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File metadata and controls

119 lines (96 loc) · 6.08 KB


A Lightweight Levelled Logger for Go


  • Multiple logging levels OFF,ERROR,INFO,DEBUG,TRACE
  • Console and File based writers
  • Rolling file support ([WIP]
  • Ability to specify log levels for a specific package
  • Internationalisation (i18n) support ([WIP])
  • Async logging support
  • Configuration can be done using either a file,env variables,Struct values at runtime.


Simple Usage

The simplest example is as shown below.

    import (

//logger Package Level Logger
var logger l3.Logger = l3.Get()

func main() {
	logger.Info("This is an info log msg")
	logger.Warn("This is an warning msg")
	logger.Error("This is an error log msg")
	logger.Error("This is an error log msg with optional error", errors.New("Some error happened here "))
	logger.Warn("Message with any level can also have an error", errors.New("Some error happened here but want it as info"))



This will create a logger with default configuration

  • Logs get written to console
  • Log levels ERROR, WARN get written to stderr and remaining levels to stdout
  • The default log level is INFO this can be overwritten using an env variable or log config file. See Log [Configuration](#Log Configuration) section for more details.

Log Configuration

The below table specifies the configuration parameters for logging The log can be configured in the following ways.

1. File Based Configuration

The file based configuration allows a file with log configuration to be specified. Here is a sample file configuration based on json.

     "format": "json",
     "async": false,
     "defaultLvl": "INFO",
     "includeFunction": true,
     "includeLineNum": true,
     "pkgConfigs": [
         "pkgName": "main",
         "level": "INFO"
     "writers": [
         "console": {
           "errToStdOut": false,
           "warnToStdOut": false
         "file": {
           "defaultPath": "/tmp/default.log"

following table specifies the field values

Field Name Type Description Default Value
format String The output format of the log message. The valid values are text or json text
async Boolean Determines if the message is to be written to the destination asynchronously. If set to true then the LogMessage is prepared synchronously.However, it is written to destination in a async fashion. false
defaultLvl String Sets the default Logging level for the Logger. This is a global value. For overriding the log levels for a specific packages use pkgConfigs. The valid values are OFF,ERROR,INFO,DEBUG,TRACE INFO
datePattern String The timestamp format for the log entries.Valid values are the ones acceptable bytime.Format(<pattern>) function. As defined by time.RFC3339
includeFunction Boolean Determines if the Function Name needs to be printed in logs. false
includeLineNum Boolean Determines if the line number needs to be printed in logs. This config takes into effect only if includeFunction=true false
pkgConfigs Array This field consists array of package specific configuration.
{"pkgName": "<packageName>","level": "<Level>"}
writers Array Array of writers either file or console based writer. Console Writer Has the following has the following configuration {"console": {"errToStdOut": false,"warnToStdOut": false}}.Log levels except ERROR and WARN are written to os.Stdout. The Entries for the ERROR,WARN can be written to either os.StdErr or os.Stdout
For a file based log destination,paths for each level can be specified as follows.
{"file": { "defaultPath": "<file Path>","errorPath": "<file Path>","warnPath": "<file Path>","infoPath": "<file Path>","debugPath": "<file Path>","tracePath": "<file Path>" }
If any of the errorPath,warnPath,infoPath,debugPath,tracePath is not specified then default path for that level is applied. If all of the level specific paths are specified then the defaultPath value is ignored.

By Default the logging framework looks for a file named log-config.json in the same directory if the application. This is the default location.This location can be overridden using an environment variable GC_LOG_CONFIG_FILE. If the framework cannot resolve the configuration file either in the default location or at the location specified by environment variable, then the framework loads a default configuration as described below.

2. Default Log Config- With ENV variables override

The default log configuration will write the log entries to the console and the framework default log level is INFO. Few fields can be overwritten using environment variables. The following table shows those env variables

Environment Var Converted Type Description Default Value
GC_LOG_ASYNC Boolean Determines if the message is to be written to the destination asynchronously. If set to true then the LogMessage is prepared synchronously.However, it is written to destination in a async fashion. false
GC_LOG_FMT String The output format of the log message. The valid values are text or json text
GC_LOG_DEF_LEVEL String Sets the default Logging level for the Logger. This is a global value. For overriding the log levels for a specific packages use pkgConfigs. The valid values are OFF,ERROR,INFO,DEBUG,TRACE INFO
GC_LOG_TIME_FMT String The timestamp format for the log entries.Valid values are the ones acceptable bytime.Format(<pattern>) function. As defined by time.RFC3339
GC_LOG_WARN_STDOUT Boolean Indicates whether the log entries with WARN level needs to be written to os.Stdout instead of os.Stderr false
GC_LOG_ERR_STDOUT Boolean Indicates whether the log entries with ERROR level needs to be written to os.Stdout instead of os.Stderr false

3. Configuring logging during runtime.

The log configuration can be set at runtime using the l3.Configure(l *LogConfig). This is a global level log configuration and will impact all instances of logger