- MPI support to cluster.run_parallel and optional jobs or mp parallelism
- Allow restarting optimization jobs
- Record run_time in runs table
- basin_parameters.set_defaults added
- input and output interface plugins can now be instatiated by path without project
- Generalisation of hydro.gumbel_recurrence to scipy distribution recurrence dist_recurrence
- grass.GrassAttributeTable exposed from modelmanager.plugins.grass
- tests plugin renamed to test
- Added more project-independent tests (water balance)
- Lots of updating with SWIM/develop as m.swim/master
- Various improvements and fixes
- Add optimization algorithms to default settings and include the evoalgos package to dependencies
- Allow default stations.daily_discharge_observed loading through standardised CSV file in resource directory
- Improved time management in optimization runs
- Add crop output file interfaces
- Allow project-specific tests in any file named swimpy/test_*.py
- bug fixes and refactoring
- Extended setup to copy input files from SWIM's test project
- Separate swimpy.hydro module to bundle hydrology-related functionality
- Various new output file interfaces
- Bug fixes
- First release with all features listed in README