Śet the attribute event-on-change-reading
to .*
attr DEVICENAME event-on-change-reading .*
Use the following code snippet for the attribute stateFormat
to display some information instead of the regular "connected":
my $state = "";
my $hz = ReadingsVal($name, "Msg-Mode-Heizung", "---");
my $dobuf = ReadingsVal($name, "Do-Buffer", "00000000");
if($hz eq "KeinBedarf" || $hz eq "---")
# Pumpe-Hz / Pumpe-Hz, Kurbelwannenhz
if($dobuf eq "00100000" || $dobuf eq "00101000")
$hz = "NurPumpe";
$state = "Hz: " . $hz;
$state .= " | Ww: " . ReadingsVal($name, "Msg-Mode-Wasser", "---");
$state .= " | Aussen: " . ReadingsVal($name, "Temp-Aussen", "---");
After that, here's an example of what state
looks like then: Hz: Normal | Ww: KeinBedarf | Aussen: 5.0
The following notify DEF code checks if there are any unsuppressed warnings.
Make sure to change the DEVICENAME and to fill in some code.
DEVICENAME:Warnung.*:.* {
if($EVTPART1 ne "00000000")
my $foundError = 0;
my @evtSplit = split("", $EVTPART1);
my @unterdrSplit = split("", ReadingsVal($NAME, "Unterdr-" . (split(":", $EVTPART0))[0], "11111111"));
for(my $i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)
if($evtSplit[$i] == 1 && $unterdrSplit[$i] == 0)
$foundError = 1;
# Do something here...
The following notify checks if there are any failures.
Make sure to change the DEVICENAME and to fill in some code.
DEVICENAME:Ausfall-Zeit:.* {
if(ReadingsVal($NAME, "Ausfall-Datum", "01.01.01") eq (sprintf("%02d.%02d", $mday, $month) . "." . substr($year, 2, 2)))
# Do something here...