singularity exec /appl/local/containers/sif-images/lumi-jax-rocm-6.2.0-python-3.12-jax-0.4.28.sif bash -c "\$WITH_CONDA; source /path/to/venv; python3 path/to/"


--account=--account=project_your_project_number --partition=small-g --nodes=1 --gpus=1 --time=05:00

just defines where to run the code, which account has the ressources and other settings.

 "\$WITH_CONDA; source /path/to/venv; python3 path/to/"

is the command that is going to be executed inside the singularity container. And

singularity exec /appl/local/containers/sif-images/lumi-jax-rocm-6.2.0-python-3.12-jax-0.4.28.sif bash -c

executes the command.

or allocate ressources and send scripts to the allocation:


salloc --account=project_your_project_number --partition=small-g --nodes=1 --gpus=8 --time=10:00 


srun singularity exec /appl/local/containers/sif-images/lumi-jax-rocm-6.2.0-python-3.12-jax-0.4.28.sif bash -c "\$WITH_CONDA; source /path/to/venv; python3 path/to/"

This way we will not wait each time for allocation of ressources. But the ressources will be billed for the whole time allocation is valid for.


This method is pretty much the same as on other HPC infrastructure. We need a script and we submit it by


The script itself has a header with parameters:

#!/usr/bin/env -S bash -e
#SBATCH --job-name=
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=7 
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1
#SBATCH --mem=60G
#SBATCH --output="where_to_store/log_%x_%j.txt"
#SBATCH --partition=small-g
#SBATCH --time=15:00
#SBATCH --account=project_your_project_number

They are all mostly self-explanatory. #SBATCH --mem=60G reflects that we have 64GB memory per GPU, this flag says we want it all. A rule of thumb is to use 7 CPUS per task (7 CPUS per GPU is more correct, but the distinction between tasks and GPUs is not that clear yet.) #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=7.

If we run on one node with 8 GPUS, then:

#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=56 
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=8

will set the correct ressources.

If we run on several nodes, we need to actually have 8 tasks per node, ie. 8 processes per node. One per GPU. #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=8. Otherwise, we will not see the correct devices with JAX.

A full 2-node job will look as follows:

#SBATCH --partition=standard-g
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=7 
#SBATCH --mem-per-gpu=60G

Sample job scripts are available in bash/ and bash/

Some useful additional commands

Connect to your job that is running

Given a jobid, we can open a bash inside it by:

srun --interactive --jobid=yourjobID --pty bash

and inside we could watch rocm-smi every second:

watch -n 1 rocm-smi

or do something else completely.

See job status:

squeue --me

Cancel a job:

scancel jobid

Multi GPU and Multinode optimizations (ignore this for now)

Bind correct CPUS for correct GPU compute tiles

This is needed so that the communication overhead is minimized, for some reason when we launch a job, the GPUs are not necessarily served by CPUs closest to them. When going through this, take a look at the picture on top and see which GPUs are connected to which CPUs. It will all make sense, hopefully.

We can see which GPUs connected to wich GPUs by rocm-smi --showtopo. The output will be as follows:

======================================= Numa Nodes =======================================
GPU[0]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 3
GPU[0]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 3
GPU[1]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 3
GPU[1]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 3
GPU[2]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 1
GPU[2]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 1
GPU[3]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 1
GPU[3]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 1
GPU[4]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 0
GPU[4]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 0
GPU[5]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 0
GPU[5]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 0
GPU[6]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 2
GPU[6]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 2
GPU[7]		: (Topology) Numa Node: 2
GPU[7]		: (Topology) Numa Affinity: 2

This shows, that GPU0 is part of NUMA Node 3, GPU2 is part of NUMA Node 1 etc. When we list the cpus: lscpu we see:

  NUMA node(s):          4
  NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-15,64-79
  NUMA node1 CPU(s):     16-31,80-95
  NUMA node2 CPU(s):     32-47,96-111
  NUMA node3 CPU(s):     48-63,112-127

This shows, that NUMA node0 is attached to CPU 0-15, NUMA node 1 cpus 16-31 etc. We can run a new task with specific CPUs and print the actual CPUs used to check: taskset -c 48-63 bash -c 'taskset -p $$' to see:

pid 40238's current affinity mask: fefe000000000000

The number fefe000000000000 is a bitmap. Every 0 counts 4. There are 12 zeros, which gives 48 which match the selection -c 48-63.

Using this, we can set which CPUs are used by which GPU in a slurm process e.g. by executing

srun --account=project_your_project_number --partition=standard-g --nodes=1 --gpus=8 --time=05:00 \
--cpu-bind=mask_cpu:0xfe000000000000,0xfe00000000000000,0xfe0000,0xfe000000,0xfe,0xfe00,0xfe00000000,0xfe0000000000 \
bash -c 'echo "$SLURM_PROCID -- GPUS $ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES -- $(taskset -p $$)"' \
| sort -n -k1

Each bitmap number corresponds to a rank/process. That is, the first process (rank0) uses the CPUs corresponding to bitmap number 0xfe000000000000 etc.

Not sure this works properly though. I get the following output:

0 -- GPUS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -- pid 127528's current affinity mask: fe000000000000

Also not sure how this will work with multinode. Anyway,
