diff --git a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2.hs b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2.hs
index fdf35ca93..af7f4afe7 100644
--- a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2.hs
+++ b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2.hs
@@ -17,5 +17,6 @@ module Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2 (module Reexport) where
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseDb as Reexport
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseTable as Reexport
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseValue as Reexport
+import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseColumns ()
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Operators as Reexport
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Queries as Reexport
diff --git a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseColumns.hs b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseColumns.hs
index 0036da9f1..22050b0d4 100644
--- a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseColumns.hs
+++ b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseColumns.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
General Public License along with this program. If not, see .
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseColumns where
@@ -23,18 +24,10 @@ import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseTable
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseValue
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.Types
-data Select a db table cols gr ord where
- Select :: (ClickhouseTable table, ClickhouseColumns a cols) => cols -> GroupBy a gr -> Q db table cols ord -> Select a db table cols gr ord
-class ClickhouseColumns (a :: IsAggregated) cols where
- type ColumnsType a cols
- showClickhouseColumns :: Proxy a -> cols -> String
- parseColumns :: Proxy a -> cols -> A.Value -> Either String (ColumnsType a cols)
instance (FromJSON (ColumnsType 'NOT_AGG (Columns 'NOT_AGG t)), ClickhouseTable t) => ClickhouseColumns 'NOT_AGG (Columns 'NOT_AGG t) where
type ColumnsType 'NOT_AGG (Columns 'NOT_AGG t) = t Identity
- showClickhouseColumns _ _ = "*"
- parseColumns _ _ = eitherResult . A.fromJSON
+ showClickhouseColumns _ _ _ = "*"
+ parseColumns _ _ val _ = eitherResult . A.fromJSON $ val
-- should be all AGG columns or all NOT_AGG columns
instance (ClickhouseValue v) => ClickhouseColumns a (Column a t v) where
@@ -75,21 +68,23 @@ parseColumns1 ::
ClickhouseValue v1 =>
Column a t v1 ->
A.Value ->
+ SubQueryLevel ->
Either String v1
-parseColumns1 c1 json = do
+parseColumns1 c1 json l = do
mapResult <- eitherResult . A.fromJSON @(A.KeyMap (Value NotSpecified)) $ json
- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult
+ parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult l
parseColumns2 ::
forall a t v1 v2.
(C2 ClickhouseValue v1 v2) =>
T2 (Column a t) v1 v2 ->
A.Value ->
+ SubQueryLevel ->
Either String (v1, v2)
-parseColumns2 (c1, c2) json = do
+parseColumns2 (c1, c2) json l = do
mapResult <- eitherResult . A.fromJSON @(A.KeyMap (Value NotSpecified)) $ json
- v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult
- v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult
+ v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult l
+ v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult l
pure (v1, v2)
parseColumns3 ::
@@ -97,12 +92,13 @@ parseColumns3 ::
(C3 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3) =>
T3 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 ->
A.Value ->
+ SubQueryLevel ->
Either String (v1, v2, v3)
-parseColumns3 (c1, c2, c3) json = do
+parseColumns3 (c1, c2, c3) json l = do
mapResult <- eitherResult . A.fromJSON @(A.KeyMap (Value NotSpecified)) $ json
- v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult
- v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult
- v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult
+ v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult l
+ v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult l
+ v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult l
pure (v1, v2, v3)
parseColumns4 ::
@@ -110,13 +106,14 @@ parseColumns4 ::
(C4 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4) =>
T4 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 ->
A.Value ->
+ SubQueryLevel ->
Either String (v1, v2, v3, v4)
-parseColumns4 (c1, c2, c3, c4) json = do
+parseColumns4 (c1, c2, c3, c4) json l = do
mapResult <- eitherResult . A.fromJSON @(A.KeyMap (Value NotSpecified)) $ json
- v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult
- v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult
- v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult
- v4 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v4 4 c4 mapResult
+ v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult l
+ v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult l
+ v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult l
+ v4 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v4 4 c4 mapResult l
pure (v1, v2, v3, v4)
parseColumns5 ::
@@ -124,14 +121,15 @@ parseColumns5 ::
(C5 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) =>
T5 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 ->
A.Value ->
+ SubQueryLevel ->
Either String (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)
-parseColumns5 (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) json = do
+parseColumns5 (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) json l = do
mapResult <- eitherResult . A.fromJSON @(A.KeyMap (Value NotSpecified)) $ json
- v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult
- v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult
- v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult
- v4 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v4 4 c4 mapResult
- v5 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v5 5 c5 mapResult
+ v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult l
+ v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult l
+ v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult l
+ v4 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v4 4 c4 mapResult l
+ v5 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v5 5 c5 mapResult l
pure (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)
parseColumns6 ::
@@ -139,53 +137,52 @@ parseColumns6 ::
(C6 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) =>
T6 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 ->
A.Value ->
+ SubQueryLevel ->
Either String (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6)
-parseColumns6 (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) json = do
+parseColumns6 (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) json l = do
mapResult <- eitherResult . A.fromJSON @(A.KeyMap (Value NotSpecified)) $ json
- v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult
- v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult
- v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult
- v4 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v4 4 c4 mapResult
- v5 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v5 5 c5 mapResult
- v6 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v6 6 c6 mapResult
+ v1 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v1 1 c1 mapResult l
+ v2 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v2 2 c2 mapResult l
+ v3 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v3 3 c3 mapResult l
+ v4 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v4 4 c4 mapResult l
+ v5 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v5 5 c5 mapResult l
+ v6 <- parseValueFromMap @a @t @v6 6 c6 mapResult l
pure (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6)
-- FIXME should parse Numbers also
parseValueFromMap ::
forall a t v.
(ClickhouseValue v) =>
- Int ->
+ ColumnNumber ->
Column a t v ->
A.KeyMap (Value NotSpecified) ->
+ SubQueryLevel ->
Either String v
-parseValueFromMap n column mapResult = do
+parseValueFromMap n column mapResult l = do
let columnName = showColumn column
- val <- case A.lookup (fromString $ getColumnSynonym n) mapResult of
- Nothing -> Left $ "Key \"" <> getColumnSynonym n <> "\" for column \"" <> columnName <> "\" did not found"
+ val <- case A.lookup (fromString $ getColumnSynonym n l) mapResult of
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Key \"" <> getColumnSynonym n l <> "\" for column \"" <> columnName <> "\" did not found"
Just val -> pure $ coerce @(Value NotSpecified) @(Value v) val
- either (\err -> Left $ "Failed to parse key \"" <> getColumnSynonym n <> "\" for column \"" <> columnName <> "\": " <> err) pure $
+ either (\err -> Left $ "Failed to parse key \"" <> getColumnSynonym n l <> "\" for column \"" <> columnName <> "\": " <> err) pure $
getExcept $ fromClickhouseValue @v val
-zipColumnsWithSynonyms1 :: Column a t v1 -> String
+zipColumnsWithSynonyms1 :: Column a t v1 -> SubQueryLevel -> String
zipColumnsWithSynonyms1 c1 = zipColumns [showColumn c1]
-zipColumnsWithSynonyms2 :: T2 (Column a t) v1 v2 -> String
+zipColumnsWithSynonyms2 :: T2 (Column a t) v1 v2 -> SubQueryLevel -> String
zipColumnsWithSynonyms2 (c1, c2) = zipColumns [showColumn c1, showColumn c2]
-zipColumnsWithSynonyms3 :: T3 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 -> String
+zipColumnsWithSynonyms3 :: T3 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 -> SubQueryLevel -> String
zipColumnsWithSynonyms3 (c1, c2, c3) = zipColumns [showColumn c1, showColumn c2, showColumn c3]
-zipColumnsWithSynonyms4 :: T4 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 -> String
+zipColumnsWithSynonyms4 :: T4 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 -> SubQueryLevel -> String
zipColumnsWithSynonyms4 (c1, c2, c3, c4) = zipColumns [showColumn c1, showColumn c2, showColumn c3, showColumn c4]
-zipColumnsWithSynonyms5 :: T5 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 -> String
+zipColumnsWithSynonyms5 :: T5 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 -> SubQueryLevel -> String
zipColumnsWithSynonyms5 (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) = zipColumns [showColumn c1, showColumn c2, showColumn c3, showColumn c4, showColumn c5]
-zipColumnsWithSynonyms6 :: T6 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 -> String
+zipColumnsWithSynonyms6 :: T6 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 -> SubQueryLevel -> String
zipColumnsWithSynonyms6 (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) = zipColumns [showColumn c1, showColumn c2, showColumn c3, showColumn c4, showColumn c5, showColumn c6]
-zipColumns :: [String] -> String
-zipColumns columns = List.intercalate ", " $ zipWith (\n column -> column <> " as " <> getColumnSynonym n) [1 ..] columns
-getColumnSynonym :: Int -> String
-getColumnSynonym n = "res" <> show n
+zipColumns :: [String] -> SubQueryLevel -> String
+zipColumns columns l = List.intercalate ", " $ zipWith (\n column -> column <> " as " <> getColumnSynonym n l) [1 ..] columns
diff --git a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseQuery.hs b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseQuery.hs
index d205f7c50..e9abaceff 100644
--- a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseQuery.hs
+++ b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/ClickhouseQuery.hs
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
General Public License along with this program. If not, see .
-{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseQuery
( ClickhouseQuery (toClickhouseQuery),
@@ -27,35 +26,33 @@ import Kernel.Prelude
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseDb
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseTable
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseValue
-import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseColumns
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.Types
import Kernel.Utils.JSON (camelToSnakeCase)
-newtype RawQuery = RawQuery {getRawQuery :: String}
- deriving newtype (IsString, Semigroup, Monoid)
-class ClickhouseQuery expr where
- toClickhouseQuery :: expr -> RawQuery
-instance (ClickhouseDb db, ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseColumns a cols, ClickhouseQuery gr, ClickhouseQuery ord) => ClickhouseQuery (Select a db t cols gr ord) where
+ ( ClickhouseDb db,
+ ClickhouseTable t,
+ ClickhouseColumns a cols,
+ ClickhouseQuery gr,
+ ClickhouseQuery ord,
+ ClickhouseQuery (AvailableColumns db t acols)
+ ) =>
+ ClickhouseQuery (Select a db t cols gr ord acols)
+ where
toClickhouseQuery (Select cols groupBy q) = do
- -- should we add table name modifier?
- let tableName = dropBeforeDot $ camelToSnakeCase . dropTSuffix . show $ typeRep (Proxy @t)
let selectModifier = case getSelectModifier (Proxy @t) of
- <> RawQuery (showClickhouseColumns @a @cols (Proxy @a) cols)
+ <> RawQuery (showClickhouseColumns @a @cols (Proxy @a) cols q.subQueryLevelQ)
<> " FROM "
- <> fromString tableName
+ <> toClickhouseQuery @(AvailableColumns db t acols) q.tableQ
<> selectModifier
- <> toClickhouseQuery @(Where t) (q.whereQ cols)
+ <> mkMaybeClause @(Where t) (q.whereQ <&> ($ cols))
<> toClickhouseQuery @(GroupBy a gr) groupBy
<> mkMaybeClause @(OrderBy ord) (q.orderByQ <&> ($ cols))
<> mkMaybeClause @Limit q.limitQ
<> mkMaybeClause @Offset q.offsetQ
- where
- dropTSuffix str = take (length str - 1) str
mkMaybeClause :: forall expr. ClickhouseQuery expr => Maybe expr -> RawQuery
mkMaybeClause = maybe mempty (toClickhouseQuery @expr)
@@ -141,3 +138,13 @@ instance ClickhouseTable t => ClickhouseQuery (T5 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) w
instance ClickhouseTable t => ClickhouseQuery (T6 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) where
toClickhouseQuery (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) = intercalate ", " [toClickhouseQuery c1, toClickhouseQuery c2, toClickhouseQuery c3, toClickhouseQuery c4, toClickhouseQuery c5, toClickhouseQuery c6]
+instance ClickhouseTable t => ClickhouseQuery (AvailableAllColumns db t) where
+ toClickhouseQuery _ = do
+ let tableName = dropBeforeDot $ camelToSnakeCase . dropTSuffix . show $ typeRep (Proxy @t)
+ fromString tableName
+ where
+ dropTSuffix str = take (length str - 1) str
+instance ClickhouseQuery (AvailableSubSelectColumns db t subcols) where
+ toClickhouseQuery (AvailableColumns (SubSelectColumns subSelect)) = addBrackets . toClickhouseQuery $ subSelect
diff --git a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/Types.hs b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/Types.hs
index cdde93719..44fc93acb 100644
--- a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/Types.hs
+++ b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Internal/Types.hs
@@ -11,9 +11,12 @@
General Public License along with this program. If not, see .
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.Types where
+import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import qualified Data.Time as Time
import Kernel.Prelude
@@ -21,6 +24,20 @@ import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseDb
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseTable
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseValue
+data Select a db table cols gr ord acols where
+ Select :: (ClickhouseTable table, ClickhouseColumns a cols) => cols -> GroupBy a gr -> Q db table cols ord acols -> Select a db table cols gr ord acols
+class ClickhouseColumns (a :: IsAggregated) cols where
+ type ColumnsType a cols
+ showClickhouseColumns :: Proxy a -> cols -> SubQueryLevel -> String
+ parseColumns :: Proxy a -> cols -> A.Value -> SubQueryLevel -> Either String (ColumnsType a cols)
+newtype RawQuery = RawQuery {getRawQuery :: String}
+ deriving newtype (IsString, Semigroup, Monoid)
+class ClickhouseQuery expr where
+ toClickhouseQuery :: expr -> RawQuery
data IsAggregated = AGG | NOT_AGG
class ClickhouseValue v => ClickhouseNum v
@@ -32,6 +49,7 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (ClickhouseValue v, Num v) => ClickhouseNum (Maybe
data Column (a :: IsAggregated) t v where
Column :: (ClickhouseTable t) => FieldModification t v -> Column 'NOT_AGG t v -- initial column
Group :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v) => Column 'NOT_AGG t v -> Column 'AGG t v -- column from groupBy clause
+ SubColumn :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v) => Column a t v -> ColumnNumber -> SubQueryLevel -> Column 'NOT_AGG t v -- column synonym will be generated based on these two guys SubQueryLevel and ColumnNumber
Sum :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseNum v) => Column 'NOT_AGG t v -> Column 'AGG t v
Count :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v, ClickhouseValue Int) => Column 'NOT_AGG t v -> Column 'AGG t Int
Distinct :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v) => Column a t v -> Column a t v -- should not be used in where clause
@@ -43,6 +61,7 @@ data Column (a :: IsAggregated) t v where
ValColumn :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v) => v -> Column a t v
If :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v) => Column a t Bool -> Column a t v -> Column a t v -> Column a t v
EqColumn :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v) => Column a t v -> Column a t v -> Column a t Bool
+ ArgMax :: (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v1, ClickhouseValue v2) => Column 'NOT_AGG t v1 -> Column 'NOT_AGG t v2 -> Column 'AGG t v1
mkTableColumns :: ClickhouseTable t => FieldModifications t -> Columns 'NOT_AGG t
mkTableColumns = mapTable Column
@@ -98,6 +117,35 @@ instance (ClickhouseTable t, C6 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) => IsGroupCol
type GroupColumnsType (T6 (Column 'NOT_AGG t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) = (T6 (Column 'AGG t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6)
groupColumns (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) = (Group @t @v1 c1, Group @t @v2 c2, Group @t @v3 c3, Group @t @v4 c4, Group @t @v5 c5, Group @t @v6 c6)
+-- we need to reset group columns for subqueries, thus we can group twice, first time in subquery, second time in main query
+class MkSubColumns cols where
+ type SubColumnsType cols
+ subColumnsValue :: cols -> SubQueryLevel -> SubColumnsType cols
+instance (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v) => MkSubColumns (Column a t v) where
+ type SubColumnsType (Column a t v) = Column 'NOT_AGG t v
+ subColumnsValue c l = SubColumn @t @v c 1 l
+instance (ClickhouseTable t, C2 ClickhouseValue v1 v2) => MkSubColumns (T2 (Column a t) v1 v2) where
+ type SubColumnsType (T2 (Column a t) v1 v2) = (T2 (Column 'NOT_AGG t) v1 v2)
+ subColumnsValue (c1, c2) l = (SubColumn @t @v1 c1 1 l, SubColumn @t @v2 c2 2 l)
+instance (ClickhouseTable t, C3 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3) => MkSubColumns (T3 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3) where
+ type SubColumnsType (T3 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3) = (T3 (Column 'NOT_AGG t) v1 v2 v3)
+ subColumnsValue (c1, c2, c3) l = (SubColumn @t @v1 c1 1 l, SubColumn @t @v2 c2 2 l, SubColumn @t @v3 c3 3 l)
+instance (ClickhouseTable t, C4 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4) => MkSubColumns (T4 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4) where
+ type SubColumnsType (T4 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4) = (T4 (Column 'NOT_AGG t) v1 v2 v3 v4)
+ subColumnsValue (c1, c2, c3, c4) l = (SubColumn @t @v1 c1 1 l, SubColumn @t @v2 c2 2 l, SubColumn @t @v3 c3 3 l, SubColumn @t @v4 c4 4 l)
+instance (ClickhouseTable t, C5 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) => MkSubColumns (T5 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) where
+ type SubColumnsType (T5 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) = (T5 (Column 'NOT_AGG t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5)
+ subColumnsValue (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5) l = (SubColumn @t @v1 c1 1 l, SubColumn @t @v2 c2 2 l, SubColumn @t @v3 c3 3 l, SubColumn @t @v4 c4 4 l, SubColumn @t @v5 c5 5 l)
+instance (ClickhouseTable t, C6 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) => MkSubColumns (T6 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) where
+ type SubColumnsType (T6 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) = (T6 (Column 'NOT_AGG t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6)
+ subColumnsValue (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) l = (SubColumn @t @v1 c1 1 l, SubColumn @t @v2 c2 2 l, SubColumn @t @v3 c3 3 l, SubColumn @t @v4 c4 4 l, SubColumn @t @v5 c5 5 l, SubColumn @t @v6 c6 6 l)
data NotGrouped
data NoColumns
@@ -128,10 +176,11 @@ instance (ClickhouseTable t, C5 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4 v5) => IsOrderColumn
instance (ClickhouseTable t, C6 ClickhouseValue v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6) => IsOrderColumns (T6 (Column a t) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6)
-data Q db table cols ord = (ClickhouseDb db) =>
+data Q db table cols ord acols = (ClickhouseDb db) =>
- { tableQ :: Columns 'NOT_AGG table,
- whereQ :: cols -> Where table,
+ { tableQ :: AvailableColumns db table acols,
+ subQueryLevelQ :: SubQueryLevel,
+ whereQ :: Maybe (cols -> Where table),
limitQ :: Maybe Limit,
offsetQ :: Maybe Offset,
orderByQ :: Maybe (cols -> OrderBy ord)
@@ -143,12 +192,40 @@ newtype Limit = Limit Int
data Order = Asc | Desc
+class HasAvailableColumns (cols :: Type) where
+ type AvailableColumnsType cols
+ availableColumnsValue :: cols -> AvailableColumnsType cols
+instance HasAvailableColumns (AllColumns db table) where
+ type AvailableColumnsType (AllColumns db table) = Columns 'NOT_AGG table
+ availableColumnsValue (AllColumns cols) = cols
+instance HasAvailableColumns (SubSelectColumns db table subcols) where
+ type AvailableColumnsType (SubSelectColumns db table subcols) = SubColumnsType subcols
+ availableColumnsValue (SubSelectColumns (Select subcols _ q)) = subColumnsValue subcols q.subQueryLevelQ
+getAvailableColumnsValue ::
+ AvailableColumns db table acols ->
+ AvailableColumnsType acols
+getAvailableColumnsValue (AvailableColumns acols) = availableColumnsValue acols
+data AvailableColumns db table acols where
+ AvailableColumns :: (ClickhouseDb db, ClickhouseTable table, HasAvailableColumns acols) => acols -> AvailableColumns db table acols
data AllColumns db table where
AllColumns :: (ClickhouseDb db, ClickhouseTable table) => Columns 'NOT_AGG table -> AllColumns db table
+data SubSelectColumns db table subcols where
+ SubSelectColumns :: (ClickhouseDb db, ClickhouseTable table, ClickhouseQuery (Select a db table subcols gr ord acols), MkSubColumns subcols) => Select a db table subcols gr ord acols -> SubSelectColumns db table subcols
+type AvailableAllColumns db table = AvailableColumns db table (AllColumns db table)
+type AvailableSubSelectColumns db table subcols = AvailableColumns db table (SubSelectColumns db table subcols)
showColumn :: Column a t v -> String
showColumn (Column column) = getFieldModification column
showColumn (Group column) = showColumn column
+showColumn (SubColumn _column n l) = getColumnSynonym n l
showColumn (Sum column) = "SUM" <> addBrackets' (showColumn column)
showColumn (Count column) = "COUNT" <> addBrackets' (showColumn column)
showColumn (Distinct column) = "DISTINCT" <> addBrackets' (showColumn column)
@@ -160,6 +237,7 @@ showColumn (TimeDiff column1 column2) = "timeDiff" <> addBrackets' (showColumn c
showColumn (ValColumn v) = valToString . toClickhouseValue $ v
showColumn (If cond v1 v2) = "if" <> addBrackets' (showColumn cond <> ", " <> showColumn v1 <> ", " <> showColumn v2)
showColumn (EqColumn column1 column2) = addBrackets' $ showColumn column1 <> "=" <> showColumn column2
+showColumn (ArgMax arg value) = "argMax" <> addBrackets' (showColumn arg <> ", " <> showColumn value)
addBrackets' :: String -> String
addBrackets' rq = "(" <> rq <> ")"
@@ -183,3 +261,13 @@ type C4 (c :: Type -> Constraint) x1 x2 x3 x4 = (c x1, c x2, c x3, c x4)
type C5 (c :: Type -> Constraint) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = (c x1, c x2, c x3, c x4, c x5)
type C6 (c :: Type -> Constraint) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 = (c x1, c x2, c x3, c x4, c x5, c x6)
+newtype SubQueryLevel = SubQueryLevel {getSubQueryLevel :: Int}
+ deriving newtype (Show, Num, Eq)
+newtype ColumnNumber = ColumnNumber {getColumnNumber :: Int}
+ deriving newtype (Show, Num, Enum, Eq)
+getColumnSynonym :: ColumnNumber -> SubQueryLevel -> String
+getColumnSynonym n 0 = "res" <> show n
+getColumnSynonym n l = "res" <> show n <> "_sub" <> show l
diff --git a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Operators.hs b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Operators.hs
index be633250b..bfd6328b6 100644
--- a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Operators.hs
+++ b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Operators.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Kernel.Prelude
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseDb
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseTable
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseValue
-import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseColumns
+import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseColumns ()
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.Types
(==.) :: forall a table value. (ClickhouseTable table, ClickhouseValue value) => Column a table value -> value -> Clause table
@@ -70,23 +70,37 @@ isNull column = Is column NullTerm
isNotNull :: forall a table value. (ClickhouseTable table, ClickhouseValue value) => Column a table (Maybe value) -> Clause table
isNotNull column = Is column NotNullTerm
-select :: forall db table ord. ClickhouseTable table => Q db table (Columns 'NOT_AGG table) ord -> Select 'NOT_AGG db table (Columns 'NOT_AGG table) NotGrouped ord
-select q = Select q.tableQ NotGrouped q
-select_ :: forall a db table cols gr ord. (ClickhouseTable table, ClickhouseColumns a cols) => (Columns 'NOT_AGG table -> (cols, GroupBy a gr)) -> Q db table cols ord -> Select a db table cols gr ord
+select ::
+ forall db table ord.
+ ClickhouseTable table =>
+ Q db table (Columns 'NOT_AGG table) ord (AllColumns db table) ->
+ Select 'NOT_AGG db table (Columns 'NOT_AGG table) NotGrouped ord (AllColumns db table)
+select q = Select (getAvailableColumnsValue q.tableQ) NotGrouped q
+select_ ::
+ forall a db table cols gr ord acols.
+ (ClickhouseTable table, ClickhouseColumns a cols) =>
+ (AvailableColumnsType acols -> (cols, GroupBy a gr)) ->
+ Q db table cols ord acols ->
+ Select a db table cols gr ord acols
select_ colsClause q = do
- let (cols, gr) = colsClause q.tableQ
+ let (cols, gr) = colsClause (getAvailableColumnsValue q.tableQ)
Select cols gr q
-- FIXME Integer
-limit_ :: Int -> Q db table cols ord -> Q db table cols ord
+limit_ :: Int -> Q db table cols ord subsel -> Q db table cols ord subsel
limit_ limitVal q = q {limitQ = Just $ Limit limitVal}
-offset_ :: Int -> Q db table cols ord -> Q db table cols ord
+offset_ :: Int -> Q db table cols ord subsel -> Q db table cols ord subsel
offset_ offsetVal q = q {offsetQ = Just $ Offset offsetVal}
-orderBy_ :: forall db table cols ord. ClickhouseTable table => (Columns 'NOT_AGG table -> cols -> OrderBy ord) -> Q db table cols NotOrdered -> Q db table cols ord
-orderBy_ orderByClause q = q {orderByQ = Just $ orderByClause (tableQ q)}
+orderBy_ ::
+ forall db table cols ord acols.
+ ClickhouseTable table =>
+ (AvailableColumnsType acols -> cols -> OrderBy ord) ->
+ Q db table cols NotOrdered acols ->
+ Q db table cols ord acols
+orderBy_ orderByClause q = q {orderByQ = Just $ orderByClause $ getAvailableColumnsValue (tableQ q)}
asc :: forall ord. IsOrderColumns ord => ord -> OrderBy ord
asc = OrderBy Asc
@@ -107,14 +121,44 @@ all_ ::
forall db table.
(ClickhouseDb db, ClickhouseTable table) =>
FieldModifications table ->
- AllColumns db table
-all_ tableMod = AllColumns (mkTableColumns @table tableMod)
+ (AvailableAllColumns db table, SubQueryLevel)
+all_ tableMod = (AvailableColumns $ AllColumns (mkTableColumns @table tableMod), 0)
+subSelect_ ::
+ forall a db table subcols gr ord acols.
+ ( ClickhouseDb db,
+ ClickhouseTable table,
+ ClickhouseQuery (Select a db table subcols gr ord acols),
+ MkSubColumns subcols
+ ) =>
+ Select a db table subcols gr ord acols ->
+ (AvailableSubSelectColumns db table subcols, SubQueryLevel)
+subSelect_ s@(Select _cols _gr q) = (AvailableColumns . SubSelectColumns $ s, q.subQueryLevelQ + 1)
+filter_ ::
+ ClickhouseDb db =>
+ (AvailableColumnsType acols -> cols -> Clause table) ->
+ (AvailableColumns db table acols, SubQueryLevel) ->
+ Q db table cols NotOrdered acols
+filter_ filterClause (table, level) =
+ Q
+ { tableQ = table,
+ subQueryLevelQ = level,
+ whereQ = Just $ Where . filterClause (getAvailableColumnsValue table),
+ limitQ = Nothing,
+ offsetQ = Nothing,
+ orderByQ = Nothing
+ }
-filter_ :: (Columns 'NOT_AGG table -> cols -> Clause table) -> AllColumns db table -> Q db table cols NotOrdered
-filter_ filterClause (AllColumns table) =
+emptyFilter ::
+ ClickhouseDb db =>
+ (AvailableColumns db table acols, SubQueryLevel) ->
+ Q db table cols NotOrdered acols
+emptyFilter (table, level) =
{ tableQ = table,
- whereQ = Where . filterClause table,
+ subQueryLevelQ = level,
+ whereQ = Nothing,
limitQ = Nothing,
offsetQ = Nothing,
orderByQ = Nothing
@@ -158,3 +202,12 @@ if_ = If
(==..) = EqColumn
infix 4 ==..
+-- | Calculates the 'arg' value for a maximum 'val' value.
+-- If there are multiple rows with equal 'val' being the maximum, which of the associated 'arg' is returned is not deterministic
+argMax ::
+ (ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseValue v1, ClickhouseValue v2) =>
+ Column 'NOT_AGG t v1 -> -- 'arg'
+ Column 'NOT_AGG t v2 -> -- 'val'
+ Column 'AGG t v1
+argMax = ArgMax
diff --git a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Queries.hs b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Queries.hs
index 10c832f83..021b2f7ef 100644
--- a/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Queries.hs
+++ b/lib/mobility-core/src/Kernel/Storage/ClickhouseV2/Queries.hs
@@ -29,19 +29,17 @@ import qualified EulerHS.Language as L
import Kernel.Prelude
import Kernel.Storage.Clickhouse.Config
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseDb
-import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.ClickhouseTable
-import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseColumns
import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.ClickhouseQuery
+import Kernel.Storage.ClickhouseV2.Internal.Types
import Kernel.Utils.Common hiding (Limit, Offset)
--- should we throw error if query fails?
findAll ::
- forall a db t m cols gr ord.
- (HasClickhouseEnv db m, ClickhouseTable t, ClickhouseColumns a cols, ClickhouseQuery gr, ClickhouseQuery ord) =>
- Select a db t cols gr ord ->
+ forall a db t m cols gr ord acols.
+ (HasClickhouseEnv db m, ClickhouseQuery (Select a db t cols gr ord acols)) =>
+ Select a db t cols gr ord acols ->
m [ColumnsType a cols]
-findAll selectClause@(Select cols _ _) = do
- let rawQuery = toClickhouseQuery @(Select a db t cols gr ord) selectClause
+findAll selectClause@(Select cols _ q) = do
+ let rawQuery = toClickhouseQuery @(Select a db t cols gr ord acols) selectClause
logDebug $ "clickhouse raw query v2: " <> T.pack rawQuery.getRawQuery
resJSON <- runRawQuery @db @A.Value @m (Proxy @db) rawQuery
case resJSON of
@@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ findAll selectClause@(Select cols _ _) = do
pure []
Right val@(A.Array xs) -> do
logDebug $ "clickhouse raw query v2 json result: " <> show val
- case mapM (parseColumns @a @cols (Proxy @a) cols) xs of
+ case mapM (\val' -> parseColumns @a @cols (Proxy @a) cols val' q.subQueryLevelQ) xs of
Left err -> do
logError $ "Clickhouse parsing result error: " <> T.pack err
pure []