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Mautic Sentry Bundle

Empty Mautic plugin bundle (zero functionality). Tested on Mautic 4. Go ahead use this boilerplate and provide more custom functionality to Mautic - Open source Marketing Automation Tool.

Getting Started



Install Monolog Handler (Sentry PHP SDK 3)

composer require bgalati/monolog-sentry-handler

Copy monolog extension configuration from prod/dev app config in app/config folder to app/config/config_local.php.

And then extend monolog config with this configuration for Sentry:

'handlers' => [

         * Other handlers....

        'sentry' => [
            'formatter' => 'mautic.monolog.fulltrace.formatter',
            'type'      => 'fingers_crossed',
            'excluded_http_codes' => [400, 401, 403, 404, 405],
            'buffer_size' => 100,
            //'path'      => '%kernel.logs_dir%/mautic_%kernel.environment%.php',
            'level'     => 'error',
            'handler' => 'sentry_buffer'
        'sentry_buffer' => [
            'type' => 'buffer',
            'handler' => 'sentry_handler'
        'sentry_handler' => [
            'type' => 'service',
            'id' => 'bgalati.monolog_sentry_handler.sentry_handler',

Use hooks from .githooks folder on project by executing:


Initial install described below.

cd <mautic-root-folder>
rm -rf var/cache/dev/* var/cache/prod/*
cd plugins
git clone <repo-url> MZagmajsterSentryBundle
cd <mautic-root-folder>
composer install  # You only need this druing development.
php bin/console mautic:plugins:install --dev  # You should get a message saying one or more plugins have been installed in terminal.

Update the values in parameters array in Config/config.php so it describes your project and connects to your Sentry account via DSN.

'parameters'  => [
        'mzagmajster_sentry_dsn'          => '',  // Sentry DSN
        'mzagmajster_sentry_environment'  => '',  // string describing software env. (like staging, production,...)
        'mzagmajster_sentry_sw_release'   => '1.0.7',  // Release version of plugin you are monitoring.
        'mzagmajster_sentry_log_level'    => \Monolog\Logger::ERROR,  // Log level at which we send log entry to Sentry.
        'mzagmajster_sentry_log_bubble'   => true,  // Turn on/off bubble mode
        'mzagmajster_sentry_project_root' => '/var/www/html/mautic',

Typical update of plugin source code described below.

  • Make sure plugin root folder is clean from git´s point of view.
cd <mautic-root-folder>
rm -rf var/cache/dev/* var/cache/prod/*
cd plugins/MZagmajsterSentryBundle
git pull origin <branch>
php bin/console mautic:plugins:reload --dev  # You should get a message saying one or more plugins have been installed in terminal.

Running the tests

[No tests yet.]

Coding style

Please refer to PHP CS file for details on coding styles.

From plugin root folder you can also run the following commands during development.

  • composer lint - Checks the PHP syntax.
  • composer checkcs - Checks code formatting && show what should be fixed (does not touch source files).
  • composer fixcs - Fixes code formatting (updates soruce files).


  • You do not have to install any composer packages inside plugin folder since we only use it during development.
  • When you are deploying the plugin make sure you call php bin/console command without --dev switch.


[No changelog yet.]


[No documentation yet.]

Built With

  • Mautic - Open Source Marketing Automation Tool
  • Composer - Dependency Management


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Content in this project was provided by Matic Zagmajster. For more information please see AUTHORS file.


  • Thanks to B-Galati for providing this project and factory example. It was really helpful in the process of integration Mautic & Sentry.